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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Trojita said:

I'm looking for a set of mid-sized headphones. I'm thinking about getting the Macbook Air and would like a good set of headphones to go with it. I already have an ATH-AD700 for my computer and some Shure in ear headphones for my iPod and handheld game systems. Most important things for me would be comfortability and sound quality. Budget is probably at most $100.

I’ll just go ahead and recommend an entry level Grado like the SR 80 or the Alessandro MS-1 (variant of Grado model that is slightly more laid back). ether one is 100 bucks. the sound sig is very distinctive with the midrange being very prominent and fun sounding.

They’re open headphones so if you use them in public people will hear what you’re listening to. nevertheless, after running through the Grado range this past year, I have fallen in love with that upfront sound sig and I feel it should be tried out by more people.
nib95 said:
See my impressions linked below. Basically, if you don't EQ, they're solid, but do have a slight veil that clouds detailing a bit and a laid back not overly dramatic, smooth appeal. But they retain phenomenal balance, instrumental separation and a surprisingly wide soundstage for an IEM.

Post EQ though, they're a different beast altogether. They truly shine, with more impactful bass, more sparkly high's and a more musical presentation.


I'm thinking of doing some video reviews as well, not sure yet, but no one seems to be doing detailed one's online these days.

If I had more money I'd grab myself an LCD-2 and maybe an SR-71B along with a Balanced cable upgrade. But that's in to the seriously high end of things (though still not the highest).

Thanks for the informative review, I was originally interested in the 4's since Joker of headfi gave them the same rating as the SM3, but after reading your impressions, their sound probably isn't for me, since you describe them as "shy, analytical at the expense of lush musicality, and drawing too much attention to background elements of music". They pretty much seem to be the opposite of the SM3 really.


So I saw some Monster Supertips at my local best buy. pack of 5 gels and 5 foams, 19.99. I decide to give em a try.

The Monster Supertip foams kick the shit out of the Sony Hybrid tips and UE stock tips on my Triple-Fi 10s. If anyone is dissatisfied with the fit on their IEM tips, pick up a pack of these and try them out.


Trojita said:

I'm looking for a set of mid-sized headphones. I'm thinking about getting the Macbook Air and would like a good set of headphones to go with it. I already have an ATH-AD700 for my computer and some Shure in ear headphones for my iPod and handheld game systems. Most important things for me would be comfortability and sound quality. Budget is probably at most $100.

Honestly, I'd just use your AD700s with it. Unless you want PORTABLE headphones for your laptop....was that what you were asking for? Because to me, mid-sized is something like grado.


Trojita said:

I'm looking for a set of mid-sized headphones. I'm thinking about getting the Macbook Air and would like a good set of headphones to go with it. I already have an ATH-AD700 for my computer and some Shure in ear headphones for my iPod and handheld game systems. Most important things for me would be comfortability and sound quality. Budget is probably at most $100.

You might consider something cheap like the Koss KSC-75. Incredibly good for the money. I'd stack them up against many $50-100 headphones.


$12. No joke.

Everyone should own a pair of these.
Hey guys, can someone recommend me some good headphones for rock, particularly metal? I listen to some rap too, but mostly metal. I use earbuds when I workout but I want something with great quality for work/train.

Nothing too expensive, maybe below $150?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Is the ATH-AD500 good for gaming? Walmart had them for $30 a few weeks ago and I have them available for pick up. Still havent gone to pick it up yet. I only ordered them because $30 seemed way cheap for them.


My JDS cMoyBB portable amp arrived today! My 18 AWG iPhone LOD should hopefully come tomorrow. Also got some Denon D5000's and Fostex T50Rp's in the post.

Loving my Westone 4's more and more each day. For those interested, here are my EQ settings straight out of the iphone 4 using eQu.


Pre-EQ the Westone 4's are too timid. Post EQ, they come aline with immensely rich detailing, more focused mids and highs, considerably improved bass impact without losing the control or tightness and still with that amazingly (for an IEM) wide soundstage/instrumental separation.


HammerOfThor said:
Hey guys, can someone recommend me some good headphones for rock, particularly metal? I listen to some rap too, but mostly metal. I use earbuds when I workout but I want something with great quality for work/train.

Nothing too expensive, maybe below $150?
If you can stand an open pair, the Alessandro MS1 (in the OP) would be great for your needs...Or if you're willing to spend $150 go with the Grado SR125i


Wario64 said:
Is the ATH-AD500 good for gaming? Walmart had them for $30 a few weeks ago and I have them available for pick up. Still havent gone to pick it up yet. I only ordered them because $30 seemed way cheap for them.


Wario64 said:
Is the ATH-AD500 good for gaming? Walmart had them for $30 a few weeks ago and I have them available for pick up. Still havent gone to pick it up yet. I only ordered them because $30 seemed way cheap for them.

Yup those are great for that price. Reason people don't really talk about them is because of the price point they retail for, people rather spend the extra on the AD700. Also they have been horribly overpriced at many retailers.


works for Gamestop (lol)
AwesomeSauce said:
Yup those are great for that price. Reason people don't really talk about them is because of the price point they retail for, people rather spend the extra on the AD700. Also they have been horribly overpriced at many retailers.

How are you still able to get them for 30$?

Oh, it was a walmart.com order, I ordered it for store pick up a couple weeks ago and it finally arrived to the store a couple days ago. I have until August 12 or so to pick it up, so I'm in that stage whether I should pick it up or not. For $30 though, it seems like I can't go wrong with it.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
TheExodu5 said:
You might consider something cheap like the Koss KSC-75. Incredibly good for the money. I'd stack them up against many $50-100 headphones.


$12. No joke.

Everyone should own a pair of these.
My mom's been asking me to find her some of this type for ages. Bought.

Now I'm trying to decide on the right under $40 pair of cans for my father. He's mostly into light rock and female vocals.


K.Jack said:
My mom's been asking me to find her some of this type for ages. Bought.

Now I'm trying to decide on the right under $40 pair of cans for my father. He's mostly into light rock and female vocals.

Get him the KSC75's too.


The cable on my Alessandro MS-1 headphones has gone stiff in a few places and now the left channel cuts out. How much would it cost, and how difficult would it be to recable them? I'm sure the drivers them selves are fine, the cable is just funny.

I have basic soldering skills, so that should be fine.


HiResDes said:
Do you notice a difference with it though?

Didn't think I would, but there's actually a noticeable difference.

Naim.F.C said:
Haven't tried the Filo amp yet, but I have been testing out my new JDS cMoyBB 2.03 with a 18 AWG braided Viablue LOD.

Made more of a difference than I anticipated it would. if I'm honest, I thought it would make hardly any difference, but in truth the cMoy thoroughly impressed. Will do a separate review for it later, but with respect to this thread, the Westone 4's definitely sound more defined and dominant with the portable amp. On some songs there's less of a difference, but then in others things sound completely different. Instruments that were in the distance or very faint before suddenly come alive. Sounds that were more narrow or congested open up and bellow more. Bass is where the real improvement is. Straight out of the iPhone the W4's bass is rather timid. Via the cMoy (without bass boost activated) the bass is much more punchy and vivid. It still lacks a touch on the low bass, but upper bass is riveting. EQ'ing also doesn't make as much of a difference as it does straight out of the iPhone (in other words everything has more bite via the amp compared to straight out of the iPhone), but I do still recommend EQ'ing just to clean things up a notch and add some lower bass spread.

If I could sum up the difference the cMoy has made thus far, I'd say it's separated instruments and sounds out a bit more, and added a touch more dramatism to all frequencies. Each instrument in a track is now more prominent and easier to make out, whilst still not drowning out the vocals. There's slightly less of a veil as well. In some songs the differences are small, others they're quite large (to my ears anyway). Definitely very happy with the results. Will continue further testing and write a separate review for the cMoy. Going to compare it with the SR-71A (and other headphones) next.

Haven't had a chance to test it with the SE535 yet.

I have since tried it with my SE535's, and felt the differences weren't as noticeable as they were with the Westone 4's. My guess is the extra driver of the W4's makes them a touch harder to drive via the iPhone's whereas the SE535's are a bit more efficient. In other words, the SE535's don't see much of a benefit from the cMoy but the Westone 4's can at times, offer a noticeable and often prominent difference.

I really liked the sound of the Bowers & Wilkins P5 as well as the build quality. They just feel incredibly comfortable on the ears..

I assume these things are overpriced, what would you consider a better alternative in the $100 - $150 range?

EDIT: Make that $150 - $200


outunderthestars said:
I really liked the sound of the Bowers & Wilkins P5 as well as the build quality. I assume these things are overpriced, what would you consider a better alternative in the $100 - $150 range?
Why in the $100 - $150 when P5's cost nearly double that.

...This reminds me of people that come in this thread and ask for Beat alternative for 1/3 of the price.

Edit: HFI-580 or HFI-780 or M50 or Sennheiser HD25 or TMA-1's...Basically any headphone in the upper range of the OP.


Right now, as far as I can tell the best value for money headphone (supposedly) currently available are modded Fostex T50RP's. You need to do about an hours fairly complicated mod on them, but all in all the headphones should not set you back more than $100 (US) and post mod offer you $500+ sound quality. In-fact, some users claim after being modded they sound 80%+ as close to their Audeze LCD-2's.

Mine should be arriving tomorrow, and I'll be doing the mod shortly after, so will report back on findings to let you know whether or not this mod actually improves sound quality that much, or is just more forum hyperbole.


Time for another big post from me. the three headphones I’ll be talking about are rather niche so I don’t expect many to use this as buying advice. Audeze LCD2. Grado PS1000 and Grado HF2. I’ve spent a couple weeks listening to all these and have some thoughts.

First, I ordered the Audeze LCD-2 as I heard so many great things about them on head-fi and wanted to see what all the fuss was about with orthodynamic drivers.

straight out of the box, these are some seriously uncomfortable headphones. they look wild and steampunky with the wood frame, leather pads and metal grills but the clamping force is extremely high. I had to gently bend the band out a bit to allow them to sit on my head without causing discomfort. And it’s not like I have a big head or anything.

What is immediately noticeable about these is the amazing bass. it goes deep forever and there’s no distortion. you could EQ this thing to double bass volume and it won’t break a sweat. it’s immense.

The cans also have incredible detail and quickness and excel at revealing every detail in fast, complex passages. but, of course, I’ve head similar levels of detail and quickness from cheaper cans like the Grado RS2. not quite as good but sort of in the same league. that part wasn’t mind-blowing for me.

My issue coming from the Grado RS2s was that the midrange and high end was less prominent. now, I know that Grado midrange is pushed forward a bit unnaturally but with the LCD2 and it’s prodigious bass, the mids and highs immediately felt less energetic compared to the Grados (this is a similar complaint I had with my old Denon D5000s but it was more pronounced with those than with the LCD2, as the LCD2 is more neutral than the D5000s).

I continued to listen to LCD2s for a while and did come to appreciate the balance of the sound. As an example, If I don’t listen to a Grado for a few days, the LCD2 sound does seem very natural and clear and refined. But as soon as I would put on my old RS2’s, there was a lot more energy and fun and toe tapping going on. I could not deny what my heart wanted. I wanted the Grado midrange but with better bass, better soundstage and even more detail and naturalness. I wanted a Grado PS1000.

So this realization led me to the head-fi sales forum hoping to find one for a decent price. the MSRP is a redonkulous 1700 USD. I did find one from a great seller for around 300 under MSRP including shipping. it was a damn good price so I jumped while I had the chance.

The PS1000s arrived last week and, Mother of God, they are everything I wanted. they are fun and incredibly detailed and with bass that damn near rivals the LCD2s. but, more importantly, the midrange does not feel constrained or overwhelmed by the bass as it does with the LCD2 (at least to my ears). it’s clear and upfront. not quite as exaggerated a presentation as the smaller Grados but just enough to get me smiling more when listening.

I have not heard anything close to this in a headphone before. it has incredible bass, a clear and vibrant midrange, insane detail and speed plus a respectable soundstage that places instruments properly in space without removing you from the music and making you feel far away and sitting in the nosebleeds. As a bonus, they are also super comfortable with pads that are soft and don’t put too much pressure on the sides of the head. heaven

Safe to say that I hit the final stop in my headphone upgrade ride. I know that other headphones in this class can have better soundstage or, as evidenced by the LCD2, better bass but I would then sacrifice the sonic characteristics that the PS1000 does better than those cans. at this level, everything is a side grade dependant upon the tastes of the listener.

As a little detour, I also noticed a fellow Canadian selling a pair of Grado HF-2 limited edition cans on head-fi and, well, I bought those too in my spending spree as they are hard to come by (only around 600 made worldwide) and I knew it could be shipped cheaply and quickly.

Similar to the PS1000, they have a metal exterior cup and a wood housing for the driver. Also similar to the PS1000, they have incredible bass. shockingly good for such small headphones. But these have the more familiar Grado super-emphasized midrange and high end, whereas the PS1000 is more balanced. they also have zilch for soundstage and have more in common with the RS2s in detail retrieval than the PS1000 - it’s not quite as good.

I actually prefer the HF2 to the RS2 due to the bass. the RS2 emphasizes high end detail more than the HF2 but it’s not such a big enough difference to offset the chasm in bass quality that you get with the HF2.

If any of you have a chance to get an HF2 used, jump on it. they sell for 400 to 500 USD and are about as good as anything I’ve heard. yes, I even prefer the HF2 to the LCD2 but that’s mainly because I’m kind of crazy. Technically, I know the LCD2 is better as it is more detailed, has better soundstage, bass and is more neutral. But the HF2 is so damn comfortable and light and fun that I would prefer to wear it than the LCD2 almost any day.

So what’s the result of all this? I’m going to find myself selling off a couple headphones on head-fi or craigslist over the next couple of weeks. there’s room for one $1K+ headphone in my life but not two, y’know?

The HF2 is now part of a bedside rig powered by an iPad and a FiiO E9.

the Grado PS1000s are front and center in my living room/ desk powered by a Burson HA-160, fed by an HRT MS2 DAC. mmm mmm good.

Now it’s time for my wallet to recover (I gotta delay that gaming PC by a half year or so, lol) and enjoy some music.


Hey guys, I searched around more to upgrade from my behind-the-neck PMX100, and finished up with Audio-Technica ATH XS7 :


Something like this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Behind the neck. Anything better than this (for under 100-120$ at most) before I make the plunge? Can get this for 60-70$ with shipping.

Nelo Ice

so are $97 a good price for hd555s? bout to order a pair to go along with my pc parts but wondering if i should wait for them to drop or not


LCfiner said:
Time for another big post from me. the three headphones I’ll be talking about are rather niche so I don’t expect many to use this as buying advice. Audeze LCD2. Grado PS1000 and Grado HF2. I’ve spent a couple weeks listening to all these and have some thoughts.

wow. great impressions.

i love my hf-2 dearly so it was good to read the comparisons to the lcd2. my time with the ps1000 i was less impressed, but i think it was a matter of expectations rather than the sound of the cans. that sound isn't really what i expect from grado i guess.

so...when are you getting into stax?


swoon said:
wow. great impressions.

i love my hf-2 dearly so it was good to read the comparisons to the lcd2. my time with the ps1000 i was less impressed, but i think it was a matter of expectations rather than the sound of the cans. that sound isn't really what i expect from grado i guess.

so...when are you getting into stax?


oh dear. that’s a whole 'nother level of craziness what with the special driver units and all that. I need some time to recover first

Give me a couple years :)

The PS1000 is certainly a bit different than the other Grados I’ve used with the increased soundstage, strong bass and slightly less prominent mids but it doesn’t stray too far away, imo. at least, not so far away that I can’t tell it’s from the same lineage.

It gives me just enough of what I want of a Grado while greatly improving on all the typical Grado weaknesses.

It’s a shame the HF2 is so limited in production. It’s a real gem and I’m so happy to have it now. It's definitely more traditional Grado but with real kick down low. it’s incredible.

Nelo Ice

Nelo Ice said:
so are $97 a good price for hd555s? bout to order a pair to go along with my pc parts but wondering if i should wait for them to drop or not

anyone? i did some searching and apparently the 555s have been even cheaper along with other higher end headphones should i wait or just pull the trigger now!?

btw id mainly be using them for gaming and general usage with the new desktop im building.

any reason i shouldnt get them or should i go for slightly more expensive cans like the m50s?
i have $125 in amazon gcs and if i went with the m50s along with the rest of my pc parts, windows 7, 360 controller and mic it would cost $705 vs $655 with hd555s


LCfiner said:
Time for another big post from me. the three headphones I’ll be talking about are rather niche so I don’t expect many to use this as buying advice. Audeze LCD2. Grado PS1000 and Grado HF2. I’ve spent a couple weeks listening to all these and have some thoughts.

First, I ordered the Audeze LCD-2 as I heard so many great things about them on head-fi and wanted to see what all the fuss was about with orthodynamic drivers.

straight out of the box, these are some seriously uncomfortable headphones. they look wild and steampunky with the wood frame, leather pads and metal grills but the clamping force is extremely high. I had to gently bend the band out a bit to allow them to sit on my head without causing discomfort. And it’s not like I have a big head or anything.

What is immediately noticeable about these is the amazing bass. it goes deep forever and there’s no distortion. you could EQ this thing to double bass volume and it won’t break a sweat. it’s immense.

The cans also have incredible detail and quickness and excel at revealing every detail in fast, complex passages. but, of course, I’ve head similar levels of detail and quickness from cheaper cans like the Grado RS2. not quite as good but sort of in the same league. that part wasn’t mind-blowing for me.

My issue coming from the Grado RS2s was that the midrange and high end was less prominent. now, I know that Grado midrange is pushed forward a bit unnaturally but with the LCD2 and it’s prodigious bass, the mids and highs immediately felt less energetic compared to the Grados (this is a similar complaint I had with my old Denon D5000s but it was more pronounced with those than with the LCD2, as the LCD2 is more neutral than the D5000s).

I continued to listen to LCD2s for a while and did come to appreciate the balance of the sound. As an example, If I don’t listen to a Grado for a few days, the LCD2 sound does seem very natural and clear and refined. But as soon as I would put on my old RS2’s, there was a lot more energy and fun and toe tapping going on. I could not deny what my heart wanted. I wanted the Grado midrange but with better bass, better soundstage and even more detail and naturalness. I wanted a Grado PS1000.

So this realization led me to the head-fi sales forum hoping to find one for a decent price. the MSRP is a redonkulous 1700 USD. I did find one from a great seller for around 300 under MSRP including shipping. it was a damn good price so I jumped while I had the chance.

The PS1000s arrived last week and, Mother of God, they are everything I wanted. they are fun and incredibly detailed and with bass that damn near rivals the LCD2s. but, more importantly, the midrange does not feel constrained or overwhelmed by the bass as it does with the LCD2 (at least to my ears). it’s clear and upfront. not quite as exaggerated a presentation as the smaller Grados but just enough to get me smiling more when listening.

I have not heard anything close to this in a headphone before. it has incredible bass, a clear and vibrant midrange, insane detail and speed plus a respectable soundstage that places instruments properly in space without removing you from the music and making you feel far away and sitting in the nosebleeds. As a bonus, they are also super comfortable with pads that are soft and don’t put too much pressure on the sides of the head. heaven

Safe to say that I hit the final stop in my headphone upgrade ride. I know that other headphones in this class can have better soundstage or, as evidenced by the LCD2, better bass but I would then sacrifice the sonic characteristics that the PS1000 does better than those cans. at this level, everything is a side grade dependant upon the tastes of the listener.

As a little detour, I also noticed a fellow Canadian selling a pair of Grado HF-2 limited edition cans on head-fi and, well, I bought those too in my spending spree as they are hard to come by (only around 600 made worldwide) and I knew it could be shipped cheaply and quickly.

Similar to the PS1000, they have a metal exterior cup and a wood housing for the driver. Also similar to the PS1000, they have incredible bass. shockingly good for such small headphones. But these have the more familiar Grado super-emphasized midrange and high end, whereas the PS1000 is more balanced. they also have zilch for soundstage and have more in common with the RS2s in detail retrieval than the PS1000 - it’s not quite as good.

I actually prefer the HF2 to the RS2 due to the bass. the RS2 emphasizes high end detail more than the HF2 but it’s not such a big enough difference to offset the chasm in bass quality that you get with the HF2.

If any of you have a chance to get an HF2 used, jump on it. they sell for 400 to 500 USD and are about as good as anything I’ve heard. yes, I even prefer the HF2 to the LCD2 but that’s mainly because I’m kind of crazy. Technically, I know the LCD2 is better as it is more detailed, has better soundstage, bass and is more neutral. But the HF2 is so damn comfortable and light and fun that I would prefer to wear it than the LCD2 almost any day.

So what’s the result of all this? I’m going to find myself selling off a couple headphones on head-fi or craigslist over the next couple of weeks. there’s room for one $1K+ headphone in my life but not two, y’know?

The HF2 is now part of a bedside rig powered by an iPad and a FiiO E9.

the Grado PS1000s are front and center in my living room/ desk powered by a Burson HA-160, fed by an HRT MS2 DAC. mmm mmm good.

Now it’s time for my wallet to recover (I gotta delay that gaming PC by a half year or so, lol) and enjoy some music.

Fantastic post. This is the thing about high end music. Firstly, there is no perfect sound, since all musicians, artists and producers record using different equipment themselves. What they hear will always be different to what you hear. Second, it's all about personal taste. The LCD-2 sounds like a more balanced slightly bass emphasised phone, whereas the Grados sound more fun and dynamic. I can completely see why that would be more appealing to many.

I had a similar adjustment stage with the SE535's and Westone 4's. Where the SE535's were a bit more fun, but the W4's were more balanced and detailed.


Licorice-flavoured booze?

Just got my AKA K240 MK II's, loving them so far, very surprised at how much bass these cans kick out, personally I like it but if your looking for 'studio monitors' I'd say the bass is a bit over powering, some people say these cans have a neutral sound but that is certainly not the case, they have a slightly warm sound which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preference but it does help make them less fatiguing, where these cans really shine for me is the sound stage, sometimes it feels like your sat in front of a pair of nearfield monitors.

In terms of specs and build these are as far as I can tell are identical to the classic K240S's, although these have a silver finish as opposed to gold on the K240S's, also these come with an extra coiled cable and velvet ear cups which is a handy, these cans are quite large but are light and very comfortable, the automatic adjustable headband seems to does it's job well, you basically just plonk them on your head and that's it, no faffing around.

I've yet to 'burn' these cans in yet but off the bat I like the sound a lot, I've tried listening to a wide range of music from classical to electro-pop and they seem to handle pretty much anything fine, also I find their warm signature helps when listening to MP3's as it does help smooth over imperfections in the music.



params7 said:
Hey guys, I searched around more to upgrade from my behind-the-neck PMX100, and finished up with Audio-Technica ATH XS7 :


Something like this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for. Behind the neck. Anything better than this (for under 100-120$ at most) before I make the plunge? Can get this for 60-70$ with shipping.

Damn those are sexy! I have never seen them before. If you go to the Amazon page for them, there are 2 users selling them new, with the lowest being $67 without shipping. Should make your total $70. Let me know how they are!


Wow so it took three months but now I can't go back. Yesterday I was forced to use my ipod headphones because I foolishly let my brother use my tma-1's and my good. Going up was a big jump in terms of quality but going down from these is like fucking massive difference.

The sound excreted out the iphone headphones was a muffly mess. My tma-1s feel like the bass of Odins beard as he fornicates with my ear.


besiktas1 said:
The sound excreted out the iphone headphones was a muffly mess. My tma-1s feel like the bass of Odins beard as he fornicates with my ear.

I really like my TMA-1's, but that's just creepy.


LCfiner said:

oh dear. that’s a whole 'nother level of craziness what with the special driver units and all that. I need some time to recover first

Give me a couple years :)

The PS1000 is certainly a bit different than the other Grados I’ve used with the increased soundstage, strong bass and slightly less prominent mids but it doesn’t stray too far away, imo. at least, not so far away that I can’t tell it’s from the same lineage.

It gives me just enough of what I want of a Grado while greatly improving on all the typical Grado weaknesses.

It’s a shame the HF2 is so limited in production. It’s a real gem and I’m so happy to have it now. It's definitely more traditional Grado but with real kick down low. it’s incredible.

yea i picked up the stax srm1/2 and some lambadas pro signatures for a song on audiogon and i think i've listened to my other headphones maybe once or twice since then.

the way the community responded to the HF2 rollout/b-stock issue makes me doubt there will be a hf3. what an awful site of entitlement. anyway i love mine and they might be the only non stax headphones i keep when i get around to selling my gear.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

Bought another pair of these cheap great-value Koss KSC-75s for home since I can't figure out where my damn Senn PX-100s went. $12 shipped from some Amazon vendor. The earclips seem tighter than I remember, but I've had the pair I use at work for like three years now so I'm sure they've adjusted. My work ones are also the model that had the fairly useless in-line volume control.


As soon as I got them in, I paired them with the USB TurtleBeach Micro adapter I use for listening to music/videos via my cheapie home laptop and the amount of undistorted volume I get out of them is insane. Literally louder than I can comfortably listen to. Being open headphones my wife has already asked me to turn them down on more than one occasion whenever I'm tuning out one of her Bravo/HGTV/Oprah shows. ;)


Nelo Ice said:
anyone? i did some searching and apparently the 555s have been even cheaper along with other higher end headphones should i wait or just pull the trigger now!?

btw id mainly be using them for gaming and general usage with the new desktop im building.

any reason i shouldnt get them or should i go for slightly more expensive cans like the m50s?
i have $125 in amazon gcs and if i went with the m50s along with the rest of my pc parts, windows 7, 360 controller and mic it would cost $705 vs $655 with hd555s
HD555s are pure sex. You won't be disappointed, comfortable and crystal clear, but a little light on bass.
can I get an earbud or iem recommendation - rather not spend more than 50, but less is preferable. My main concern is ear fit. I run with them and other stuff, and my crappy earbuds that I spend 9 bucks on fall out all the time.


anyone trying to get rid of a small usb dac/amp. i need something for my work desktop and i don't want anything expensive or showy.

e7/old headroom gear?


In your opinion, would a fiio E11 match well with a pair of sennheiser ie6's? It will mainly be used with my zune at my desk at work. Perhaps at home occasionally.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
The E11 pushes a ridiculous amount of power, and can easily drive most any IEM

HiResDes said:
OP, trust me I know my budget IEMs, I'll go toe to toe with any headfi'er not named Clies or Joker in this regard.
You really need to add the RE2 to your knowledge base.
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