Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Good to see all three consoles do well.
Pretty much this.I don't think it matters now.
PS4 is > 70M worldwide
Swithc is the fastest selling console for the first 10 months in US.
The market now is PS4 >> Xbox One > Switch and it will be settled at PS4 > Switch >> Xbox One till next gen comes out.
As a Xbox fan, it is kinda sad, but it is the lesson Microsoft must learn.
I don't think it matters now.
PS4 is > 70M worldwide
Swithc is the fastest selling console for the first 10 months in US.
The market now is PS4 >> Xbox One > Switch and it will be settled at PS4 > Switch >> Xbox One till next gen comes out.
As a Xbox fan, it is kinda sad, but it is the lesson Microsoft must learn.
Pretty much this.
That and they've done a fantastic job of making sure I don't get another one since exclusives are the only reason I have one. Now that those are cross buy with win 10, we'll...
You mean Switch >>> PS4 > Xbox One, right? That thing is going to outsell PS4 for sure.
Amazing to see the Xbox sell so well considering there's nothing to play on it apparently. Never will understand why some people are so emotionally invested in console sales though. So long as the console isn't a failure, that's about as much as I care about.
I'm actually grateful Xbox aren't coasting along in first place and hope it stays that way. X1 has only benefited from it's early negative press (that is in every area that actually matters - aside from sales) and has been steadily improving since launch. I don't expect 2018 will be any different. 2017 for Xbox was a mediocre year for the amount of 1st/2nd party software but excellent for hardware and features, now it's time for them to bring the games.
Keep dreaming.
When it comes to selling xboxes, absolutely...Are you saying Microsoft messed up because you're buying their software on windows 10 now?
Don't fall for it, man. I don't know if you're new or can't recognize his avatar and name due to the new NeoGAF but he normally trolls anything related to Xbox.
Just want to link this tweet to give more context. I think Aaron would have been better off just ignoring people trying to turn it into some console war.
I didn’t troll anything and gave numbers. :/ People here will claim something has momentum or has bombed based on insufficient data. I’m glad they didn’t bomb for the holidays but the rest of their year was pretty terrible.Good to know I'm not around here much at all..but, another bum on ignore list for life .
Amazing to see the Xbox sell so well considering there's nothing to play on it apparently. Never will understand why some people are so emotionally invested in console sales though. So long as the console isn't a failure, that's about as much as I care about.
I'm actually grateful Xbox aren't coasting along in first place and hope it stays that way. X1 has only benefited from it's early negative press (that is in every area that actually matters - aside from sales) and has been steadily improving since launch. I don't expect 2018 will be any different. 2017 for Xbox was a mediocre year for the amount of 1st/2nd party software but excellent for hardware and features, now it's time for them to bring the games.
Just look at the list of top games played per platform over the last few months, it’s all third party games. Console games top 10 most played is becoming more and more like PC, multiplayer and free to play.The first sentence you wrote i will never understand. People are acting like they only play exclusives on their machine, while like 95% of the games released every year are multiplatform. Look at the past few months... almost no exclusives from sony and microsoft, but big multiplatform games like destiny 2, codww2, battlefront 2, assasins creed origins, shadows of war and not to mention all the sports games. Ofcourse Nintendo was hitting big with the release of Mario, but other then that i bet that most gamers were playing multiplatforms last few months.
Haha, yes, because Greenberg NEVER did anything trollish or to stoke console war bullshit. That he attracts negativity and console war crap is his own doing.
I don't think it matters now.
PS4 is > 70M worldwide
Swithc is the fastest selling console for the first 10 months in US.
The market now is PS4 >> Xbox One > Switch and it will be settled at PS4 > Switch >> Xbox One till next gen comes out.
As a Xbox fan, it is kinda sad, but it is the lesson Microsoft must learn.
This is definitely good news for all gamers. There are no winners or losers here, just a fair-necessary balance for the gaming community that will bring healthy competition and demand for better games and options in the future.
Good, MS ready for next gen unless they screw 2018 not releasing new IPs, this gen is for Sony, but who cares since Switch, PS4 and XboneX are great consoles....only shareholders I guess.
Yes and no. On the one hand it gives me a different avenue to buy the games more frequently. On the other it means I don't need to get an Xbox after this, which means one or two fewer units sold (even though it's not typically the thing they make money on).Are you saying Microsoft messed up because you're buying their software on windows 10 now?
Yes and no. On the one hand it gives me a different avenue to buy the games more frequently. On the other it means I don't need to get an Xbox after this, which means one or two fewer units sold (even though it's not typically the thing they make money on).
I think they probably need to drop the price for the S for good.
Yes. Is that hard to believe?But then if you own a PC powerful enough to run all games at a level higher than that of consoles, would you really buy a PS4 for only a few exclusives when you have so many games to play on PC?
Out of everyone I know, only 2 people have so far, which leads me to believe that releasing games on PC as well as on Xbox One doesn't make much of a difference for MS as people who play on PC at the high end will usually only play on PC and nothing else. And their most likely 2nd purchase would usually be a Nintendo console imo.
Same question to you. PS4 is the best selling console worlwide in 2017. And both the PS4 and Xbox One S will get cheaper in the future. What makes you think PS4 sales are going to fall of a cliff suddenly?
Because the Switch targets a wider market than the PS4 because it has multiple ways to be played. The Switch is basically selling as fast as the DS in Japan while selling as fast as the PS2 in USA. That is unheard of.
The PS4 lacks the attention of the handheld gaming crowd and it isn't a real secondary console to PC either, the Switch fullfills both those aspects better. Plus, the Switch will also get cheaper in the future as the Tegra line develops further and further, making the production costs cheaper.
From what I have seen the leadership at Xbox have all been fairly civil and celebrated the industries success of all their competitor's. Has Aaron been perfect no. However to view every post these people make through a console cannot lens gets us no where but fighting among ourselves over plastic.
I would also like to say this is why gaf is a much better place now after the moderation team has cracked down on console warriors and have allowed us to have a mature discussion about these topics without getting into the weeds.
Also loving gaf 2.0 features.
Microsoft leadership dropped the console war rhetoric when they realised there's no way they are winning this generation. Same way that they stopped buying exclusives when it became obvious for publishers they will be losing 2/3 of potential customer base.
I don't think it matters now.
PS4 is > 70M worldwide
Swithc is the fastest selling console for the first 10 months in US.
The market now is PS4 >> Xbox One > Switch and it will be settled at PS4 > Switch >> Xbox One till next gen comes out.
As a Xbox fan, it is kinda sad, but it is the lesson Microsoft must learn.
I would say "it will be settled PS4 >> Switch >> XBox One", fixed.
Both me and my best friend have...But then if you own a PC powerful enough to run all games at a level higher than that of consoles, would you really buy a PS4 for only a few exclusives when you have so many games to play on PC?
That is incorrect, it stopped when Phil took over as head of Xbox.
Well phil was head of games for x360 & we seen how the last few years of that turned out lol....That is incorrect, it stopped when Phil took over as head of Xbox.
Well phil was head of games for x360 & we seen how the last few years of that turned out lol....
You think the switch will outsell the xbox one by the time xbox next comes?
I guess it is possible if the switch continues its high sales and X1 sales decline.
However I dont think that is likely giving the upward trajectory xbox one is on.
Probably not, sure, but the Switch will outsell the XB1 by the time the Switch is retired. I thought the poster you were responding to was comparing lifetime of all three systems, in which case PS4 >> Switch >> XB1 seems pretty reasonable. Something like PS4 120 million, Switch 80 million, XB1 45 million lifetime at the end of each of their lifespans is totally believable to me.
Valid criticism for last year but the 2018 line up is looking good.Well phil was head of games for x360 & we seen how the last few years of that turned out lol....
@JaxBriggs why don't you read your own article?
"if we sell less consoles that the other guys, that's cool,"
No saying that you would like to sell the most but if you don't it's no big deal is not being in a console war. Reading comprehension is key here for you good sir.You're arguing that Microsoft leadership dropped the console war rhetoric when Phil took the top job. I was showing you an interview where Phil was explaining that MS are in it to WIN the generation. I.e, you are wrong.
To be fair they did drop that sort of behaviour shortly after that interview was given, probably when they (and everyone else) realised there was no way MS was 'winning' this current generation against the PS4.
I'm happy too, but i'm surprised Switch sold the most. After last month where both consoles sold better than it, i expected to see it continuing that way.Good to see all three consoles do well.