No she's not trans but physically attractive women aren't allowed. On one hand it's a zombie apocalypse on the other hand the current climate of how Western media is has warped people's minds into believing attractive women don't exist.
It can go both ways.
This is the same character, right?
Just looks like a muscular woman to me.
So it’s confirmed that’s a trans person ?Yes that's the character. People are cherry picking from screen shots rn which DO look fucking bad but we haven't had the best quality from the leaks or more scenes on her.
So it’s confirmed that’s a trans person ?
I still think there are some slight changes, the actress seems more attractive than the ingame model.
You mean the people that complain that the plot is that you spend half the game as a character that sets out to track down and kill all the female lesbians? Those people?
You called people neo-nazi for not liking the plot. That is what is BS. The plot is shit.
Can anyone tell me with out spoilers what the left agenda in the game is I know Ellie is gay and that doesn’t bother me but are they forcing the whole community in the game if you know what so mean
So it’s confirmed that’s a trans person ?
That's nothing to do what I posted but I'll bite. Its really simple to understand. Last of us is based in a world that involves surial of fittest hunting killing lack certain foods. In this world woman are not going look the same there going look musclar and some ways more and more like men.
99% of woman can't look like that with out steroids. in a world like the last us, even the majority of men should not be muscular, they are barely able to survive.
This is exactly why you never pander to SJWs. Nothing is ever ever good enough. There will ALWAYS be a new reason to take offense.Nope, they loved it at first but then remembered there is no joy to be found in liking something, so the moderation team helped them decide it's now bad as it enforces the "gay people always die in videogames" trope. A trope so common, the only known example is one unreleased game. But I guess those nut jobs think Kooper Troopers are gender fluid or some shit.
99% of woman can't look like that with out steroids. in a world like the last us, even the majority of men should not be muscular, they are barely able to survive.
I have no interest in being gay, nor do I have any interest to be forced to accept it. I wouldn't have a problem if they developed niche games that cater around them. The problem lies when these ideals are being represented on mainstream established productions, whether they be games, movies, comic, etc. Turning established genders, race, sexual orientation to something they deem socially acceptable for everyone is not something I'm on board with, so I'm going to let my wallet speak for itself, by staying closed. I hope this game flops, and I also hope this new age they're trying to bring about also self-destruct in their faces. I really don't see how any of this shit is profitable, and how this shit is supposed to boost our economy in any way? Seems like economic suicide to me.
This is pretty much what I came to post. What happened to the zombies?Where are all the Clickers? Are they even in the game? Everything I'm seeing from this game looks like an LGBT soap opera.
Where are all the Clickers? Are they even in the game? Everything I'm seeing from this game looks like an LGBT soap opera.
This is pretty much what I came to post. What happened to the zombies?
Where are all the Clickers? Are they even in the game? Everything I'm seeing from this game looks like an LGBT soap opera.
But no one complained about Joel being muscular?
What about Bill? This guy is fat and needs enough daily calories to maintain this weight.
99% of woman can't look like that with out steroids. in a world like the last us, even the majority of men should not be muscular, they are barely able to survive.
and 66.66666% of statistic are made up on the spot the funny thing is even you where correct that would be 4 million woman in world able to get that musclar
Food its self is not that hard source if it was human would not evolved in to what they are now. Human instinct is survival and food is huge part of that, your also going push yourself to the limit making yourself as strong as possible.
ONE guy looks fat and Joel looks bit muscular, but thats a guy how many females do you see like this on a daily bases? males are made to have muscles it just the reality of life. do you expect a female lion to be as a big as a male lion or even cow to be big as a bull?
But no one complained about Joel being muscular?
What about Bill? This guy is fat and needs enough daily calories to maintain this weight.
Are we ignoring now that if dirls do workouts they get muscular also?
And I think for surviving one hsould do some workouts...
Jokes aside, the Abby character isn't actually trans, right? Seems like hormone treatment would not be very easy in the world of The Last of Us.
Joel wouldn't be able to maintain that weight and size without consuming enough calories daily.
Lets not forget that Joel suffered serious injury in the first game, which would have resulted in a massive weight loss. The point is, realistically, Joel and Bill should be skinny.
How many women have I seen like this on a daily bases? I've seen some, considering I go to the gym (well not not since the virus) weekly.
If you can nitpick and say women don't look like this during a pandemic, then you can same the same for these men.
Abby is built like a man, hence why people fell for the trans woman meme, because it's basically a man's body with an unattractive woman's head, it makes Kassandra from AC look like a twig. Joel is built like an average man, and you don't need steroids to look like either your examples.
As a woman you either look like skinny and somewhat defined, or shredded (pronounced six pack and deltoids/ are an obvious red flag) and bloated by the obvious steroids, or just overweight.
To be about Bill all you gotta eat is a bunch of potatoes. You know, roots, carbs, stuff that can be readily available in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Carbs make you fat, rounded, bulky, big without definition, like a normal overweight person, one that is not like Abby, a woman that looks like this.
This is Nadine 2 - The Revenge.
Not like Abby, not naturally.
honestly have never seen a woman that muscular in my life. except of course online or tv, but never in real life.
The problem is I've seen women who go to the gym, even very shredded ones in fitness magazines. They still have a feminine body. You have to go to muscle building steroid using magazines to get something like that.Because its rare, Woman and men are obbesed with being attractive men are considered attractive if they musclar however musclar woman are not considered attractive by majority of men so you don't see it very often. It's no indication that large portion can't become musclar.
You're missing the point.Dude the woman looks like a man. it very rare for woman to get that type of body with out steroids, even men have a hard achieving that kind of body, i go to the gym as well in miami and in colombia, and never seen a woman that muscular.
Christians are the real threat. You see, clickers don't hate LGBTQ+ people.Where are all the Clickers? Are they even in the game? Everything I'm seeing from this game looks like an LGBT soap opera.
Because its rare, Woman and men are obbesed with being attractive men are considered attractive if they musclar however musclar woman are not considered attractive by majority of men so you don't see it very often. It's no indication that large portion can't become musclar.
You're missing the point.
It doesn't NEED To be realistic.
I can make a huge list of things that are not real in video games, but somehow, you guys want to focus on a woman's bodytype.
Joel's weight? No
Bills weight? No
Joel and Ellie taking out most of David's crew? No
Ellie taking out grown men? No
Joel taking out an army of fireflies to save Ellie? No
A bite being more dangerous than a scratch from a clicker?
Abby being masculine female? No, this is not realistic!
It's like complaining about Resident Evil having locked doors when the characters can realistically kick the damn door down.
myostatin mutant ones become even more musculara large portion differently can't. you do undertsand men and woman are built differently right? do you think cows become as big and muscular as bulls?
To be fair, the idea that someone like Abby could look like a person who literally does fitness for a living, doing specific workouts for several hours a day, and eating an extremely specific and rigorous diet in a POST-APOCALYPSE is strange. It introduces a weird suspension of disbelief.
obviously people are gonna complain we wanted the sequel to joel and ellie story, we didn't want the sequel to a trans looking woman story.
a large portion differently can't. you do undertsand men and woman are built differently right? do you think cows become as big and muscular as bulls?
I don't get this thought process. It has nothing to do with wanking or sexual desire. Attractive, strong, intelligent, charismatic, [insert positive trait here], etc. are all part of the setup for the majority of entertainment media. Why? Because they are desirable traits. If people had their way and effort wasn't an obstacle, everyone would choose to be this way.Maybe the problem here is your not suppose to be attracted to somthing that's not real.
Why do care whether your atracted to them and if you where what would that achieve? Would you wank over them. Billions porn videos on Internet hookers on street corners escorts if got the money, but no that's enough you need video game icons to be attractive.
I don't really care about TLOU to get pissed about what happens in Part 2, but man, those were bold choices, huh...
I hope Santa Monica doesn't try to do anything similar by killing off Kratos and forcing us to play as Thor to hunt down Atreus
I don't get this thought process. It has nothing to do with wanking or sexual desire. Attractive, strong, intelligent, charismatic, [insert positive trait here], etc. are all part of the setup for the majority of entertainment media. Why? Because they are desirable traits. If people had their way and effort wasn't an obstacle, everyone would choose to be this way.
Nathan Drake is a badass and I doubt most of us even approach that physique, the same applies for most major female characters. These are escapism and power fantasy avatars, they aren't going to go over as well if they are fat, ugly, slobs.
There is nothing wrong with making a character however the artist envisions them, there is however something wrong with attacking those who don't want to adopt a bullshit standard.
Humans generally strive to better themselves, contrary to the latest bullshit narrative. You are most definitely NOT fine just the way you are, try to be better.
Lol, take a look at Hollywood, watch any sort of programming, etc. No one on there is average, you have a talent of some kind, whether your appearance, voice, athletic ability, etc. No one is interested in average.This is superficial bullshit. Everyone isn't attractive and therefore every fictional protagonist shouldn't be attractive. Part of the appeal of escapism is being able to relate to protagonists and one way of making that possible is to make protagonists who are as attractive as average people - average people being the majority of people who indulge in escapism.
Its garbage plot to make you kill characters you played as in the first game, it shits all over and undermines the first with this poor excuse of a dogshit sequel. TLOU should have never gotten a sequelMasculine female character playing a vital role in the story means the game is "woke". They believe it's forcing this agenda down our throats. I don't see why this would trigger people so much.
Lol, take a look at Hollywood, watch any sort of programming, etc. No one on there is average, you have a talent of some kind, whether your appearance, voice, athletic ability, etc. No one is interested in average.
honestly have never seen a woman that muscular in my life. except of course online or tv, but never in real life.