Has the leaks mentioned any special talents Ellie has? Can she still run through a pack of enemies and not be seen/heard/targeted/attacked? That was the neatest trick she pulled off in the first game.
Just recently started another run on Grounded, and it's pretty immersive breaking, yeah. Though that's been the solution that most AAA seem to go with, that they just make the other characters invisible if you're not engaging in combat or they never engage in combat at all and are just invincible and invisible beings. TLoU 1 and Bioshock: Infinite did these two solutions.
It's not a great or elegant solution, but it's clearly done as an easy fix to the problem of having other characters follow you in a stealth game. Rather than frustrate the player, they just remove that aspect of it.
Another solution is not having another character there, but in a game that's so character focused as TLoU, that's obviously not gonna happen.
There's something about having Tess and Ellie run around right in front of the soldiers as I'm hiding that's just so ridiculous. I'd love if there was a better solution. I really don't mind escort quests (which having characters around you in a stealth game obviously works like), as long as there's some intelligence to it and some control. Most of the time escort quests are terrible, it's because the characters do something stupid, initiating conflict, as well as you having no control of moments where you need them to act specifically. Escort quests in vanilla WoW comes to mind.
I like that they seemingly from the footage I've seen, keep Ellie distinct. Not trying to be the brute that Joel was, but more speed, stealth and tool based.
Canoe sections, ladder/plank sections or dumpster sections can fuck off. My first playthrough I was like "oh cool, I had to find a ladder and place it myself" when experiencing the first ladder in TLoU. Everything after that was a fucking chore. Really, how about some puzzles that feel different and distinct, and a design that allows you multiple approaches? Too ambitious? Same with the forced walking sections. I know it tries to give some agency, while letting dialogue flow and the sense of a natural walking and talking scene happening. But it feels terrible, slows the game down and feels like it's padding.