They just can't catch a break huh
No matter what happens, this game is definitely making the news
It is a strange thing to argue but i would at least hope the developers get fair treated and only do it if they feel comfortable.What are they gonna do though? If you're making a very violent game with mo-cap, you can't exactly just imagine it out of thin air can you?
This is a good video
*IF* the game gets good review scores
If some of my suspicions turn out to be correct then I think any reviewer that gives it less than 10/10 is essentially asking for a mob to come to his house and kill him.
EDIT: hyperbole for sure but there will be IMMENSE pressure to rate it at 10/10
With the plot beats as they are right now, they definitely went in a direction that doesn't fit with what they established in TLOU. But that's just me.Druckmann quote
Think that's a fail. This game has such a dependency here.
It's got to make you dislike Ellie (or something Ellie does) enough to root for Abby.
Joel was a well liked protagonist despite his flaws, or reckless abandonment of the 'greater good', it's not 'ballsy' or subversive to get you to play from the other perspective. Imagine just picking up from THAT point in RDR as Edgar Ross......
It will still sell shitloads and I'll probably be there day one. Thought I might wait until Sunday to see some gameplay and initial reactions.
With the plot beats as they are right now, they definitely went in a direction that doesn't fit with what they established in TLOU. But that's just me.
Of course it didn't have a positive view nor do I have a problem with something being cliche or trope-y since the execution matters more to me and yes they did certain plot points that happen here, as well. But ever since the introduction of the game at PSX and the panel they had with Neil explaining how this game is based moreso than before on themes of 'Hate and Violence' I felt a sense of difference from what the tone and level they went to portray such things in the first game.Really? TLOU had positive views on things like revenge? TLOU would never kill and change your protag (you play as joel's daughter in the beginning who then dies, you play as ellie when Joel is critically wounded and possibly going to die)? Also when people do the "muh cycle of revenge" when the central idea in TLOU comes down to the old "would you sacrifice one to save a million" which is just as cliche (i honestly don't get the problem with the themes being cliche if the execution is spot on).
Of course it didn't have a positive view nor do I have a problem with something being cliche or trope-y since the execution matters more to me and yes they did certain plot points that happen here, as well. But ever since the introduction of the game at PSX and the panel they had with Neil explaining how this game is based moreso than before on themes of 'Hate and Violence' I felt a sense of difference from what the tone and level they went to portray such things in the first game.
From my several playthroughs of the first game, it was never so extreme no matter the outcomes they went through- the only time it reached such a level was the Winter chapter, but there was a point made there. And from the beginning it's always been said to be a story about Joel and Ellie and that's what it was from beginning to end and what they said was the core of why they attempted to do a sequel, it's my main beef because I feel the plot beats don't resonate with that claim. It may change when going through it properly, but I said it in the thread earlier, the direction they went in is the one I wanted the least.
So am I the only person who thinks the leaks are good or nah? Shit posting and slurs aside.
I'm just curious. Considering I think the first games story is really incredibly average at best. No, I am not a fan of extremely progressive shit and yes The Last Jedi is shit. I'm not in it to see the fans suffer I'm more surprised it isn't another safe, standard outing of "protagarino gets pushed to the edge and kills an entire small civilization throughout the game."
It's nasty and rather than Neil Druckmann putting it in a babies first time using brain term as "You'll question everything." It actually DOES challenge you as a piece of media. Especially with being FORCED to play as Abby after she iced Joel. She might end up a shit character but we'll see.
My anticipation for this game was a 2/10 then the initial leaks got me at a 10/10 and finally the truth got me at a 7.5
Playing through the eyes of someone you hate in video games is pretty rare but it's not the first time you play as the antagonist... Or is there one? (Damn Neil2deep4u)
Yeah, that's partly my issue since I wanted things to be more simple and stay closer to the first game or even Left Behind. It's why I just have to see for myself how it sits when going through it since the plot beats alone is the opposite of that in my eyes.The leaks still paint it as about Joel and Ellie, Abby's story and motives are entirely shaped by Joel and Ellie's actions.
Yeah, that's partly my issue since I wanted things to be more simple and stay closer to the first game or even Left Behind. It's why I just have to see for myself how it sits when going through it since the plot beats alone is the opposite of that in my eyes.
No, you aren't the only one. I think it's a potentially very interesting and ballsy move that follows the consequences of the first game.So am I the only person who thinks the leaks are good or nah? Shit posting and slurs aside.
I'm just curious. Considering I think the first games story is really incredibly average at best. No, I am not a fan of extremely progressive shit and yes The Last Jedi is shit. I'm not in it to see the fans suffer I'm more surprised it isn't another safe, standard outing of "protagarino gets pushed to the edge and kills an entire small civilization throughout the game."
It's nasty and rather than Neil Druckmann putting it in a babies first time using brain term as "You'll question everything." It actually DOES challenge you as a piece of media. Especially with being FORCED to play as Abby after she iced Joel. She might end up a shit character but we'll see.
My anticipation for this game was a 2/10 then the initial leaks got me at a 10/10 and finally the truth got me at a 7.5
Playing through the eyes of someone you hate in video games is pretty rare but it's not the first time you play as the antagonist... Or is there one? (Damn Neil2deep4u)
"Playing a trans whose primary goal is to end a lesbian couple."
"The Last of Us 3 will implement a new gameplay survival mechanic where the Main character must constantly seek hormone replacement drugs to avoid her existence denial."
- Naughty Dog.
Basically Joel’s death:
“Come on sir... that’s enough...”
“It’s MA’AM!” whack!
“Okay! Man! You happy?”
“I said MA’AM!!!” WHACK!
Original title : "The Last Pronoun"
Better then get ready to run from dogs a lot.Kind of in the same boat. I’m excited about exploring the world (best part of TLOU).
I'm of the same sentiment personally. The first game is so standalone and I find it really hard to sell another story about them because it just felt done. Maybe some epilogue DLC in the vein of Left Behind of them some years after would have been nice and I personally like to believe they were able to live a peaceful life in their small enclave minus certain expeditions since that's sort of how the game ends on. Their struggle felt finished. Probably why I have such an apprehension to the outcome, lol.I guess part of why I can be less put off by the leaks is I didn't have expectations for a second game. Like to me TLOU ended perfectly, part of what made the ending work is not knowing how things occurred going forward. When a sequel was released I was honestly hoping it'd not have Joel and Ellie at all but be another story set in that universe with similar themes and ideas. To me Joel and Ellie's story was done, but the idea of showing us the consequences of their actions, in particular Joel's is interesting to me and could be done so well I'd be totally happy we got a return to Joel and Ellie.
So damn true. I noticed he used Cortana as an example of reducing the person to a "sexual object". Mother fucker, HAVE YOU EVEN PLAYED HALO? Cortana is defined by her intelligence, witty remakes of sarcasm, and her genuine bond with the Master Chief. I always loved the missions where you and Cortana are one and working together to overcome adversity. Just hearing her funny banter made me love her character. Fuck this guy and Anita for reducing of the greatest female characters in gaming as an example for objectification .So he is saying women in general don't like to be sexualized? WTH is this? I think he doesn't know what Instagram is in 2020. Women, in general, loves to take care of herself, to be beautiful and sexy. And it's this way since the ancient egypt, it didn't change one bit, it's part of our society. In fact, not only women, but also men.
Yeah still more offended I’ll have to kill dogs who are just trying to do their jobs like the bestest boys they are. Yeah i know i can stealth around them but cmon. I suck at stealth. They’re gonna find me every damn time.Better then get ready to run from dogs a lot.
They just can't catch a break huh
No matter what happens, this game is definitely making the news
It's not a tranny though, like wtf, if it was a male to female trans then why does it look like it's on MALE HORMONES if anything? this is why the leaks are sort of retarded
Really? TLOU had positive views on things like revenge? TLOU would never kill and change your protag (you play as joel's daughter in the beginning who then dies, you play as ellie when Joel is critically wounded and possibly going to die)? Also when people do the "muh cycle of revenge" when the central idea in TLOU comes down to the old "would you sacrifice one to save a million" which is just as cliche (i honestly don't get the problem with the themes being cliche if the execution is spot on).
Joel definitely didn't have to kill the surgeon. That wasn't kill or be killed. Yes, the surgeon threatened him, but he wasn't a serious threat.You clearly have no idea about the game.
TLoU never focused on revenge. The game was largely about Joel, from his initial loss, to his character growth during the journey with Ellie. Him killing the people at the hospital and Marlene, was a sign of his love for Ellie and growing enough to care for her as a daughter. It was a journey that brought someone closer as they depended on each other.
TLoU was never ever discussing the "would you sacrifice one to save a million" in any serious manner. Joel didn't want to let Ellie die. That's it. The discussion was done by the fans afterwards, whether what Joel did was right, more so when he later lied to Ellie about it as well.
Also, Ellie only took over because Joel was out of commision, and was never antagonistic towards each other. Imagine if instead of switching to Ellie, you switched to David. Would people feel great about that? Nah, or if it switched to Marlene? Heck, what if after Joel's daughter was killed, imagine if the soldier wasn't killed by Tommy and instead you switched to him? What would that do to the story? Would definitely change it, though it would've had a completely different focus. And TLoU1 didn't have to follow a predecessor. Once you make a sequel that follows the story of its predecessor, then there's even more expectations in terms of what happens within a story. It's even worse when you give too big a part to two characters with their narrative focuses. Suddenly you're not sure if you're telling a new story or continuing the old one. A revenge story generally focuses on the avenger and their internal trauma and anger. Sometimes a child/woman that travels with the avenger (for whatever reason) make them move past the trauma and often end up forsaking the brutal revenge, either by prioritizing someone else over the revenge or by other means. Revenge stories are generally stories about destroying your relationships, about destructive behavior, which is why it's a very jarring choice compared to TLoU1. Just look at Kratos and his revenge story in GoW. That story told us how power blinds you and how revenge doesn't soothe your guilt or your hatred. GoW 1-3 is a good example of this idea and it explores most of the tropes.
Also, there's really no big revenge for a revenge cycle to work. Since Joel never killed in vengeance, that basically makes Ellie not driving a cycle.
Joel definitely didn't have to kill the surgeon. That wasn't kill or be killed. Yes, the surgeon threatened him, but he wasn't a serious threat.
Yes, I'm not saying it will. Just making a list of what might change people's mind.*IF* the game gets good review scores
That's my main issue with this knee jerk hysteria, the critical scores will tell me absolutely nothing because most critics are going to be forced to defend this from the "alt-right trolls". If the game is genuinely amazing or if it's just pushing the right agenda and we can't let the "alt-right trolls" win will be something no one can remotely figure out.
At this point people are mostly just joking around. There was a point where that seemingly was the subject, but at this point it's just mostly memes about how manly Abby looks. Partially because ND seemingly toned down all breasts, leading to Abby's breasts to look more like pecs, especially in the screenshot you see floating around, which in angle looks very bad.
It's a bit annoying, I agree, at least when it's not a funny line or a meme. Focus on trans feels a bit annoying, though I do understand people's gripes with the Abby character's design, albeit I don't think it's necessarily unrealistic, just bland and another white brown haired girl in games. Then again, I've laughed my ass off at some of the memes.
You clearly have no idea about the game.
TLoU never focused on revenge. The game was largely about Joel, from his initial loss, to his character growth during the journey with Ellie. Him killing the people at the hospital and Marlene, was a sign of his love for Ellie and growing enough to care for her as a daughter. It was a journey that brought someone closer as they depended on each other.
TLoU was never ever discussing the "would you sacrifice one to save a million" in any serious manner. Joel didn't want to let Ellie die. That's it. The discussion was done by the fans afterwards, whether what Joel did was right, more so when he later lied to Ellie about it as well.
Also, Ellie only took over because Joel was out of commision, and was never antagonistic towards each other. Imagine if instead of switching to Ellie, you switched to David. Would people feel great about that? Nah, or if it switched to Marlene? Heck, what if after Joel's daughter was killed, imagine if the soldier wasn't killed by Tommy and instead you switched to him? What would that do to the story? Would definitely change it, though it would've had a completely different focus. And TLoU1 didn't have to follow a predecessor. Once you make a sequel that follows the story of its predecessor, then there's even more expectations in terms of what happens within a story. It's even worse when you give too big a part to two characters with their narrative focuses. Suddenly you're not sure if you're telling a new story or continuing the old one. A revenge story generally focuses on the avenger and their internal trauma and anger. Sometimes a child/woman that travels with the avenger (for whatever reason) make them move past the trauma and often end up forsaking the brutal revenge, either by prioritizing someone else over the revenge or by other means. Revenge stories are generally stories about destroying your relationships, about destructive behavior, which is why it's a very jarring choice compared to TLoU1. Just look at Kratos and his revenge story in GoW. That story told us how power blinds you and how revenge doesn't soothe your guilt or your hatred. GoW 1-3 is a good example of this idea and it explores most of the tropes.
Also, there's really no big revenge for a revenge cycle to work. Since Joel never killed in vengeance, that basically makes Ellie not driving a cycle.
This is a good video
Agree to disagree, he wasn't like the rest of the soldiers or bandits, With how easily Joel disarms him and shoves the scalpel in his neck, he could just shoved him away or knocked him out. It's maybe the one moment in where he felt needlessly cruel. The fact that he didn't know him, isn't much of an excuse.Dude literally threatens him, holding a scalpel in front of him and saying outright "I mean it". Yeah sure, definitely not a serious threat. Right....
More so you were never given the choice and Joel literally didn't know him, so it was a forced moment where Joel killed someone trying to save Ellie. He never tried to avenge something done to Ellie or whatnot.
Agree to disagree, he wasn't like the rest of the soldiers or bandits, With how easily Joel disarms him and shoves the scalpel in his neck, he could just shoved him away or knocked him out. It's maybe the one moment in where he felt needlessly cruel. The fact that he didn't know him, isn't much of an excuse.
Agreed. Nobody's saying Joel isn't a fantastic character, he's very well written. But I also can't say he doesn't deserve a golf club to the head.This is all also ignoring the fact that Joel did all this to prevent the world from being cured simply because of his selfish desire to continue to have a new surrogate daughter.
"Don't question game. Just consume product."
Agree to disagree, he wasn't like the rest of the soldiers or bandits, With how easily Joel disarms him and shoves the scalpel in his neck, he could just shoved him away or knocked him out. It's maybe the one moment in where he felt needlessly cruel. The fact that he didn't know him, isn't much of an excuse.
This is all also ignoring the fact that Joel did all this to prevent the world from being cured simply because of his selfish desire to continue to have a new surrogate daughter.
Disagree all you want, but there's a threat, the guy is using a scalpel, further rationalizing his threat and Joel takes the weapon and turns it back on him and kills him. Doing so is far more secure than to attempt to knock the guy out or risky going into a bout with him and have the others murder him instead. There's really no unreasonable cruelty. The surgeon was no different from soldiers or bandits. Guy operated on people knowing they'd die. So while you might disagree, what's there is there and not your hypotheticals. Trying to go "what if..." and "hypothetical hindsight" doesn't really say anything. What if he tried to wrestle it out and he died himself and thus Ellie also died?
Also lol? That's the moment you feel Joel was needlessly cruel?
The fact that Joel didn't know him makes his death merely a function of the story. Joel killed him in response to his threat of physical harm to him and to Ellie.
That wording outs you pretty much. More so your response doesn't jive with Strategize's argument. His argument wasn't that the surgeon was justified in his action "for the greater good" or that Joel was wrong in trying to save Ellie. Strategize said that Joel killed him when he didn't need to, which is just wishful thinking that treats the characters like a physics simulation.
If that's the case then why do they give you the option to not kill the others? If Joel is being pragmatic in that situation, then it would make more sense to just force you to kill them all, since they could try to attack him while he's taking Ellie. It's clear this kill or kills are presented in a little more though provoking way than your average bandit.Disagree all you want, but there's a threat, the guy is using a scalpel, further rationalizing his threat and Joel takes the weapon and turns it back on him and kills him. Doing so is far more secure than to attempt to knock the guy out or risky going into a bout with him and have the others murder him instead. There's really no unreasonable cruelty. The surgeon was no different from soldiers or bandits. Guy operated on people knowing they'd die. So while you might disagree, what's there is there and not your hypotheticals. Trying to go "what if..." and "hypothetical hindsight" doesn't really say anything. What if he tried to wrestle it out and he died himself and thus Ellie also died?
Also lol? That's the moment you feel Joel was needlessly cruel?
The fact that Joel didn't know him makes his death merely a function of the story. Joel killed him in response to his threat of physical harm to him and to Ellie.
Why does my argument need to be the same as someone else's, exactly?
If that's the case then why do they give you the option to not kill the others? If Joel is being pragmatic in that situation, then it would make more sense to just force you to kill them all, since they could try to attack him while he's taking Ellie. It's clear this kill or kills are presented in a little more though provoking way than your average bandit.
"doesn't jive" = "not" +“in accord with”
You start with "This is all also...". It doesn't match his, as you're replying to his argument. You're trying to stack two different things.
If you have an argument, then present it. Or did you just have a conclusion and try to add another argument on top of another argument? One is deontological, the other one is consequentialist.
I did present my argument, you didn't argue with it. You ignored it because it isn't the same argument as another posters. In fact what I added in the post you replied to (while ignoring my larger post) was that I said his argument was IGNORING the point I brought up, so it was specifically made to not be accord with his.