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Am I the only one that thinks Days Gone looks absolutely awesome?


I'm not feeling this at all. The developer doesn't instill confidence and the whole thing gives me cinematic Quantum Break vibes.


Looks fantastic. Not gonna lie, the bike is the real hero here.
I only hope it won't focus too much on horde shooting.

Same, hoping they make it so you pretty much should always avoid the horde, untill you have no choice but to try and make it through. I'll be really disappointed if you can just wipe out horde without much effort.

I'm not feeling this at all. The developer has doesn't instill confidence and the whole thing gives me cinematic Quantum Break vibes.
It's open world, so I wouldn't expect it to be too cinematic, outside of the main story at least.


Just have to wonder what team of designers would walk out of the room where they did their brainstorm sessions proclaiming 'We got it! We're making a zombie game! Brilliant!'.


It looks great and I am not sure why people reacted to poorly to it. It seems to have plenty of twists to the existing zombie game formulas and what they showed looked like a quality product.

The gameplay looked very janky, lets see how it is improved at E3
I am digging what we saw. The pouring swarm of undead in the gameplay video felt different than other games. I still holding out for more gameplay detail before I raise my excitement level.


I'm interested to know how the gameplay pans out. The story and tone that was in the initial trailer meant nothing to me so it's all about the gameplay and how creative you can get taking on hordes.
Just got ignored because "another Zombie game" is easy to dismiss. Plus, the first time we saw this, it was part of an amazing Sony show with other goodies to ogle over.

I hope it turns out good.
It certainly looks like impressive tech, so as long as they can get it running at a decent framerate, with all those zombies onscreen then I think it will be a decent game.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of the game from a newer, more polished build and especially when it comes to the story.


I'm getting a Red Dead Redemption vibe from it, lonely roads, small towns, animals more populated than people.

I'm looking forward to it.


Way too early to tell. Guy ran around shooting endless zombies with hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Graphically it looks good.


The reveal was fucking terrible, one of the worst debuts for a AAA game I've seen in a long time, but I still have a feeling the final game will be good.
Resident Evil?
I haven't had the chance to start 7 yet, and I avoided just about all pre release stuff, but I was under the impression that it doesn't feature zombies. At least not in the traditional sense

Anyway my point was that there isn't some constant string of zombie games the way people act like there is
You should have asked "Who else thinks Days Gone looks absolutely awesome?"

Can we please stop the "Am I the only one..." threads. You NEVER are.
What we saw looked incredibly impressive from a technical standpoint, a good base layer for gameplay and interactivity to be built off, but I definitely need to see a lot more to get truly excited.

The potential is there though. Make sure there's solid world building, narrative and characters, and this could be a damned fine game.


lol... I acutally really liked the. The zombie swarm looked amazing.

There was no hit reactions, it just looked like he was shooting an automatic spitball gun and knocking them all over.

Not something I expect to see in the final game, but it was hard for me to take the reveal seriously like that.


This game looks SO good. I wasn't expecting this to be the studio's project. I'm happy it is, though. The voiceover, animation, and overall world setup seems like people are watching what Naughty Dog is doing to raise the bar and I'm all about it. I've become pretty jaded with lackluster efforts in games story/character/dialogue presentation and seeing the "we care!" model in more genres (like zombie horde survival!) is a wonderful thing to look forward to.


If the only hooks are the bikes and zombie hordes, they're going to have to try harder to gain my interest. They need to go crazy, but my fear is that the game is going to be relatively safe.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The reveal was fucking terrible, one of the worst debuts for a AAA game I've seen in a long time, but I still have a feeling the final game will be good.

Maybe its not as impressive to the enthusiast crowd that frequents this site but I've shown the trailer to several of my friends who are more casual types of gamers and they were all blown away by the gameplay demo at E3. One of them described it as a "white knuckle" experience and couldn't wait to see more about the game.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Personally I'm beyond tired of zombie games. To me this looks like TLOU minus the compelling characters, and the compelling characters were the only thing I liked about TLOU.
Yeah, from the very first reveal trailer I was already endeared to Joel, Ellie, and the cordycep infested world they inhabited. And the gameplay demo featured at E3 a few months later completely blew me away. Character moments, mechanics, systems, and atmosphere were all on point and left quite an impression that year.

The Days Gone presentation had the complete opposite effect on me. It's visually and thematically similar to TLOU, but without any of the cool narrative hooks or compelling game systems that gripped me with Naughty Dog's offerings. Other than showing off their impressive tech, pretty much everything else left me cold.

Sony Bend choosing this setting and tone for their next big project was inevitably going to invite these type of comparisons. So they really gotta step it up this E3 if they want to escape from underneath TLOU's tall shadow. Because the superficial comparisons won't magically go away until they give people something uniquely worth talking about.
OP, I have heard of the game but never looked into it until I saw this thread. Just watched some gameplay of it. Is it styled after sort of the cinematic adventure gameplay seen in games like Uncharted/TLOU?

I don't complete or play many videogames these days. The ones I do are largely Nintendo games or JRPGs so I am extremely behind the times when it comes to Western adventure games (never played the new Tomb Raiders, any of the Uncharted, TLOU, etc). The gameplay I saw looked very compelling I just don't know how context sensitive gameplay really works.

I watched a 10 minute video of hordes of zombies chasing the player through some buildings out in the woods. As the player was chased he would duck into buildings and the environment would be altered by the zombies. Like a metal door was smashed in by the zombies. When I see things like this, I'm not sure how it works. Like, is the gameplay heavily scripted? I just have never played games like this so when I see environmental interaction with the badguys I have a hard time understanding if these games are heavily scripted and you are expected to do certain things to trigger responses or if there is a lot of freedom in how you go through levels/the environment


The zombie horde setpiece they've shown a few times looked gimmicky after repeat viewings and seeing the "AI" of the mob. I'll check it out if it's good but it's not something I'm pre-ordering or particularly care about.
If they can provide a walking dead like environment that is free form and the zombies are just naturally around, it has the potential to be the best zombie game apart from the last of us.

I'm stoked to see more.


To me this game feels super cynical, like there was a bunch of executives in suits thinking about how to attract the 18-34 year old male demographic and then someone in the room stands up and goes "I got it! Let's mashup Sons of Anarchy and Walking Dead."

I also thought the tone of the trailer and the gameplay demo were a complete mismatch. The trailer appeared to be going for a more serious and grounded TLOU-like vibe, and then the gameplay demo was some generic "horde of a thousand zombies" type thing where you defeat them with unlimited ammo assault rifles, molotov cocktails, exploding red barrels etc like every other video game. Just didn't match up imo.


I was in the moment I knew Sam Witwer was the playable character, in looks and voice, it's The Force Unleashed all over again. Game looks awesome to me.


Just have to wonder what team of designers would walk out of the room where they did their brainstorm sessions proclaiming 'We got it! We're making a zombie game! Brilliant!'.

At least its not an empty open world like so many open world games where you get 5 enemies on screen at once.

Even now we get games releasing where I am looking for more than a handful of things alive and doing something on the screen, its crap.

Getting a world war Z vibe, but it depends how the horde is done and executed, we dont know yet


Definately liked the look of it moreso than god of war when they were both revealed. GOW looked janky. this already looks really polished, and i love the almost liquid aspect to the zombies and the way they move. If they can capture a sort of daryl dixon type experience from the walking dead i'm already sold.
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