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Andor |OT| Disney+


But then why name it Star Wars? Why didn't they just make this show its own thing, are they afraid of something?

And also, I don't get what is happening with us SW fans, we like cameos like Luke in Mando, then we don't want them anymore, we like the Jedi's and want more of them, then we don't, and so on.
Like this show now, seems well received, but it has no feeling of SW, which it isn't in any way a bad thing, yet I wonder if it wasn't in the SW universe would it have been this well received?
Isn't a bit weird to say I like this SW show if it has almost none SW feel?

So, not criticizing the show, because it's interesting, but do we really know want we want anymore in the SW universe?
Or maybe it's time for us to try to answer, what exactly is Star Wars?
For me, Star Wars is a type of sci-fi story telling and setting. It's science fantasy. It depicts often very dystopian, primitive, harsh societies that somehow also has super-advanced, almost magical, levels of technology and gadgets. It's a universe where everything is both very advanced and very backwards at the same time. For example there is a universal language that every species speaks. There's really not many other similar settings I can think of in sci-fi.

To answer your question, no I don't think it would have been as well received, and it probably also wouldn't work. A big reason shows like this work is because we already know so much about the setting and history of the universe, ie the presence of an oppressive Galactic Empire and the stakes involved. The show doesn't have to waste time setting all that up.
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But then why name it Star Wars? Why didn't they just make this show its own thing, are they afraid of something?

And also, I don't get what is happening with us SW fans, we like cameos like Luke in Mando, then we don't want them anymore, we like the Jedi's and want more of them, then we don't, and so on.
Like this show now, seems well received, but it has no feeling of SW, which it isn't in any way a bad thing, yet I wonder if it wasn't in the SW universe would it have been this well received?
Isn't a bit weird to say I like this SW show if it has almost none SW feel?

So, not criticizing the show, because it's interesting, but do we really know want we want anymore in the SW universe?
We want good storytelling and characters - same as always. People saying this doesn't feel like Star Wars haven't consumed content outside the main stuff. In particular, this show feels like the first chapter of some of the SW novels I've read - I feel right at home.

Let the story unfold - we'll get our Stormtroopers, TIE Fighters and other familiar stuff soon enough. They're actually showing some restraint for once.


I must be watching a different show to most of you, I thought the first two episodes sucked and the third was ok.

Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.
Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.
What big budget, new science fiction TV series are you referring? I'm not aware of any worth watching at the moment. I can only think of Foundation, Star Trek, Halo and The Expanse which have varying reviews. Sci-Fi options are usually pretty grim.
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I think it would’ve been better if they’d made one big Star Wars show that takes place between the prequels and the OT. They should’ve trimmed down Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the upcoming Ahsoka show and some of the other stuff and combined the essential parts of those into one series that tells how the rebellion started, and how life was under the empire, and lead directly into Rogue One and the OT.

As it is there are simply too many Star Wars shows for me to care about, especially since most of them are padded with filler content.


Gold Member
I think it would’ve been better if they’d made one big Star Wars show that takes place between the prequels and the OT. They should’ve trimmed down Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the upcoming Ahsoka show and some of the other stuff and combined the essential parts of those into one series that tells how the rebellion started, and how life was under the empire, and lead directly into Rogue One and the OT.

As it is there are simply too many Star Wars shows for me to care about, especially since most of them are padded with filler content.
I think Ahsoka is taking place in the post-OT Mando-verse, right?

I def agree with you about Obi-wan though. Imagine if they had rolled the Ben and Vader stuff into Andor, maybe 2-3 episodes worth with THAT cinematography AND the guy who made Vader scary again at the helm!

As it is, wonder if we will see Vader at some point, wouldn't surprise me. Doubt we will see any inquisitors or folks from Rebels though (I'd be down for some live action Hera though). I'd like to see Gilroys take on any surviving clones as well. I personally don't think having stuff from other films in the universe would hurt Andor specifically, just don't have 11 yo Leia passing off info to him or someshit. But clones with PTSD could be dope to explore and some tie-ins to Rebels seems appropriate as they overlap significantly. Just keep the mystic shit to a very very low level. I'd love to see a live action Ghost as well, exploring neat ship designs is a fav part of the universe for me.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I think the premier sets the stage for a good show. A criminal being chased by an overzealous corpo officer. The last part of the 3rd episode showed the officer realizing that if he would have done what his boss said he would have saved a lot of lives. Now the corpo is going to want revenge and won’t learn the right lesson. So it will be cat and mouse with Andor all season.


Star wars is sci fi fantasy adventure. It's magic and science. It's light hearted and dramatic. It's comedic and emotional. It's action sequences and character moments.
Disney have so far failed and succeeded in capturing what star wars is. Mainly they've failed.
Haven't seen Andor and I've no interest either. The trailer gives a vibe that's closer Rick Deckard, when it should be more like Indiana Jones.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Star wars is sci fi fantasy adventure. It's magic and science. It's light hearted and dramatic. It's comedic and emotional. It's action sequences and character moments.
Disney have so far failed and succeeded in capturing what star wars is. Mainly they've failed.
Haven't seen Andor and I've no interest either. The trailer gives a vibe that's closer Rick Declared, when it should be more like Indiana Jones.
It isn’t lighthearted and fun. It is very serious.


I enjoyed the first three episodes. Easily the best canonical SW series so far for me, for now. I hope they can keep it up. But it's such a relief that for once there's a show that doesn't feel like Filoni all over it.
That being said, I think the pacing could have picked up some more by now. I think some character portrayal was a little too sluggish so far, it could have been condensed into some better packed, more focused scenes.

Slightly confused about the flashbacks saying that they killed a Republic officer when he was clearly a separatist.


Or maybe it's time for us to try to answer, what exactly is Star Wars?
For me, Star Wars is a type of sci-fi story telling and setting. It's science fantasy. It depicts often very dystopian, primitive, harsh societies that somehow also has super-advanced, almost magical, levels of technology and gadgets. It's a universe where everything is both very advanced and very backwards at the same time. For example there is a universal language that every species speaks. There's really not many other similar settings I can think of in sci-fi.

To answer your question, no I don't think it would have been as well received, and it probably also wouldn't work. A big reason shows like this work is because we already know so much about the setting and history of the universe, ie the presence of an oppressive Galactic Empire and the stakes involved. The show doesn't have to waste time setting all that up.
Yeah, nice description, I almost feel the same, to me it's a blend of magic, literally, for obvious reasons, and this dystopian sci-fi that you described, but not overly serious, a bit lighthearted, it's a very unique combination.

This show is very Blade Runner-y for me, it's very different from what SW is to me.
Anyway don't want to overanalyze this because the show it is good and interesting, it's just the whole SW situation and what everyone wants from it, it's funny and weird.


There's really not many other similar settings I can think of in sci-fi.

There are other space franchises that are more sophisticated but not as popular because they didn't get big budget productions. the 2 I rate ahead of SW are Warhammer 40K and the Metabaron vers.
There's been nothing like this show made in the history of Star Wars. It doesn't even feel like Star Wars. The characters don't talk or act like Star Wars characters.
In the first 2 episodes we've already seen stuff never seen before in Star Wars.

It's slow moving but the awesome world building and realistic characters has drawn me in. I don't think there's a single badly written or acted character in the whole show yet, and that's saying something.
It's ironic but my main complaint so far is that I'm having a hard time getting invested in Andor himself. I still have no idea what he is really after or what led him to where he is now. I guess that's going to be slowly revealed in the rest of the show.
I actually find Bix to be a lot more interesting (and she's hot too).
Bix is right up there with Padme and Jyn Erso if NOT the hottest Star Wars character of all time. Sorry Princess Leia is pretty too but in a 70’s standard of beauty kind of way that reminds me far too much of old pics of my Mother in her 20’s for me to feel comfortable calling her hot 🥵
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Only seen the first 2 episodes so far and this is already leagues ahead of any other Star Wars show, including Mando.

There are characters I'm not familiar with, locations I've never seen before, and a pleasant absence of any discussion involving Jedi/Skywalkers/Lightsabers etc. Andor makes that paper-thin SW universe feel a little larger.


I must be watching a different show to most of you, I thought the first two episodes sucked and the third was ok.

Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.

I agree. I got through it but it's just boring to me.

I like the idea of it, but the execution is just poor. It's layered with cool looking sets, good actors, great music, but the content is just soulless filler to me.

Andor just always seems like he's trying to oversell everything with this "behind enemy lines" spy demeanor that makes him stand out even more. Just relax sometimes. Play it cool.
He ends up being very unrealistic to me. That guy is not someone that can sneak behind enemy lines acting all secretive everywhere he goes.
People who are like that blend in. They seem just like everyone else. Andor isn't. He over acts the sneaky game with a chip on his shoulder. It's just obvious as hell.
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I must be watching a different show to most of you, I thought the first two episodes sucked and the third was ok.

Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.

I’m 2 episodes in and it feels more like Eastenders in space to me than Star Wars. In other words it’s shite.


Like others in this thread, I feel that watching this is a bit strange, like watching an Indiana Jones spin-off that was an 18+ realistic and mature detective story. It's just very different from the source.

But I can understand why Star Wars have taken this route, it's just logical since it's so huge that it branches off, but it's probably gonna appeal more to hardcore Star Wars fans who are used to this.

Either way, about the show, it's easy to see why they released 3 episodes right away, it's a very slow-paced show. But not bad. I enjoyed what I have seen, some good casting (the Scottish officer steals the show) and some beautiful cinematography and sets.

I disliked the parts in the past, those scenes with the kids, cause they weren't good actors and it was awkward to watch. I also sort of rooted for the empire, those soldiers had good intentions and weren't bad like the first two that got killed, and I hope they don't get painted in a bad light by association.
I disliked the parts in the past, those scenes with the kids, cause they weren't good actors and it was awkward to watch. I also sort of rooted for the empire, those soldiers had good intentions and weren't bad like the first two that got killed, and I hope they don't get painted in a bad light by association.
Yeah, thank god they had them speaking a foreign language lol - I'm sure those scenes would've been pure cringe in English. Btw, I love that they have aliens speaking freaking ALIEN languages in this show. One of the things I hate most in Star Wars are weird looking aliens speaking perfect English. There's that one scene in Andor where we don't even get subtitles for the alien talking to his coworker and it's perfect.

The wait for the next episode is getting really difficult for me. Rumor is we are heading to Coruscant.
I must be watching a different show to most of you, I thought the first two episodes sucked and the third was ok.

Genuinely feels nothing like Star Wars so far and people seem to think that's a good thing? Why? There's plenty of other science fiction out there for you.

I never trust what the tv gaf says. Its the same people who loved that absolute trash Obi Wan and She-Hulk, same ppl who'd eat anything Disney+ throws at them. I'll wait for the show to end and then watch it. Until then these early talkers are just fake hype shit.


It seems ok? From some of the stuff I'd heard beforehand I expected to be blown away. But it seems decent enough.



Just thought I'd post this because people seem to think this guy hates everything Disney. His feelings are pretty close to my own on the show.

But even he said that it would be weird and doesn't feel like Star Wars, when the other guy asks him "Would you have said the same thing if Boba and Kenobi never came out?'', and he says further than that, if the sequel movies hadn't come out.
So even if he likes this show, there is a bit of context here, he even says, because of those movies and shows, this is the least weak thing Disney released, so that to me isn't genuinely liking something.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Really liked watching the 3 episodes in one go.

It starts off slow for sure. Lots of characters being presented, multiple storylines at once and some shoots were nothing really happens but help to set the mood.

Got blown away at the third episode tho. If this is the level to expect for the rest of the show, I'm all in.
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But even he said that it would be weird and doesn't feel like Star Wars, when the other guy asks him "Would you have said the same thing if Boba and Kenobi never came out?'', and he says further than that, if the sequel movies hadn't come out.
So even if he likes this show, there is a bit of context here, he even says, because of those movies and shows, this is the least weak thing Disney released, so that to me isn't genuinely liking something.
You can like something and still have caveats about it. Asking someone if they would've liked something given a different reality is kind of pointless though.

I'm happy people are saying this doesn't feel like Star Wars. Because for me, what most people think Star Wars should feel like, I think is stupid - a product of George Lucas not being reigned in during the prequel trilogy. Who am I kidding though, this is Disney - we all know the series finale will feature Cassian flying away with Baby Yoda while Darth Vader chases him in his TIE Advanced x1.


You can like something and still have caveats about it. Asking someone if they would've liked something given a different reality is kind of pointless though.

I'm happy people are saying this doesn't feel like Star Wars. Because for me, what most people think Star Wars should feel like, I think is stupid - a product of George Lucas not being reigned in during the prequel trilogy. Who am I kidding though, this is Disney - we all know the series finale will feature Cassian flying away with Baby Yoda while Darth Vader chases him in his TIE Advanced x1.
The series finale is the start of Rogue One. None of that happened.


The only cameo the series could possibly have, and even then it would probably just be a voice or hologram, would be Ahsoka. Cassian (as Fulcrum) was who recruited her into the Rebellion a couple years before ANH (so episodes 19-21).


Yeah, thank god they had them speaking a foreign language lol - I'm sure those scenes would've been pure cringe in English. Btw, I love that they have aliens speaking freaking ALIEN languages in this show. One of the things I hate most in Star Wars are weird looking aliens speaking perfect English. There's that one scene in Andor where we don't even get subtitles for the alien talking to his coworker and it's perfect.

The wait for the next episode is getting really difficult for me. Rumor is we are heading to Coruscant.

Don't they have universal translaters, or am I thinking about Marvel comics.


I have really liked it so far, I'm not a huge Star wars fan. It's a fantastic looking show, the art direction and cinematography is more impressive than the other two big shows out right now imo.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I hope this turns out to be the political thriller it seems to be. Less the flashy side of Star Wars, and more an exploration of those crushed or forever traumatized by the Empire - like Migs Mayfield, Bill Burr's character from The Mandalorian.
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ידע זה כוח
I really liked this, no complaints.

Best of all, NO TATOOINE!
Yes, it's refreshing to see other planets.

It does seem to me that this show started out as 8 episodes, prob around 1 hour and they cut it out to maybe pad D+. These 3 episodes felt like 1 episodes. Also strange that previously+opening+credits are more than 5 min.

Overall, I like it. It's clear what the main guy objective was, and there was a nice smart tie-it-all at the end of the 3rd episode. I did think the killing of the bf was silly.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Yes, it's refreshing to see other planets.

It does seem to me that this show started out as 8 episodes, prob around 1 hour and they cut it out to maybe pad D+. These 3 episodes felt like 1 episodes. Also strange that previously+opening+credits are more than 5 min.

Overall, I like it. It's clear what the main guy objective was, and there was a nice smart tie-it-all at the end of the 3rd episode. I did think the killing of the bf was silly.

Yeah I think thats intentional. They doin 4 sets of 3-episode arcs that take place over a year. Season 2 will do the same, but each arc in Season 2 will be one year. So 5 years total which is why its dated BBY 5 :)


Always enjoy a Sci-Fi series with a bit of grit.

As previous people have said. It's more akin to the books. Some of which were awesome.
Disney really burnt me out on Star wars. It's good to see Disney make something pre-Disney.

I didn't really care much for Rogue One as it felt like it was cramming in too many characters and member berries.
This series seemed to take all the aspects I did like and focus it.
Good shit.


It does seem to me that this show started out as 8 episodes, prob around 1 hour and they cut it out to maybe pad D+. These 3 episodes felt like 1 episodes. Also strange that previously+opening+credits are more than 5 min.
It was always meant to be 24 episodes. It’s a five year story arc. Season One is 5BBY. Season Two is the next four years with three episodes covering one year leading directly into Rogue One. Presumably the show ends with Cassian getting a contact from a guy about a planet killer.


Gold Member
It's an odd show, sooooo slow. About half of those flashbacks could have been cut. The Bix actress (banging, BTW) looks too similar to the little girl, whom I'm assuming is the 'sister' Cassian is looking for. It's sloppy casting because I assumed they were related but apparently not? Kill the casting folks to throw some blondes or red heads in there?

Best part was the Corp sergeant and the little "pep talk" scene. Been in a few dozen of those :p

Be interesting to see the mega Corp side of Star Wars, did they just tolerate the Empire, eventually get consumed by it, or what?

Fight scenes weren't great, something about Star wars seems to really elude fast, coherent, and dynamic fights. Get Michael Mann on the horn!!!

If this pace holds up I think I'm gonna binge it every three weeks.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This feels like the first real bit of world building in the Star Wars universe on Disney+. The Mandalorian came close, but really just sort of expanded upon existing stuff. Some of the things we see here in the first episode feel truly new, and yet still oddly familiar.

For example we see a truly tribal group of humans. I saw it as Gilroy pointing out that humans are just another species in this universe, they don't all speak English nor come from organized society. It was also a clever way of explaining Luna's accent and avoiding having to explain how the French language would be a thing in the Star Wars universe. It's also truly showing the fringes of the Empire for the first time. And not just its jurisdictive reach, but even the fringes of its bureaucratic groups.

The cinematography is sleek and stylish. The score and audio work is moody. The tone is exactly what I was hoping for. Andor is ruthless, but he's not quite in the same place he was in Rogue One - obviously good because now we get to see some character growth.

Honestly this is really good. It's an entirely different level of television compared to all of the recent stuff from Disney+.
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You guys been drinking andor is definitely a flop
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