Sadly, I’m pretty sure they don’t actually exist...
They do exist. They just aren’t always on social media. I know a family that hasn’t left the house since this all got started except to go to the grocery store and to go to work. They where masks everywhere- indoors, outdoors, by themselves- doesn’t matter. I’ve never seen them take it off.
They won’t let extended family members in the house. So no aunts and uncles, no cousins- no one is allowed in. They don’t go to their houses either. For over a year they’ve been like this.
I know another family that was super strict like the above mentioned family and they still got COVID. When they did they all quarantined in their own rooms and she journaled about it on Facebook every day for two weeks like they were on their deathbed.
She was begging for prayers and giving updates just like someone who was actually dying. It was fucking pathetic.
The beauty of it is that the husband’s 82 year old mother also got COVID. She got over it quickly and started calling them out on being drama queens.