Herman Cain
That bundle should have some big momentum, also ESO that month.
350k+ is doable imo
That bundle should have some big momentum, also ESO that month.
350k+ is doable imo
That bundle should have some big momentum, also ESO that month.
350k+ is doable imo
That's the thing though this is a NPD thread so WW figures don't play much into conversations. Also US is one of the few if not the only battlegrounds in this race between PS4 and Xbone. WW discussion is almost moot at this point, because as you said the lead is so significant every game should realistically sell better on PS.
Only problem is like welfare stated, PS4 is down YoY every month. I think the market penetration at $399 has weakened significantly, in large part because MS was so aggressive during the holidays and are still discounting to $349 now. Arkham will no doubt cause a bump, but at this point the only way I think to increase YoY is to drop the price, maybe not now, but it has to at some point this year if they realistically want to sell more than last year.
Only problem is like welfare stated, PS4 is down YoY every month. I think the market penetration at $399 has weakened significantly, in large part because MS was so aggressive during the holidays and are still discounting to $349 now. Arkham will no doubt cause a bump, but at this point the only way I think to increase YoY is to drop the price, maybe not now, but it has to at some point this year if they realistically want to sell more than last year.
That is a really good point. I hadn't really thought about price related market saturation and its effect on sakes in June. It could very well have an impact on total sales but while I agree it could temper sakes I do think the presence of a limited edition bundle will bump sales up YoY when the previous year had no limited bundle debut in the sabe month. Consumers love limited bundles. They tend to be fairly additive and boost sales significantly in their debut month. Like I've said numerous times in this thread I think, above all else, it will boil down to production and how limited the limited edition bundle will actually be.
Hey now, I only said March. PS4 was up in February.
Oops sorry wouldn't expect it to be up in February considering Infamous was released last February and so close to launch.
It released in March.
It's better to overship than to undership if you ask me.
Tell that to MS with the AC Bundle xD
Poor guys in retail trying to get rid of them, the new AC is gonna be announced soon, don't think it'll make people want to buy Unity Bundle
But it's not in stock on Amazon and is 5 months old so I still don't know why it's doing so well.
This was Microsoft Chad first mistake, all he had to do was ask for PS4's last June sales to see that 350k was possible with both the limited edition and regular edition of Arkham Knight, maybe he is still reading this thread though.
Actually Amazon still has Stock of the AC Bundle, not the main one but the one with the free controller:
Still Counts towards the same SKU
But why is it(5 months old) doing better this month than a newer Playstation Bundle (last of us) with more games in the top 40? What's increasing demand for a game who's sequel is about to be announced?
But why is it(5 months old) doing better this month than a newer Playstation Bundle (last of us) with more games in the top 40? What's increasing demand for a game who's sequel is about to be announced?
But why is it(5 months old) doing better this month than a newer Playstation Bundle (last of us) with more games in the top 40? What's increasing demand for a game who's sequel is about to be announced?
Around two weeks ago stock issues with PS4 on Amazon. Then Amazon replaced litlle later with TLOU PS4. Anyway, Witcher 3 for PS4 surprises me. It's so high.
That's an easy answer...Deals!
Look at the three SKUs, the AC SKU has had:
-Free Controller
-Free Game + Controller
-Free 1 Year Live + NBA2K15
-Free 1 Year Live
TLOU SKU- ($400 alone)
with $450 (Not really a deal)
-I think it had The Order 1886
-I think it had Bloodborne
AC Bundle having these many deals and other retailer deals make me think retailers want to get rid of the overstock they have in their DC's.
I feel like this gets said every few pages in NPD threads but:
Hourly Amazon charts are not useful for making any sort of predictions. Seriously.
I'm using Hourly and Monthly for May.
Don't waste your time, we're not really even a week in. Even then, there's only so much one can learn from Amazon sales history.
I'm using Hourly (Amazon charts).
I am on the AC page and I don't see any option for NBA. I don't see many reviews for Controller or live either, but those have been there for awhile though so it's still a bit confusing.
NBA2K15 got dropped last week, but was there for 2 weeks I think, reviews don't tell you if they sell or not you have to see hourly and if you see xbox one, controller and/or 1 year live card go up a place at the same time it was probably because of a sale on one of those deals.
I'm using Hourly and Monthly for May.
Never use hourly to determine positions only use hourly to see where demand is. Also on Monthly PS4 TLOU is beating Xbox One in May for sales so idk where you get Xbox One is in front of TLOU this month?
Bwahahaha~ poor Zhuge!Grrrrrrrrr!
They were different earlier so I guess it updated. But like I said, I just found it to hard to believe people would still be buying that 5 month old broken game that still isn't fixed 5 months later.
Watch out for Zhuge is going to light fire to your ships!
Edit: I guess I should say blow the fire towards your ships
Well I guess it's easier to buy a broken old game than buy a collection of broken games?![]()
That ad sure caused some commotion on GAF that day.
Context is very important, man. I simply meant that it's better to have more units available so that it does not run out in June. Of course Sony could do it just to artificially boost sales like Microsoft XDTell that to MS with the AC Bundle xD
Poor guys in retail trying to get rid of them, the new AC is gonna be announced soon, don't think it'll make people want to buy Unity Bundle
I'm talking about The Last Of Us, which doesn't have stock issues, AC Xbox is 5 months old, Halo Xbox one is one month old, so I'm trying to figure out what's making people buy AC.
I'm using Hourly
Any idea how well or fast those PS4's sold?fry's was selling PS4's for $300 the other day through their email blast on promo sales
But it's an hourly chart. TLOU PS4 was in top 20, Xbone AC :U was in top 20 when there was a stock issues with PS4 ( before TLOU replacement ).
Negative, TLOU was never a replacement it was always there, and that still doesn't tell me why a 5 month old game bundle is doing better than a 1 month game bundle with the deals it's had for a month.
Edit: Xbox has a Destiny Bundle now, but $383 isn't really that much of a deal and I'd say that's regular price.
Amazon had a separate digital code for TLoU. It was never the official bundle from Sony. That bundle showed up recently........around the same time the standard PS4 was getting low on stock. It's a replacement.
Where are you seeing the AC bundle doing better than PS4?
All day yesterday, and earlier this morning. Doesn't make sense.
All day yesterday, and earlier this morning. Doesn't make sense.
Halo MCC collection isn't even getting brought but a 5 month old broken bundle is constantly doing well. I just looked at last motnh and that's even more insane.
Has not everyone who wanted the game brought it already?
All day yesterday, and earlier this morning. Doesn't make sense.
Halo MCC collection isn't even getting brought but a 5 month old broken bundle is constantly doing well. I just looked at last motnh and that's even more insane.
Has not everyone who wanted the game brought it already?
All day yesterday, and earlier this morning. Doesn't make sense.
Halo MCC collection isn't even getting brought but a 5 month old broken bundle is constantly doing well. I just looked at last motnh and that's even more insane.
Has not everyone who wanted the game brought it already?
Are you using hourly charts?
Yesterday i saw PS4 TLOU bundle in 20st place ( highest ), Xbone AC:U bundle little lower for majority of the day.
I see you ment the Halo bundle. Well there could be many reasons why the AC bundle is doing better there. It has more deals associated with it.....it comes with 2 free games instead of one......nobody wants the MCC.
For the last time stop trying to make inferences from hourly charts! If you are going to use Amazon charts at all use the monthly charts . The ACU bundle has had significant added value in attempts to sell off stock (Controllers, gift cards, live cards, games) while the MCC bundle has been at standard price as has been explained to you multiple times. Why do you insist on trying to connect dots that don't exist? We answered this line of questioning the first time you asked. Nothing has changed! Why do you continue to ask? It's infuriating! Stop.
In Hourly for a lot of the time I saw ACU on top but that's hourly and I'm not talking about that, that changes every 5 seconds.
Odd, i saw the opposite.