Lol Hawkins...
Random X-Men reference
Random X-Men reference
Well Finn must have passed the tests today.
What about protocol!
Yesssss Balor is alright(ish?)
still got those hazy concussion eyes
We can't all be Strong CaraJuicy Jinder not as much of a shooter as ya'll thought. #AllMuscleNoPower
Balor already getting no crowd reaction..Him just coming out and having matches and not cutting promos wont help either.
still got those hazy concussion eyes
Like 3 of his matches ago he won the Universal Championship.
Now he's rasslin Hawkins.
FYI guys, no matter how short a squash, he wouldn't be out there if he still had concussion symptoms. Too much risk even taking small bumps.
Probably told he can do light work. Curt is worst then a jobber.
you an tell in his eyes he still isnt fully focused and there honestly
Yay! Book back on commentary.