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April Wrasslin' |OT| A Max Landis Production


Hunico doesn't get enough love.
And I doubt he sticks around wrestling much longer.
He was the elder statesman of that IC title match at Mania at 38 years old. (Whereas original Sin Cara / Mistico is 5 years younger.)



I'm as shocked as you are.

P.S. Special shout-out to a legit great main event between Goldberg and DDP. Perfect pacing and match length, too.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hunico doesn't get enough love.
And I doubt he sticks around wrestling much longer.
He was the elder statesman of that IC title match at Mania at 38 years old. (Whereas original Sin Cara / Mistico is 5 years younger.)

I wonder what happens if he was the original Sin Cara the whole time.
Killshot origin video is dope

Dude is the punisher!!!

The little things make LU so good like Dario bringing the band back

Did: OMG this famous B segment


Gold Member
I would buy that green Sami Zayn t-shirt if they removed "and the Zayniacs" from the front and everything from the back.

Maybe they'll come out with a different version.


Going through some years I missed mainly from 07-12. Can someone pls explain why the fuck they have Great Khali going over the fucking Undertaker? Matter of fact why is this dude in a ring? Is this the dark times?
Matanza is what Brock should be in ring



My personal narrative for Owens-Zayn is that they have a 10-year on-again/off-again feud in the WWE (think Cena & Edge but longer). They cash in on each other's title reigns with briefcases. They eliminate each other from Rumble matches annually. And they eventually retire together after wrestling a 30+ minute 5-star classic at either Mania or in the main event of some pay-per-view in Montreal.

And hopefully, at some point, their story will actually get told on the main roster (see that amazing NXT Takeover promo package) as opposed to Cole just blathering into the mic that they hate each other.


Bret vs. Owen
The whole reformation of the Hart Foundation because of the way all three guys were acting. Bret talking about Owen's trouble in school and Bret helps him, and Owen starts crying, etc. All of it extremely well done. Guys dying is an obvious one but besides those.
Going through some years I missed mainly from 07-12. Can someone pls explain why the fuck they have Great Khali going over the fucking Undertaker? Matter of fact why is this dude in a ring? Is this the dark times?
Vince wanted that India money so he got that piece of shit from The Longest yard who'd previously killed someone(even though it wasn't his fault)because he wanted a new monster for Taker to conquer.
Vince isn't living 4lyfe.

Replaced by the woman who just did a fluff piece op-ed where she praised herself for making the women's division rise to glory and the man who just booked himself to win a Rumble and world title in his midforties in 2016

So yeah, not even going to placate egos by pretending to consider that a good option or good product

Like I said and will always say:
I'll give the same answer I give to people asking "One day TNA will be good right?"


You shouldn't be asking if it'll be good one day. You should ask if it'll one day be better than it is. For instance someday Seth and Dean won't be around to cause fan revolts leading to worse ratings when they get their wish, and that day will be mildly better (.0000000000000000001% better to be exact). The day Bryan retired was .0000000000000000000000001% better than the day he conned the company to bend to wills and gave him a belt he'd soon vacate (oh, sorry, that happened twice so it should be "days")

Point is it can always get better, but that doesn't mean it'll ever be "good"
TNA was good 10 years ago. The thing it's become is depressing.

Far more so than WWE just becoming uninteresting at times. As dumb as it's gotten lately, there is plenty to like. I gave up wrasslin back in 2009/10 when Miz was one of the few tolerable people on TV. He's a good heel but fuuuuck

I missed out on the entirety of recent stuff like the Shield and Daniel Bryan, but even with those you had a whole bunch of other garbage surrounding them. Now they've finally built up a roster to the point where they can fill at least an hour of Raw with (dare I say) entertaining television.
TNA was good 10 years ago.

Nah. They let Joe and Daniels and Styles have great matches, just like they had Gail and Kong have great matches, but it was always the diamond in the rough. Everything else on the card was shitty or so far below it in comparison, every storyline still had shitty (and half the time offensive) writing, and the place was still a disaster behind the scenes. Those things were just much more noticeable after both feuds originally ended.

When they revived the triple threat for a rematch, it was transparent that they were doing it to rekindle a flame they had bright for only a few seconds, and it didn't work. Don't get me wrong, it was still a 4.5 star match minimum easily, but it was clearly done to get people talking about the company as must see again, when all along it was considered a one time desperation grab at new viewers, and that didn't take because they'd already seen it (and done better mostly because it wasn't forced) the first time.

Same for Gail/Kong, only that had the additional killer of Kong's back being completely shot when she came back and they redid their feud last year. In both cases the damage they did to everything else encompassed everything around the company so when they tried to recapture the glory, even people who loved the original thing didn't buy it was ever going to really equal the success or mean long term change for the better.
Petey Williams was there doing mad canadian destroyers. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin were there. SIX SIDES OF STEEL bruh, LOCKDOWN bruh

Idk I enjoyed it at the time...
TNA was good when they had

Petey, Lance Hoyt, AJ, Christian, Joe, Sonjay, Austin, Eric as a geek, Bentley Chris Harris, Monty, and Ron Killings. I remember when they had the deal on Fox sports, that was what 2004. Crazy to think that could've been ECW.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I didn't mean it like that, I just knew was a manager, I often thought she was a wrestler too just briefly reading over her bio some years back.

No worries! I miss the old days of valets and managers. I want more Lanas and Paul Heymans. I miss Zeb!

EDIT - True story: Monty Brown is my sister-in-law's personal trainer for female bodybuilding competitions.
Petey Williams was there doing mad canadian destroyers. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin were there. SIX SIDES OF STEEL bruh, LOCKDOWN bruh

Idk I enjoyed it at the time...

The X Division was good and they consistently had good matches, but were bogged down by the company not taking them seriously like it did when they started it (2007 they had Kurt Angle win it and hold every male belt in the process because of Karen, for example). And even when they had outstanding stuff like the Paparazzi Productions and Paparazzi Championship Series, with the incredible promos Nash and Shelley and everyone else had, it only came because the company had nothing else to give them or to fill up time, injuries happened, and it was still not taken seriously enough to give the in-ring stuff significant time.
Lockdown 2006 was the best Lockdown and it still had an arm wrestling match. But it had Scott Steiner giving a Frankensteiner so I'll call that a fair point and say it evens out.
Six Sides of Steel was ruined in 2007 when they did the electrified one, and to this day I don't think I've seen a stupider cage match that fans actively booed as it happened (nobody cared enough about the Punjabi Prison match to audibly boo it).

Bring back Nash and Shelley and let them do commentary. For every promotion. No script.
No worries! I miss the old days of valets and managers. I want more Lanas and Paul Heymans. I miss Zeb!

True story: Monty Brown is my sister-in-law's personal trainer for female bodybuilding competitions.
Vince has so many guyd working for him who could work the microphone yet he use them to help these newer guys who need msnagers. He even killed the best modern day manager in Lana.

I'm glad Monty's doing something, I think it still sucks he had to cut his career short but he did it for the right reason.

The X Division was good and they consistently had good matches, but were bogged down by the company not taking them seriously like it did when they started it (2007 they had Kurt Angle win it and hold every male belt in the process because of Karen, for example). And even when they had outstanding stuff like the Paparazzi Productions and Paparazzi Championship Series, with the incredible promos Nash and Shelley and everyone else had, it only came because the company had nothing else to give them or to fill up time, injuries happened, and it was still not taken seriously enough to give the in-ring stuff significant time.
Lockdown 2006 was the best Lockdown and it still had an arm wrestling match. But it had Scott Steiner giving a Frankensteiner so I'll call that a fair point and say it evens out.
Six Sides of Steel was ruined in 2007 when they did the electrified one, and to this day I don't think I've seen a stupider cage match that fans actively booed as it happened (nobody cared enough about the Punjabi Prison match to audibly boo it).
2007 onward was when they really started becoming the home for wayward WWE superstars, eventually peaking with the Hogan bullshit. 2006 they were like a weird mix of ROH, ECW and like really dumb WCW shit and it was fun enough.
2007 onward was when they really started becoming the home for wayward WWE superstars, eventually peaking with the Hogan bullshit. 2006 they were like a weird mix of ROH, ECW and like really dumb WCW shit and it was fun enough.

Okay yeah, that I'll agree completely with. There was a lot of terrible stuff, but 2006 had things like the Paparazzi stuff as I said, and that was one of my favorite angles in wrestling to this day. Everybody involved with that was having fun the whole time the camera filmed, and you could feel it the whole time.
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