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Are you still investing in the Xbox ecosystem?

Will you spend money on XBOX ?

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I’ve also owned countless Nintendo games and I don’t think I’ve seen them offer a single upgrade fee to play them on a newer system with modest enhancements. If I want it, I have to pay full price

That’s my entire point
I can say the same for Sony and can happily list a few for you:

  • Ratchet and Clank PS3 trilogy
  • Sly Cooper PS3 trilogy
  • Jak and Daxter PS3 trilogy
  • God of War PS3 trilogy
  • Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection
  • God of War 3 Remastered
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • Ico and Shadow of the Colossus Collection PS3
  • Killzone HD
  • Gravity Rush Remastered

So they’ve recently started giving you a resolution bump for an additional £10 an a game that takes 0 porting effort due to the architectures of the PS4 and PS5 - and you think this is noteworthy how.


Investing? Do you "invest" in a Netflix sub also? Owning MS stock is investing. Everything else is money wasted!
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Winter John

I got GP for my pc. I only got the Series X because I can watch my blu-rays on it. Buying/playing actual games on it though? Fuck no why would I do that. I had a Switch once but nobody used it, so it sat in a drawer until I sold it or gave it away. I kinda regret it now. If I'd known just how fucking awful the PS5 and Xbox were gonna be this gen I'd have scalped em for a nice profit and kept that.


Still buying games for mine yeah. Just preordered the new assassins creed on Amazon for it since I have all the ones since Origins on it (except mirage, but I got that dirt ass cheap at a garage sale for my ps5)
Yall are taken this way too far. They just going 3rd party. You a pc person. Nothing changing for yall. As for PlayStation, cool yall getting more games. As for the box consoles. Believe they still gonna keep it. Mostly cause i believe most of there game pass users, for sure ultimate are box consoles users. But this M$, they keep changing there ideas and how to pursue them every 3-5 years. For all we know, they could just drop gamepass all the way end of this year.


I own what i own this gen(XSX) and have owned an Xbox every generation as a 2 or 3rd console- never as my primary.
I dont sign up for Gamepass unless im interested in a new release(Forza was the last) and i have never had the service more than a month at a time. None of their releases have interested me this gen past the initial hype.
Moving forward i am done with the brand. I will ride this gen out and no longer buy any future consoles. I dont see them as fully committed to XBox anymore so to me i wont be investing in a sinking ship with no worthwhile 1st party exclusives at the moment - and a push for digital.

My next gamepass activation will be for Indiana Jones and since it's one of my all time fav IP'- im really really hoping for the best.
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No, why would I help Phil out? He has completely destroyed the brand. The only thing propping up Xbox is the blank cheque he was handed by Microsoft. There is very little incentive to own a Xbox console; especially considering traditional exclusive content can now be found on PC and PlayStation. Thinking about my favourite franchises, all have seen a distinct drop in quality under his tenure. The game pitch | green light process at Xbox for internal studios is atrocious. Instead of Banjo-Kazooie or Conker we get Everwild. Niche games such as Hellblade 2 have been in development for almost 7 years - is the Hellblade franchise really worth tying up a developer for that long? Most of the games that are greenlit such as Halo: Infinite were clearly made by committee - how else could something so bland, so passionless ever see the light of day? Forza Motorsports, in development for 6 years I believe was mediocre at best. Fable has been co-opted and will feature yet another overly masculine, overconfident and insufferable female player character. Thanks but no thanks. I could go on forever. The point is that Xbox doesn't deserve time, money or attention until they earn it. No more good grace or benefit of the doubt. Make them earn our business by producing games that are for the fans, the people that actually play them - not the audience that they pander to, the audience that doesn't actually exist.
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For me both Sony and Microsoft have been making decisions which irritate me this generation. And therefore even last year I was deciding whether I really needed both consoles. The Steam Deck and Valve's big push for Linux are super appealing to me. And apart from a PC upgrade last summer the Steam Deck has really helped me appreciate the Steam library of games. So therefore since last year I've made a conscious decision not to buy Xbox games anymore and increase spending on PC games.

I still have Game Pass until March 2026 (managed to do the second 3-year conversion before it was reduced) but I won't be renewing. To be honest I could probably go PC and Nintendo only but there are still games I want to play on PS5. And it can be useful for things like EGS-exclusive games etc. I see my Series X as a legacy machine where I can catch-up on my backlog and old Xbox 360 games. I don't think selling it is worth it as there are game saves and what not that I'd like to have. But I would struggle to justify spending money to replace it if it stopped working.
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Not moving to PS5 unless they change PSN to use regional pricing here in my country. Xbox does it, so games are usually cheaper for me here.


I think the eco system is by far Microsofts strongest point is actually really great.

They've got such incredible backwards compatibility which automatically makes it excellent. Then we have features on games such as FPS Boost, auto HDR, resolution boosts etc. Again incredible features.

You can buy a game off the Microsoft store and use it on both PC and Xbox along with cross progression and achievements. As an actual service / eco system Xbox have been killing it with the feature set especially with their legacy content.

However the thing holding them back is their game lineup this gen.


Bought my Series X at launch, played games on Gamepass for few days then never touched it again. Canceled Gamepass after few months.


Gamepass is still a great value. I'll jump over to PC next generation probably unless Microsoft comes out with something that would also have Steam accessible on it.


I kept my Series X because of my library and i still have a Gamepass subscription that's still running, that i bought at a very cheap price.

But i won't buy games on it now, except maybe 2 or 3 backward compatible titles i still want to try and still don't own.

All my purchases will be on PS5 for future multiplatform titles.
Has anyone tried buying an Xbox 360 that has the older firmware with the blades dashboard installed? I see them pop-up on eBay and want to get one and hook it up to an old CRT. That was peak Xbox for me and it would be nice to pull that out every now and then with a copy of Halo 3, a bottle of mountain dew, and some doritos. Thoughts?

This is so fire Listing
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Yes. I vastly prefer their hardware, and their controller. And I love all the effort and forward-compatibility of previous generation games. I’ve never really cared about most Xbox first-party franchises so the whole “putting some games on Nintendo and PS” makes no difference to me. I mostly play the big third-party games on Xbox. Game Pass is extremely cool as well, so I do dip in and out of that a couple times a year, depending what’s out.

And for everything else I have my OG launch model Switch until the new one comes out.
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Resident Crybaby
I voted YES, only because I am going to still purchase/play Xbox Games Studios games from here on out. Why wouldn't you?

With that said, I bailed on Xbox hardware about a year ago and now I've made the decision to not renew my Game Pass subscription moving forward. I've already starting buying several Game Pass games outright on Steam. Want to support the developers and I just don't believe Game Pass is a sustainable option in the years to come.


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
no, Microsoft Xbox has entered the Sonic cycle, so it's time to create an Xbox flop cycle ( Someone please create the image so we can immortalize it)

They flop, they give up on projects, announce new projects, create hype, create something that harms the health of the market, is rejected by consumers, they flop. repeat.
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I forgot about this but just recently bought Cyberpunk Ultimate Edition for XSX. The PS5 version didn’t come with DLC on disk for whatever reason (Sony, CDPR, etc) so I went with Xbox version.

Mind you I actually play the game on my PC, but wanted to have full copy on the shelf.


While Xbox keys for games remain massively discounted vs ps4/5 I'll continue to buy multi platform on Xbox, though right now I have more space on fast storage available on my ps5 I'm saving that mostly for the Sony exclusives (which there don't seem to be many of in the near future right now disappointingly)
I'm stocked up on all the physical games that matter from OG Xbox and 360. That is the only value that serves me. Still have my Steel Battalion with the controller and everything included in the original packaging. I haven't played it for about 8 years now, but my cat often sleeps on top of the box.


yes, I have got gamepass ultimate, but I am still spend on avg. $100-$200 month in Xbox ecosystem. Buying older games, buying new releases and additional hardware (controllers, expansion cards etc.)
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AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
I will when they drop the last of the Xbox 360 sales before shutting down the 360 store, wish they'd put some of the DLCs on sale.

Aside from that I will support them if they come out with a handheld if its compatible with all my backwards compatible Xbox, 360 titles.

I will also still buy the controllers, and will probably still buy their games on PC since I've enjoyed a number of MS published titles.

So yes I will continue to support the Xbox ecosystem.


As long as they keep supporting Age of Empires (and maybe also Rise of Nations in the future?), they'll get money from me. I am still hoping that at some point they'll unfuck Blizzard...


I think the eco system is by far Microsofts strongest point is actually really great.

They've got such incredible backwards compatibility which automatically makes it excellent. Then we have features on games such as FPS Boost, auto HDR, resolution boosts etc. Again incredible features.

You can buy a game off the Microsoft store and use it on both PC and Xbox along with cross progression and achievements. As an actual service / eco system Xbox have been killing it with the feature set especially with their legacy content.

However the thing holding them back is their game lineup this gen.
Im mainly PS5 and PC but being able to play my Xbox games downstairs on Series X then PC in my office is helpful, If MS release a handheld I probably would move to using the Xbox ecosystem as my main


Now that everyone is in shock I decided to jump in. Games and consoles are cheap secondhand now. I’m playing multiple classics for the price of a few Switch games. Keep on panicking!


Not getting rid of XBox stuff I have, but I am PCMR and Steam now and it is GREAT! I can play Microsoft and Sony exclusives. I play Nintendo Switch with my son on the family room TV.

In response to their lackluster offerings I've divested from XBX almost entirely, stopping just short of selling the console to GameStop.

Canceled GamePass earlier this year.

No longer buying multi-platform games for the system, PS5 only.

Slowly clearing the XSX backlog. One game left: Armored Core 6.

Shame, really, because the XSX hardware is great.


Yes for the time being.

We just are waiting to see what this means.

  • "Sarah Bond also revealed that Microsoft has set up a dedicated team to future-proof our digital Xbox game libraries across future hardware paradigms to further "build on [Xbox's] strong history of delivering backward compatibility."
Guess that means future Xbox hardware won't have an optical drive.
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