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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


Just came home from Singapore and Philippines (Manila/Boracay).
Singapore is so cool and I can really see myself moving there if possible. Philippines on the other hand really pissed me off. Manila was horrible with all the traffic and the bureaucracy in the country is just laughable. The airport security checks are so redundant and useless. You have to buy and show tickets for everything (for a simple boatride we bought 1 ticket, which gave us 3 tickets, which we had to show like 6 people).
Wasn't a big fan of the food too. Singapore on the other hand was food heaven.

Since October is getting closer.... Everybodies Asian here so.... What were some scary supernatural myths you were told by your parents or grand parents?

I'll start.... We have a popular lake here, Phalen lake, that has housed many missing people. In my culture, we were told that a shapeshifter is responsible for said missing persons. Sometimes when you go to the lake area by night, you can see their ghosts. I uh.... I'm not very religious but.... The supernatural does something to me and I just don't like that lake lol.

Can't really remember any big ghost stories my family told, maybe because we are catholic.

Anyone looking forward to Dr Ken?

As if we need more silly asian characters in media.

I can't even whistle.

I can't really whistle, too. Some sounds but not a nice melody :/
There was this one time, i was walking home late at night. Something or someone yanked the back of my back pack hard enough to stop me from walking. I turned around and saw no one. It was a quiet night and there was no foot steps or anything.

I didn't stop running till I got home.


There was this one time, i was walking home late at night. Something or someone yanked the back of my back pack hard enough to stop me from walking. I turned around and saw no one. It was a quiet night and there was no foot steps or anything.

I didn't stop running till I got home.


I can't even whistle.

You poor soul. Whistling is the best way to annoy people on Skype/Teamspeak.


Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao

Always thought this meant "If there's a spirit around, leave quickly." since I didn't know all the words for "Spirits, demons, ghosts, monsters"
There's this other time when my grandmother's cousin, who's never been to America before visited us in New York. She was a Feng Shui expert.

At the time, my cousin owned a dog and every evening when the sun sets he would look out the window. We always assumed he was just waiting for my cousin to get back home cause dogs are awesome like that.

One of the days my grandmother's cousin said he is looking at a girl at the corner of the block. Couple of years earlier, a little girl was killed in a car accident at the corner. Kind of creepy.
I don't necessarily believe in it, but why even bother testing it when avoidance is so trivial? Also, whistling at night feels really weird, since I've always not done it.

I've whistled at night plenty of times and by myself, nothing happened.

I've never witnessed anything supernatural per se but.... Back when I was little our basement got flooded. So my brother and I had to go down there to clean it up and when we opened the door a shadow person was standing down there and when we saw it, it disappeared after 5-7 seconds. We just stood there scared out of our minds lol.

Apparently, in my culture red corn is a defense for the supernatural. I've never seen it work and I don't plan on it. Also, sleep paralysis is super creepy no matter what anyone says.


Apparently, in my culture red corn is a defense for the supernatural. I've never seen it work and I don't plan on it. Also,
sleep paralysis is super creepy
no matter what anyone says.

Man that is no joke.... I've had it once and there was some crazy shit. I was in the living room sleeping and I see my dog's shadow coming up behind me, which was fine until I remembered we set him in the backyard that night. Then it became this shapeshifting humanoid thing and got up and sat next to me. Like it kept shifting between different people that I had never seen before, male and female. Anyway, I felt really lethargic and couldn't move anything except my eyes. I had heard about sleep paralysis before and thought, "Oh this isn't so bad." I willed myself awake and tilted my head around (or maybe I only thought I did) and decided I wanted to try and reach that state again because I am super curious about that kind of shit* so I went back to sleep. I do this with dreams all the time so I figured it might be the same here

Well it worked and the thing was still on the bean bag with me. Then it tried to seduce me or something which I thought was odd and I didn't freak out until it put its hand on my chest and there was suddenly a huge weight and a chill in the center of my chest. The next I don't know how many minutes was like this weird mental tug-of-war of me attempting to will the thing out of and off of my chest until I woke up since trying to push it away with my non-functional arms was getting zero results.

So yeah, it's a really weird and creepy experience that is probably kinda traumatizing. I don't think you can truly understand it without firsthand experience either. My sister has had bouts of it and I didn't get it until that night. Would not recommend, but also if I could induce the state in myself I would until I had a truly horrifying experience.

*I'm not joking about the whistling ghost experiments


RIP. Don't bring the ghost back to this thread before it gets you though, I don't think bunny could handle it.

Ashes. Are you okay? Post if you're okay.

Hello, this the police. Ashes has disappeared. And his last post was in this thread so..


So funny thing is, some thing did happen. And I am only reporting this because I was making fun of the superstition. So I suppose it serves me right.

My bedroom window is next to a tree. And when I whistled out, some creature fell off the branches. Which was all kinds of creepy.
Hard to see in the dark at first but I looked again, and it was the next door cat, all black fur with shiny green.. er cats eyes I suppose

So there you are. I can test it again. And this time I am sure nothing will happen.

Edit: now that I think about it, this is what is probably behind the story. There it is! I, the worst detective on gaf, have solved this mystery, that has plagued generations of Asians down the line!
Well... Black cats are supposed to be bad luck so....


When I do get sleep paralysis, my willpower kicks immediately. It doesn't do much but I'd like to imagine that I'm some kind of mage okay? Let me have my fun stupid brain :p
Well... Black cats are supposed to be bad luck so....

When I do get sleep paralysis, my willpower kicks immediately. It doesn't do much but I'd like to imagine that I'm some kind of mage okay? Let me have my fun stupid brain :p

Its funny since the sweetest cats I now have black fur it's the calico ones that I think are planning to kill me.


FGC Waterboy
That Dalai Lama thread...sigh. The fact that no one went "wait a minute, that doesn't jive with anything else the dude has said for decades" is pretty Main OT-GAF right now.


When I'm out at a restaurant with my parents, my mother's interest will usually be piqued if anything there is spicy. If it serves western food, she will invariably ask me how spicy I think the dish is, to which I admittedly respond by pointing out that it's "American" spicy.

She usually orders it anyway, and then grumbles that it wasn't spicy. I've yet to be proven wrong.


FGC Waterboy
Sorry Cybit, I didn't know either!

But now I do. Thanks for educating me :)

lol; you were fine - you actually was like "wait a minute, this doesn't make sense". I was more commenting on the posters who went all-in on him from the beginning.

A) The curry thread is hysterical

B) Anyone have fun plans this weekend?


I can't handle spicy food, although I try. My level is white... uhh milk. ;P

I'm born and raised in America and half-Chinese half-white, so I'm not by any means a spice fiend (usually order 3 stars out of 5, although I'm slowly venturing into spicier territory), but that wouldn't offend me :p


That's the thing though. An American 3/5 is basically a 0.5/5 on the Asian scale.

I know :p

It's always hilarious when I go to a Chinese restaurant with my close friend who's half white/half Asian. The waiters always go out of their way to replace his chopsticks with a fork.

I can use chopsticks quite well though! Thank goodness :lol

I grew up eating Asian food all the time, it's just that the Asian food I was eating typically wasn't spicy.
It's always hilarious when I go to a Chinese restaurant with my close friend who's half white/half Asian. The waiters always go out of their way to replace his chopsticks with a fork.
I can't handle spicy food, although I try. My level is white... uhh milk. ;P

Man as a child my uncle was like "you can't get girls eating like a bitch, eat spicy or no chicks for you" so my 10 year old mind was like "aiite man up and eat spicy."

.... Grow up to learn that was all horse shit. Oh well.. at least I can eat spicy now.
That Dalai Lama thread...sigh. The fact that no one went "wait a minute, that doesn't jive with anything else the dude has said for decades" is pretty Main OT-GAF right now.

I love how the one dude was like "WTF!?!?!?!?!?! IS THIS AN ONION ARTICLE????" and then still took everything at face value without questioning it... Like, seriously?

Man I can't handle spicy food for some reason. And I'm more or less the only person in my family who can't.

I love really spicy food but due to stomach issues and acid reflux, I'm not able to eat it anymore or I'm in severe pain for the rest of the day. I really miss being able to eat spicy food. :(


Food time?

Thai food > *, give me some spicy stuff all day

Been learning how to cook Thai food like my mom, dunno how she manages the flavor each time, I always feel like I'm doing things a bit off. I'm not living with her or anything though, so I have to make do with a nearby restaurant. At least they're pretty amazing.

But yeah, hella spicy please and Thai food >

Meanwhile my boyfriend tears up with just a small amount of spicyness, is hilarious


I sweat from pepperoni pizzas lol.

For spicy food as long as it adds flavor I'll eat and enjoy it. Taking BW3 as an example, I like their Mango Habenero, but Blazin' or whatever the next step up is pure acid to me.


I sweat from pepperoni pizzas lol.

For spicy food as long as it adds flavor I'll eat and enjoy it. Taking BW3 as an example, I like their Mango Habenero, but Blazin' or whatever the next step up is pure acid to me.
Well spicyness should always compliment the dish, spicyness for spicyness' sake isn't something interesting imo

Fun to tell people you can eat whatever super spicy thing though I spose
Well spicyness should always compliment the dish, spicyness for spicyness' sake isn't something interesting imo

My thoughts exactly. I've never got that rush of endorphins from eating super spicy food. If it's just pure spice with no flavor, I don't want to bother with it.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I'm just going to assume that there are people in here that know about this, stereo types be damned, but here we go:

I went to a noodle house a few weeks ago and they gave us plastic chopsticks, and I found it much harder to pick things up with them than the cheap wooden ones. Am I just not coordinated enough for them, or am I right that they're slippery and they suck?
Man I can't handle spicy food for some reason. And I'm more or less the only person in my family who can't.


*drools* My friends and family, we all say the same things too when it comes to spicy food in America :p "Is it spicy?", "Nah, only for Meeka people lololol"

Also, I might be the only Asian that prefers to use a fork over chopsticks lol.

I'm just going to assume that there are people in here that know about this, stereo types be damned, but here we go:

I went to a noodle house a few weeks ago and they gave us plastic chopsticks, and I found it much harder to pick things up with them than the cheap wooden ones. Am I just not coordinated enough for them, or am I right that they're slippery and they suck?

I wouldn't know lol. I'm not that good with them either, I'm subpar with any chopsticks :p


I'm just going to assume that there are people in here that know about this, stereo types be damned, but here we go:

I went to a noodle house a few weeks ago and they gave us plastic chopsticks, and I found it much harder to pick things up with them than the cheap wooden ones. Am I just not coordinated enough for them, or am I right that they're slippery and they suck?

Do not try and use the plastic chopsticks. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

There are no plastic chopsticks.


I'm just going to assume that there are people in here that know about this, stereo types be damned, but here we go:

I went to a noodle house a few weeks ago and they gave us plastic chopsticks, and I found it much harder to pick things up with them than the cheap wooden ones. Am I just not coordinated enough for them, or am I right that they're slippery and they suck?
Yeah plastic sucks
I'm just going to assume that there are people in here that know about this, stereo types be damned, but here we go:

I went to a noodle house a few weeks ago and they gave us plastic chopsticks, and I found it much harder to pick things up with them than the cheap wooden ones. Am I just not coordinated enough for them, or am I right that they're slippery and they suck?
Metal chopsticks aren't so great for noodles, either. The wooden/bamboo ones made for noodles (that aren't the cheap disposable ones) usually have grooves cut into them, which help by biting into the noodles.

Pretty much the standard one I see in every household now are these including mine.
I think those are Japanese style chopsticks. I know I certainly didn't have those, growing up, but I have those and Korean style metal chopsticks at home now. I actually don't have the big, fat, round (and sometimes made of ivory) Chinese chopsticks I used as a child.
I think those are Japanese style chopsticks. I know I certainly didn't have those, growing up, but I have those and Korean style metal chopsticks at home now. I actually don't have the big, fat, round (and sometimes made of ivory) Chinese chopsticks I used as a child.

Growing I had the ones at the top right under the ruler.


Now I pretty much use the one you posted.


Yup, me too. That brand exactly, actually!

Those chopsticks bring back memories. I like the new pointy style of the wooden chopsticks but I also miss the length of the bigger ones my parents had. They actually had their own personalized chopsticks that were super worn out and custom lengths.
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