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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Me too i give 0 fucks about star wars. I even googled the story to see what all the fuss was about and yea nothing changed still don't care.

Yep. Besides the memes and usual characters everybody knows, I couldn't care less about Star Wars.

I do love Space Balls though.



Where in LA, and what kind of food?

We're staying in Pasadena and renting a car. I'm going with my parents, so probably not super hip restaurants, more family style restaurants. They like Asian food (Chinese, Korean, Indian, etc.), but we'll also eat pretty much anything if it's good.
We're staying in Pasadena and renting a car. I'm going with my parents, so probably not super hip restaurants, more family style restaurants. They like Asian food (Chinese, Korean, Indian, etc.), but we'll also eat pretty much anything if it's good.
There are a lot of good places in Pasadena or nearby. Off the top of my head, here are a few places in Pasadena that are good:

- Kimigure is a nice little omakase place that isn't too expensive. You'll be looking at at least $65 per person, though. It might be the only sushi place I'd recommend in the general area, though.
- Le Grand Orange is a nice little bistro with decent food.
- Abricot is, as well.
- Setebello is a nice pizza place.
- Tokyo Shabu Shabu is an okay shabu shabu place but probably the best in Pasadena.
- Dog Haus is a fancy hot dog place.
- The Counter is a fancy burger place.
- Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles is exactly what it says it is.

If you want Chinese food, you're probably better off driving a little (10 miles or so, depending on where you're staying) to Arcadia or Monterey Park. Din Tai Fung is a nice Chinese place in Arcadia. Sinbala is also nice to check out for its sausage rice. Mokkoji is the best shabu shabu place in the general area.


There are a lot of good places in Pasadena or nearby. Off the top of my head, here are a few places in Pasadena that are good:

- Kimigure is a nice little omakase place that isn't too expensive. You'll be looking at at least $65 per person, though. It might be the only sushi place I'd recommend in the general area, though.
- Le Grand Orange is a nice little bistro with decent food.
- Abricot is, as well.
- Setebello is a nice pizza place.
- Tokyo Shabu Shabu is an okay shabu shabu place but probably the best in Pasadena.
- Dog Haus is a fancy hot dog place.
- The Counter is a fancy burger place.
- Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles is exactly what it says it is.

If you want Chinese food, you're probably better off driving a little (10 miles or so, depending on where you're staying) to Arcadia or Monterey Park. Din Tai Fung is a nice Chinese place in Arcadia. Sinbala is also nice to check out for its sausage rice. Mokkoji is the best shabu shabu place in the general area.

Thanks for the recommendations!

Oops, forgot that was a thing. Thanks for reminding me.
Just found out our local korean supermarket has a small outlet for Vons Chicken. Google tells me its a Korean chicken chain store?? Oh and the soon dubu is from the supermarket


Just found out our local korean supermarket has a small outlet for Vons Chicken. Google tells me its a Korean chicken chain store?? Oh and the soon dubu is from the supermarket

Haven't made it to Palama Market in a while. How was it? I love me some Korean fried chicken...although is that the fried chicken?


Had a quick trip to Dongbei to see some friends. Love how warm and welcoming Chinese people always are to me. Had a few great meals, including at my friend's home with her whole extended family. Didn't bust out my camera for that one, but here is some Dongbei foodporn for you guys from when we went out to a restaurant. I suck at food photography so I didn't do its deliciousness justice.

Donkey meat:

驴肉 by Eric, on Flickr

Guo Bao Rou... one of my favorite Chinese foods.

锅包肉 by Eric, on Flickr

Something. I don't know. Good though.

东北菜 by Eric, on Flickr

More I don't know what it is called but delicious.

东北好吃的 by Eric, on Flickr

More Dongbei pics at my Flickr if anyone wants to see, or at the photo-gaf thread. I love going up that way, if only it wasn't so cold.
Had a quick trip to Dongbei to see some friends. Love how warm and welcoming Chinese people always are to me. Had a few great meals, including at my friend's home with her whole extended family. Didn't bust out my camera for that one, but here is some Dongbei foodporn for you guys from when we went out to a restaurant. I suck at food photography so I didn't do its deliciousness justice.

Donkey meat:

驴肉 by Eric, on Flickr

Guo Bao Rou... one of my favorite Chinese foods.

锅包肉 by Eric, on Flickr

Something. I don't know. Good though.

东北菜 by Eric, on Flickr

More I don't know what it is called but delicious.

东北好吃的 by Eric, on Flickr

More Dongbei pics at my Flickr if anyone wants to see, or at the photo-gaf thread. I love going up that way, if only it wasn't so cold.

Are you Eric because those are some nice ass shots. Crisp as a motherfucker with some excellent foreground and background focus.


I see lotus root and that-brown-fungus-thing I never seem to know the Chinese name for...

I dunno what it's called in Chinese either, so I just refer to it as black fungus. lol. My dad makes a really tasty steamed chicken dish with it.


Since I took these for a dumb neogaffer, thought I might as well share them here. Been a while since I've had Korean food that wasn't homemade or KBBQ.



Since I took these for a dumb neogaffer, thought I might as well share them here. Been a while since I've had Korean food that wasn't homemade or KBBQ.

I should try the Korean take on Zhajiang Mian. I've heard it's a lot different than the Chinese version.


FGC Waterboy
But he's... President? What is there to even say?

Lot of people think they understand freedom of speech and "true liberalism" better than the president.

Basically; president made comments about college students taking things a bit too far, and a lot of people are not ready to have the president point out that they are being authoritarian and regressive.


Lot of people think they understand freedom of speech and "true liberalism" better than the president.

Basically; president made comments about college students taking things a bit too far, and a lot of people are not ready to have the president point out that they are being authoritarian and regressive.

Problem is a lot of people, on this very forum even, think knowingly saying stupid/ignorant/prejudiced shit would fall under what he's describing as respectful and reasonable speech.

Not even worth discussing, honestly. No one is going to change their minds because of GAF.


Problem is a lot of people, on this very forum even, think knowingly saying stupid/ignorant/prejudiced shit would fall under what he's describing as respectful and reasonable speech.

Not even worth discussing, honestly. No one is going to change their minds because of GAF.

also cybit. you know im kinda pissed at companies forcing diverse hiring processes. they should only hire white dudes. real change comes from within - not forcing people to change their beliefs.


FGC Waterboy

also cybit. you know im kinda pissed at companies forcing diverse hiring processes. they should only hire white dudes. real change comes from within - not forcing people to change their beliefs.

10/10 troll post, would post again? :p Not sure why it's a bad thing if a company sets it's own hiring processes to lead to diversity, since we know that diversity leads to a competitive edge. Same thing with government organizations.

I'm not really sure where you are going with this. I'd like to think that is a bridge too far for me to cross on a personal level.

I think Obama's point is that you don't want to lump everyone into either you are "with us or against us." It's not particularly useful in the long-term, and he's seen first-hand the balkanization of the country and the irreparable harm it is causing (hello Trump, hello Cruz). I mean, Obama's an activist at heart, and he grew up in frankly, much worse times; so it says something that he is more along the lines of free speech defeats hateful speech (probably based on his activist background, and his amazing ability to use rhetoric to inspire and change) rather than laws and systems defeat hateful speech (which is the Clinton approach). Give me a few years and I might be back on the "just drop laws left and right till people shape up" train. :p

As for respectful speech vs stupid / ignorant / hateful speech -

a) everyone has blind spots due to their own experiences - and I am an optimist and give people the benefit of the doubt. I try to abide by a simple rule of treating others as I would want to be treated - some of my blind spots were taken away growing up because people had the patience and time to explain it to me. I'm also currently on the "speech beats hate" side of the pendulum rather than "laws beat hate" due to how the country still has treated african-americans even in the light of the Civil Rights Act (they just moved all the racism underground and did it in subtle ways it appears) - I'm still torn on which way ends up working out in the long run.

Fundamentally, I believe the vast majority of people try to be decent human beings - and so my approach to dealing with things and view on humanity and politics comes through that lens.

b) Obama makes a specific point about this. :p
I'll quote the article itself

"I think it's a healthy thing for young people to be engaged and to question authority and to ask why this instead of that, to ask tough questions about social justice," Obama told Inskeep. "So I don't want to discourage kids from doing that."

But, he continued, "As I've said before, I do think that there have been times on college campuses where I get concerned that the unwillingness to hear other points of view can be as unhealthy on the left as on the right."

Obama pointed out instances where students protest "somebody like the director of the IMF or Condi Rice speaking on campus because they don't like what they stand for."

"Well, feel free to disagree with somebody," Obama said, "but don't try to just shut them up."

"My concern is not whether there is campus activism," Obama told Inskeep. "I think that's a good thing. But let kids ask questions and let universities respond. What I don't want is a situation in which particular points of view that are presented respectfully and reasonably are shut down, and we have seen that sometimes happen."

tl;dr - balkanization is bad. Understand not everything is purely principle and stands on one extreme or the other.


But inaction is much worse I find. I am not in the field of giving the people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to how they feel about a race or woman or minorities. There's a good chance they are a diet-racist or whatever.

Highly intelligent people can also be racists and peices of shit and won't suddenly have an epiphany to correct their ways and everything will be golden afterwarda. Somethings need to be fought for and campaigned for. I'm not saying the Sushi thing is a thing that severely needed that but a lot of other things do.


FGC Waterboy
But inaction is much worse I find. I am not in the field of giving the people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to how they feel about a race or woman or minorities. There's a good chance they are a diet-racist or whatever.

Highly intelligent people can also be racists and peices of shit and won't suddenly have an epiphany to correct their ways and everything will be golden afterwarda. Somethings need to be fought for and campaigned for. I'm not saying the Sushi thing is a thing that severely needed that but a lot of other things do.

Inaction is usually worse - but not always. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. :). (The big modern equivalent is what happened to Occupy Wall Street and the fact that HRC and Trump are our two front runners.).

But I also grew up in an area where I saw racism from ignorance go away, I saw how even conservative religious folks in southern IL would meet a black man with a funny name from Chicago and the Ivy League and saw the light turn on. I've seen that in 60 years, less than a person's lifetime, a black man go from being discriminated against overtly by the federal government to being in charge of that government. It's extremely disingenuous to say that progress hasn't been made primarily using dialogue. Because IT HAS.

The issue isn't the sushi thing - it's that the ends do not justify all means. Obama even says that activism is a good thing. But It's Yale, and Mizzou (where said protestors engaged in some diet racism of their own against Asians, as everyone likes to forget), and Dartmouth, and Oberlin, and Occidental. You can take things too far and hurt your cause. Obama's pointing out the hypocrisy in "we want to be heard, so we won't let anyone we don't like be heard, even if they are being respectful. Cuz we want to win more than we want progress."

Dialogue has always been the only way permanent progress has been created (outside of genocide and war). To deny that is to deny history. Shortcuts can be taken; but time often turns them against the creators.

Edit: Ultimately, these things come down to personal experience and how we see it play out in our personal lives.


FGC Waterboy
Stuck in O'Hare because my parents refuse to believe how bad of an airline American (and United) are.

If you fly domestic in the US; avoid United and American at all costs.
What are you folks making for lunch/dinner for the holidays and christmas?

The fam will be making some Hmong style pho and spring rolls. Nothing too exciting tbh.
What are you folks making for lunch/dinner for the holidays and christmas?

The fam will be making some Hmong style pho and spring rolls. Nothing too exciting tbh.

Ours is mix as hell everyone just makes/bring whatever they want. Older aunties/uncles usually make Asian food, fuck last year i brought fried chicken because fuck it i wanted some. Food combination doesn't even make sense but who cares lol.
Fried chicken is always appropriate.

You can never go wrong with fried chicken. People love fried chicken. If I could have a years supply of fried chicken, I'd be fat as fuck lol.

Food combinatiom works both ways. Some members want the variety and others don't want it at all. I would rather want variety. Good for some form of help for the excessive drinking hah
Fried chicken is always appropriate.

You can never go wrong with fried chicken. People love fried chicken. If I could have a years supply of fried chicken, I'd be fat as fuck lol.

Food combinatiom works both ways. Some members want the variety and others don't want it at all. I would rather want variety. Good for some form of help for the excessive drinking hah


Some of my cousins laugh and was like "omg I can't believe you really brought fried chicken" "LOL you're such a troll" etc...

And you bet your ass after a few beers that chicken was gone in the quickness. I had like one piece turn away and it was ALL GONE. I was like "uhm.. yea so where my chicken at?" They all just laughed =(

I don't know what I'm bringing this year yet arggg.
Bruh, your cousins are crazy! We eat a shitload of asian foods every day, we get tired of it (no matter how good it looks lol) and want something to replace it for a couple of days. That replacement for me is fried chicken!

Hell yes it helps with drinking hah. Drinking somehow makes me more hungry when it shouldn't lol. Beers are supppsed to make me full but instead they make me hungry for some odd reason (along with liquor).

Bring some fried chicken again hah. Add some asian zing to it. Asian seasonings added to it or something. Just to make it different.
Well my cousins and I are really close so it was all jokes but still. I told them in the group chat that I was bringing fried chicken but they probably thought I was just fucking around. NOPE I don't lie when it comes to chicken.
My neighbor sent me tamales left over from their Christmas. They're really good. I used to get food from my Mexican friends all the time when I used to live in the hood. I miss it.
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