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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

It's funny, because neither me or my friends are Asian bros. Sure, we were raised in North America and speak English, but we're not frequent gym-goers or buff athletes. We relate more to Harold from "Harold and Kumar" than Josh Chan.

It's good to see diversity within Asian roles, though.

Same here. Not an Asian bro and don't really know any, but it's interesting to see on TV. Everyone here should watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, it's delightful.
It's funny, because neither me or my friends are Asian bros. Sure, we were raised in North America and speak English, but we're not frequent gym-goers or buff athletes. We relate more to Harold from "Harold and Kumar" than Josh Chan.

It's good to see diversity within Asian roles, though.

Yeah, same boat.
Well.... I do have some bro-tendencies. I enjoy sports on and off but mainly am a MMA and semi-casual Boxing fan. Are those considered Bro enough brah?

I'm more Urban Nerd Asian though.
I'm definitely not Asian Bro, but I see my brother with his K friends from college and while they're all older, I think they were definitely KoBro's back in the day.


So I'm really curious about something-

How many of y'all support Asian-owned products, no matter how shitty they are?

Like, how many people here will put money and support specifically because it's Asian owned or created?

I do, but my partner doesn't. What about the rest of ASIAN GAF.

Nah, quality matters to me too much. I tend to not like things Made in China. Though, if I'm at an Asian grocery store, I try to buy products Made in Taiwan


So I'm really curious about something-

How many of y'all support Asian-owned products, no matter how shitty they are?

Like, how many people here will put money and support specifically because it's Asian owned or created?

I do, but my partner doesn't. What about the rest of ASIAN GAF.

Not I.

Don't have anything against them in general, it just never factors into my decision making.
So I'm really curious about something-

How many of y'all support Asian-owned products, no matter how shitty they are?

Like, how many people here will put money and support specifically because it's Asian owned or created?

I do, but my partner doesn't. What about the rest of ASIAN GAF.
I have an LG washer and dryer instead of a GE set.


Ah that makes more sense. I'm definitely guilty of that. I try to watch Fresh off the Boat and support the Asian American community whenever I can. Also I only purchase Japanese cars and refuse to purchase American... even if the quality has gone up as of late.
To clarify, I mean Asian American, not just Asian (Made in Taiwan).


Like Master of None, or Fresh off the Boat, or Wong Fu.. just because they're Asian. Or Asian American performers, etc.

Though I actually find it really interesting that some people support Asian brands from Asia over American ones :eek:
(I'm guilty of this too. My rice cooker and thermos are Japanese, and I prefer Japanese cars and electronics.)
Honestly, the brand thing has more to do with American brands generally being rubbish. In my original example, I listed Honda, but it's not like I don't also want a Tesla.


Ah that makes more sense. I'm definitely guilty of that. I try to watch Fresh off the Boat and support the Asian American community whenever I can. Also I only purchase Japanese cars and refuse to purchase American... even if the quality has gone up as of late.

Most Asian cars are made in America. At least the top selling ones outside of hybrids.
So I'm really curious about something-

How many of y'all support Asian-owned products, no matter how shitty they are?

Like, how many people here will put money and support specifically because it's Asian owned or created?

I do, but my partner doesn't. What about the rest of ASIAN GAF.

Hard to say. I own products based on quality or best bang for a buck. I do own Asian products. The laptop I'm writing this post is ASUS and that's an Asian company. My game consoles are Asian made. If you think about it, even an iPhone is Asian made, because despite being an American brand, it is manufactured in Asia.

Is there anything specific you have in mind? I've bought shitty cheap things like simple housewares. They were so cheap, if they broke, I can always buy another one.

Honestly, the brand thing has more to do with American brands generally being rubbish. In my original example, I listed Honda, but it's not like I don't also want a Tesla.

Cars, yeah, I wouldn't support Chinese brand. Not sure about Japan. I do want German cars. Tesla is definitely very appealing to a hippy like me.
To clarify, I mean Asian American, not just Asian (Made in Taiwan).


Like Master of None, or Fresh off the Boat, or Wong Fu.. just because they're Asian. Or Asian American performers, etc.

Though I actually find it really interesting that some people support Asian brands from Asia over American ones :eek:
(I'm guilty of this too. My rice cooker and thermos are Japanese, and I prefer Japanese cars and electronics.)

Hm.... when I was younger and more naive, I think so. Now I have to read reviews and actually watch and know who is who on Youtube channels. Now I just support what interests me.

If I did I would watch Master of None, Fresh Off The Boat, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Wong Fu, etc. I haven't watched and supported Just Kidding Films in over two years now that they sort of stopped producing comedy skits.

It has to interest me or have somebody I know and I will support them for a while.
whats a bro anyways? just somebody who goes to the gym?

Partially. A dude who has a good looking body, watches sports, hat backwards, semi-tight clothing, polos, goes to alot of parties, does alot of binge drinking, an alpha male (supposedly). They also say bro, brah, breh, bruh alot. They are the PC - no, not politically correct, Puss Crusher. They crush puss.

Or that's what I've been exposed to.


How Americans pretend to love ‘ethnic food'

WashingtonPost said:
When we call a food ethnic, we are signifying a difference but also a certain kind of inferiority. French cuisine has never been defined as ethnic. Japanese cuisine is not considered ethnic today. Those are examples of cuisines that are both foreign and prestigious. There is no inferiority associated with them.

Look, the world has not become flat. It's not a flat food world here in the United States. There are what I call internal hierarchies of tastes, and there is nothing that shows this better than when you look at price, when you look at what we are willing to pay for different types of food. We are really not willing to pay for "ethnic food." It's true of Indian food, it's true of Thai food, it's true of Chinese food, and it's true of many others. They're just not good enough, in the minds of Americans anyway, to pay $30, $40 or $50 for these foods. People might say this isn't true, but it's very clear in the actions of American consumers...

A recent graduate from the Culinary Institutes of America — so a trained chef, someone who should know more about food than the average person — was very upset that I had written this book. She said, 'well there are no Chinese chefs in the top 100 chefs in the world, because Chinese food and cooking is one-dimensional.' I couldn't believe it. Chinese food is one-dimensional? It's the cooking of a billion people, over thousands of years of written records and connoisseurship. To dismiss the whole cuisine as one-dimensional, but think about French cuisine, which doesn't date back nearly as far, as the home of all these complicated and varied techniques, tells you everything you need to know...

I think the most I've spent on a meal—single person meal not a date or special occasion—was at Momofuku (does that count?)
How Americans pretend to love ‘ethnic food'

I think the most I've spent on a meal—single person meal not a date or special occasion—was at Momofuku (does that count?)

Hmm, I sort of agree but I also feel it's kind of misguided and too angry.

I think most of it is pretty understandable, we revert to things we are most familiar with. While you can claim it's fake that we like "ethnic" food, our tastes have changed dramatically. The different kinds of food I eat vs. my parents, and especially my grandparents (who would really only make dishes from their parents home countries since they were immigrants).are completely night and day. I mean there's really no comparison.

It's been changing and will continue to change as groups of people immigrating also change which drives tastes. I think it's true of anything though with price being a barrier. I'd argue most people aren't spending $30-$50 on a meal all that often, at least not many people I grew up with so there's probably at most a couple times a year you'll go out. With money and going out in general being at such a premium, I can't see most people trying something outside their normal range for food, most expansion are things that are similar in some respect to an american dish.

Like one recent example I think of is my friends from China who love peking duck and is pretty consistently one of their favorite foods but to get that nearby is like minimum ~$30 per person or more, which to try something you might absolutely hate I feel is a pretty big gamble most people aren't willing to take. If they do go out they'll go out to an Italian place or something since that's something they know they'll enjoy and have had for years.

I do think the acceptance of "japanese" food is interesting but I feel like that mostly just refers to sushi so it had the benefit/barrier that you really can't get a cheap version of fresh fish so it demands a certain price level or it wouldn't exist at all. Because only other thing which most people think of as a $.30 meal is ramen.
I realize I'm a bad man and haven't been posting any food pictures. This is my offering to you.



I realize I'm a bad man and haven't been posting any food pictures. This is my offering to you.


Have you had any of that Guangdong roast goose yet? So good. 烧鹅. Go to Dongguan they got some real good stuff there, better than Guangzhou imo. Also have you gone to Africa town yet? Get some goat head!
Have you had any of that Guangdong roast goose yet? So good. 烧鹅. Go to Dongguan they got some real good stuff there, better than Guangzhou imo. Also have you gone to Africa town yet? Get some goat head!

You're looking at the roast goose in the picture.

As for Africa town, not yet. Funny thing is, I work very close to it. I work in Xiaobei. I see African folks in the area all the time.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I actually did watch the first episodes of Fresh Off the Boat and Into the Badlands. Promptly stopped cause I didn't care much for the shows but I definitely wouldn't have given these shows a chance had they not had Asian leads.

I do remember the mom from FOB being gorg tho


You're looking at the roast goose in the picture.

As for Africa town, not yet. Funny thing is, I work very close to it. I work in Xiaobei. I see African folks in the area all the time.

So you ate the goose yeah? Mmmmm. Go to Africa Town for real! Unique part of China for sure.
EXCUSE ME ZEEMUMU WHERE ARE YOU. Sept has a baby so ionno.


Okay, guys. Please all go get your Tdap.

I have class on the 7th until about 4pm. I don't know how late you guys are hanging out.

My mistake, I was looking at the wrong month. It's a Saturday. Sure, I'm down.

Okay, here's my plans pretty much: I'm flying out Saturday May 7th, getting into LAX probably in the afternoon. I can fly out of LAX anytime on the weekend after so it doesn't matter to me. I think I'm staying at the Courtyard in El Segundo by LAX, but I'm ok with ubering out someplace

So if the 7th (or maybe the 8th, but it's Mother's Day) doesn't work for anyone, there's always the weekend after. My stuff's done on Thursday so I can take a day off on Friday and stay in LA nbd.
Bros of all colors generally tend to be physically very attractive :<.

It's a good thing for nonAsians to realize there are Asian "bros" out there, or Asians that are really into lifting and looking ripped imo, because those guys are sexy motherfuckers and help combating the stereotype of Asian men being skinny looking "nerds."

I love Harold & Kumar from Harold and Kumar, because that depicted normal, ordinary looking Asian men as ordinary Asian men. Not necessarily wimpier or more frail than your average American.

Basically, having a wide spectrum of Asian men fights the idea that all Asian men are <like whatever>.

plus eyecandy :>>>>>>>>

Also Crazy Ex Girlfriend is a fucking amazing TV show, and the main character is a kinky chick. I can tell. The show is amazing :D

I do like it when there are Asian characters in media that have more character traits than just being Asian. So Josh being a bro on top of being Asian is pretty awesome. And the kids on FOB all having very distinct personalities is a win. I definitely think the Asian nerd character is worth revisiting though, because there are a lot of us out there, and we're more nuanced than the old stereotypical versions of the past. For instance, I saw a lot of my younger self and other Asian men I know in the lead protagonist of the Netflix show Love. We need Asians who are losers and terrible human beings as well as those who are popular and awesome!

If you're in a room full of Asians and don't find any bros, wouldn't statistics dictate that you are the bro?

I actually don't find myself in a room full of Asian (men) that often. It might be some reverse racism on my part. But I just really don't have anything in common with bros of any race and am not friends with any. Birds of a feather flock together and all that.

Partially. A dude who has a good looking body, watches sports, hat backwards, semi-tight clothing, polos, goes to alot of parties, does alot of binge drinking, an alpha male (supposedly). They also say bro, brah, breh, bruh alot. They are the PC - no, not politically correct, Puss Crusher. They crush puss.

Or that's what I've been exposed to.

Yeah...I know people like that exist because TV tells me so, but I just don't encounter them. I think my wife's friends used to think I was a bro though because I look like I'm in shape and dress decently, but then she tells them about my comic book collection and Dugeons and & Dragons miniatures and the illusion is shattered.

To clarify, I mean Asian American, not just Asian (Made in Taiwan).


Like Master of None, or Fresh off the Boat, or Wong Fu.. just because they're Asian. Or Asian American performers, etc.

Though I actually find it really interesting that some people support Asian brands from Asia over American ones :eek:
(I'm guilty of this too. My rice cooker and thermos are Japanese, and I prefer Japanese cars and electronics.)

I support brands that I have been fooled into believing are better. Like Asian electronics, cars, etc. when I actually have no idea if they are better. I'm much too lazy to do actual research.

I am interested in some Asian American media, except for wed-only stuff like YouTube videos. I just really dislike all YouTube stuff in general, although something about Asian-American targeted content specifically has always seemed too try-hard to me. But I'm definitely not the cool/hip type of Asian they usually seem to be aimed at. I really try and seek out movies and TV shows that showcase other cultures though. Dear White People was one of my favorite movies last year, which is funny because I've never actually had a black friend. I actually don't know if I've ever had a full conversation with a black person before. Not because I wouldn't want to, but just because I'm naturally anti-social and it's just never happened.


so if my parents are South Asian do I get to be a part of Asian-GAF? :p

It's always so confusing telling people what I am. If I tell them I'm Indian they'll think I mean Native American, but if I say I'm Asian they'll be like "but you don't look Chinese!" >_<


so if my parents are South Asian do I get to be a part of Asian-GAF? :p

You have to pay a toll and provide photos of food first.

It's always so confusing telling people what I am. If I tell them I'm Indian they'll think I mean Native American, but if I say I'm Asian they'll be like "but you don't look Chinese!" >_<

Yeah, I'm not sure how or why Asian came to mostly refer to East Asians.


Yeah I know.

I liked some of it, but I had to skip around and go straight to the end.

Wong Fu >_>. I commend their efforts, but I hope they stop doing rom coms. 5 minute long cheese is OKAY, but 2 hours of it is ksjhgksdgh.

I went to a Wong Fu thing years ago when they did a college tour. Their rom com stuff is... terrible, to put it lightly.
To clarify, I mean Asian American, not just Asian (Made in Taiwan).


Like Master of None, or Fresh off the Boat, or Wong Fu.. just because they're Asian. Or Asian American performers, etc.

Master of None was great. I stopped watching Fresh off the Boat but Eddie's Vice stuff really speaks to me (I mean obviously since I've been linking that stuff on this thread- My sister thinks I'm crazy for liking his stuff as she thinks he comes off as way too abrasive). Also, I watch Charlotte basketball (not as much as my dad though) because of Jeremy Lin (Linsanity was basically the physical manifestation of my childhood hoop dreams)

Someone in LA pick somewhere for all of us to eat.



This place is behind Sony studios and apparently celebs show up from time to time.
Do you want to go there? I mean I'll go wherever y'all want, I'm not THAT picky.

okay i am but i can always order to go and eat myself later while gaffing

Sorry I was just suggesting places for you guys (thought you guys wanted suggestions on places to eat)...I won't be in town during that time..


man I have been really getting more and more into veggies, and now im really into like indian veggie foods and stuff and my god, it all tastes amazing. i dont know why I was neglecting that for so long in my life



Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko as part of Doctor Strange's origin story in Strange Tales #110 in 1963, the Ancient One seen there is, as the screenwriter describes it, as "a racist stereotype who comes from a region of the world that is in [a] very weird political place. He originates from Tibet, so if you acknowledge that Tibet is a place and that he’s Tibetan, you risk alienating one billion people who think that that’s bullshit and risk the Chinese government going, 'Hey, you know one of the biggest film-watching countries in the world? We’re not going to show your movie because you decided to get political.'"

Cargill also said loosening up the Tibetan roots of the Ancient One to cast someone of non-Tibetan but Asian descent would also be unteniable for Marvel Studios.

"If you are telling me you think it’s a good idea to cast a Chinese actress as a Tibetan character, you are out of your damn fool mind and have no idea what the f**k you’re talking about," said Cargill. "Oh, 'she could be asian!' Asian? She could be Japanese, she could be Indian, really? The levels of cultural sensitivity around this thing is, everyone is staking out their one particular place and not realizing that every single thing here is a losing proposition."


"There's not a lot of talk about, 'oh man, they took away the job from a guy and gave it to a woman.' Everybody kind of pats us on the back for that and scold us for her not being Tibetan," he said. "And that's just the way it's going to go. We knew that the Social Justice Warriors would be angry either way."

I like Tilda Swinton, but lol.

Ya'll gonna get mad either way so why even bother to cast a minority. Humph!
I'm going to Macau in May. Any suggestions on places to visit? I heard it's basically mini-Las Vegas. I've already been to Vegas. I have a hotel in the Venetian, a casino I already visited in Vegas. I don't mind, Vegas was fun even for a guy that doesn't gamble. Anything that Macau has that Vegas doesn't?
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