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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I hear about it and see it all the time in Hyderabad (India). When my dad was a kid, apparently he used to put powder on his face as he was the only one of his siblings that wasn't light. I hear gorah and kala (fair and dark) used to describe people all the time, and people include the former as one of the marks of being attractive, like tall or handsome, etc.

It's really nasty, and I get pissed off at the relatives I know if they ever do it in front of me.

I hear this shit too among Bengalis. Whats worse is when I hear stuff like "His / her skin is a darker shade but he / she is still a really awesome person". Like what the fuck is the reason to describe the color in the first place? Why does it have to be mentioned along with their name and stuff? Its very infuriating.
Pretty sure fairness as a beauty standard predates European influence.

I'm also pretty sure you are correct!

And who doesnt like big round eyes.

I dont like the dying your hair all blonde thing though.

Big round eyes kind of creeps me out. My friends loves the kawaii desu look that many Asian American and Asian girls employ. But in my case, my older sister simply just wants to not be Hmong (or the baggage of being a minority) and be Meeka aka White (she confirmed this to me last weekend -_-" ). She simply wants to be able to still speak and understand Hmong but be a pale, blonde, and big round blue eyed white girl who is skinny.

*throws hands in the air*

Hey, white people can't have a monopoly on all hair colors. :p

I like different hair colors! I've thought about changing mines because I think it would be cool but then I'll just look like a fuckboy :p

I have long hair and usually rock a lazy bun or a pony tail so I don't think I'll ever dye my hair.


i've been in china for 3.5 weeks now. bounced from my dad's home town and village to bigger cities like guangzhou and shanghai. even joined a chinese tour group to see what it's like on the inside.

i've had so many thoughts and observations. i used to be what-the-hell-china but been slowly warming to it
(considering the rest of the world haven't been much better; but really it was supposed to be china getting better, not the other way around)

How long you staying? Whereabouts are the villages you went to? I've been to heaps of villages all across china, not to romanticize them cuz they are shitty in a lot of ways, but I've had so much fun living in farm houses or camping out or staying with local families in rural china.

I'm back in the states now for the first time in 9 months or so... feels weird. Like last time I was here trump was a joke and me and my family and friends laughed it off whenever he came up, now we hear trump or see him on tv and we all kind of hang our heads. America (my little part of of it anyway) fees like it is in mourning and so different from how I can ever remember it being.

I can't wait to get back to china... just a few more weeks. As soon as Christmas passes I'm getting on a plane back. Though I'm currently exploring job opportunities elsewhere in Asia, Taiwan mainly but Malaysia, Thailand , and a few others. Can't imagine ever being in the USA again permanently, feels so alien now.


my dad's hometown is a couple hours from Guangzhou, towards Taishan. Stayed at my uncle's place, which i first visited 20 years ago. My uncle's gone to NYC now, but still has the place. the town has bare amount of english, doesn't cater to any foreigners at all.

my dad's childhood village is about another 1.5hr away by paved highway. back in the day, we'd ride in the back of a truck over bumpy dirt roads. i don't even recall how long that took. double perhaps? didnt' stay there, just visited. the village has seen renovation in form of lots of concrete that's a lot cleaner than the dirt that used to be there. a lot of houses have been abandoned, including the house my dad grew up in; roof has collapsed and the insides growing with grass. the farm lands are a short walk away. they're still being used, but farmers now drive in to tend them. i recalled that interview from Master of None, where the dude said his dad owned a water buffalo, i'm sure that line applies to a lot of us. the former residents have moved away, some to the cities, some to LA, Chicago, etc... I imagine a lot of them have a pretty comfortable if not successful living. it's a bit loopy to think this happened within a generation.

which is a thought that originated from my being around while my dad and uncle were watching the news in teh days following the election. Trump, Clinton, TPP almost nonstop. not entirely clear if they are trump supporters, but they're definitely conservative, fiscally. they really did come from bootstraps, since my dad emigrated with nothing to owning houses. at one time my parents also owned an apartment that was a revolving door of low and no income folks and that coloured their view that while social programs were helping the people trudge along, it never solves the problem.

i lament that my chinese isn't quite up to task to understanding and conversing on that level. i started putting more effort into learning mandarin. one of my biggest fear/delight is that i'll be mixing pronunciations between cantonese, toisanwa, mandarin, and even japanese


the first thing my mom remarked about me, after not seeing her for 6 months, was my tanned skin. the tone was not complimentary.
My dad was gifted a pair of metallic chopsticks from a Korean co-worker. He felt like he would accidentally bite them and break his teeth or some shit, so he gave them to me.

I must say, after using wooden/plastic chopsticks all my life, metallic ones are superior lol. I feel all high class and shit using them. Much easier to clean as well.
My dad was gifted a pair of metallic chopsticks from a Korean co-worker. He felt like he would accidentally bite them and break his teeth or some shit, so he gave them to me.

I must say, after using wooden/plastic chopsticks all my life, metallic ones are superior lol. I feel all high class and shit using them. Much easier to clean as well.
I like them, but I think they aren't as good for things like soupy noodles, as those tend to just slide right off. For that, I feel like the wooden Japanese ones with the grooves are grippier. The big, long, fat Chinese ones made of wood/plastic/ivory and don't taper off at the tips are probably my least favorite, but they're good for holding up, like, big chunks of meat or stuff like dim sum.
I like them, but I think they aren't as good for things like soupy noodles, as those tend to just slide right off. For that, I feel like the wooden Japanese ones with the grooves are grippier. The big, long, fat Chinese ones made of wood/plastic/ivory and don't taper off at the tips are probably my least favorite, but they're good for holding up, like, big chunks of meat or stuff like dim sum.

Well shit I didn't even think about noodles.

I thought sashimi would be hard to eat with metal, but it wasn't at all. Even more slippery cuts like salmon and squid. Raw avocado slices were hard to grip, but those are always hard haha.

Gonna have to try ramen next.
It takes some getting used to metal chopsticks for sure, and for most of the noodles in Korean cooking it works. Works well enough for instant ramen too.

Some thin noodles you see in Chinese cooking would be an issue though.
I'll be going to the Philippines to spend Christmas and New Year's with my in-laws. Then my wife and son will stay an extra week while I come back.

I already sent my GAF Secret Santa gift, though, so it's all good.


I finished my exams last week so I spent the weekend bumming around and playing Pokemon.

I'll be visiting my sister in North Dakota around Christmastime, so that's going to be fun.

Fake edit: There's going to be a high of -13 F on Saturday!
How the heck is everyone doing? Folks get ready for holidays / finals / same old same old?

I have a final tomorrow and I literally have to score 5% on it to get a B, so not too stressed out. Break is gonna be spent on playing Pokemon, hanging with friends, and checking my email daily for JET ALT position followup.
Does anyone remember the new book that was posted not that long ago... I think it was about the experience of asian americans. I thought it was posted in this thread and didn't get a separate thread but I can't find it now and my online list from my library got deleted somehow. :(

Edit: Found it, it was the The Fortunes.

Book is pretty good so far, pretty depressing read though.

getting ready for parents to come visit~

playing ff15~

that's about it XD

good luck on job search bloody!!!

My condolences
I started dating this really awesome girl last week.

wowowowow :D happy to you strikey!!

It's so good! And yeah, I'm pretty much there, too, except I did some side content, so I don't/can't spoil anything.

it is so fun yes :D much funner than i thought it would be aaaaaaa :D

we can exchange stories as we move through the game together \o/

so far, my general impressions: i thought i would like ignis but i actually like prompto much more than i was expecting to. his dorky humour is great XD when he yelled out "ILLUMINATE!" the first time i went on night travelling, i laughed.

also the food pics are so hungry making * ___ * this is a game made by asians, i can tell by the food pronz contents * ____ *

i also fought bandersnatch (he's level 38) whilst im at level 6 XD (idk why) (took FOREVER) (but i dids it) (HOORAY??????) (orz)

i think those are all non spoilery? :D share me your thoughts, septie!!!

My condolences

....h...hey! why just me! why don't you condolencey septie too??? >:O

Dating someone while working long, long hours is strenuous but strangely satisfying.

good on you goi~ (can i call you goi? ess-arr-gee-zero-one seems so ... impersonal .__.)
it is so fun yes :D much funner than i thought it would be aaaaaaa :D

we can exchange stories as we move through the game together o/

so far, my general impressions: i thought i would like ignis but i actually like prompto much more than i was expecting to. his dorky humour is great XD when he yelled out "ILLUMINATE!" the first time i went on night travelling, i laughed.

also the food pics are so hungry making * ___ * this is a game made by asians, i can tell by the food pronz contents * ____ *

i also fought bandersnatch (he's level 38) whilst im at level 6 XD (idk why) (took FOREVER) (but i dids it) (HOORAY??????) (orz)

i think those are all non spoilery? :D share me your thoughts, septie!!!
I didn't fight the Bandersnatch, but I fought this level 52 samurai in the mines. I killed him, and then he respawned in the dungeon elsewhere, and I had to blow more items trying to leave. And then when I walked outside, random Cactuar. It was crazy intense but so fun! I leveled up from 13 to 21 from the EXP from that.

But yeah, this is the best game I've played in a long time, and even though I like all the bros (and Noct much more than I thought I would), I think Ignis might be my favorite character in the series. I really like the way he snaps his fingers when you decide what food porn to cook, and I thought it was hilarious that he was taking notes at the diner when I just ordered fries. Like you need notes for that, but he's so meticulous!

Also, considering he makes all that amazing food with just camping gear, he's the best chef of all time.

You've inspired me to sack up and go fight the Bandersnatch. =)

Also, congrats, Act! Better get your gaming in now, while there's still time!
I've barely started FF XV. So many games this holiday season. +_+

Best feels :D

I didn't fight the Bandersnatch, but I fought this level 52 samurai in the mines. I killed him, and then he respawned in the dungeon elsewhere, and I had to blow more items trying to leave. And then when I walked outside, random Cactuar. It was crazy intense but so fun! I leveled up from 13 to 21 from the EXP from that.

But yeah, this is the best game I've played in a long time, and even though I like all the bros (and Noct much more than I thought I would), I think Ignis might be my favorite character in the series. I really like the way he snaps his fingers when you decide what food porn to cook, and I thought it was hilarious that he was taking notes at the diner when I just ordered fries. Like you need notes for that, but he's so meticulous!

Also, considering he makes all that amazing food with just camping gear, he's the best chef of all time.

You've inspired me to sack up and go fight the Bandersnatch. =)

Also, congrats, Act! Better get your gaming in now, while there's still time!


Lvl 52 samurai!!! The bandersnatch shouldn't give you problems then!!

Ignis is super srs! I still like him but I thought he was going to be my favorite... Instead it's prompto and noctis, then ignis. Last is gladio...

And yes, I love how ignis snaps his fingers :D so cool :D

And yes, it is hilarious when he took out his note for the fries 🍟 LOL


I'm not that far either in FFXV (just got to chapter 4). Prompto is best bro, and the food is goddamn beautiful.
Even the Cup Noodles.
wowowowow :D happy to you strikey!!

it is so fun yes :D much funner than i thought it would be aaaaaaa :D

we can exchange stories as we move through the game together \o/

so far, my general impressions: i thought i would like ignis but i actually like prompto much more than i was expecting to. his dorky humour is great XD when he yelled out "ILLUMINATE!" the first time i went on night travelling, i laughed.

also the food pics are so hungry making * ___ * this is a game made by asians, i can tell by the food pronz contents * ____ *

i also fought bandersnatch (he's level 38) whilst im at level 6 XD (idk why) (took FOREVER) (but i dids it) (HOORAY??????) (orz)

i think those are all non spoilery? :D share me your thoughts, septie!!!

....h...hey! why just me! why don't you condolencey septie too??? >:O

good on you goi~ (can i call you goi? ess-arr-gee-zero-one seems so ... impersonal .__.)

I feel bad for all of you but it seems like everyone is just playing for the food porn. I shouldn't have expected otherwise :p


good on you goi~ (can i call you goi? ess-arr-gee-zero-one seems so ... impersonal .__.)

Haha, I don't even know where my username comes from anymore o_o It was such a long time ago...

Everyone playing FFXV makes me reflect on my own priorities :( I don't really play video games anymore ;_;
wowowowow :D happy to you strikey!!

it is so fun yes :D much funner than i thought it would be aaaaaaa :D

we can exchange stories as we move through the game together o/

so far, my general impressions: i thought i would like ignis but i actually like prompto much more than i was expecting to. his dorky humour is great XD when he yelled out "ILLUMINATE!" the first time i went on night travelling, i laughed.

also the food pics are so hungry making * ___ * this is a game made by asians, i can tell by the food pronz contents * ____ *

i also fought bandersnatch (he's level 38) whilst im at level 6 XD (idk why) (took FOREVER) (but i dids it) (HOORAY??????) (orz)

i think those are all non spoilery? :D share me your thoughts, septie!!!

....h...hey! why just me! why don't you condolencey septie too??? >:O

good on you goi~ (can i call you goi? ess-arr-gee-zero-one seems so ... impersonal .__.)

I miss reading your posts so much...
Best feels :D


Lvl 52 samurai!!! The bandersnatch shouldn't give you problems then!!

Ignis is super srs! I still like him but I thought he was going to be my favorite... Instead it's prompto and noctis, then ignis. Last is gladio...

And yes, I love how ignis snaps his fingers :D so cool :D

And yes, it is hilarious when he took out his note for the fries 🍟 LOL
I killed the Bandersnatch last night!

Here's a vid of me vs that samurai from a few nights ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bOMa-2SG0A
I feel bad for all of you but it seems like everyone is just playing for the food porn. I shouldn't have expected otherwise :p

Food pronz is an essential to life !

Haha, I don't even know where my username comes from anymore o_o It was such a long time ago...

Everyone playing FFXV makes me reflect on my own priorities :( I don't really play video games anymore ;_;

Aww not any game? Even phone ones? When did you change? Probably other priorities took over? ... Maybe its a phase! :D? Games will be here and waiting for when your priorities change again ^___^

I'm just going to stay warm indoors and play Pokemon.

And mafia!

I miss reading your posts so much...

;___; I hope this was not sarcasm... XD

I killed the Bandersnatch last night!

Here's a vid of me vs that samurai from a few nights ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bOMa-2SG0A

Wowowow!! Gj gj septie :D

I did nothing last night lol. Fished for hours 😆
And here I am not interested in Final Fantasy XV. Not really a fan of mainline entries. Much prefer the Tactics games (or lack thereof). Final Fantasy Tactics is love. Final Fantasy Tactics is life.


And here I am not interested in Final Fantasy XV. Not really a fan of mainline entries. Much prefer the Tactics games (or lack thereof). Final Fantasy Tactics is love. Final Fantasy Tactics is life.

Go play Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together if you haven't already. :D
I was interested in that game until I tried the demo. Holy hell was it awful.
Yes, the demo is ass, and I felt the same way. The actual game is way better, though.

I actually rarely like demos, since they are usually either not representative of the final product or, if they're good, give you too little of the full game. I almost never play anything at E3 these days.
Go play Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together if you haven't already. :D

I played the one on..... The Gameboy advance? I enjoyed it but then I lost the game and never found it :(

I enjoyed it. Then I got Onimusha Tactics and dear god..... That was a tough Tactics game. Then I moved onto the PSP, got Wild Arms XF, enjoyed it, got Jeanne d'arc, my brother hogged the PSP and I barely got any time to enjoy it but still liked what I played.

Shadow Tactics looks legit as fuck. Valkyria Chronicles is one game that I need to get on, too.
I played the one on..... The Gameboy advance? I enjoyed it but then I lost the game and never found it :(

I enjoyed it. Then I got Onimusha Tactics and dear god..... That was a tough Tactics game. Then I moved onto the PSP, got Wild Arms XF, enjoyed it, got Jeanne d'arc, my brother hogged the PSP and I barely got any time to enjoy it but still liked what I played.

Shadow Tactics looks legit as fuck. Valkyria Chronicles is one game that I need to get on, too.
Yeah, you need to play Valkyria Chronicles. It's genre-defining.


Valkyria Chronicles was a victim of being a niche game within a niche subgenre.

I also didn't like how it incentived rushing maps to clear it as quickly as possible, but outside of that it was a really great game.
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