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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

Asian guys, do you feel like you've accomplished something when you're able to attract someone outside your race? I think we've had this discussion before but I forgot everyone's thoughts. It's much easily for an Asian girl to attract other races but not so much so for an Asian guy.
Yes, but I flubbed that, too. Sophomore year of high school, I arranged my schedule so that I had a free period to just sit around between my last class and Track. This white girl eventually found out and would come sit with me and hang out everyday instead of go home.

Years later, I thought about that, and then I was like, wait. Wait. No.


Asian guys, do you feel like you've accomplished something when you're able to attract someone outside your race? I think we've had this discussion before but I forgot everyone's thoughts. It's much easily for an Asian girl to attract other races but not so much so for an Asian guy.

I feel I've accomplished something if I'm able to attract someone of any race.
and welcome RapidCancel!!!!

Dont rapid cancel your way out of this thread, noooowwwwwww.... y'hearrrr

Now that's just racist.

*Tips cowboy hat*

I take offense to this. I'm going to show my anger by going to the backyard and shooting my guns into the air.

I know a Chinese person named Abraham. Like...seriously felt kind of bad for the guy for getting stuck with such an old name like that.

My name is...Harrison. Sometimes, people like to go and assume that that's actually my last name. At my current job, whoever processed my papers at HR went and thought I filled out my own application wrong and flipped my first and last name around in the system creating a big cluster fuck where I couldn't get paid or anything until they straightened it out. It was pretty fucking stupid.


My name is...Harrison. Sometimes, people like to go and assume that that's actually my last name. At my current job, whoever processed my papers at HR went and thought I filled out my own application wrong and flipped my first and last name around in the system creating a big cluster fuck where I couldn't get paid or anything until they straightened it out. It was pretty fucking stupid.

Oh man. That's like knowing someone who has Lee as their first name. I guess that's probably why a lot of people just shorten their names when possible.
Asian guys, do you feel like you've accomplished something when you're able to attract someone outside your race? I think we've had this discussion before but I forgot everyone's thoughts. It's much easily for an Asian girl to attract other races but not so much so for an Asian guy.

Been there, done that. I didn't feel anything different. More like a realization that I just liked women.
Asian guys, do you feel like you've accomplished something when you're able to attract someone outside your race? I think we've had this discussion before but I forgot everyone's thoughts. It's much easily for an Asian girl to attract other races but not so much so for an Asian guy.

Nope not anymore. I've been given a lot of strange looks back then, but nowadays I'm happy if I can actually get time to go out for dates.


Asian guys, do you feel like you've accomplished something when you're able to attract someone outside your race? I think we've had this discussion before but I forgot everyone's thoughts. It's much easily for an Asian girl to attract other races but not so much so for an Asian guy.

I've had girls tell me I was their first Asian guy. I'd like to think there's some accomplishment in it but really I'm more peeved of the opposite. I dislike it when being Asian is used as a crutch for having bad game. It shouldn't matter if the odds are stacked against us.


Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of names I know a lot of Korean Eunice's.

I gotta ask, what's up with Korean girls named Esther?
So old fashioned. I know like 3 Esther Kims.

Oh, and count me pleasantly surprised by Fresh off the Boat.
That lunchables scene. I went through the same thing. And CLC really hit home haha.


I gotta ask, what's up with Korean girls named Esther?
So old fashioned. I know like 3 Esther Kims.

Oh, and count me pleasantly surprised by Fresh off the Boat.
That lunchables scene. I went through the same thing. And CLC really hit home haha.
I think with all names it really depends on the generation of the parents.


My name is Jeremy but I'm Indian, so I've gotten plenty of "so what's your real name?" or "what's your indian name?"

If anyone admits to this, pics or GTFO.

Glorious spiked, yellow hair throughout the ages. I regret nothing.





this thread feels like such a pity party sometimes
/drunk/real talk

haha, consider this thread a vent because a lot of people dont take #asianproblems that seriously i guess. even other minorities because of the socioeconomic disparities between asians and a lot of other groups.

Personally i love being indian and i'd never trade it for anything. Some of our ppl look at us and all they see is the troubles. I see a group of people who created some of the greatest buildings, science, culture, religion, cuisine etc that endure and resonate to this day. it's all about perspective i spose.

you can draw strength from who you are or you can be miserable, the choice is yours
haha, consider this thread a vent because a lot of people dont take #asianproblems that seriously i guess. even other minorities because of the socioeconomic disparities between asians and a lot of other groups.

Personally i love being indian and i'd never trade it for anything. Some of our ppl look at us and all they see is the troubles. I see a group of people who created some of the greatest buildings, science, culture, religion, cuisine etc that endure and resonate to this day. it's all about perspective i spose.

you can draw strength from who you are or you can be miserable, the choice is yours

I've noticed a lot of Indians are very proud of whom they are, and wear their culture on their sleeves. It's very refreshing and something to be admired.


things didn't go out well at work. I just got fired today.

I was trying to leave that job anyway. The pay sucks, there's barely any benefits, and I'm tried of baby sitting adults nearly twice my age.

Thanks for all the advice and kind words Asian-Gaf. I appreciate it.

I remember your thread where they accused you of racism when it was actually them that were racist. Sorry that it happened to you but in the future, take it as a learning experience to never apologize for something you didn't do and defend yourself from the very beginning. "I'm sorry you heard it that way" is still apologizing.

It's very easy for things to escalate and you need to get ahead of it all so that you're not on the defensive (which makes you look guiltier) Especially as an Asian guy, I feel like it's especially important because of the stereotype we hold of being passive and letting people walk over us) I'm Asian too btw.

It might not have helped specifically in your situation but that's the one thing that came to my mind when reading about your story. (are you going to update the thread?)

I gotta ask, what's up with Korean girls named Esther?
So old fashioned. I know like 3 Esther Kims.
Not surprising as Esther is a popular biblical name and Korea is a Christian nation.
Not surprising as Esther is a popular biblical name and Korea is a Christian nation.

I found this graph interesting. Generally it's Korean Americans that are mainly Christian. I remember my SK friend telling me that buddhism was the major religion in SK but I guess somewhere in the last decade or so, it was overtaken by Christianity.

I remember your thread where they accused you of racism when it was actually them that were racist. Sorry that it happened to you but in the future, take it as a learning experience to never apologize for something you didn't do and defend yourself from the very beginning. "I'm sorry you heard it that way" is still apologizing.

It's very easy for things to escalate and you need to get ahead of it all so that you're not on the defensive (which makes you look guiltier) Especially as an Asian guy, I feel like it's especially important because of the stereotype we hold of being passive and letting people walk over us) I'm Asian too btw.

It might not have helped specifically in your situation but that's the one thing that came to my mind when reading about your story. (are you going to update the thread?)

Yea I shouldn't have apologized, but apparently, the guy doesn't believe I have apologized "sincerely", enough (which is bull shit), so according to him, I haven't admitted guilt to whatever he is accusing me of.

I was going to update the thread, but i don't feel like being lambasted haha. Maybe I will later.

this thread feels like such a pity party sometimes
/drunk/real talk

I thought this thread was about Asian food.
So I just watched Fresh Off Boat, and it wasn't bad. Had some solid jokes, but a weird tone. And the mom going apeshit on those kids was weird.

Has anyone read the memoir the show is based on, because I feel like the family dynamic is weird. I read that the real life Eddie wanted to tackle domestic violence and seemed to indicate that it impacted his childhood. This made me think about my own childhood family situation, and made me realize that the family dynamic in the show didn't match my own, or that of any of my Asian friends. It seemed to match the current western sitcom structure of fun-loving, dopey dad and controlling mom.

For me and the people I knew, we were at best distant from our dads if not downright afraid. In another interview with Eddie, he mentions that he wanted the show to be The Wonder Years, which is what I expected the family dynamic to be. I mean, the first episode of that series had the father threatening to whip his son with a belt. Will the show tackle smacking palms with chopsticks as punishment? I can't see the father doing that without breaking down and crying/apologizing, which I don't think has ever happened in real life.

Did anyone else think this was weird?

Other than that, lots of stuff I identified with in the show and I'll definitely keep watching it.

I also came across this article the other day, and it was an interesting read. It's about an Indian woman who divorced her husband. Even though I'm not Indian, it paralleled a lot of things I've noticed in my own life and is probably what got me thinking about the parent dynamic in FOB.

I remember your thread where they accused you of racism when it was actually them that were racist. Sorry that it happened to you but in the future, take it as a learning experience to never apologize for something you didn't do and defend yourself from the very beginning. "I'm sorry you heard it that way" is still apologizing.

It's very easy for things to escalate and you need to get ahead of it all so that you're not on the defensive (which makes you look guiltier) Especially as an Asian guy, I feel like it's especially important because of the stereotype we hold of being passive and letting people walk over us) I'm Asian too btw.

It might not have helped specifically in your situation but that's the one thing that came to my mind when reading about your story. (are you going to update the thread?)
There's always the fake apology, like the politicians do: "Apologies are in order for..."; "Sorry you feel that way about..."; "It is regrettable that this happened..."; and so on. I still say it's dangerous to be talking with HR either way, though.

Regarding names, I was thinking about the name Eunice this morning. It's kind of a weird name. "Eu-" is a prefix that means good or nice ("eulogy" = nice words; "euphemism" = nice expression). So Eunice is... nice nice?
Going to Disneyland.

My friend was there the other day. He said it was deserted and awesome with no lines. I guess the measles scare has kept the crowds away.

If we want to talk about embarassing trends in an Asian topic, we have to mention spiky hair with piss-blonde tips.

I used to have the spiky hair when I was younger but friends kept calling me uni-atama (sea urchin head) so I stopped. Now when I get haircuts I always say don't take off too much off the top. Whenever I get an asian hairdresser they always know exactly what I'm talking about - lol.


tagged by Blackace
The Indians acting gangster/"black" thing is a particular epidemic where I live too. Part of it makes me glad I didn't go to the local high school everyone got funneled into that was Indian and went to one that was more multicultural. Sometimes I regret not going to a school where I had a lot of people of my own culture to relate to but when I hear about all the fuckery that occurred, I stop caring.

Even in middle school I couldn't take the acting tough act. Like you just hit puberty and live in a suburb, chill with all this talk like you need to sell weed to survive.

I follow a local Twitter that just parodies this all day long (this is something it RTd):
There's always the fake apology, like the politicians do: "Apologies are in order for..."; "Sorry you feel that way about..."; "It is regrettable that this happened..."; and so on. I still say it's dangerous to be talking with HR either way, though.

Regarding names, I was thinking about the name Eunice this morning. It's kind of a weird name. "Eu-" is a prefix that means good or nice ("eulogy" = nice words; "euphemism" = nice expression). So Eunice is... nice nice?

I think specifically the Eu- names fit a double bill; one is that Eunice is a Biblical name and as mentioned already, Koreans (at least Korean-Americans) do love them some Bible. The second is the commonality of the "Eu/Yu" sound in Korean names. Something like "Yoo Jin" can easily anglicize into Eugene, hence the multitude of Eugenes in the Korean-American community. The latter reason is also the reason why there are a lot of 'J' names for Koreans too; something like Jin-hee can anglicize easily to Jeannie's, Jenny's, Jamie's, etc.

Just some thoughts I got many nights ago in a possibly slightly mind-altered state.


I found this graph interesting. Generally it's Korean Americans that are mainly Christian. I remember my SK friend telling me that buddhism was the major religion in SK but I guess somewhere in the last decade or so, it was overtaken by Christianity.


Have the numbers been growing or declining throughout the years?

ps. oatmeal raisins are the best.
My name is Jeremy but I'm Indian, so I've gotten plenty of "so what's your real name?" or "what's your indian name?"


My experience is a little different since I don't have a American/Western name. So whenever I met new people at school or at work most of them always had the hardest time pronouncing my name. Which I find hilarious because I think my name is quite easy to pronounce(my name is Dua, pronounced Du-wa). But people keep injecting new letters in my name, I've heard different pronunciations like du-wo, da-way, and da-wa. It's just two syllables people.


things didn't go out well at work. I just got fired today.

I was trying to leave that job anyway. The pay sucks, there's barely any benefits, and I'm tried of baby sitting adults nearly twice my age.

Thanks for all the advice and kind words Asian-Gaf. I appreciate it.

I finally got around to reading that whole thread.

While you made some tactical errors like apologizing, I don't think there was anything you could have done to avoid this outcome. Who knows what the motive was, but that guy wanted you fired and I don't think you could have done anything to prevent it.

Wtf at the couple of folks riding you the entire thread, though. Disappointing.

Hope you find a new (and better) gig soon!
I finally got around to reading that whole thread.

While you made some tactical errors like apologizing, I don't think there was anything you could have done to avoid this outcome. Who knows what the motive was, but that guy wanted you fired and I don't think you could have done anything to prevent it.

Wtf at the couple of folks riding you the entire thread, though. Disappointing.

Hope you find a new (and better) gig soon!

Thanks. Yea, honestly I wasn't prepared for such a situation and made some mistakes.

Lesson learned.


Scaley member
My name is Jeremy but I'm Indian, so I've gotten plenty of "so what's your real name?" or "what's your indian name?"


Sup bruh. Name's Kevin. Only thing Indian about me is my middle name. Starts with R. People just see the R and go "Ryan? It's Ryan, isn't it? It can't be anything else, you're not real brown." I tell them yes.

Family's Guyanese and they have this huge "We're Indian!" thing going on (well, my mom's side of the family) when pretty much only my dad knows some Hindi.

Glorious spiked, yellow hair throughout the ages. I regret nothing.




why why why why why

The Indians acting gangster/"black" thing is a particular epidemic where I live too. Part of it makes me glad I didn't go to the local high school everyone got funneled into that was Indian and went to one that was more multicultural. Sometimes I regret not going to a school where I had a lot of people of my own culture to relate to but when I hear about all the fuckery that occurred, I stop caring.

Even in middle school I couldn't take the acting tough act. Like you just hit puberty and live in a suburb, chill with all this talk like you need to sell weed to survive.

I follow a local Twitter that just parodies this all day long (this is something it RTd):

People from Brampton are the fucking worst. I swear they just want to fight anyone who doesn't agree that they live in a Canadian Detroit.


We've all made mistakes in life.

When I was a kid I had the mushroom cut (or super bowl for some) for the longest time. I eventually tried to comb my hair to get the split.


I thought I looked like the coolest. Here's the shameful part; I wanted to look like this guy. I went through a lot of different hair styles, including a mohawk. I went through a lot of my old photos and post a hair timeline on my instagram. I have a lot more unflattering pictures.
When I was a kid I had the mushroom cut (or super bowl for some) for the longest time. I eventually tried to comb my hair to get the split.


I thought I looked like the coolest. Here's the shameful part; I wanted to look like this guy. I went through a lot of different hair styles, including a mohawk. I went through a lot of my old photos and post a hair timeline on my instagram. I have a lot more unflattering pictures.

Yeah I think we've walked the same road.


When I was a kid I had the mushroom cut (or super bowl for some) for the longest time. I eventually tried to comb my hair to get the split.


I thought I looked like the coolest. Here's the shameful part; I wanted to look like this guy. I went through a lot of different hair styles, including a mohawk. I went through a lot of my old photos and post a hair timeline on my instagram. I have a lot more unflattering pictures.

hey man Trunks is cool

While we're on the topic of hair, I've been thinking of what kinda cut to get next. Any suggestions?
When I was a kid I had the mushroom cut (or super bowl for some) for the longest time. I eventually tried to comb my hair to get the split.


I thought I looked like the coolest. Here's the shameful part; I wanted to look like this guy. I went through a lot of different hair styles, including a mohawk. I went through a lot of my old photos and post a hair timeline on my instagram. I have a lot more unflattering pictures.

Never forget, Trunks had one of the best entrances. Good idol.


I found this graph interesting. Generally it's Korean Americans that are mainly Christian. I remember my SK friend telling me that buddhism was the major religion in SK but I guess somewhere in the last decade or so, it was overtaken by Christianity.


Christianity is a big thing in Korea though. People do tend to overestimate how many Christians there actually are there (including Koreans themselves), but I think that's indicative of its prevalence in society, not of ignorance or anything. Drive around Seoul at night and you'll see big neon crosses all over the place.

Regardless, 30% really is a lot of Christians for an Asian country, aside from say the Philippines, which should be obvious :)


Man, I really wish there were more thorough studies into North American Asians and mental health. I feel like it's this big elephant in my life that remains unresolved, especially with the rates of depression and anxiety in Asia.
Man, I really wish there were more thorough studies into North American Asians and mental health. I feel like it's this big elephant in my life that remains unresolved, especially with the rates of depression and anxiety in Asia.

If you wanna chat dude, just PM me! You posted a very real thing, but seems the older generation doesn't even believe in anything regarding mental health.
I found this graph interesting. Generally it's Korean Americans that are mainly Christian. I remember my SK friend telling me that buddhism was the major religion in SK but I guess somewhere in the last decade or so, it was overtaken by Christianity.


Looks like I like South Koreans more.
Man, I really wish there were more thorough studies into North American Asians and mental health. I feel like it's this big elephant in my life that remains unresolved, especially with the rates of depression and anxiety in Asia.

Let me know if you wants to talk~

My family back home and friends are the same. They think mental illness is a fakey thing. Cuz apparently it doesn't exist back home??? .... Just cuz it's been thoroughly ignored doesn't mean it doesn't exist.... but eh, it's super hard to talk through these topics with them sometimes.... >____>
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