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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

I actually think it would be incredibly interesting to visit North Korea as it is right now. Not for any chance at seeing the horrors the state inflicts upon its citizens -- that would never be allowed to happen -- but because the entire experience would be state-controlled propaganda. A pantomime of modern society so far removed from reality that it satirizes itself.

I'm sure one could get the same experience visiting another dictatorial regime that also happened to want to show the outside world that everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you? But I don't know of any tour groups organizing trips through Gaddafi's Syria or Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and North Korea's particular brand of eagerness to be important shows through in its theater.

All that said, I'd really rather not contribute money directly to the government for the week-long show, surreal it may be.

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way. I think from an academic and curiosity standpoint, it'd be fascinating to view basically a preserved Stalin-era Cold War country with basically a whole country pulling a dog and pony show for you and a group of 10-15 tourists. I mean, it'd really hit home and I'd have so much to reflect on; if my grandparents decided not to cross the 38th in '45, what would my life be like?

But I don't want to contribute to the regime at all. It would totally eat away at me that money that I was giving them would be contributing to propping up the state.


FGC Waterboy
I actually think it would be incredibly interesting to visit North Korea as it is right now. Not for any chance at seeing the horrors the state inflicts upon its citizens -- that would never be allowed to happen -- but because the entire experience would be state-controlled propaganda. A pantomime of modern society so far removed from reality that it satirizes itself.

I'm sure one could get the same experience visiting another dictatorial regime that also happened to want to show the outside world that everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you? But I don't know of any tour groups organizing trips through Gaddafi's Syria or Mugabe's Zimbabwe, and North Korea's particular brand of eagerness to be important shows through in its theater.

All that said, I'd really rather not contribute money directly to the government for the week-long show, surreal it may be.

N Korea when on an, um, unauthorized trip, is a very...weird place. I agree with your last sentence 100% though.
Hi folks! I've been busy playing Monster Hunter. :)

I told a few friends of mine to go watch Fresh Off the Boat and they now understand a good portion of Asian stereotypes.

I still don't understand one of my friends who orders a BURGER from a terrible Chinese carryout.
I need to get crackin' on that (and Order and FFT-0 and some backlog stuff). Too many games.

Just made an impulse purchase: Wii U + Mario 3D World. Currently being shipped! :)

Feeling pretty pumped about it...I actually haven't played much (or anything at all) over the last couple years. Probably still won't with most of my time tied up with work+school+gf, but at least now I'll have the option!
Just made an impulse purchase: Wii U + Mario 3D World. Currently being shipped! :)

Feeling pretty pumped about it...I actually haven't played much (or anything at all) over the last couple years. Probably still won't with most of my time tied up with work+school+gf, but at least now I'll have the option!

Good man. As I get older (and want to play more with my nieces and nephew) I find myself spending my fairly limited gaming time on Nintendo's systems, especially since my nephew and nieces are getting to the age where they can legitimately play something like MK and 3d World.

Although I say that and I'm pretty sure Amazon delivered Bloodborne to my place today.
Just made an impulse purchase: Wii U + Mario 3D World. Currently being shipped! :)

Feeling pretty pumped about it...I actually haven't played much (or anything at all) over the last couple years. Probably still won't with most of my time tied up with work+school+gf, but at least now I'll have the option!
Yeah. That and Bayonetta 2 are also in my backlog. =(

Usually my wife just wants to play Wii Fit U or Just Dance when we play, though. I thought I could catch up while she's in tax busy season, but I just don't feel like it when I get home and end up watching TV. =(
I have way too many games in my backlog and not even close to enough time to beat them all

Going through a collecting phase sucks
Digital makes it so easy, too. Just download it! And then never get to it. It doesn't help that everything seems to be releasing at what feels like the same time, either.


FGC Waterboy
I have way too many games in my backlog and not even close to enough time to beat them all

Going through a collecting phase sucks


I think I'm at 40 or so X360 games and 10 or so X1 games I haven't started. (Don't get me into XBLA, I'll just start crying at that point). Black Friday sales on Amazon for X360 games get me every time.
lol, seems like I'm definitely not alone in that sentiment. :)

Actually, the time factor was one of the main reasons I went with Nintendo over PS4 and XBO. I feel like there's more quick fun, low commitment pick-up-and-play games on that platform. Between the Wii U and some Steam indie games, I think I'm pretty set. Sure, I'd like to play Bloodborne and Uncharted 4, but this is more than enough to scratch that gaming itch.
lol, seems like I'm definitely not alone in that sentiment. :)

Actually, the time factor was one of the main reasons I went with Nintendo over PS4 and XBO. I feel like there's more quick fun, low commitment pick-up-and-play games on that platform. Between the Wii U and some Steam indie games, I think I'm pretty set. Sure, I'd like to play Bloodborne and Uncharted 4, but this is more than enough to scratch that gaming itch.
Just don't get into mobile. Those games make you play on their schedule.


Speaking of addicting mobile games...



My sis has a bigger donald.

When I crashed at her place I used it as a pillow.

and LA-GAF: Not sure where I'm staying... This is what happens when you plan with guys that insist they have to do the planning.
I just want to say that older Asian women are the nicest people around. #Fact

This is based off 3 people within the past two weeks; 2 from restaurants and the other is the mother of my friend.

They're so sweet, and kind! Making me feel so comfortable around them. Lol.
I have never seen that before, but when little baby dino came out... (///▽///)

Doesn't help that it's based off of my favorite dinosaur, the Ankylosaurus.
My girlfriend's bday is next week...she's a crazed fan of those subscription beauty boxes (like Ipsy) and watches practically every youtube unboxing video for those that she can get her hands on, lol.

So my genius idea for a birthday gift this year is to create my own for her (and call it something super cheesy, like "The Super Amazing & Wonderful Girlfriend Bag") and stuff it full of beauty products she likes...feel free to steal the idea guys ;-)

Anyway, I know she's really into this one particular Asian brand, Shiseido, so I mosey into one of the stores they got at mall. Ended up only buying a tiny container of moisturizer because it cost like $100, lol. Now I'm scrambling to figure out what to fill out the rest of the bag with, since I can't afford to drop like $400 bucks for another 4-5 products from that place. Hopefully, I can find some cheaper, but still quality brand alternatives. :\

...just wanted to vent, lol. Asians and their upscale skin care products. Sheesh.
Okay, downer time: my sister-in-law has cervical cancer. We found out a few days ago. What we found yesterday, though, is that it's not the normal type of cervical cancer, which has a 90%+ survival rate if detected in Stage I. It's small-cell carcinoma, which, even if detected in Stage I, only has a survival rate of 40-50%.

I've also read somewhere but can't find the article that this particular cancer seems to occur more commonly in Asian women. So, please get tested regularly!
Holy shit. I'm really sorry to hear this.... I hope she'll be okay :/. Is she going through chemo now? How is your family holding up?
She has surgery and chemo scheduled soon, but she also wants a second opinion from City of Hope, which specializes in oncology. My wife took the day off because she's very sad about this, and my in-laws have been calling a lot.

I was told by my health physicians that they've reduced pap smears from every year to every three or four years for younger women.
Yeah, fuck that. Try to get it every year, if you can, preferably from a specialist. Hers was found by a general doctor, who thought it was a cyst, and then later an ob-gyn confirmed it was cancerous, and a biopsy confirmed small-cell carcinoma. She's only 36. They estimate it's been there for maybe 6 months now.
Okay, downer time: my sister-in-law has cervical cancer. We found out a few days ago. What we found yesterday, though, is that it's not the normal type of cervical cancer, which has a 90%+ survival rate if detected in Stage I. It's small-cell carcinoma, which, even if detected in Stage I, only has a survival rate of 40-50%.

I've also read somewhere but can't find the article that this particular cancer seems to occur more commonly in Asian women. So, please get tested regularly!

So sorry to hear that. :( My family has run into our share of cancer diagnoses as well. It's pretty heartbreaking.

Awww, I'm addicted to that stuff too! Have you considered getting her a PopSugar MustHave subscription? Maybe that could be part of the gift :eek:. Really thoughtful of you, and YES Shiseido is expense as hell... I know from experience. My wallet QQ.
lol, my condolences on the Shiseido. She did have PopSugar at one point, but then dropped it out of her rotation. Not sure what the reason was, whether she was just trying to cut down or she wasn't a fan of it or what. I know for certainty she still subscribes to Ipsy and French Box though.

She really likes body butter too, so I went out hunting for one. Picked this up from Target...relatively cheap, but it's pretty decent quality: http://www.target.com/p/pacifica-bo...4282774#prodSlot=medium_1_2&term=blood+orange

Only two items so far...it's shaping up to be a pretty sad box. T_T

Anyone seen this?


The right way to cook rice and lessen the calories. It only takes 12 hours to make. You know the real secret to eating rice is to be Asian.
12 hours?? That's kind of a deal-breaker. I'd rather just stick it in the rice cooker and deal with the consequences. ;-P
Thank you for that advice, I'll definitely schedule a pap this year. Again, I'm really sorry to hear this-- City of Hope is great for oncology (my friends and I actually founded the CoH club at our high school), and as apparently are the hospitals in Texas.
Yeah, I have friends who work at City of Hope, as well, and it's good. The problem is that she has HMO, so switching would entail switching her primary care physician, and then she'd have to see the new one to get a referral to a specialist. That could take time, and time is pretty critical.

So I guess the next advice is this: fuck HMO. Get PPO.


I'm sorry to hear that, Septimus. :( I hope she'll be okay.


MushroomSamba, I don't know where you're located but Lush and The Body Shop have nice stuff.
PopSugar was kinda crappy for a bit, but recently they have been AMAZING.

What about a PopFunko or Nendoroid of something she likes?

Ooh, and food. Maybe a combination of a good book, a cute mug, and some sort of gourmet tea/hot chocolate.

A nice passport holder?

Also, in my honest opinion, not to sound like I'm pushing PopSugar (I used to have a LOT of subscriptions, that's all), why not look through some of their old stuff/old boxes for ideas. I don't click money from clicks to my blog, so I'm not advertising it, but I do have pictures of some of the past boxes. Maybe that'll give you ideas? March, March 2, January. MSA also does reviews of TONS of other kinds of boxes. This is her Feb one.
She LOVES mugs too, but I already got her a pretty friggin' sweet one from Anthropologie not too long ago. Tea is a good idea, although her parents already supply her with some high end stuff on a regular basis. I love the passport holder idea! Also, love the clever idea to use old boxes for inspiration! Pretty impressed with your blog devoted to that...looks like I came to the right place!

...I kinda really want one of those Link Nendroids. T_T

BTW, is PopSugar the only one you subscribe to? What do you think about Ipsy?

MushroomSamba, I don't know where you're located but Lush and The Body Shop have nice stuff.
Brilliant!!! We love those places, too. :) Gonna go pick up a couple bath bombs and mango body butter!
Okay, downer time: my sister-in-law has cervical cancer. We found out a few days ago. What we found yesterday, though, is that it's not the normal type of cervical cancer, which has a 90%+ survival rate if detected in Stage I. It's small-cell carcinoma, which, even if detected in Stage I, only has a survival rate of 40-s50%.

I've also read somewhere but can't find the article that this particular cancer seems to occur more commonly in Asian women. So, please get tested regularly!

I'm very sorry to hear that, Septimus. :/ I'm hoping everything will be okay with her. I know how scary it can be.


Okay, downer time: my sister-in-law has cervical cancer. We found out a few days ago. What we found yesterday, though, is that it's not the normal type of cervical cancer, which has a 90%+ survival rate if detected in Stage I. It's small-cell carcinoma, which, even if detected in Stage I, only has a survival rate of 40-50%.

I've also read somewhere but can't find the article that this particular cancer seems to occur more commonly in Asian women. So, please get tested regularly!
Sincerely hope everything goes well <3
Okay, downer time: my sister-in-law has cervical cancer. We found out a few days ago. What we found yesterday, though, is that it's not the normal type of cervical cancer, which has a 90%+ survival rate if detected in Stage I. It's small-cell carcinoma, which, even if detected in Stage I, only has a survival rate of 40-50%.

I've also read somewhere but can't find the article that this particular cancer seems to occur more commonly in Asian women. So, please get tested regularly!

Sorry to hear that buddy. I hope it goes well for you and your family. <333
I forgot to ask last week.

Before my family went to the cemetery, my grandma asked my cousin if she was on her period, she said yes. My grandma told her not to go.

Anyone know anything about this? I didn't ask her because I didn't know how to ask her in Cantonese and my cousins are clueless.


I forgot to ask last week.

Before my family went to the cemetery, my grandma asked my cousin if she was on her period, she said yes. My grandma told her not to go.

Anyone know anything about this? I didn't ask her because I didn't know how to ask her in Cantonese and my cousins are clueless.

Wife just said:
The blood will attract bad spirits which will bring bad luck to the family.


Hey Septimus Prime, if you're comfortable with it, please feel free to keep us updated.

Noo... I'll be on vacation from Wednesday to Sunday! Unfortunately I already have plans Tuesday :/.

Marina Del Ray is a lovely place, though. If you like seafood and have the chance, stop by Quality Seafood... Redondo Beach, so close-by. They have a small selection of live seafood that they will cook for you!

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

Though, my friends' food habits are a lot different than mine. In two days, we've been to Wendy's, Subway, and Papa Johns, so I'm not getting my hopes up hahaha.
If any of you would like to learn Cantonese, I found a really good audio dictionary on the Play Store for $12, called Hanping Cantonese. It has regular words, common idioms, clear audio, handwriting recognition, etc. Been super useful so far.
Oh man Septimus ...

Be strong for your sister, she doesn't want to see you struggling with life too much if things get worse for her. Be strong and she'll be strong, tell your family and friends to put on a brave calm face. It's definitely better than the opposite at least =)
Thanks, everyone. I'll try to post major updates to let you all know how it's going.

BlueSteel: there are so many better places for food than the chains. If you do end up going to Redondo Beach, make sure you go to Quality Seafood, as mentioned. There are a lot of places there, but that one is the best one, though it's a bit tough to find. Get the clam chowder, for sure.
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