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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|

So my partner got HBO now. Anyone else get it? I thought I'd like to watch GoT on it but lately I've just been watching movies. Saw Divergent today, it was cute. The whole "average girl is special snowflake and then saves the world" theme gets a little cringey at times, though :<

The whole "adults can't do anything so kids will save the world" gets me.


I... I have a confession to make guys.

I don't actually like Korean food ;_;

What exactly don't you like? :(

The BBQ ribs are devine, hot tofu soup in ceramic bowls with a freshly cracked egg is superb, and whatever those sweet slices of potatoes that some restaurants serve as a pre-course appetizer is addictive. There are also cook-your-own-meat places that serve a different kind of hunger pang.

We must correct this somehow.

Glad we have 24hr Korean food restaurants, 630am soondubu

Oh Man, love Sorabol. Last time I went, I also went to Sikdorak which was pretty tasty too.
Oh Man, love Sorabol. Last time I went, I also went to Sikdorak which was pretty tasty too.

Love Sikdorak too. I'm too lazy to cook my own stuff though.

Speaking of Korean food, I'm taking a trip to Seoul in two weeks. Never been out of the USA in my life, hopefully it goes well. Any recommendation anyone on where to visit? I'll only be there for a week.


+1 Sikdorak. Went there only once but I loved it. Located too far for me to go there regularly when I lived by Alhambra. There's an optionally all-you-can-eat one in little Tokyo in the downtown L.A. Plaza off 3rd Street where there's a salad bar of every Korean appetizer you can think of. I forget the name and it's relatively new.


FGC Waterboy

It's okay. More Korean food for me :D.

Luckily we all have different palates and AREN'T stormtroopers :p.

So my partner got HBO now. Anyone else get it? I thought I'd like to watch GoT on it but lately I've just been watching movies. Saw Divergent today, it was cute. The whole "average girl is special snowflake and then saves the world" theme gets a little cringey at times, though :<

Don't say that; I might have to get someone to change the title of this thread. ;)

You are welcome to take the korean food from me too; not a fan either.

Got HBO - time to catch up on Game of Thrones after Daredevil on Netflix. Not sure off-hand if it is on HBO yet, but Kingsmen was pretty fun for a campy movie.


Psylocke thread is like a pantheon-tier awful thread.

Weeaboos, slut shaming, yellow fever, diet racism, sexual objectification, and gamer-gate all in one thread.
Psylocke thread is like a pantheon-tier awful thread.

Weeaboos, slut shaming, yellow fever, diet racism, sexual objectification, and gamer-gate all in one thread.
I hate Psylocke. Like, everything is going just fine, and then she's all like, "PSYBLADE," in your face, and then Magneto and Storm come and fuck you up.


FGC Waterboy
How is Daredevil? I might watch it.

Hell yeah. That thread is absolutely terrifying.

Daredevil is unbelievably good. I'm about 5 episodes in. It is really, really good. Be warned, it is hella dark and gruesome, though.

Ah, yes, the people who post on these boards sometimes...sigh. One of these days I'll understand why Asian racism isn't considered Real (tm) Racism in the US. I feel like I should add that to the OP one day.

"As an asian, understand that in the US, no one gives a shit about being racist towards you. As far as the rest of this country is concerned, racism against Asians is no big deal. No amount of explaining will fix this."


Psylocke thread is like a pantheon-tier awful thread.

Weeaboos, slut shaming, yellow fever, diet racism, sexual objectification, and gamer-gate all in one thread.

Thinking the same thing going through that thread. Being a woman associated with gaming sounds absolutely terrifying.


FGC Waterboy
Nerds hate Olivia Munn because reasons.

Their reasoning...it's almost like reverse white knighting - Olivia Munn doesn't deserve to be Psylocke because a) She's not the right type of Asian (mm, diet racism) and b) she got her "status" by being a "sex symbol", so she hasn't truly earned it. Pretty terrible reasons, all things considered.

Apparently none of them saw the Newsroom, cuz she's actually pretty good in that.

It's not being a woman that's terrifying in gaming, it's not being the "right kind" of woman as best as I can tell. :-/ Plus...the internet is not always a realistic representation of the real world, to put it nicely, if it makes you feel any better.


Holy cow 15 pages? Can a fellow storm trooper give us the TL:DR version?
Truncated for your pleasure:

Considering she's been jumping from actors to directors to sports guys to try and be popular and knowns she's basically more manufactured than the Khardasians.

Minus the porn vid and with about as much talent.

Olivia Munn sucks. Why do I always feel like she fucked her way to the top...?

Because there are lots of stories about her doing that very thing?

Obama appropriate black culture when he lived in Chicago, you can't really say that Olivia Munn appropriated and absorbed anything Vietnamese nor (stretching it) Chinese. So you can argue that she does not represent Asian American.

I think it's both the Brett Ratner stories and the leaks that portray her as a sex-crazed minx.

Didn't Brett Ratner confirm that she literally sucks producers dicks to get roles? That's sick

How is it disgusting? That shit happens in Hollywood all the time

Her whole claim to fame is that she looks good and performs various provocative acts to get nerds to watch whatever she's been hired for. She isn't a legit actress.


[quote="Gambit 1138, post: 159991912"]No there are hundreds of beautiful actresses that also have terrific talent. I just don't think Olivia Munn is one of those people.

Good thing this movie isn't MCU canon because if it was I think I might just drop dead from anger. What happened to casting real actors and actresses for roles in X-Men like Famke Jameson, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, James Mardsen, Anna Paquin, etc.?[/QUOTE]

[quote="orochi91, post: 159993046"]Terrible actress whose primary claim to fame is her crass antics in the media.


Her role better be minimal, otherwise that's a lost ticket sale for FOX, as far as I'm concerned.[/QUOTE]

[quote="orochi91, post: 159996631"]Interestingly enough, Olivia Wilde would have been a far more palatable choice, given her above average acting range.

I also can't help but think that Munn was chosen due to her vague Asian facial features, since it saves FOX from having to hire an actual Asian actress.


[quote="rawd, post: 160002733"]Whose sausage is she consistently gobbling to keep staying relevant in Hollywood[/QUOTE]


It's weird how women are simultaneously punished and desired to be sexually objectified.


Madonna whore complex.

You have to be sexual, but you can't be AWARE of it. The moment you act like you KNOW you're being sexual, you're a slut. But if you're NOT sexual, god help you too, you don't exist.

That's a good assessment of it. I'm sure there's a parallel to when Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.

And people still posting in that thread after others have been banned wanting by expressing similar sentiments.


FGC Waterboy
Madonna whore complex.

You have to be sexual, but you can't be AWARE of it. The moment you act like you KNOW you're being sexual, you're a slut. But if you're NOT sexual, god help you too, you don't exist.

Basically, be a pure innocent sexy virgin for me, but no one else. Because. But you have to be sexy for others too. But you have to be innocent.

edit: Like the gif of Jessica Alba someone posted licking some boy's finger. The comments were, oh you can tell she HATES it... and someone else was like, but that's why it's so awesome.
*double-edit, here it is.

This is the gif.


Wow. Wow. WOW.


So that's what that is called. Got it. Figured there was a name for the "be sexy but only for me" thing.
I'm waiting for a mouth breather to flat out say with conviction that Olivia Munn doesn't embody the spirit of Psylocke....please GAF don't disappoint..
I don't particularly like Munn, but I don't really dislike her either. All in all, I'm pretty apathetic to her. She definitely was one of the better performers on The Newsroom. The hate that she gets is pretty amazing though.

I always interpreted it more of a sense of "betrayal" that Munn was a popular figure on G4 and she was basically pretty well liked then. But then she started cutting into acting and so forth, turned her back on the geek/video game culture that made her somewhat famous in the first place, and the G4 geek crowd interpreted that as her ignoring and taking for granted the fanbase that increased her celebrity status initially, hence the betrayal.
oohh y'all talking about that munn thread

i like her as an actor/person, as i said in that thread. she was also one of the redeeming features of newsroom.

she also speaks fluent japanese and she has a great sense of humour :)

having said that. her casting as psylocke leaves me with nothing but meh response. maybe cuz i actually dislike the character (not the actor).

psylocke is such a hot-mess of a character. british by birth, then 'acquired' asian body so now is a ninja. aguh? guh.


Daredevil is better than any Batman movie :D

Oh, and Korean Barbeque is okay. It's a little more trouble than it's worth and it tastes like... Barbeque.
Yeah it's kinda like... well, we want someone to LOOK Asian, but we don't want them to BE Asian.

Okay /shrug.

I was just talking to my boyfriend about this. Gal Gadot getting cast brought out some nasty remarks too, but it was mostly about Gadot being too thin and her acting chops not being up to par.

Olivia Munn, on the other hand.. that thread. 10000x more vicious. The two function in almost the same way, but Munn was involved in video games.

Seems like whenever a female is involved in the gaming industry, the hate is so much more crazy, so much more vitriolic, than even normal sexism. Thinking about Anita, the other journalist-- like holy shit, put a chick in videogames and suddenly the gaming sphere is 100000000x more angry, more bitter, and more disgusting than they are about other women.

(Oddly enough, we also hear "omigod what a slut" more. I don't remember seeing much of that sentiment about Gal Gadot, but in that Munn thread? "SHE SUCKED DICK TO GET WHERE SHE IS." .....O_O;;;;;;; CHRIST PEOPLE.)


so truuuuuuueeeeeeeee

girls are errywhere, ruining errything for real true-blue geeks


poor true-blue geeks.

gal's thread was cringe as it was, it has paled in comparison to the vitriol in munn's thread.


Hah, I've never heard of AsianGAF before, but I made sure to google it to try finding some safe refuge after that Psylocke thread.

Welcome everyone! Shame about bunny. Just happy I made it through that thread without getting banned myself.


FGC Waterboy
Sad thing is, I didn't really see much in her posts in that thread to get her banned - but, eh, it is what it is. Hopefully you'll be back bunny!

Managed to make it out of that thread without getting banned - though, I will laugh if they rewrite the character to be half english / half japanese rather than deal with the convoluted Betsy Braddock in a japanese ninja's body backstory.

ppor, welcome to Asian-GAF. This thread exists because of bunny (she convinced me to start it) - so bunny is our patron saint of Asian-GAF as well as sugar. Warning: Don't read this thread while hungry. Bad things happen.


Hah, I've never heard of AsianGAF before, but I made sure to google it to try finding some safe refuge after that Psylocke thread.

Welcome everyone! Shame about bunny. Just happy I made it through that thread without getting banned myself.

Never say never! I remember how I mentioned I have never been banned before and plan to keep it that way. A week later, I get banned lol.


rip bunny.

That thread was a mess. I don't really like/dislike the character or Olivia Munn. All I know about Psylocke is from the 90s cartoon and Marvel vs Capcom 2. lol

I dont quite understand why the ban this time. Yeah, sure her post had some snark in it, but in general I caught where she was trying to go....

there really is a problem with mainstream perception of 'what looks asian' and 'whats asian enough (for specific roles)' etc.

I dont have a problem with Munn's casting in this particular role because she did live in Japan and I mean... don't all of us in some manners call ourselves Asian-AMERICAN or Asian-AUSTRALIAN or Asian-CANADIAN for reasons that some parts of the places we live in resonate loudly with our identities? I think in that respect, Munn has valid claim to some Japanese aspects. She lived there, studied there, and speak the language fluently.

So absolutely no problems with her being confirmed as Psylocke.

But! Having said that, there HAVE been problems in the past typecasting Asian actors as one monolithical mess. And substituting this Asian actor for that Asian actor CAN highlight how little understanding the mainstream media has on our original roots.

To be honest, 'whitewashing' in media has never bothered me in particular. I think we talked about this in this thread a while ago, .... I'm with the bunch of Asians that would source Asian-made contents when I am looking for Asian representations for movies or tv shows. Huge, huge, huge fan of Korean movies, at the moment (for example).

But I do understand that maybe I have the frame of reference of feeling comfortable enough to do so because I'm first generation immigrant myself .... so I grew up on non-English based media contents and it feels natural to me, maybe more natural than second or third generation Asian-descendants who speaks, thinks and breaths English contents. Who may be seeking for representations in Hollywood and western tv series because otherwise there is that strange feeling of erasure of existence.

As a tangential example, a friend of mine who is not a very attractive woman once told me that she simply does not EXIST in mainstream media as a potential protagonist or romantic interest. She said that the best she can hope for is maybe as 'useful npc' or 'villain'... XD She's got a good sense of humour so she takes it in her strides. But I do understand that sometimes representations means a fair bit to some of us.

This is turning into a longer post than I had anticipated at the beginning :x

tl;dr Just saiyan, bunny's post may have problematic delivery but it was not like she had no validity in her issues. Asians and mixed-Asian representations do get pretty complicated in mainstream media.

Additionally, what is WRONG with the other poster who DUG up and posted bunny's post in GirlGAF about her imaginary/potential CHOICES of abortions? What's THAT had gotten to do with anything in that particular thread? Such a petty obsession and a nasty smear campaign. What bitchiness.

That just goes to show that some of haters would stalk even safe havens such as GirlGAF thread. Lurking and starving and mining for materials. I find this to be a very unhealthy mindset, from a despicable personality type. Ugh. UGH.
I'm also not sure why her post got her banned. She just said that if being Full Asian was important to the character, then some complainers might have a legitimate point. But then she said that she wasn't sure if that was the case, and mentioned that she didn't have a problem with changes to characters such as Spider-Man or Human Torch.

So, was it the "Full Asian" thing that people found offensive? Because it's not.
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