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Asian-GAF: We're all the same, like Stormtroopers |OT| |AT|


The alternatives weren't much better. I can't place blame on the US government for going with that course of action and I can't blame Japan or any other country from thinking that it's terrible. But we didn't drop them because we were lazy.
No. You guys did it because you knew you could get away with it.

Japan killed 20 million without atomic bombs. America needs to get to their level.
Native American genocide?
So Asian gaf. What's up? How did your summer go? Any regrets? Any summer flings? Come guys and girls lets socialize!

I'm lonely

Summer? Tis remains a cold and dreary winter here ;____; Coldest Melb winter in 26 years, in fact >___<

I wants Spring to come on already >____<


awwww dun be lonely~ talk with us :D


Fun partying a lot. Tons of regrets. About 4 flings with 2 still going on.... derp.
Man you guys had a chill summer. My summer was basically me getting rejected by two girls. One a model and the other a barista(she had a boyfriend). Weirdly enough she still added me on Facebook and started following me on Instagram. Also said she wanted to hangout during the school year. Girl noooooooooo.

Oh and working a job made shitty by a boss who had no idea what he was doing other than bring a gigantic a-hole to like the two people who worked there.

BUT I did chill with friends and stuff so yeah that was good.
Man you guys had a chill summer. My summer was basically me getting rejected by two girls. One a model and the other a barista(she had a boyfriend). Weirdly enough she still added me on Facebook and started following me on Instagram. Also said she wanted to hangout during the school year. Girl noooooooooo.

Oh and working a job made shitty by a boss who had no idea what he was doing other than bring a gigantic a-hole to like the two people who worked there.

BUT I did chill with friends and stuff so yeah that was good.

Well once you're out of school it be funner. Summer, winter, spring, fall all becomes the same shit lol.
I just got lazy. Did manage to get a nice large group for the Bronx Zoo. Admittedly just to hangout with one girl >.>

But it was a great day.

I also spend the summer dreading starting college, but its here now and it's not bad. I just have to try to balance college work and a job when I get one. It could be a tight squeeze and I might not have enough me time.
I want it to be winter all the time so I can have more snow! :D

snow is nice :D

melb dont get snows though. i mean we do, but we have to go up to the mountains. in the city, its just rains and winds :<


the sun's out now though :D looks like spring's around the corner ^______^
Summer is still better because all the students get off the damn road. Traffic is picking up again, now that school is starting.

You know I haven't notice that. I mean the only thing that sucks for me is I have to slow down in school zone but then again I'm from Seattle where traffic always is trash doesn't matter what season.
You know I haven't notice that. I mean the only thing that sucks for me is I have to slow down in school zone but then again I'm from Seattle where traffic always is trash doesn't matter what season.
Isn't there a massive windstorm up there that's knocking down trees and everything? Drive safe, please!
snow is nice :D

melb dont get snows though. i mean we do, but we have to go up to the mountains. in the city, its just rains and winds :<


the sun's out now though :D looks like spring's around the corner ^______^

Snow is not nice when you live in the city. It obstructs commuters, especially if they rely on public transportation. A few days later its turned into gross city mud.

I did use to like snow once. Than I had I a job.
Bought my first home in July. 250K condo that's only 680 sq ft. Turning 32 next week.

Been an active hurricane season for us in the Pacific. "storm fatigue" starting to sink in.
Snow is not nice when you live in the city. It obstructs commuters, especially if they rely on public transportation. A few days later its turned into gross city mud.

I did use to like snow once. Than I had I a job.
Snow in the city sure is not as nice as away from it, truuuu

When I lived in Tokyo, the winters could be downright depressing but snow fall will never not be pretty


Bought my first home in July. 250K condo that's only 680 sq ft. Turning 32 next week.

Been an active hurricane season for us in the Pacific. "storm fatigue" starting to sink in.
Grats you!!

... And hope storm season passes through soon for you~
Its estimated that between 400 - 800k American soldiers would have been killed invading Japan, and between 5 - 10 million Japanese casualties.

There were thousands of Japanese civilian suicides during the Battle of Okinawa due to Japanese propaganda. I can imagine that number being much higher had the Americans went through with Operation Downfall.

Not saying who is right or wrong, but think of the alternatives. WW2 was not always a black and white situation.
Snow in the city sure is not as nice as away from it, truuuu

When I lived in Tokyo, the winters could be downright depressing but snow fall will never not be pretty

Ah, we do have pretty snow, and that's only after heavy snows and not yet touched by vehicles and heavy foot traffic. Like in Central Park.

It wasn't just the diseases lol

That was the main killer. Nobody denies a lot of shitty things were done to the native Americans. There aren't people defending what the European settlers did to the Native Americans. Japan gets pity for their war crimes and a whitewashing even though they lost a war.
Crazy busy summer. Used up all of my vacation days to go to 5 weddings. And mine is in a month. If you ever get the idea to forgo the traditional get a venue and let them handle it route to instead have a DIY wedding, punch yourself in the face. Because it's a bad idea.

On the flip side, I've lost around 10 lbs by re-dedicating myself to my swim workouts and starving myself. Been setting personal bests (outside of my competitive days) in the pool. And my stomach has given up on letting me know it needs food, so I no longer feel hungry!


That was the main killer. Nobody denies a lot of shitty things were done to the native Americans. There aren't people defending what the European settlers did to the Native Americans. Japan gets pity for their war crimes and a whitewashing even though they lost a war.

I know Japan did shitty things. What I don't like is bombing innocent civilians and calling it collateral damage.
My summer started with my girlfriend dumping me, so that was fun. I think I'm in a better place now though the temptation to regress to game-playing shut-in is tempting.

Did my travelling earlier this year. Have enough vacation for one more trip but haven't decided what to do or where to go yet.


I know Japan did shitty things. What I don't like is bombing innocent civilians and calling it collateral damage.

Oh no ones arguing with you that it was a shitty thing to do. The argument with the bombings is usually whether or not it was necessary. If you think the bombing was cool then you have problems. I think Obama wanted to formally apologize for those bombings but Japan said no. Something about not wanting to encourage anti-nuclear groups? Not sure, I'd have to do more research.

It wasn't just the diseases lol

That was the main killer. Nobody denies a lot of shitty things were done to the native Americans. There aren't people defending what the European settlers did to the Native Americans. Japan gets pity for their war crimes and a whitewashing even though they lost a war.

I'm confused about who's referring to what. The disease thing was biological warfare conducted by European settlers prior to the United States actually becoming the United States. Then things got waaay worse around the time of Andrew Jackson.
I know Japan did shitty things. What I don't like is bombing innocent civilians and calling it collateral damage.

No one in their right mind likes that but considering the alternatives, it could have been worst.

Yea, I know it's two shitty options, but sadly sometimes in life, that's all that is presented to you. I personally wouldn't be able to decide to either drop the atomic bombs or choose the land invasion.

I suppose diplomacy could have been an option, but I don't know if the other Allies or the Imperial Japanese would have accepted. Stalin did plan on invading Hokkaido, and we all know how well East Germany felt under Soviet occupation.
I'm confused about who's referring to what. The disease thing was biological warfare conducted by European settlers prior to the United States actually becoming the United States.

You think people from the 1700's and 1800's mastered biological warfare...


No one in their right mind likes that but considering the alternatives, it could have been worst.

Yea, I know it's two shitty options, but sadly sometimes in life, that's all that is presented to you. I personally wouldn't be able to decide to either drop the atomic bombs or choose the land invasion.

I suppose diplomacy could have been an option, but I don't know if the other Allies or the Imperial Japanese would have accepted. Stalin did plan on invading Hokkaido, and we all know how well East Germany felt under Soviet occupation.
If we're looking at casualty rates of another island invasion, Okinawa had 40,000–150,000 civilian casualties - a tiny island! For the defense of the mainland, women and children were doing drills with bamboo spears and bow/arrow. If we're not going to use nuclear weapons, then conventional bombing would resume, bearing in mind that the firebombing of Tokyo killed more people than either of the nuclear bombs did. And this is not taking into account food shortage in Japan.

Was there a better faster way to end the war? There was still occupied territory in mainland Asia, and Japan was not a gentle benevolent occupying force. Should we ignore the occupied people's ply for the ply of the Japanese populace?

Nuclear bombs are bad, sure, but condemning without offering a realistic alternative in the context of total war is utopic (the diplomatic angle is quite complex - I recommend reading The Rising Sun by John Toland for what went on behind-the-scenes before/during/after the war in the Japanese government).


What he's saying is that the U.S can't take credit for the biological warfare released on the Native Americans because it was done before the U.S became a country.

Well the people who came up with it still worked for Britain at the time.
You think people from the 1700's and 1800's mastered biological warfare...
Intentionally infecting items with diseases and the distributing them to your enemy as a "gift" counts as biological warfare.


As an aside, "smallpox blankets" is one of my favorite cards in Cards Against Humanity because of how ridiculously dark it is.
It's true, it's not a proper winter, what we have down under... But its sort of nice, cuz we still get the occasional sunny and warm days even in the middle of "winter"... XD

Beautiful! Aaaahhhhhh *______*
This reply doesn't really have anything to do with what I quoted, but I just wanted to say I bought a huge can of Foster's. I hope it's good.
Heavy rain yesterday, crazy flooding.

On another note the other day my friends had another discussion about "are Filipinos Asian or Pacific Islander?"

I told them IDGAF, clasify me whatever the hell you want. I'm the very definition of a twinkie/banana/coconut so whatevers.
"Hey, guys, I think you're expressing some racist sentiments."
"'Racism' isn't the right term."

...Okay..? So you're not racist, but...

I don't want to argue with anyone, though, so oh well.
"Hey, guys, I think you're expressing some racist sentiments."
"'Racism' isn't the right term."

...Okay..? So you're not racist, but...

I don't want to argue with anyone, though, so oh well.

Give it up in the China thread, guys.

I see some of you there (and I posted too!), but the idiots that want to be racist are not going to understand why they are wrong.

"But China isn't a race!"
"We totes don't hate on China, just the culture."

My god, can you imagine what would happen if someone tried saying that about black people here? "We don't hate black people, just their culture that makes them <insert negative generalization here based off some incidents>." There'd be grey names left and right.

Typically just going back to the definition pretty much gives you the answer

Racism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights, or goods amongst, or otherwise exhibit hatred or prejudice towards, different racial groups. It is often based on a desire to dominate or a belief in the inferiority of another race.[1][2] Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently.[3][4][5]

Inherent belief that a political system is better.. Check and mate



I've been called from some people with comments like:

"You're too skinny. You should eat more so you don't look like a southeast Asian."

"Don't sit on the floor because that's what southeast Asians do."

I'm skinny from genetics. I eat enough like normal people.

What's with the snide comments about southeast Asians? Is it something about class levels?


I wouldn't say complaining about foreign investors is a race thing. I would get salty at any country's residents coming in and buying up all the local property.
I wouldn't say complaining about foreign investors is a race thing. I would get salty at any country's residents coming in and buying up all the local property.

Is it though? It seems like most are just generally complaining that all the asians came and drove up the prices and since they are talking about them living there where even the stores are becoming more asian then I would think it's not foreign investors that they're complaining about.
I wouldn't say complaining about foreign investors is a race thing. I would get salty at any country's residents coming in and buying up all the local property.
That actually is happening in my very neighborhood. Real estate prices have skyrocketed in the last couple of years, and we are actually seeing direct impact from China's market woes right now, as prices are finally softening.

I must admit I am a bit salty about it, but:

3. Property belongs to who can buy it.
That's really the truth. Regardless how they got their money (and I wouldn't doubt many of them earned it through less than perfectly scrupulous means), they have the money, and that's how things are. On top of this, it has really benefited local schools and businesses, too.
That actually is happening in my very neighborhood. Real estate prices have skyrocketed in the last couple of years, and we are actually seeing direct impact from China's market woes right now, as prices are finally softening.

I must admit I am a bit salty about it, but:

That's really the truth. Regardless how they got their money (and I wouldn't doubt many of them earned it through less than perfectly scrupulous means), they have the money, and that's how things are. On top of this, it has really benefited local schools and businesses, too.

Yeah, I kind of feel the same living in the northeast for my entire life. I know I won't be able to afford 99% of stuff here in my lifetime.


I always found it ironic that one of China's most famous and frequently visited locations is a wall built to keep intruders out. Still need to see it.

I can't afford to live in Irvine the way I want, personally. My partner and I looked at homes here... and it's like 700k for a house. We don't have that kind of money!

I'm actually hoping to move to his city, Sugar Land, in TX. Housing there is only 300k, and the salary between there and here for my work is comparable. The safety and niceness of the neighborhoods are pretty much the same, and I want a nice stand alone single home with a large backyard. Can't find that for 300k in Irvine.

TBH I'm actually really sad about leaving this bastion of Taiwanese Americans and good sushi. But, we just can't afford it. I don't see how blaming other people that want to live in this nice place is fair, at all.

Can't imagine living in texas :/



I can't afford to live in Irvine the way I want, personally. My partner and I looked at homes here... and it's like 700k for a house. We don't have that kind of money!

I'm actually hoping to move to his city, Sugar Land, in TX. Housing there is only 300k, and the salary between there and here for my work is comparable. The safety and niceness of the neighborhoods are pretty much the same, and I want a nice stand alone single home with a large backyard. Can't find that for 300k in Irvine.

TBH I'm actually really sad about leaving this bastion of Taiwanese Americans and good sushi. But, we just can't afford it. I don't see how blaming other people that want to live in this nice place is fair, at all.

There's no magic in Texas.

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