I don't know who came up with this garbage tailing mission in Sequence 6, but they should be fired.
what is the last slot in the London Stories section in the progress tracker? Something you unlock after the main story? I am on the last mission in sequence 9 right now and it is still a question mark
what is the last slot in the London Stories section in the progress tracker? Something you unlock after the main story? I am on the last mission in sequence 9 right now and it is still a question mark
Edit: heyyy, i found the last letter. It wasnt getting marked by eagle vision or shining
I'm a bit behind on the improvements that must have come with Unity, but whatever Ubisoft is doing with the facial animation (whether mo-cap/synced/manual) is superb, and is some of the strongest I've seen. All the facial muscles contort beautifully! Maybe the strongest next to Naughty Dog's work? W3 had some beautiful, subtle animation in the eyes and brows, but understandably being such a large RPG, the mouth/sync was often a bit weaker. The voice work has been great, too.
100% get...fully completed every assassins creed to date
I'm really contemplating on running to bestbuy (24 hours around me) and grabbing this. I've gotten every single AC on consoles, but was underwhelmed with unity's replay value.
The reviews are good, but they always are lol
Bestbuy emailed me about $30 gamers club for 1 or 2 years, %20 off on all future game purchases. So this would be my first game purchase if it's worth it
Nope, not very long at all.
I don't know who came up with this garbage tailing mission in Sequence 6, but they should be fired.
The one? It took me ages to find that one for some to the merchant in the south east
Nice work!
100% get...fully completed every assassins creed to date
I'm in sequence 4 (and have been for a long time). I found one of those music box things, and I went to the place where you use it. It looks like it's going to take a lot of them to open the...thing. How come I haven't seen anymore since then? I like collecting things but I haven't seen any way to collect these.
You guys didn't up-sell the Aegis suit enough. It's the actual clothing of Minerva herself. Plus it looks SUPER cool.
I'm in sequence 4 (and have been for a long time). I found one of those music box things, and I went to the place where you use it. It looks like it's going to take a lot of them to open the...thing. How come I haven't seen anymore since then? I like collecting things but I haven't seen any way to collect these.
Bad news.
The PC version is being ported by Ubisoft Kiev.
Oh well. Maybe they can redeem themselves.
Bad news.
The PC version is being ported by Ubisoft Kiev.
Oh well. Maybe they can redeem themselves.
The team in Kiev is working to accommodate the myriad PC setups as they optimize the game. Kovalev tells us that PC requirements are still being finalized, and said that there will be no locks on the game as far as framerate and resolution goes. The recommended system requirements will target 1080p and 30 FPS.
You guys didn't up-sell the Aegis suit enough. It's the actual clothing of Minerva herself. Plus it looks SUPER cool.
Spoilers, I guess.
They also made Rogue, which performed really well.
arkham knight is more than enough for one year
Bad news.
The PC version is being ported by Ubisoft Kiev.
Oh well. Maybe they can redeem themselves.
It's okay, Dogg, there are only a few weeks to go! The whole "We delayed the PC version to make it super awesome and cool" thing isn't looking too, well, honest... :shock: :awe:
They also made Rogue, which performed really well.
I wonder how big the gap will be between the console and pc versions. HBAO+ and much better AF seems like it would make a big difference.
Tessellation I can take or leave, really,
You guys didn't up-sell the Aegis suit enough.Plus it looks SUPER cool.It's the actual clothing of Minerva herself.
Spoilers, I guess.
You guys didn't up-sell the Aegis suit enough. It's the actual clothing of Minerva herself. Plus it looks SUPER cool.
Spoilers, I guess.
Yea, I wonder if they experimented with pc exclusive smoke or rain effects since it's Victorian London.HBAO+ is amazing and has little cost on modern Nvidia cards. Tessellation I can take or leave, really, but from what I've seen HBAO+ is far superior to other AO methods,
I can't imagine how taxing that game would've with tessellation.speaking of tessellation, they never did update it into unity did they? haha
edit: i think im gonna go back and play that for a bit, at least until fallout is here
I can't imagine how taxing that game would've with tessellation.
I saw auto I'm interested
what does it take to unlock it? The answer will probably push my impulse buying methods into action lol.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think Ubi Sofia worked on Rogue?!?
do you mean like automatically looting someone when you assassinate them? Its one of the very first skills you can unlock if I remember right. I dont believe there was a skill for automatically looting someone in just normal combat kills
I wonder how big the gap will be between the console and pc versions. HBAO+ and much better AF seems like it would make a big difference.