AC:U 7 min free roam gameplay from one of the french leakers
Not completely up in 720p yet though, only 540p
Don't know if it deserves a thread
What are the assassination mechanics you're referring to? Just all of the different methods you can kill someone?
I'm just talking about on a fundamental level, the act of playing the game doesn't feel good. The parkour feels restrictive and unchallenging. The combat is too simplistic with the reliance on counters. The mission design for the last few games have been very poor in how restrictive they tend to be and how easily you desync if you don't follow the path the devs lay out for you.
Im not trying to be snarky here. I really do think people truly play these games for the world, to experience new locales in history while looking cool doing things. Not for good gameplay, otherwise they'd fix all of these thing instead of building on top of the very first game's poor design.
Of course, I have not played Unity. Maybe things will be different this time.
I was disappointed in the ACU resolution when the news broke, but I didn't care all that much. I only got pissed off when Ubisoft tried to tell me that Resolution and framerate don't matter, treating people like idiots is their biggest mistake here.
My hype for ACU is ruined, I'll only be getting it close to release if the reviews are ridiculous. Mordor has stolen it's thunder.
They've sure as hell said all the right things, including changes to every aspect of the game. There are no counters in Unity. The parkour and stealth systems have been remade. The mission structure is supposed to much more free form as well.Of course, I have not played Unity. Maybe things will be different this time.
AC:U 7 min free roam gameplay from one of the french leakers
Not completely up in 720p yet though, only 540p
Don't know if it deserves a thread
They've sure as hell said all the right things, including changes to every aspect of the game. There are no counters in Unity. The parkour and stealth systems have been remade. The mission structure is supposed to much more free form as well.
We'll see.
What are the assassination mechanics you're referring to? Just all of the different methods you can kill someone?
I'm just talking about on a fundamental level, the act of playing the game doesn't feel good. The parkour feels restrictive and unchallenging. The combat is too simplistic with the reliance on counters. The mission design for the last few games have been very poor in how restrictive they tend to be and how easily you desync if you don't follow the path the devs lay out for you.
Im not trying to be snarky here. I really do think people truly play these games for the world, to experience new locales in history while looking cool doing things. Not for good gameplay, otherwise they'd fix all of these thing instead of building on top of the very first game's poor design.
Of course, I have not played Unity. Maybe things will be different this time.
Nothing can be said to defend the pop in. Graphics look great though.No defending that pop-in.
Yeah, no other major publisher experiments with smaller projects or makes big games in interesting historical settings.Bigger AAA like this also helps Ubi to experiment with some original and beautiful games like Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and Rayman, no other company seems interested in doing this.
Also, where do you find a game with these settings? If it doesn't have weapons, it doesn't get made.
Yeah, no other major publisher experiments with smaller projects or makes big games in interesting historical settings.
Are you for real?
So it looks like ~Black Flag.
Holy shit at that viewpoint. So gorgeous.AC:U 7 min free roam gameplay from one of the french leakers
Not completely up in 720p yet though, only 540p
Don't know if it deserves a thread
I feel like this is the only place I see people upset they buy games they enjoy. It's hard to even respect those people.
Honor and fortitude are huge parts of being a gamer.
Hope that Jimpoint0 will photo mode mod for pc.Hopefully it will look amazing on PC all cleaned up
Hopefully it will look amazing on PC all cleaned up
No one plays assassins creed for good gameplay
There's no day and night cycle
Because it's cross gen. Cross gen games are simply not as taxing as next gen only games. Infamous SS also didn't have day/night cycles. Sacrifices have to be made somewhere. Also this game has day and night weather and seamless transitions from gameplay to cutscenes. There's nothing lazy about this game's development. Certainly not when it comes to the animation. From the crowds to the visuals to the character animations to the cloth physics and making sure that the game doesn't run at 20fps on ps4, they worked their asses off, and still are working on it for the day 1 patch.See this is the stuff that pisses me off about this company. This game is supposed to be a next-gen/current-gen ONLY game ffs so how the fuck can a cross-gen open world game like MGSV with seemless transition from cutscene to gameplay and a freakin day and night cycle, dynamic weather etc. run in 60FPS while this fucking game can't do it? Fucking lazy developers, seriously... and you really wonder why people complain about this game?
Sunset Overdrive is a good game but there was really no need for this driveby post I mean really?Yeah, this game sucks. Grab Sunset Overdrive instead.
God I hate GAF elitism.
Sunset Overdrive is a good game but there was really no need for this driveby post I mean really?
See this is the stuff that pisses me off about this company. This game is supposed to be a next-gen/current-gen ONLY game ffs so how the fuck can a cross-gen open world game like MGSV with seamless transition from cutscene to gameplay and a freakin day and night cycle, dynamic weather etc. run in 60FPS while this fucking game can't do it? Fucking lazy developers, seriously... and you really wonder why people complain about this game?
There are people like Kojima Productions who want to drive the gaming industry forward and there are people like Ubisoft who only care about the money. I wonder when this will stop and we finally can move on.
Oh, now this is ironic because I remember you, OP, before the launch of constantly berated the game and claimed it was downgraded in what seemed like most Infamous:SS articles over at N4G. You even cherry-picked off-screen, heavily compressed, shrunk down shots to try and prove that the downgrade had occurred.
So I'm wondering why you're so hell-bent on this defending this game against claims of it being downgraded, when it clearly has been, when you were more than happy to bash Infamous every chance you got?
Because it's cross gen. Infamous SS also didn't have day/night cycles. Sacrifices have to be made somewhere. Also this game has day and night weather and seamless transitions from gameplay to cutscenes. There's nothing lazy about this game's development. Certainly not when it comes to the animation.
You're asking why a cross gen game has a day/night cycle while a next gen only game that looks better and is doing different things doesn't. Resolution isn't something that makes a dev lazy, neither is pop in, MGSV has pop in, that doesn't make Konami lazy. And you can see the sacrifices that Kojipro had to make to get MGSV to run at 60fps, even though it looks good. Now when it comes to the development of Unity:Rewriting 6 million lines of code, creating 14K animations, completely redoing the AI, changing the lighting and rendering system, building monuments like Notre Dame at 1:1 scale, etc does not make a company lazy in anyway shape or form, if this was AC 4.5 then maybe you'd be able to call it lazy. But considering that it's not that's quite a ridiculous claim to make.This has nothing to do with it being cross-gen. The reason why MGSV is cross-gen is because of Konami, they don't have many big franchise left so of course they had to make it cross-gen.
Yes there is plenty of stuff in Unity which screams lazy development. Resolution, blurriness, pop-in, framerate etc.
I give you that Arno's animations when he climbs are very nice but if that is all a company of 10 (!) studios working on the game can come up with then sorry but again that screams "lazyness" to me especially how big this freakin company is.
I'm typing this on my phone so it might take a few mins.
I have no idea how he got screens that shitty out of Share even if they are compressed. I've taken a ton and they've never looked like that. It's also pretty sad that's he's begging people to be impressed when he can provide better evidence of it actually being impressive.
It's cool, there's just been so many driveby posts already and it always happens in Ubi threads. It's grating at this point.I've been drinking. Sry![]()
Relevance to this discussion, none.
Relevance to this discussion, none.
Well yes i chose MGSV for that example because believe it or not but Kojima and his team are one of the only companies who try to change something. Otherwise show me another cross-gen open world game that runs in 60FPS.
You can't even find many linear games that run at that framerate. So yeah it's just the truth.
Well your integrity is relevant to the discussion, and if this puts that into question then...
I'm not saying I'm agreeing with people questioning it at all since I haven't looked into it. I'm just pointing out how it could be relevant.
You're asking why a cross gen game has a day/night cycle while a next gen only game that looks better and is doing different things doesn't. Resolution isn't something that makes a dev lazy, neither is pop in, MGSV has pop in, that doesn't make Konami lazy. Rewriting 6 million lines of code, creating 14K animations, completely redoing the AI, changing the lighting and rendering system, etc does not make a company lazy in anyway shape or form, if this was AC 4.5 then maybe you'd be able to call it lazy. But as it stands now that's an insulting claim to make.
One person does not a forum make.
I have a good amount of integrity, AC is one of my favorite IPs and I do usually enjoy Ubi's output, however I don't see how comments on an n4g article from months upon months ago has any relevance here besides "Hey, you can't defend this because you did it too gai!" Basically it was an attempt to derail the thread even further at my expense, and it worked just like Marcel posting a screenshot of a pm I sent him or people once again accusing me of working for Ubisoft. Now then can the thread gets back on track instead of examining my every move or questioning my motives?Well your integrity is relevant to the discussion, and if this puts that into question then...
I'm not saying I'm agreeing with people questioning it at all since I haven't looked into it. I'm just pointing out how it could be relevant.
Well technically speaking ACU hasn't gone gold yet so it's not finished. And regarding the bolded, that's simply not true. And there's a bunch of reasons why it's not true. That i've stated over and over. Some of which I already listed.First: Unity does NOT look better than MGSV.
Second: Oh yeah of course complain about pop-in from an unfinished product sure why not. Kojima even stated he didn't want to show it because it was still in early stage but he did it for the fans.
Third: Pop-in was in the Afghanistan demo but i haven't seen anything in the new African jungle demo so yeah they probably fixed it already.
Come on now, of course when they make a new Asscreed game they do all that stuff but they never try to challenge them with doing stuff differently like giving the people jobs etc.
They never try to push them selfs with new stuff and with new i mean really new things and not just a different hero and era. It's the same dilemma with Call of Duty. Both of these big franchises have that problem right now.
Ofc that's just my opinion.
Disks are being printed. It's gold, just missing a probably large day 1 patch.Well technically speaking ACU hasn't gone gold yet so it's not finished. And regarding the bolded, that's simply not true. And there's a bunch of reasons why it's not true. That i've stated over and over. Some of which I already listed.