This depends on one's perspective. If you mean the tons of genres that have exploded onto steam in the past 10 years that offer experiences aside from challenge and skill, I'd disagree. It's fun for those who want them that way.
If you mean people making games with a social/political message, but they're still games at the end of the day that you can play and have fun with, I'd still disagree. Again, it's fun for those who want them that way.
The main thing I'd mostly-agree with are the games which I'd consider monetary wallet vampires that prey on addictions, that were built for people in suits at the top floor of a building in order to make a quick buck. But even then, sometimes those games strangely can find a way to be fun depending on what they do and how much they give you vs how much they charge.
Agreed, but to me even then that doesn't mean they're not trying to be made to be fun. Things go wrong sometimes, mismanagement happens, games are cancelled, money gets spent wrong, and even after all of this most devs are still just trying to make a good experience.
I've grown to be okay with people constantly being negative on...well,
everything. It's the part of the internet's story arc we are in right now.
I guess one of my issues is that most of the people who are telling others to 'not play this' or 'stay away from that' are
not really recommending alternative experiences.
There are tons of games that release every year, especially this year as we're packed with so many releases some games will have no choice but to fail in sales... but people are being recommended a microscopically small amount of alternative games after they are told to avoid most of everything else or that everything else is trash.
Man... I don't have as much fun doing this anymore as I used to. Too many bad faith arguments, too many people who are playing team sports, too many cyclical arguments I've seen again and again. Sometimes it's fun to hop in and engage but I mostly stick to reacting and posting fun comments and gifs for a reason. I've been trying to put more time into gaming itself than this forum and so far I've been successful.
thanks for the peaceful back and forth.
On topic, I do see myself playing Avowed one day, just not Avowed version 1.0 and not at 69.99 or 59.99. This game has a road ahead of it and I'm curious to know where it leads. I'll be in the OT when it's 24.99 or something, and I'll probably be comparing it a ton to Zeno Clash as that's the game it continues to remind me the most of, even on review day.