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Ban request

Austin Powers Love GIF

Dr. Claus

I just binged all seasons on Disney+ and it was worth it.
But fear not, J.D and Turk have a podcast where they discuss all Scrubs episodes! Still going strong - Fake Doctors, Real Friends with Zach & Donald -

Well, I know what I am doing! Going to watch an episode then listen to a podcast while I am at the gym!


and now people fishing for gold. I love the absurdity of this place. Good luck people.

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I’ll bite…

Tell us what unicorn forum is out that that is the bastion of drama free humans?
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Gold Member
I'm legally obligated not to comment following the receipt of a tax-deductible NeoGaf Gold™ subscription, available from all good retailers.

Instead, allow me to direct you to my mysterious benefactor legal representative for further counsel on the matter:

Never knew this clip happened till the net. Best ever.

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