TC ended up being a 5/10 from me, this cut ranks at a solid 7/10.
I finally cared about Cavill's Superman, it felt like every scene actually had a purpose to serve, I bought Amy Adams as Lois for the first time and every single thing added needed to be in the movie from the get-go. It actually feels like a cohesive film now.
I understand they trimmed it down because most audiences aren't thrilled by seeing a three hour running time, but frankly, fuck 'em.
A better film would have made for better word of mouth and reviews. Better word of mouth and reviews could have sold people that passed on seeing the TC when it was in theaters. Releasing this cut as the TC would have put some people off because of the running time, but the audience it would have gained from it's quality vastly outweighs the former.
I'm just glad that this cut saw the light of day. In my mind, this is Batman v. Superman. I don't like Eisenberg's Luthor. I don't dig murderer Batman as much as I used to think I would growing up when I would scream "Just kill them already!" at the comic panels. I felt bad for Clark, too. Poor guy just got beaten down, literally and figuratively. All in all though, a much better cut, and now, in my opinion, a great comic book movie that gets me a bit more excited for the DCCU.
WB, please. Let Snyder have his way with JL. If you let the guy run free a bit, he'll make a decent film. He just takes a bit longer than most directors to pull it together, haha.