All those people in that car chase are definitely dead. He sends the first one flying into a trailer, drags it behind him, swings around and uses it to land straight on another car full of guys, killing all of them. He fires his gun at the dude of the back of the truck with the minigun, shredding that whole vehicle. Then when he flies in from above and lands on the storage truck, he lands right on one guy.
There is no way in hell KGBeast is still alive after his gas tank fucking exploded... Crate guy is definitely dead in the Ultimate Cut. Also in the UC, the dude he stabbed against the wall (lol) gets tortured even more before it cuts away, but I'd say the suggestion is he's dead too.
Going by the general Get out of Jail free card that vehicular Batman mayhem gets, there is practically no straight up intentional murder by Bats. Hell, the way the scenes are shot generally minimizes him being the direct cause of death except for three scenes. The first is the guy with the machine gun in the car, the second is the guys with the anti-air guns, and the last is KGBeast who one could argue is responsible because he pulled the trigger on his flamethrower and set it off.
The rest, I tend to go by the, no body, no death school of thought. We have a cut between the first car crash and the car getting grappled, we do not see anyone IN that car when it is being flung around. We see no one actually get crushed, by that same car, so they are likely pinned beneath.
Batfleck was based on DKR Batman, and is a pretty decent interpretation of that character. DKR Bats no longer gave a fuck. He would not go out of his way to kill people, and would make efforts to not kill them, but did not care about say, unloading a cannon into a crowd of mutants, or throwing a guy into a large light fixture and electrocuting the crap out of him.
As for the warehouse fight, save the KGBeast, he killed NO ONE, you can bleed from the head without dying.
Are some of these rationalizations? Sure, but they are the same ones that have been used for DECADES to get around heroes killing villains, specifically mooks who in no way should survive the punishment they receive, but almost always do.
I just can't stand people acting like Batman murders left and right, when if he did, the whole concept of the brand would be pointless, because he'd just kill them.