Chapel, your quick join script isn't working. The server won't fill =/
It was filling earlier, it could just be not as many people playing on wednesdays
In that case, boo Wednesdays.
Wait, what? The day before Thanksgiving? Doesn't everyone have off of work and school? Should be a ton of people playing.
Chapel, your quick join script isn't working. The server won't fill =/
lol not much that can be done.
Use your leet hax to get people to quick join.
Stealth Edit: Actually, never mind, everyone went to sleep.
Back to Skyrimword Sword.
Is it just me, or has everything went to shit since the update?
Lots of people seem to be having problems, funnily enough this patch seems to have fixed all my problems lol. I no longer crash on my first boot and coop works.
I'm down to play some today. Too bad I got kicked out of the GAF squad randomly last night. Come on guys I didn't think I was doing that horrible. Feels bad man.
Just applied for the GAF Na-East Bravo Platoon. My Battlelog soldier is EmptyCanOwupass.
Cant wait to play with you guys!
Alright. I'm ready for a bf3 marathon tonight. Will be ordering our new server, too.
Movie ended early. Looks like no one is around though, or at least not playing.
Anyone up for some games? Need to test out the guns I unlocked in the mode that shan't be named.
Edit: Just got into a server with a guy that had an auto-headshotting pistol (through walls I think). Begun, the hax wars have.
What are you trying to say? I can't outplay the dude with the IRNV that spots me way faster because he is constantly looking and checking through his scope.Or just play better and kill anyone with the IRNV
What are you trying to say? I can't outplay the dude with the IRNV that spots me way faster because he is constantly looking and checking through his scope.
I ran into a funny hacker while we were playing today. Somehow he's able to get knife kills from long distances. He knifed me while I was flying inside a helicopter, and he was on the other side of the map
I ran into a funny hacker while we were playing today. Somehow he's able to get knife kills from long distances. He knifed me while I was flying inside a helicopter, and he was on the other side of the map
Simple as that, eh. Two players with the same capapilities, one with IRNV and one without, both lying in the bushes, searching for victims. Guess who makes the kill first.Yes you can
you still keep your points, you just miss out on the end-of-game ribbons.Finish a game with 12k points.
Get kicked by a stupid admin just before the round ends.
Simple as that, eh. Two players with the same capapilities, one with IRNV and one without, both lying in the bushes, searching for victims. Guess who makes the kill first.
Edit: I am talking about the same situations where a IRNV provides a huge benefit over those without. Of course you can kill those too, but there are situations where you are in the adverse circumstances if your enemy has the IRNV.
Jesus Christ, those auto-shotguns with Frag ammo are fucked up. I'm getting severe Akimbo 1887 flashbacks here.
I never said same capabilities. I said play better than the other guy. Also, why are you lying in bushes instead of completing objectives? Maybe thats why you get killed all the time by IRNV.
I hide in bushes all the time on Caspian and defend caps like a mofo.
You don't have to be moving to add to the objective.
Thats when you get killed.
A completely unreasonable line of reasoning, Scogoth. Why have different camos at all if the only one that matters is the spec ops camo because that's the only one that affects the scope that everyone is using. And why offer any kind of environmental camouflage (i.e. bushes/grass/leaves) if it'll be more of hindrance to the guy using it for cover than the guy with an IRNV that can see right through it no problem?
Don't get me wrong I use the IRNV on every gun, but that's just the point, isn't it - why should I feel obligated to put an IRNV on literally everything? The scope as it stands is essentially legitimized hacks. It lights up players like Christmas lights in any lighting condition with any camo (pretty much even the spec ops camo too) in any environmental backdrop at any range. The thing is an enormous crutch that does the game no favors. If anything it drastically lowers the real skill potential as it makes identifying and engaging targets an elementary task (in turn marginalizing the usefulness of things like the flash suppressor and silencer, since the scope pretty much turns your body into a constant muzzle flash).