Did community night happen? I figured with all of Canada-GAF out (not to mention France-GAF and Anton), there'd be no one showing up.
Yup. Me, pennybags, butterstick and bewbs were tearing some Chicago server last night. Should have made it, we had some great games. Prosthetic came in later in the night, but it was only me, pennybags, and bewbs on mumble. D:
some dudes were telling me to join the mumble on the front page and i did and nobody was there, bit of a mix-up going on here lol
Pfft, it's just the general community mumble chat. We were trying to get you on that one. I don't think I've been on the GAF BF3 mumble since launch...
Next time you're on, hop on Battlefield channel here: chi.eoreality.net:64762
I'll join in if you're there next time I play.
Oh please. You were being just as much of a dick as everyone else in that lobby, so cut it out with the persecution complex. In fact, if you want to play this game, you were running your mouth implying how you couldn't wait to run back to GAF to 'tell mommy', so knock it off already.
You were basically accusing me of cheating.
Chillax butterstick. You play this game probably more than any other Gaffer and you can't take any ribbing? C'mon man, have a bit of a skin!