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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Why shouldn't the hyper sexualization of the game be an aspect of a review? I feel the same about violence: if it is a major aspect of a game, it is worth discussing in a review.
I meant "crucial point of a review" in a sense the post I quoted mentioned: a reflection in the score, probably a negative one. And I think neither sexualisation nor violence should be required to reflect negatively (or at all) on a game's score, for two reasons:

1. As I said, I don't think that sexualisation necessarily is a bad thing. So if it isn't a bad thing (or a good thing), why should it reflect on the score? The same goes for violence, in my opinion. I don't "adore" violence in games, but if a game is violent, for me, that's just what it is.

2. Gaming for me is about gameplay first and everything else a distant second. If a game plays well, that's my major criterion for it being a good game. I couldn't care less about (nearly) neach Mario platformer playing the damsel in distress trope. Is it silly or even stupid to play the same old tropes over and over again? Absolutely. Wouldn't it be nice to reverse roles or even do a completely different "story"? Yes. Does it lessen my enjoyment of the game? Nope, not at all.

Granted, that latter point is just my opinion and not necessarily a good guideline for reviews. But if some reviewers think similarly, why not?

And once again, that's just talking about these things being "reflected in the scores". Maybe a bit of a narrow interpretation of the post as a basis of an objection, but that's what I meant.


This game comes out 6 days after Evil within.

It comes out the same day as Civ: Beyond Earth.

It comes out 4 days before Lords of the Fallen.

That probably means I'm not playing this game. Which is too bad cause if it would have come out in the middle of Spring or Summer when not much else was going on, I probably would have given it a shot.


Jesus christ, how self indulgent does that Polygon review sound. It is maddening.

You don't say. He's supposed to be a game critic but when you read his review he makes absolutely zero constructive criticism of the game other than ranting on the supposed oversexualization. What does he want? That Platinum removes what makes Bayonetta so special? Its personality and originality? He deserves a gentle slap :)


Anyway, to answer your question, I think Bayonetta is right on the line for being sexist. You don't see the camera sweeping over male characters' bodies or zeroing in on their crotches in other games. You don't see male characters described as "confident", "owning his sexuality", or anything like that. It's actually laughable to think of it.

The reason that you don't have to talk about that stuff for male character is that it's not a problem. I don't think I've ever played a game in which a male character wasn't confident and didn't "own his sexuality." Most male video game characters are practically asexual, but those that aren't are portrayed as masters of the bedroom.

Whether it's Kratos and his countless conquests, or Nico and his many girlfriend options, or even Mario always coming to Peach's rescue... We don't really have to talk about male characters and their sexuality because there are few if any instances of a male character in games not having complete agency over his sexuality. While Bayonetta is the exception to the rule for a lot of female characters.


I have Bayonetta but never beat it because I got bored with it. I tried the demo for B2 and enjoyed it but I think the same thing will happen. I do want a new game though and this will most definitely bomb and get a price drop quickly. I should probably wait..decisions...


Anyway, to answer your question, I think Bayonetta is right on the line for being sexist. You don't see the camera sweeping over male characters' bodies or zeroing in on their crotches in other games. You don't see male characters described as "confident", "owning his sexuality", or anything like that. It's actually laughable to think of it.

As others have said, the problem isn't that Bayonetta has over the top sexuality. The problem is the limitation on women/female characters to be young, pretty, and/or sexy. It gets old, and it's honestly boring. I think the developer of this game could have done much better if they had really wanted to.

I'm annoyed that I have to be put in this position. I want to support Nintendo, a company I love, and a game that has an awesome female lead. I love seeing so many guys pumped up to play a fighting game as a chick with glasses! And yet, I'd much rather support a game with a female lead that doesn't fit the same old "sexy" mold. Ugh.
You say it so much better than I would :)
I'm in the same-ish position. Bf loves the genre but we finally cancelled the pre-order after feeling that we just can't stand the camera caressing and oogling her. We might buy it later, we might buy it used. But at the moment, after seeing a couple of the gifs people chose to post here neither of us are really interested in supporting it.

Sad, since the gameplay seems to be amazing for the genre.


Once again, I'm just curious why? The devs could use the support and this comes with 2 fantastic games.


I understand if money's tight but buying used is the worst. they won't see the money. I'd rather you just wait for a sale if you don't want to pay $60 for two fantastic games in one go.


I wasn't expecting reviews this good, I might have to pick this up used or when there's a price drop.

As a big time consumer advocate there's nothing at all wrong with getting the best price for ones buying dollar.

But, in this case, I feel Nintendo should get the full asking price from me. I'm so happy they brought us this game.
This game comes out 6 days after Evil within.

It comes out the same day as Civ: Beyond Earth.

It comes out 4 days before Lords of the Fallen.

That probably means I'm not playing this game. Which is too bad cause if it would have come out in the middle of Spring or Summer when not much else was going on, I probably would have given it a shot.

So you can only play games the month they are released?


You don't say. He's supposed to be a game critic but when you read his review he makes absolutely zero constructive criticism of the game other than ranting on the supposed oversexualization. What does he want? That Platinum removes what makes Bayonetta so special? Its personality and originality? He deserves a gentle slap :)



Lucky angel horse. :(
I have Bayonetta but never beat it because I got bored with it. I tried the demo for B2 and enjoyed it but I think the same thing will happen. I do want a new game though and this will most definitely bomb and get a price drop quickly. I should probably wait..decisions...

Lol, well hope you enjoy waiting for a long time
Once again, I'm just curious why? The devs could use the support and this comes with 2 fantastic games.
I get bored when playing action games too much, and I didn't enjoy the characters or story of the first one at all. Like just watching the Gamexplain review, I find myself sort of tuning out, it all looks the same to me outside of one or two action sequences, and the boss fight already looks annoying. The collecting stuff/challenges look cool though.

If it's as good as everyone says though, I'll pick it up eventually.
This game will end up being the must overrated game of the year for me. I just don't get the appeal, and would be embarrassed of playing it in front of my wife. I hated Bayonetta 1 with a passion though, so my opinion is null.
Platinum Games delivering, as expected.

And this is how Polygon, treats one of the few examples of a powerful, dominant woman in gaming that dosn't fall in the typical tomboy despictions?

Shameful as always.


Out of curiosity, why didn't you play the first game?

Back when it released I was still in college and was really busy along with having very little spending money and by the time the game was cheap I never got around to it. Plus having already been a PC gamer at the time as well and not owning an Xbox 360 (I have a bad past with the original system problems and never really bought back in) I could see that the PS3 version had alot of issues with its framerate back then. By the time the game was much cheaper and I had more free time and money, I just didn't get around to playing it. Gonna be awesome to see how great it is for myself though, and I really enjoy what Platinum did with Wonderful 101. Was awesome cause I felt since the game was announced that they would include that original, and I'm so glad that ended up coming true.


Neo Member
Polygon's review went out while they're double-spacing and experimenting with font-sizes on next week's op-ed about how it enraged Twitter and "proved them right".


I get bored when playing action games too much, and I didn't enjoy the characters or story of the first one at all. Like just watching the Gamexplain review, I find myself sort of tuning out, it all looks the same to me outside of one or two action sequences, and the boss fight already looks annoying. The collecting stuff/challenges look cool though.

If it's as good as everyone says though, I'll pick it up eventually.

That makes sense I suppose. Different strokes.
You don't say. He's supposed to be a game critic but when you read his review he makes absolutely zero constructive criticism of the game other than ranting on the supposed oversexualization. What does he want? That Platinum removes what makes Bayonetta so special? Its personality and originality? He deserves a gentle slap :)



Honest question: if they removed the close up shots of her vagina and ass in that gif, how would the game be less special or original?


bish gets all the credit :)
It's no surprise this is reviewing well. The first one was one of the best games of last gen. PG are good at what they do.

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