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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Welp, time to buy a Wii U this year. Was gonna wait for the inevitable Legend of Zelda bundle, but with this & Smash, I can't hold out anymore.

Deku Tree

Can't believe edge said this is the Wii U's "first true classic". Probably a great game, top notch, but after W101's difficult mechanics and all the top notch Nintendo content I am not believing it. I still think DKC:TF will end up as my GOTY.
Welp, time to buy a Wii U this year. Was gonna wait for the inevitable Legend of Zelda bundle, but with this & Smash, I can't hold out anymore.

Lego City Undercover: The best kept secret on the Wii U. You should try it after you get a Wii U. :)

Also, back on topic: Polygon's review appears to be the most successful as it is pretty much the only one we are discussing in two different threads this morning.

Davey Cakes

The system isn't worth the current price imo
When will it be, then?

The system can be gotten like new for $200 with Nintendo Land (via the refurb). You can find brand new bundles for $275 or less depending on the source.

It's not like video game consoles typically drop into the $100 range so the current lower-end price points for the Wii U are what we should expect it to stay at for a while.

The system has probably 10 worthy exclusives, if not more. It's also fully backward compatible with Wii. And looking at the Virtual Console, while not all of the Wii's VC games are playable in the new OS with the new functionality, they are still there via Wii Mode. And the Wii U VC itself has exclusive content too, such as games like Earthbound and, you know, the entire GBA VC which is really well done. When will it pass the threshold of being worth the price?

Third party content is suffering, but at least a lot of the best indie games are available on Wii U.

If you're not a Nintendo fan then the system isn't worth it, probably. But I've always considered that the case with Nintendo systems. If you like Nintendo games then, in my opinion, the Wii U is easily worth it, especially if you're paying in the $200-$275 range. Even I was a bit iffy on the MK8 bundle that was $320 or whatever, but there are plenty of better-priced options out there now.
Can't believe edge said this is the Wii U's "first true classic". Probably a great game, top notch, but after W101's difficult mechanics and all the top notch Nintendo content I am not believing it. I still think DKC:TF will end up as my GOTY.

Do you think Bayonetta 2 will have difficult mechanics because W101 did? Have you tried the demo? One reason I like Bayonetta (the first one) is specifically because it's not busy with mechanics. You can get by with just punching, kicking and dodging.


Bayonetta 2 |OT| Thank You Mario, But The Queen Has Taken Over The Castle

Reposting for endorsement

Holy shit at the beginning of the Gamespot video review.

Uhm... NSFW is all i can say haha wtf.

Question for someone that's played the game; how spoiler-filled is this review? I've only seen up to
I belive chapter six; the one with the floating ruins and the barrier over the Gate.
and don't want to be spoiled any further.

damn, why Kamiya is always raging on Twitter

He does give some interesting answers to non-baited questions. But what gets more attention?

Honest question: if they removed the close up shots of her vagina and ass in that gif, how would the game be less special or original?

The answer to that can be found in Nintendo's reaction to the Link Costume.

Platinum originally included an undershirt to the tunic out of respect to Nintendo. Nintendo then proceeded to tell them to remove it, as it didn't fit her character to have that kind of modesty.

Lego City Undercover: The best kept secret on the Wii U. You should try it after you get a Wii U. :)

Agreed on all accounts.
Once again you're missing the point. Yes reviews are an individuals opinion, but Polygon is PAYING for that opinion. Why would Polygon publish something if it doesn't represent them?

Why did Adam Orth get fired for his personal opinion? Believe it or not when you work for a company, you represent that company, especially on the job.

An individuals opinion yes, but also representative of the website. I really don't think anyone should be defending a website for its lack of coherence and consistency if we're gonna give them the easy way out with "different reviewers so its OK"

I'm not going to comment on Polygon further than to address and expand upon your point in this way: While there is no way to prove it (as is said by the person you quoted), I do agree with your insinuation that Polygon and its opinions can be colored by an overarching agenda -- and usually that agenda is to make money. The best way to make money in today's internet is to publish controversial opinions on hot button topics. I'm not saying that is what Gies is doing here, but I'm not saying he isn't either.
Do you think Bayonetta 2 will have difficult mechanics because W101 did? Have you tried the demo? One reason I like Bayonetta (the first one) is specifically because it's not busy with mechanics. You can get by with just punching, kicking and dodging.

I really don't think W101 had difficult mechanics either. You can get by on normal by just punching or slashing everything and using the other weapons only when you have to.

Of course its not as enjoyable that way, but that's a whole different argument.



When will it be, then?

The system can be gotten like new for $200 with Nintendo Land (via the refurb). You can find brand new bundles for $275 or less depending on the source.

It's not like video game consoles typically drop into the $100 range so the current lower-end price points for the Wii U are what we should expect it to stay at for a while.

The system has probably 10 worthy exclusives, if not more. It's also fully backward compatible with Wii. And looking at the Virtual Console, while not all of the Wii's VC games are playable in the new OS with the new functionality, they are still there via Wii Mode. And the Wii U VC itself has exclusive content too, such as games like Earthbound and, you know, the entire GBA VC which is really well done. When will it pass the threshold of being worth the price?

Third party content is suffering, but at least a lot of the best indie games are available on Wii U.

If you're not a Nintendo fan then the system isn't worth it, probably. But I've always considered that the case with Nintendo systems. If you like Nintendo games then, in my opinion, the Wii U is easily worth it, especially if you're paying in the $200-$275 range. Even I was a bit iffy on the MK8 bundle that was $320 or whatever, but there are plenty of better-priced options out there now.

Holy shit, you can still play Virtual Console games even if they aren't natively compatible with the Wii U? Did not know that. Can you play GameCube discs too or am I reaching at this point?
Ok so it's 5:30 am and I made this.


This is pure gold.


Gold Member
Well those are truly amazing reviews.

It must be a different league to the first one which I really didnt enjoy for more than about 30 minutes. (PS3..)


GOTY hopefully. Not a fan of action games but even I know this is tied with ninja gaiden as cream of the crop.

Not a fan of any Platinum games to be honest but they don't make the same old boring stuff the rest of the industry make means I hugely respect them, and wish them all the success they deserve


Well those are truly amazing reviews.

It must be a different league to the first one which I really didnt enjoy for more than about 30 minutes. (PS3..)
The PS3 version is also a piece of garbage performance wise, which probably had something to do with your enjoyment of the game as well.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Amazing review scores, glad I have this preordered :D

Knew most of the discussion would be about Polygon's review, they must be loving it, they're like the Armond White of gaming, always looking for attention in any way possible. Let's be honest though, the game probably kicked Gies' ass, which is why he's so salty about it.


Well those are truly amazing reviews.

It must be a different league to the first one which I really didnt enjoy for more than about 30 minutes. (PS3..)

I mean, the reviews are pretty much the same as the first Bayonetta. If you didn't like that one, I doubt you'll find much to love here.
Can't believe edge said this is the Wii U's "first true classic". Probably a great game, top notch, but after W101's difficult mechanics and all the top notch Nintendo content I am not believing it. I still think DKC:TF will end up as my GOTY.

It's not so hard to believe. In terms of depth, it has no equal on the platform (or any of the other platforms really).

Deku Tree

Do you think Bayonetta 2 will have difficult mechanics because W101 did? Have you tried the demo? One reason I like Bayonetta (the first one) is specifically because it's not busy with mechanics. You can get by with just punching, kicking and dodging.
I downloaded it, but I still need to try the demo. I think from playing bayo1 that bayo1 was the kind of game that you can't beat without mastering several of the intricacies of the combat system.

EDIT: I think several of the games already released on Wii U are so good that I have a hard time thinking this will be "the first true classic" but everyone can have their own opinion.
Impressive scores. Good to see WiiU with great games.

I played the demo of the first one at PS3 and I didn't like it much. Would give this a try if it was available for PS4 or PC.
I downloaded it, but I still need to try the demo. I think from playing bayo1 that bayo1 was the kind of game that you can't beat without mastering several of the intricacies of the combat system.

I'm a fan of the genre but I would hardly call myself a master of it, and I beat the game just fine. I didn't get all the extras or beat the game on the super hard difficulties or anything but I still have a blast whenever I play it.

Just play the demo!


Piece of trash? And people wonder why gamers are still looked at as immature man-children.

Because Arthur Gies is allowed to "review" them?

OK OK he gave a game a 7.5 that should've been a 9 or 10 but personal attacks? Cmon man.gif

It's not a personal attack, his professional work is crap. He's a trash journalist.

I don't care or know about him as a person, but I know as a professional, he is trash.

Davey Cakes

Holy shit, you can still play Virtual Console games even if they aren't natively compatible with the Wii U? Did not know that. Can you play GameCube discs too or am I reaching at this point?
In Wii Mode, the Wii U basically transforms into a Wii and thus has 100% access to the Wii Shop Channel.

There's also the nifty option of streaming the TV screen to the Gamepad for Wii titles. You CANNOT use the Gamepad itself to control the games but you can use it as a screen if someone else is taking up the TV. Not the perfect solution, but it's there.

The Wii U is an amazing catch-up console because, theoretically, it offers games from at least 12 consoles. Unless I'm forgetting one. And once we get DS VC, that'll be one more.

Also, you don't have to re-buy controllers if you already did have a Wii. Pretty much everything is compatible. Games like SM3DW and Mario Kart in particular support something like SEVEN different control styles because of this fact. The one problem you may run into is non-MotionPlus Wiimotes.

How a system that offers all this at $200-$300 (refurb or new) isn't worth it is a bit baffling to me. That said, people have different opinions and different ideas of value.

If the Wii U was natively backwards compatible with Gamecube it'd easily be the GOAT Nintendo console. That's the one major thing it lacks in terms of legacy.


Well, I did not expect it to review this well. Looks like I'll be picking it up at some point then.
The demo was rapturous.

Can't stand the sexualization talk. Bayonetta is strong and Bayonetta is over-the-top kitsch. The boyfriend and I laugh at it. It's much less offensive to me than the constant stream of male power fantasies that, while maybe fun, are butt-stupid and do embarrass me to play, like Shadow of Mordor, Kratos and Master Chef.


These guys crying about 75 probably same guys praising Geis for 95 link between worlds review.

Its just an opinion, relax


Great job Nintendo and Platinum.

Man Nintendo comes out looking like a genius publisher since Kamiya said no one wanted to pick this up.
Alright Bayonetta peeps, question for you as I play the demo:

when should I lock on, and when should I not? It seems like when I lock on I attack slower, but I also do different moves than I normally do. Is that true or am I crazy?


Great job Nintendo and Platinum.

Man Nintendo comes out looking like a genius publisher since Kamiya said no one wanted to pick this up.

Too bad reviews don't mean SHIT when it comes to sales.

Nintendo comes out looking stupid when the game sells 50k in North America :(
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