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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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Unlimited Capacity
According to the aggregated Metacritic score Bayonetta 2 is almost as good as Uncharted 3 (91 vs 92), so how come many people call it "Wii u's first true classic" when Uncharted 3 is still considred a letdown by the masses?

I don't get it.

Probably has something to do with UC3 being super overrated.
The crappy part of this image isn't Gies's response. Devs telling people to ignore other people's reviews is scummy as hell.

That "crappy part" is more on Twitter's end then, limiting posts to so few words.

Full comments were posted earlier in this thread. Including...

Obviously we have the freedom to create what we want. Critics have the freedom to criticize freely. All opinions are valid. Yours the most.

So if someone comes at it from a position you disagree with, or think is invalid, LISTEN. Maybe they are saying something smart.

And yes, I intentionally had a little fun with tagging @aegies to get your attention. Take in ALL opinions and form your own.

Even opinions you disagree with. You can articulate why you disagree. Maybe you can change someone’s mind. Shouting them down is foolish.

The only thing you ever learn from shouting someone down is how to be loud.


I really need to play the first game...I have it on 360 GoD, but kinda want to play it on Wii U instead.

Any idea which is the technically superior version (360 vs Wiiu)?


What's the first print edition have that others won't?


I really need to play the first game...I have it on 360 GoD, but kinda want to play it on Wii U instead.

Any idea which is the technically superior version (360 vs Wiiu)?

Sounds like they are even on framerate, no tearing on the Wii U version so it gets the nod. To what degree is how big you see screen tearing as an issue.


Jesus. $65 CAD for the game. Planning to borrow my GF's Wii U while she is away so I'd have about a week to play this game.

I haven't bought a console game for a long time. Steam et al has spoiled me. Dishing out 65 + tax is going to feel like buying a new system. lol


I would argue that Bayonetta 2 metacritic score is a bit inflated by the lack of true classics on the Wii U.

I would argue that the metacritic score is actually deflated because some reviewers don't want to give the system a chance. In truth though it's not like Metacritic should matter too much to an individual on whether to make purchase or not.


I really need to play the first game...I have it on 360 GoD, but kinda want to play it on Wii U instead.

Any idea which is the technically superior version (360 vs Wiiu)?
WiiU has similar (slightly better iirc) performance but no screen tearing. WiiU is the best version of Bayonetta 1.


The crappy part of this image isn't Gies's response. Devs telling people to ignore other people's reviews is scummy as hell.

I don't think saying "don't sweat" implies that you should ignore it, more like that you shouldn't hate on it. At least that was my reading from this.


Wait what? Edge gives it a 10?


I didn't expect that Edge would give it a 10 :/.

Oh well. I guess Bayonetta 2 is the next "10/10"/GOTY Nintendo game(next to Zelda and Mario ;) ).

Edit: And it's also good to see that Platinum Games did a good job with Bayonetta 2 ;P.

Astral Dog

Im having flashbacks from when the firstgame was well recieved :)

I generally agree with MC scores for Platinum games for some reason, imo Bayonetta is their best work by far,and this seems just as good, i wonder what a 95+ game would be like O:
Reading the comments on some of those reviews, its amazing how many people are still in denial about its exclusivity.

My favorite comment:

"What does Kamiya know anyway? Whose he to say whats exclusive and what isnt, hes just the developer Sega can tell him to make this game for PS4/XBone and he has to listen"


I don't think saying "don't sweat" implies that you should ignore it, more like that you shouldn't hate on it. At least that was my reading from this.
Also all P* staff always tell you on twitter how they don't care about the review scores & sales as long as we, the players, enjoy their games.

Xaero Gravity

Jesus. $65 CAD for the game. Planning to borrow my GF's Wii U while she is away so I'd have about a week to play this game.

I haven't bought a console game for a long time. Steam et al has spoiled me. Dishing out 65 + tax is going to feel like buying a new system. lol
Yeah, but at least it's two games for that $65 :p

I'm so jealous of that First Print Edition though, and I'm not even a big Bayonetta fan D:
You know, Bayonetta's probably the only character with a justification for why she does the crazy/sexy/goofy shit she does.

She thinks it's cool.
Finally got around to putting in my order. I'd like to give a big ol' thanks to NoA for not offering any special editions. Not like anybody would want one or anything.


Membero Americo
It feels weird how EDGE says Bayonetta 2 is the Wii U's first true classic after saying that 3D World was "the most next-gen game of 2013."


Gies continues to prove what a worthless gaming critic he is. Hell the whole staff seems to be that way lately. Nothing but click bait reviews. Anyway, glad to see almost everyone else thinks this game is amazing. Guess I'm going to have to get a Wii U for sure now.


I'm not sure while people are making a fuss over the Polygon score. It's one average score out of tons of perfect. The game just didn't work out well with Gies. No big deal.


Well if Polygon were aiming to get a strong reaction with their 'controversial' review they definitely succeeded at that anyway. I'm not going near the thread that spawned from it, lol.


Saint Titanfall
It feels weird how EDGE says Bayonetta 2 is the Wii U's first true classic after saying that 3D World was "the most next-gen game of 2013."

TBF Next gen is statement of things to come (a notable upgrade on what came prior) classic is that will be remembered fondly for a very long time. e.g if they liked Galaxy 1 or 2 more you can understand why they don't consider 3D world a classic despite being to them a very good game. Conversely if the liked Bayonetta 2 more than 1 or the genre as a whole you can see why they called it a classic.
It feels weird how EDGE says Bayonetta 2 is the Wii U's first true classic after saying that 3D World was "the most next-gen game of 2013."

Maybe different reviewers???

Either way, Mario 3D World is almost perfect for what it is but for me, it's not going to be a game I recall years from now as something unbelievably special.

Bayonetta 2 might be though even if it's just more of the first one(witch many thought was something special).

Heck, I love EAD Tokyo and I'd put like 3 games on the Wii U ahead of 3D World.

It's not their fault though, I just think they can go a lot crazier.


I am surprised at just how high the game is being scored. This is being regarded as one of the best games released this year. I would have settled with solid.

But best? Oh man oh man oh man. Wii U may be the only home console I can think of so far that has serious GOTY contenders in Donkey Kong and now Bayonetta that are not only considered to be solid games of the year, but some of the best ever made in that genre. Many other games released this year don't seem to fit both of those footings.


Bayonetta's character design and antics are remarkably uninspired.

Obnoxious T&A do not empower females or further the role and presence of women in gaming.
If anything, it just panders to the typical male demographics and speaks volume of the sexist
mindset that still plagues the gaming industry, ESPECIALLY for some Japanese devs.

Gameplay looks pretty amazing though.

Amazing. A lot of effort went in to this collection.
The thing about the Gies review is that he would have had to go into the review with the intention of taking points off for sexuality. If someone with a known dislike for hack-and-slash games reviewed Bayonetta 2 and then docked points for it being "too hack-and-slashy" everyone would rightfully call the reviewer out. He reviewed Bayonetta 1, he knew the kind of artistical styling the game would have, and yet he reviewed the game with a preconceived prejudice that was reflected in his score.


I am surprised at just how high the game is being scored. This is being regarded as one of the best games released this year. I would have settled with solid.

But best? Oh man oh man oh man. Wii U may be the only home console I can think of so far that has serious GOTY contenders in Donkey Kong and now Bayonetta that are not only considered to be solid games of the year, but some of the best ever made in that genre. Many other games released this year don't seem to fit both of those footings.

You're god damn right! For me personally it's gonna be a fight between Donkey Kong Country: TF and Bayonetta 2 (and 1). But I have to play either of the Bayonettas first of course (can't wait, so hyped!).
I wish Polygon didn't get so much attention.

I wish it was more about celebrating Bayonetta 2's release and great reviews!

Like discussing about the game and point out the flaws some of the reviews did mention such as:

- shorter than the first game, about 8-12hrs, but never feels like it overstays its welcome and feels just right.
- first 4 hours drag a bit, but is made up in a big way with the second half of the game.
- environment is déjà vu to the first game, but has more variety so doesn't feel repetitive.
- combat has the same ol feeling as the first game, but it's so good that it never feels repetitive.
- story kind of nonsense and not great, but who cares, it's Bayonetta! What story?

Just some negative points I read in the reviews. But the game is still so good because the positive outweighs them.
I am surprised at just how high the game is being scored. This is being regarded as one of the best games released this year. I would have settled with solid.

But best? Oh man oh man oh man. Wii U may be the only home console I can think of so far that has serious GOTY contenders in Donkey Kong and now Bayonetta that are not only considered to be solid games of the year, but some of the best ever made in that genre. Many other games released this year don't seem to fit both of those footings.

Donkey Kong won't win shit(it's worthy to though) as it's not Metroid.

Bayonetta 2 might win a few nods but not many as it's too Japanese/hardcore.

This is of course my thinking of how "professional" sources will vote.

Both these games will get plenty of Game of the Year attention from gamers.
When will it be, then?

The system can be gotten like new for $200 with Nintendo Land (via the refurb). You can find brand new bundles for $275 or less depending on the source.

It's not like video game consoles typically drop into the $100 range so the current lower-end price points for the Wii U are what we should expect it to stay at for a while.

The system has probably 10 worthy exclusives, if not more. It's also fully backward compatible with Wii. And looking at the Virtual Console, while not all of the Wii's VC games are playable in the new OS with the new functionality, they are still there via Wii Mode. And the Wii U VC itself has exclusive content too, such as games like Earthbound and, you know, the entire GBA VC which is really well done. When will it pass the threshold of being worth the price?

Third party content is suffering, but at least a lot of the best indie games are available on Wii U.

If you're not a Nintendo fan then the system isn't worth it, probably. But I've always considered that the case with Nintendo systems. If you like Nintendo games then, in my opinion, the Wii U is easily worth it, especially if you're paying in the $200-$275 range. Even I was a bit iffy on the MK8 bundle that was $320 or whatever, but there are plenty of better-priced options out there now.

Been a fan since the 80's. Stopped caring after the first Wii but with them offering titles like Bayonetta 2 I'm certainly interested again. Its around £230-40 with a game here in the UK . Is Star Fox going to be a full retail title ?
Whaaat? My local Target is good about stocking relatively obscure stuff, if not I'm positive the GameStop down the street will have a copy

1. It's EU only
2. Sold out within minutes everywhere it popped up.

Tracking down copies on ebay is expensive.

edit: Talking about the 1st print of course.
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