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Best original launch titles for systems


Super Mario World is the best launch game ever. Followed by Twilight Princess and Excite Truck.

Super Mario 64 and Wii Sports are the most original and influential launch games, though. Halo may have been influential, but for someone used to playing PC and N64 FPS's since the mid-90's, it definitely wasn't original. At the time I'd much prefer playing Counterstrike or Quake on the Internet or in LAN houses with my friends.

This may look like a knock against non-Nintendo platforms, but it wasn't the intention at all. I truly do think their consoles have usually the best launches. Their pursuit of new forms of interaction is always damn interesting.

Angry Fork

Mario 64 is /thread. Nothing has come close to that impact imo (in terms of launch games). Halo was great as well though.
babyghost853 said:
Shitty rules, that mean some of the best launch titles will never be included.

If they were the best launch titles then they would be included. What made me think of the thread was that we are long gone from the days of a system being released somewhere else and then developers having almost another year to develop games. Those times are long gone and will never return so seeing launches through rose colored glasses has ended. With all the talk about the Cafe/Xbox Next/PS4, when those systems are released next... we will be seeing "real" launch titles for them and not the ones from the past.

Now, the reality check is that when game systems come out developers will have a short time to make games. Games on unfinished hardware with specs that change day by day. With TRC/TCR's that aren't in place yet and they have to fight for everything even down to manufacturing the discs. A developer that can pull that off and be a part of a real original launch AND make one of the best games is pretty damn impressive in my book.

A lot of games are not included because those developers needed extra time that other developers didn't get. While Namco made an AWESOME game with Soul Calibur they did have an entire 10 extra months to do so which isn't that impressive and shouldn't be considered a launch title since the game wouldn't be the same quality had it came out 10 months eariler.

You saying that a lot of the "best" launch titles didn't make it is because had they actually made the real launch... they wouldn't be considered the "best" and that's what I was looking for, the best launch titles and I think this thread had delivered.

No one can deny the impact that Super Mario World, Super Mario 64, and Halo had on the game industry and the systems they launched on... all falling into the rules of an original launch title. Now, of course they are all first party games so maybe the second part of my question is, what is the best *third* party original launch title?


Super Mario World for SNES and Mario 64 for N64 without a doubt.

It was like magic when I first saw Super Mario World running on a demo unit. Now only was I blown away by its presentation, but it was before Christmas, and the graphics and music somehow blends into the Christmas atmostsphere and made it so much more memorable. That scene when I first saw it is forever imprinted in my mind.
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