Aw...well as long as theres fair warning.
It should be fairly apparent.
Aw...well as long as theres fair warning.
DLC hits in just over a month...time to get back into this!
Are people planning on DLC during NG+ or completely new build?
Reckon it makes sense to at least play up to ROM and then wait to see what happens.
I'm back playing the GOTY, this time I want to finally get the last 2 trophies I'm missing for the platinum. one ending trophy and the "blood queen" whatever trophy.
I'm finishing a run with my third character and I'm doing a strength build.
had no idea that the cannon was nerfed to 12 bullets, RIP. I don't think it's really worth using now, at least not in pve. not sure if it still one-shots in pvp with bone OP marrow.
also I was planning to use the Logarius Wheel since it has S scaling in strength and I am using it but honestly I don't really like it, too slow. and correct me if I'm wrong, isn't this weapon better on arcane builds considering the second form gets some sort of arcane damage multiplier while draining hp? Seems like that for my strength build the L1 transformation has no usage, it actually makes it worse. :'(
maybe that the dlc will give my strength character some good weapons.
got the game a few days ago, never played much of Darksouls but i really enjoy this game.
finally managed to beat the Cleric boss which wasnt too hard.
Was just wondering, i see theres a new sword avaiable, is it just worth it upgrading my old weapon and gun for now? i still need to go through the sewers
DLC hits in just over a month...time to get back into this!
Are people planning on DLC during NG+ or completely new build?
Reckon it makes sense to at least play up to ROM and then wait to see what happens.
Nothing but assumptions onion bro.Has it been confirmed that Byrgenwerth is where we'll access the DLC? Or are people just assuming it because of that trapdoor there?
Has it been confirmed that Byrgenwerth is where we'll access the DLC? Or are people just assuming it because of that trapdoor there? it should be accessible at some point before Rom, considering she's theThe Old Hunters will be accessible at some point in the first half of the game after a number of unnamed conditions have been met
They said... it should be accessible at some point before Rom, considering she's theI just hope I haven't went too far from the exact point, if it's earlier than that.fourth of eight mandatory bosses.
Well actuallyif we are talking about new game. It might be actually even earlier when you get access to it but didn't they also say that it would be scaled towards end game builds? Atleast I remember there being some article mentioning that.she is fifth of eight mandatory bosses yeah, it should be challenging for lower level builds, but not necessarily undoable. Wasn't the recommended level for Artorias around 60? I'm at that level just before Byrgenwerth, without farming and just clearing all the areas once. Newcomers probably wouldn't be as high without farming at that point though, due to losing more blood echoes along the way.The Old Hunters will be accessible at some point in the first half of the game after a number of unnamed conditions have been met, and it's said to offer a sizeable challenge. The demo on the show floor at Tokyo Game Show was de-fanged somewhat in order to be more approachable, with some of boss Ludwig's moves being removed. The final expansion, however, is said to be around the same difficulty as the latter half of Bloodborne's campaign - so it could present a nasty surprise to players who stumble upon it early on in the game.
What other mandatory bosses there are before her, than? You don't have to beatFG, VA and SoYto proceed. I might very well be wrong, but I also assume the DLC will begin before or at the start ofCB or BSBthe blood moon phase.
The full quote was... yeah, it should be challenging for lower level builds, but not necessarily undoable. Wasn't the recommended level for Artorias around 60? I'm at that level just before Byrgenwerth, without farming and just clearing all the areas once. Newcomers probably wouldn't be as high without farming at that point though, due to losing more blood echoes along the way.
is mandatory in order to progress.CB or BSBandCB gives you ability to buy Hunter Chief Emblem that opens the gate to Cathedral Ward CourtyardNo other way to proceed in the game.BSB opens the path to UCW/Healing Workshop where you get to the courtyard.
Yeah 60 was the recommended level for Artorias DLC. I am usually around 40-50 at Byrgenwerth IIRC so it might be there. You also go to Nightmare Frontier around that time and the TOH trailer had envioroments that looked little bit similiar to the Nightmare areas. Don't think you can get there before beating Amelia.
I completely forgot, that you could get HCE only that way. So, I might have gone past the halfway point then. Hopefully that won't lock me out of anything the DLC brings, like possible NPC questlines.
I'd be lower than 60, if I hadn't cleared NF before Byrgenwerth, but I just wanted to have that done with before the DLC, as it's not one of my favorite areas. It was a bit hard without sedatives though.
I wish the Chalice Dungeonswere named better, it's difficult keeping track of what I've done and what I haven't.didn't exist
I'm guessing that you won't miss anything in the DLC just playing the main game, no matter how long you've proceeded. In the dark souls games there were just different areas you could enter at some point, as long as you didn't finish the game - nothing was tied to main game NPCs and similar, right?
I'm just up to Byrgenwerth on my pure skill character so thinking about starting a pure strength now. The first half of this game is just sooo good.
Well I would say that you are just little bit past or at the halfway point. Most likely you won't be locked out of anything but there is always the possibility considering the moon phases change alot of stuff. Luckily the game is so good that starting over is no problem.
I actually almost never use sedatives. If I get hit with frenzy I just down vials. Luckily there aren't that many places where you are guaranteed to get frenzy if you don't have sedatives.
Huh, that's actually very helpful thanks.If you have root version of the Chalice you most likely have done that Chalice since you usually get it from second boss.
Make sure you both have network setting to worldwide. It might help to be relatively close to each other when summoning too, although it should work as long as you're in the same area.
so Logarius Wheel at +10 and 50 strength is the way to go? Or maybe 40 strength and 20/30 arcane while getting less vitality.Cannon + BMA is till really good combo for bosses even after the nerf. Logarius Wheel has the highest damage output in the game even without Arcane. The transformed L1 is worthless though if you don't have Arcane and even then the health drain is insane. I personally like it the most out of current weapons and use it on my pure Strength char.
It's not that big of a problem, but I'd prefer to be able to begin the DLC from the optimal point, without needing to play through the beginning for the fourth time.
so Logarius Wheel at +10 and 50 strength is the way to go? Or maybe 40 strength and 20/30 arcane while getting less vitality.
edit/ correct me if I'm wrong, the progression to get to the last chalice is central > lower pthumeru chalice > defiled chalice > great pthumeru ihyll chalice?
Yes.Are Chalice Dungeons necessary to platinum the game?
I've really had enough of them, and I'm not a trophy hunter but I do like to platinum the Souls games, so I'll do the Chalice Dungeons once for the trophy, but otherwise I think I've had enough of them - I'm sick of seeing the same rooms over and over.
The bosses makes it worth it though. All of the bosses in the last couple of dungeons are amazing. The rest gets a bit grindy if you do them all at the same time (like I did) - I think they're meant to be spaced out more throughout a playthrough or two
Are Chalice Dungeons necessary to platinum the game?
I've really had enough of them, and I'm not a trophy hunter but I do like to platinum the Souls games, so I'll do the Chalice Dungeons once for the trophy, but otherwise I think I've had enough of them - I'm sick of seeing the same rooms over and over.
Ailing Loran and Hintertomb something or other were the last ones I did - the naming is so confusing, I've really no idea which Pthumeru ones I've done - Lower, Central, Root blah, blah, blah - there's more dungeons than tombstones, so how are you to know which you've done unless you keep a note?!How far are you? Ive only done a handful of the Pthlemu? chalices and one Loran chalice. I think they've been great so far and they are starting to get challenging.
Ive seen some repetitive areas but I don't mind since the enemy layout is always different..I think.
Just the trusty Saw Cleaver here, don't think I've come across a scythe yet, and all I have left to do are Gerhman and the final boss.Do you have the scythe? The range of that weapon made several of the hardest bosses in the Chalice Dungeons super easy for me when I was getting my platinum.
Thanks for the explanation, I'm in Defiled Pthemeru now and got to the Watchdog and I think this is where I probably bow out of the Chalice Dungeons. I've no desire to bang my head against a wall with them, and getting one shot by a boss I've already beat at least 2 maybe 3 times already is just stupid. These Chalice Dungeons have crossed the line from fun challenge to stupid challenge for me in the same way that Horsefuck Valley did in DS2.Also, despite being depth 5, Ihyll is easier than Defiled because of theso once you've completed the Defiled dungeon you have done the hardest part. Though the second boss of Ihyll,HP penalty in Defiled, isn't trivial.Headless Blood-letting Beast
Just found out insight affects difficulty...this is after I raised it to 99 with some of the madmen items I ve acquired over 3 playthroughs.
fucking defiled amygdala
It hardly does at all. At 15 Insight, some Cathedral Ward enemies use new attacks. Also at 15 some new enemies will spawn in Hemwick Charnel Lane, but only after beating Vicar and learning the password.
More Insight also decreases Frenzy resistance.
That's actually the extent of the difficulty increases. In other words, pretty much nothing outside of being more susceptible to Frenzy.
It hardly does at all. At 15 Insight, some Cathedral Ward enemies use new attacks. Also at 15 some new enemies will spawn in Hemwick Charnel Lane, but only after beating Vicar and learning the password.
More Insight also decreases Frenzy resistance.
That's actually the extent of the difficulty increases. In other words, pretty much nothing outside of being more susceptible to Frenzy.
Is there a big difference between starting classes when it comes to disovery? I just started a lone survivor class for an attempt at bloodtinge build and I got zero drops from the mobs in central yharnam. I mean like 1 drop in like 20-30 kills. Gunners and brick troll still gave 100% drops though, but absolutely nothing else.
Is there a big difference between starting classes when it comes to disovery? I just started a lone survivor class for an attempt at bloodtinge build and I got zero drops from the mobs in central yharnam. I mean like 1 drop in like 20-30 kills. Gunners and brick troll still gave 100% drops though, but absolutely nothing else.
We've all been there. Just stay calm and don't ever ever get greedy. If you are certain you can get a hit in go for it but if you have any doubts stay back. Here is my strategy for the fight. The method in third phase is slow but it is by far safest thing to do.
I think the higher the arcane is the more items are dropped. is your arcane very low?
The mob don't drop stuff that much. Sometimes I get few blood vials from killing them, mostly from the one with a wooden shield in the upper section, but that's it.