Yeah, and that's what I've been doing, but now it's just fighting Father G and dying, only to go back and trek through a 4 minute path wherein I am utterly unthreatened by anything there.n the beginning the experience points you gain through actual knowledge of the game is the most important thing actually. You die less and less as game goes on unless you just get fucked cause of something stupid like getting caught in a corner. You can run past them and they won't chase you into the elevator room just to let you know.
I feel there's no point to it other than allowing the possibility of death before you encounter the boss, and while I wouldn't call it unfair, I would definitely say it's just unengaging.
And the Father G's beast mode is really kicking my ass and I'm getting frustrated, so I'm just going to take a break and come back to beat him next time. His beast mode attacks so frequently and viciously, I don't have time to do anything. I can't get my stamina meter up, and I can't use the box unless I'm willing to take a hit, and I can't heal. One time I died because I was standing too close when he transformed, knocking me down, only for him to lock me into an animation cycle of me trying to get up, while he double downs on his hits, killing me. I was especially mad one fight because I got him down to his very last hit point, only for him to hit me. And while I know it's possible to cheese him using the gravestones, I swear, those things are as much of hazard to me as him. I'm trying to dodge, only to get stuck on little rocks I didn't see because they were off screen.
This isn't me asking for help btw since I feel I have a general idea of what to do. It's just my present observations of design of the game.