108 pages? I'll wait for Vaati to plagiarize it..
You get it from the second lamp on the third area. You need to talk to the Harrowed Hunter in two locations before that thoughfirst encounter the shortcut to first lamp of first area and second encounter is near the research hall lamp.
Did she fight chalice Rom yet? That motherfucker once got caught in an infinite loop where she just kept using her meteor attack and I couldn't find an opening to safely get near her and I just eventually fucked up and got killed by her body slam attack thing.Episode 11, Pimmsy vs. Rom the Vacuous Spider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLNOIosGU-g
Pimmsy struggled quite a bit with this fight, summonedfor quite a few tries until she said fuck it, decided to bumrush her and managed to win.Mensis Scholar Damien
I think she despises add fights as much as I do.
Did she fight chalice Rom yet? That motherfucker once got caught in an infinite loop where she just kept using her meteor attack and I couldn't find an opening to safely get near her and I just eventually fucked up and got killed by her body slam attack thing.
My first playthrough, I missed alot of content. I defeated a really tough boss for the first time after 2 tries (at least he seemed tough)Logarius
When my gun ran out of bullets, I was like, "Shit, I'm dead!" Had one heal left and it brought me to little less than half. The boss was a quarter or so. Since I'm not so so skilled, I tried postponing the inevitable. I decided to fight instead of looking for an opening. Boss went into the air, attacked, I dodged the attack. I saw cleavered him some, he then hit me once, I dodged another swing from him, then went back at him and the cleaver staggered him just enough to finish him off.
Honestly I was happy to have beaten him. I also had to get up, and walk around because my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking like crazy. I've had smaller reactions like this before with other games but not to this extent. The OG Xbox Ninja Gaiden comes to mind and also higher levels of Robotron 2084 in the arcades. I recall 2084 had a few levels where if you didn't kill or open up a path fast, game over.
It's amazing that some games can affect some people physically like this and other games can.
Just beat Micolash (sp?). How far am I away from the "point of no return"? In fact, where is the "point of no return"?
There must be something more to Darkbeast Paarl right? Summoned an NPC and didn't realize the boss was there. Was probably the most brain dead boss fight I've had and was just smashing buttons everywhere. Pretty sure the NPC did the bulk of the work and was literally tanking the boss. Couldn't figure out how to dodge his swipes but at least it's must first time not dying to a boss. No idea about Unseen Village and why I even got there and quickly lit the lamp and got out.
30 minutes earlier to that, I finally beat BSB. 2/3's of BSB fight was pretty decent and the the last bit ramps up so much with the poison and faster speed. Hated that bit.
Why the hell is the Abhorrent Beast in Lower Loran so much harder for me than the previous version in Loran? I killed the first one super easy but the repeat is making me nuts.
Motherfucker has more health, I think even hits harder, you have less of an arena to dodge in and you have to get really good at reading his attack pattern cause you have to know what to dodge into and what to distance yourself from, plus his third phase is really aggressive.Why the hell is the Abhorrent Beast in Lower Loran so much harder for me than the previous version in Loran? I killed the first one super easy but the repeat is making me nuts.
When you see a burning house you are closest to point of no return. Also if you haven't played DLC yet you might want to save the next boss you encounter later since beating it will make you lose new dialog from the Doll that was added with the DLC.
Oh really? There's another boss?! Is it?the big lump of jelly I threw down a hole
I've semi started the DLC. Theis blocking my progress somewhat. No room to dodge!big guy with the axe at the top of the stairs
I bought Bloodborne out of the blue and really like the atmosphere and the combat system but have a lot of trouble with the difficulty... any tips on what character to make/best initial weapons to have? Like what gun is better. I also found a special armor that is a bit better but still getting kicked in the ass everytime I find something bigger. Any recommendations to lower the difficulty a bit will be welcome...
I bought Bloodborne out of the blue and really like the atmosphere and the combat system but have a lot of trouble with the difficulty... any tips on what character to make/best initial weapons to have? Like what gun is better. I also found a special armor that is a bit better but still getting kicked in the ass everytime I find something bigger. Any recommendations to lower the difficulty a bit will be welcome...
Motherfucker has more health, I think even hits harder, you have less of an arena to dodge in and you have to get really good at reading his attack pattern cause you have to know what to dodge into and what to distance yourself from, plus his third phase is really aggressive.
Blunderbuss is in my opinion the better gun of the starter ones since it won't miss and if you miss the timing it will still stagger the enemy unlike the Pistol. For melee weapon I find Cleaver and Axe to be much better for beginners than the Cane.
To make the game easier is getting your Vitality up so level that often. Also damage isn't based on your Str on Skill as much as it based on what level your weapon is so keep upgrading your weapon everytime you get enough materials.
Also remember that the starting area is probably the hardest area in the game and the game will get easier the farther you go aside from some difficulty spikes here and there.
I'm no expert (I started the GOTY edition only last Friday and binged all weekend having never played a souls game before) but I went lone survivor/saw cleaver and it was more manageable compared to the other weapons/origins I initially tried. After I swapped the starting armor out, I haven't really noticed much of a difference in the different sets I have picked up. The game changer for me on progress was gaining levels and I put priority on that over buying anything from the vendors.
If I ever got beat by a boss, I'd go explore another area (avoiding any grinds between points I've already been) and come back to the boss 5+ levels higher. I'd always look to get back to a lantern and level up if I had enough for 2 or more levels.
Good luck fellow newbie Hunter!
Actually there are few more bosses left for you.
No that wasn't a boss but you should definitely go check it out and make contact with it.
That guy has insane amount of health. You can just ignore him and run right past him if you have too much trouble.
In Mensis...? Holy shit. I thought I was near the end!
Is that a hint? I got a gesture like that from somewhere recently...
I have to find out how to get to the bottom of that hole yet and this is probably the second most terrifying area in the game so far.
Fuck that. I have to take him out at least once. Does he... uh... does he respawn?
Thanks a ton for the help, I will try to make a new character with all that (lone survivor, lots of vitality, upgrading weapons (didint know this) and the saw cleaver). Will get into it now! Thanks, the game looks and feels so good I dont want to be scared about the difficulty, anything helps, will try to finish the first area
In Mensis there is only one more.
Yes. It is the most subtle hint I can give to you about it. You should also wait before it makes contact to you. Also don't jump into the same hole as it dropped. Go to the area where you find lot of those little black men. There is a new elevator. And do you have Blood Rock already?
Of course he respawns. It wouldn't be fun if he didn't right?
Intriguing! Where would the others be, I wonder (don't answer!!!). I have no idea where that other boss battle would be... I thought I'd explored most of Mensis.
I'll wait till I've done the DLC/Chalice Dungeons to find out.
Speaking of the latter, does the first Chalice dungeon only go to level 3...?
Okay... I have the gesture and I remember the area. I haven't got the Blood Rock, no. Didn't know there was one!
Fun. Yeah.
Imma nail that bitch to the cathedral door! Is there anywhere I can lead him that has a bit more room? I think he's only giving me trouble because of the environment.
Intriguing! Where would the others be, I wonder (don't answer!!!). I have no idea where that other boss battle would be... I thought I'd explored most of Mensis.
I'll wait till I've done the DLC/Chalice Dungeons to find out.
Speaking of the latter, does the first Chalice dungeon only go to level 3...?
Okay... I have the gesture and I remember the area. I haven't got the Blood Rock, no. Didn't know there was one!
Yep, first Chalice Dungeon only goes to layer 3.
To deal with the ogre in DLC, just lead him down the stairs until you've got enough room to run past him.
Most Chalices only go to level 3. I don't remember there being more than one that had 4 layers. Just check every room and make the next Chalice so that you can remove the old one.
You get Blood Rock from where that thing was before you dropped it. You can get to there from the Micholas boss area. There is a locked door in the beginning and you get the key from that area.
Cheers. I have to kill him at least once, though.
Nice one, man!
I just took down my second one last night.Why the hell is the Abhorrent Beast in Lower Loran so much harder for me than the previous version in Loran? I killed the first one super easy but the repeat is making me nuts.
I stilll LOOOVE DS2 the most but man I really love this game... most def my GOTY... this game has atmosphere like no other..loved the dlc but could have been longer with more areas and less enemies....fishing helmet...-_- makes me glad I never got the newer version of DS2 the OG version is clearly the best...
My second plat ever..
love this boss..... Lady Mariaaaaaaaa
also probably the one thing in this game that Souls just does better is pvp.... this was the only invasion of my ng+ game... wish all ares of the game was like this... I was really over leveled a little... My first duel? Lol rip in pieces PEPPERONIMONSTER
holy shit I cant wait for DS3.
Fair enough - don't be afraid to use Blood Vials when fighting it, it consistently drops 6 of them.
That is such a simple fight to me now. I don't even lock on against him. I just get in close, wail on him and dodge out when he either starts kicking or starts dropping bodies on me.Episode 12, Pimmsy vs. The One Reborn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmdxprH9i5k
Pretty simple fight when you know you have to kill the the Bell Maidens first and dodge the bloody drops from above. There was some bullshit in Pimmsy's first go when she got stuck on pots and the wall and ended up dying in the staircase, so I had to cut that out.
I find it really weird how you can roll and break through pots, but you can't just sprint through them. Surely you'd be moving faster while sprinting and cause more force to it?
No problem! Just come back here or the DLC OT if you have anything more to ask about stuff or need any tips. Someone will alway help you. Just one more thing about your damage output that you will get some bonuses from having high damage stat (Strength, Skill, Bloodtinge, Arcane) but the biggest factor is always going to be how upgraded the weapon is.
Difficulty of these games is often exaggerated since the difficulty comes way more from mechanics being little bit obtuse etc. So getting information that points you to right direction will at least from my experience help a lot.
Doing echo farming runs on Middle Loft when you get invaded almost every time...probably my favorite part of bloodborne right now...trying to get Arcane up for theand I got it from 20 to 34 in about 45 minutesmoonlight sword
I saved my coins for that ending.
That is such a simple fight to me now. I don't even lock on against him. I just get in close, wail on him and dodge out when he either starts kicking or starts dropping bodies on me.
Pimmsy should use two hand mode with the BoM, best form to use it unlocked and I think it even does more damage.
I think for the most part if I want to parry something I switch to a different weapon. I think I just have two different mindsets depending on what weapon I'm using.She does, but obviously you can't use the gun at the same time so she has to switch it up every now and then. I think she prefers the moveset of the Rifle Spear, but being able to do 3000 damage in one stamina bar on a boss with BoM is fantastic for her.
Definitely! Went back to the game and now is way better than before, at least I reached further than ever, got slayed by two giant things on a bridge, but that was something. Great advice!
Tempeted to get the DLC since it adds new cool looking and deadly weapons to the game
Ebrietas against Bowblade in NG+. This fight was already easy with Bloodtinge builds but this is just plain stupid. These DLC weapons are super OP.
Good to hear that you managed to make progress after the tips! DLC is really good but it is really late game area so if you stick with it to the end I would highly recommend to get it.
Can someone explain or link to somewhere that can explain what the heck Chalice dungeons are and how to use those alters? I had no clue the first time I played and have no clue now. I used alter one with the Pthumeru chalice I guess and beat the three bosses. But I imagine there are more on the first alter that I can do, but it says it'll erase my progress, like if I try and do root chalices (whatever those are)... that can't be right, or is it? What happens if I get more of those chalices and try and use alter one, does it erase everything? I've tried looking up info, even went to the Bloodborne wiki page, but it feels like I'm playing FF13 learning about the l'cie and fal'cie cie'th and whatever. It all just sounds like jargon and non-sense.
You do a Chalice dungeon (in your case Pthumeru) and each dungeon has 3 levels. Usually going through these dungeons you get the chalice for the next tier.Can someone explain or link to somewhere that can explain what the heck Chalice dungeons are and how to use those alters? I had no clue the first time I played and have no clue now. I used alter one with the Pthumeru chalice I guess and beat the three bosses. But I imagine there are more on the first alter that I can do, but it says it'll erase my progress, like if I try and do root chalices (whatever those are)... that can't be right, or is it? What happens if I get more of those chalices and try and use alter one, does it erase everything? I've tried looking up info, even went to the Bloodborne wiki page, but it feels like I'm playing FF13 learning about the l'cie and fal'cie cie'th and whatever. It all just sounds like jargon and non-sense.
Lol...yeah they're super confusing.
Basically, you can make chalices at any of those altars. They give you 6 so you can keep multiple open, but the order of the altars means nothing. The first chalice that you beat doesn't give you any great farming benefits so feel free to override it once it's complete. Others, like Ihyll cursed, you might want to keep open.
As long as you have a chalice and the requesite materials, you can build it. Make sense?
You do a Chalice dungeon (in your case Pthumeru) and each dungeon has 3 levels. Usually going through these dungeons you get the chalice for the next tier.
So you get a new chalice and you run through that next one. Most of these are fixed layout Chalice dungeons but those labeled Root are randomized dungeons. Each Chalice tends to be harder than the previous one.
Each Chalice also has a Depth number which is basically their difficulty from 1-5. 5 is the hardest.
Each new Chalice type requires it's own set of materials to make. The harder ones take rarer items to make (like Red Jelly). Eventually you will unlock all of them.
People use high Depth Roots to farm stuff but it takes a while to even unlock them. Also later on you have Cursed/Defiled Chalice will lower your max HP by half. Furthermore you can add offerings to these high level Chalice which add additional difficulty modifiers on them to give even more loot (like a Sage's Offering).
The Short Root chalice is used for Co op if you get it. Sinister Chalice are PvP dungeons.
The different altars are just there in case you find a really cool Chalice that you need to farm again and again for particular items. None of the earlier ones are like that so you are fine replacing your current Altar with a new Chalice.So if I use Pthumeru on alter one or two or five, it doesn't make any difference other than they're more difficult? And since I have three chalices, the Pthumeru, the root and the central Pth., should I erase what I did on alter one Pth. and do the Central Pth. on alter one now?
The different altars are just there in case you find a really cool Chalice that you need to farm again and again for particular items. None of the earlier ones are like that so you are fine replacing your current Altar with a new Chalice.
And the different Altars are all identical, they have no impact on difficulty. It's the Chalice themselves that have different difficulties. So Central Pth is more difficult than the first Pth (which is the one you should be doing right now).