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Bloodborne Story and Lore Discussion Thread [Unmarked Spoilers]


Agreed re: ENB. Vaati for me is just too speculative.

The beast plague is definitely a result of imbibing the old blood. An example that clarifies that best is probably Amelia, when you approach her is saying "seek the old blood... But beware the frailty of men, their spirits are weak and easily broken." Or something to that effect. Then she turns into a horrific beast.

Cleric beast and Vicar Amelia... All of the highest ranking church officers—the ones who worshipped and drank the old blood (presumably Laurence as well, if the skull on the altar is his, though he was dead before we began this hunt) turned into the biggest and nastiest beasts. The blood starved beast is nasty too, but he wasn't a church officer, he was a person receiving blood healing in an Old Yharnam ritual. ENB not-so-subtly hinted that the Blood Starved Beast hanging from the chandelier in the ritual chamber in OY was a human, and receiving healing, at the time he was chained.
But wait, the game says in item descriptions that no one had any idea where the Ashen Plague came from or it's origins. The antidote text description says

"Used to treat ashen blood, the baffling sickness that ravaged Old Yharnam long ago."

and then there's the fact that Beast Blood seems to give you Beastly qualities and the Church banned it as it was evidenced in the Beast Blood Pellets

Large medicinal pellets, supposedly formed of coagulated beast blood. Banned by the Healing Church due to their unclear origin.

So is Beast Blood the Old Blood? Or is it maybe Pthumerian blood? I don't think it's Old Ones blood but it's possible.
I'm on layer 3 on final Pthumerian Chalice Dungeon and i found an item on a corpse.It's name is "Old Great One Coldblood" and just gives you a lot of Blood Echoes.

The description says that it's a relic containing the blood echoes of an old Great One.


Coldblood = blood from a Great One

Paleblood = blood from Pthumerians (Pthumerian Descendant,Yharnam,etc, since they are a pale vampire-like race)

Old Blood = ???


I'm on layer 3 on final Pthumerian Chalice Dungeon and i found an item on a corpse.It's name is "Old Great One Coldblood" and just gives you a lot of Blood Echoes.

The description says that it's a relic containing the blood echoes of an old Great One.


Coldblood = blood from a Great One

Paleblood = blood from Pthumerians (Pthumerian Descendant,Yharnam,etc, since they are a pale vampire-like race)

Old Blood = ???

Coldblood is just the name for coagulated blood, all the various types are "X coldblood", where X represents its origins and coldblood its current state
Coldblood is just the name for coagulated blood, all the various types are "X coldblood", where X represents its origins and coldblood its current state

Oh you're right.I'm reading Blood Shards description and they're just Coldbloods.

BTW Blood of Arriana's description says that it's similar to what was once forbidden.Could that be the Old Blood?


I haven't gone through this whole thread, but has there been any talk of the Beasts directly opposing the Old Ones?

I'm not entirely sure the 'plague of beasts' is 'evil', for a lot of reasons. Not least of which being the Church wants Hunts for beasts, and the church is utterly corrupt.

There's also the inverse relationship between Insight and Beasthood - the greater your Insight to the cosmic horrors, the weaker your primal Beasthood.

edit: Even Djura agrees, and he seemingly managed to escape the nightmare/dream.

"Yes, very good. I no longer dream, but I was once a hunter, too."
"There's nothing more horrific than a hunt. In case you've failed to realize..."
"The things you hunt, they're not beasts. They're people."
"I should think you still have dreams? Well, next time you dream, give some thought to the hunt, and its purpose."

I saw it suggested elsewhere that the Moon, which is probably synonymous with Odeon, is a pagan Old One (think natural pantheon versus invasive pantheon) in opposition to the extra-dimensional horrors encroaching upon Yharnam. Some of the language in item descriptions references the Moon beating or imprisoning these Old Ones underground, which I think is important because it implies there are different orders and types of blood people are communing with.

(Look at those towers in the distance, whats sitting on the hill, and that "alien"-looking thing coming from the water ...)

The Moon, in tarot, is typically read as a symbol of the unseen forces at work in the world around us; dreams, imagination, subconscious, mystery and our inner nature. When the Moon is full, this unseen world, previously shrouded in darkness, is illuminated for us as it guides us through.

Think about Yharnam -- how much harder would it be to navigate the Night of the Hunt without a full moon in the sky to light the streets? The Moon not only guides Hunters (through the Hunter's Dream) psychically, but literally too. This would imply that it is curating the ensuing chaos to pursue its own ends, whatever those may be.

To your original point, I do not believe the plague of beasts is evil either. I think "beast" implies natural world and earthly connection, which is rooted in our own nature (and DNA/blood...) which would be seen as impure in the eyes of a church who aspires to worship celestial influence. The word "beast" sounds loaded to me, and evokes the same language as "savage" or "primitive" when used to refer to those, animal or human, who live outside of the modern, dominant culture.

Throughout the game there are two types (simplifying, of course) of enemies you encounter: "beasts" and "aliens". I use alien in the outsider sense of the word, though from a visual language standpoint this manifests as anything from spiders (multiple eyes being a metaphor for sight beyond sight) to amphibious looking creatures (water is referenced as a natural barrier separating us from the Old Ones) all the way to actual tentacled-Lovecraftian Old Ones.

The conflict of the game is between the influence of where we came from (natural influence and the physical world) and where Yharnam is headed (celestial influence and the psychic world). Clearly Yharnam worships the latter, the celestial and spiritual, as evidenced by the kinds of statues they leave lying around.

Is the hunt the natural order of evolution as we purge the old blood for the new?
Is it a means of killing off those who embrace the physical world instead of the spiritual?
Is it a means of controlling and shaping the population of Yharnam?
Is it a means of keeping the chaotic influence of otherwordly blood in check?
Is it a means to Odeon's/The Moon's own ends?

I'd say yes, to all of the above.


I had no idea ENB had inside info, my bad fellas.

Can anybody explain to me when/where ENB will be doing story/lore videos to clear up the confusion?

Also, does ENB have any good videos for DS1/DS2?

Please and thank you :)


Agreed re: ENB. Vaati for me is just too speculative.

The beast plague is definitely a result of imbibing the old blood. An example that clarifies that best is probably Amelia, when you approach her is saying "seek the old blood... But beware the frailty of men, their spirits are weak and easily broken." Or something to that effect. Then she turns into a horrific beast.

Cleric beast and Vicar Amelia... All of the highest ranking church officers—the ones who worshipped and drank the old blood (presumably Laurence as well, if the skull on the altar is his, though he was dead before we began this hunt) turned into the biggest and nastiest beasts. The blood starved beast is nasty too, but he wasn't a church officer, he was a person receiving blood healing in an Old Yharnam ritual. ENB not-so-subtly hinted that the Blood Starved Beast hanging from the chandelier in the ritual chamber in OY was a human, and receiving healing, at the time he was chained.
This is a good point. So the first few monsters are: Cleric Beast, Father Gascoigne, Vicar Amelia. Basically working your way up the church food chain.

Side Note: You see people like old Master Willem who (we know from a note) abhorred blood magic so he's just kicking it, and helps you out.

So, before you get the password you are basically seen what remains of the public face of the blood church, after the password its all Eldritch horrors. The blood cult and the extraterrestrial monsters.


I had no idea ENB had inside info, my bad fellas.

Can anybody explain to me when/where ENB will be doing story/lore videos to clear up the confusion?

Also, does ENB have any good videos for DS1/DS2?

Please and thank you :)

oh man, just check out his YT channel. ALL his videos are great. and yes, plenty of lore videos to watch for the Souls games. He's already doing BB videos and the last one and next one will continue to discuss a lot of lore.


Oh you're right.I'm reading Blood Shards description and they're just Coldbloods.

BTW Blood of Arriana's description says that it's similar to what was once forbidden.Could that be the Old Blood?

I think the mention of Arianna's blood containing something forbidden might be an allusion to her sharing the same corrupt blood as other possible surrogates, quite possibly Yharnam's blood (which may also be the the forbidden blood stolen from Byrgenwerth to form the Vilebloods).

The only two mentions of forbidden blood that spring to mind are when we are told how the Vilebloods were founded and in the description of Arianna's Blood.

Blood dregs description:

"The Vilebloods of Cainhurst, blood-lusting hunters, see these frightful things in coldblood.

They often appear in the blood of echo fiends, that is to say, the blood of hunters. Queen Annalise partakes in these blood dregs offerings, so that she may one day bear the Child of Blood, the next Vileblood heir."

Mentions that Annalise is capable of bearing a Child of Blood (and that Hunters are blood junkies). The Blood Rapture rune says:

"This rune resonates with servants of the Queen, carrier of the Child of Blood, who yearn for their Queen's blood with little hope of requitement. -- For them, they find solace in "Blood Rapture", that serves as a surrogate for their desires."

Which I initially took to be a reference to Yharnam, but may actually have just been referencing Annalise.

Looking at the other runes the Formless Odeon rune is intersting:

The Great One Oedon, lacking form, exists only in voice, and is symbolized by this rune. Those who memorize it enjoy a larger supply of Quicksilver Bullets.
Human or no, the oozing blood is a medium of the highest grade, and the essence of the formless Great One, Oedon. Both Oedon, and his inadvertent worshippers, surreptitiously seek the precious blood."

The "inadvertent worshippers" coould suggest that all blood ministration is actaully an act of worship to Oedon.

Several of the items also support the Instinct (Beasthood) vs Insight dichotomy

Beast Roar

"One of the forbidden hunter tools made by Irreverent Izzy.
Borrow the strength of the terrible undead darkbeasts, if only for a moment, to blast surrounding foes back with the force of a roaring beast.
The indescribable sound is broadcast with the caster's own vocal cords, which begs the question, what terrible things lurk deep within the frames of men?"

Beast Claw

"Beastly weapon wielded by Irreverent Izzy. Crafted by chiseling the long bones of an undead darkbeast and fastening them to the weapon. The bones are still alive, and when unleashed, grant its wielder a spurt of beastly power. As flesh is flayed and blood is sprayed, the beast within awakens, and in time, the wielder of this weapon surges with both strength and feverish reverie."

Clawmark rune

"A Caryll rune that transcribes inhuman sounds. The "Clawmark" is an impulse to seek the warmth of blood like a beast. It strengthens visceral attacks, one of the darker hunter techniques. Although the difference is subtle, Runesmith Caryll describes the "Beast" as a horrific and unwelcome instinct deep within the hearts of men, while "Clawmark" is an alluring invitation to accept this very nature."

(Irreverent Izzy is a terrible name). So it seems pretty explicit that the Beast is mans intrinsic instinct. Which would indeed be a counterpoint to the unchecked intellect that Insight seems to represent

I saw it suggested elsewhere that the Moon, which is probably synonymous with Odeon, is a pagan Old One (think natural pantheon versus invasive pantheon) in opposition to the extra-dimensional horrors encroaching upon Yharnam. Some of the language in item descriptions references the Moon beating or imprisoning these Old Ones underground, which I think is important because it implies there are different orders and types of blood people are communing with.

The moon seems pretty explicitly extra-terrestrial and I dont recall any explicit links between the moon and Odeon, similarly the only implication of the Great Ones being trapped seemed to be alluding to Rom. You dont by any chance recall wich items referenced this stuff?


The moon seems pretty explicitly extra-terrestrial and I dont recall any explicit links between the moon and Odeon, similarly the only implication of the Great Ones being trapped seemed to be alluding to Rom. You dont by any chance recall wich items referenced this stuff?

I'm at work, so no. I realize thats infuriating in a lore thread.

Otherwise your post is excellent, and the wording of instinct v insight is much better than what I was using.


I had no idea ENB had inside info, my bad fellas.

Can anybody explain to me when/where ENB will be doing story/lore videos to clear up the confusion?

Also, does ENB have any good videos for DS1/DS2?

Please and thank you :)
He practically made it popular. Just look at his channel and he will have a multitude of them.
just search his channel Epicnamebro and search for lore videos, many about DS but not that many about DS2 where he worked for.
He was the one asking the actual team about enemy names because no one else did before, so the guides hold info not even obtainable in the game.
Also i think he is a good sport about letting the community find out, he is not the voice of god nor does he actually get down like that. He certainly isn't an ass about it he knows to let things unspoken for a time.


Its pretty unclear what the Church worships I think, is it blood? Odeon (who is possibly synonomous with blood)? human potentaial? Intellect? The great ones?

Well the Hunter mobs after you kill them will sometimes say "God help me." Which is strange because everything else says "ones" as in multiple singulars. Unless each faction in the game recognizes different Great Ones as the one true God. And if you go into each cathedral and/or other places that appear to be places of worship the iconography is either totally different or slightly different from each other.

Slightly off topic but who do I have to send to the clinic to get an invitation to Cain Hurst?


Slightly off topic but who do I have to send to the clinic to get an invitation to Cain Hurst?

No one, you just have to access it via the back entrance from the poison grotto in the forest and the invitation is on the bed/table where you wake up initially


il capo silenzioso
Well the Hunter mobs after you kill them will sometimes say "God help me." Which is strange because everything else says "ones" as in multiple singulars. Unless each faction in the game recognizes different Great Ones as the one true God. And if you go into each cathedral and/or other places that appear to be places of worship the iconography is either totally different or slightly different from each other

they probably meant good ol' Jesus yo


This is a good point. So the first few monsters are: Cleric Beast, Father Gascoigne, Vicar Amelia. Basically working your way up the church food chain.

Father Gascoigne is not a member of the healing church

He was from the Church, but he split. His garb has the church scarf attached.

Some screenshots of stuff I found interesting:

There are blue flowers under ground in the chalice dungeons. that share the same shape as the staff Master Willem holds. Special plants I presume?

Here is a bed with tools on it (left) and the hunter's bed to the right. We know it is our bed because that is where you pick the Cainhurst summons, which are addressed to you, off of. Iosefka (the real one), transformed into a mushroom dude, can be found in this room, is non-hostile and drop's a Iosefka's blood vial. If you look at where my hunter is standing, you can see the chair with straps attached. I think that is where Iosefka was tied down and experimented on. ;_;

Here are detail shots of Queen Yharnam. You can see that she has bandage wrappings around her womb, and her wrists are shackled together. Clearly, she was shackled against her will and her baby was cut out from her stomach–probably by Mergo's Wet Nurse. Someone earlier in this thread mentioned that she may have had an unnatural birth. I think he was right. And as you can see in the second picture, she is yearning toward her child, who is in the room just above. I think this is just an apparition, and part of the nightmare.

I'm sure you guys have encountered this guy in Chalice dungeons but I have not touched the Chalices since I'm not a huge fan of procedural content... but when I finally started them up, I noticed immediately that this non-hostile creature shares a very obvious resemblance to Queen Yharnam, such as a slender, meatless body, long neck and bony face, glowing pale skin, and he's very tall as well, like Yharnam. He must be Pthumerian. He is holding prayer beads in his hand. I didn't kill him.



My guess is they're Elite guards of some sort though nothing really special.

You face tons of them at Mergo's loft.Supposedly guards to the new born great one.

They drop this rune so it means something.

"A Caryll rune that transcribes inhuman sounds. "Blood Rapture" is the raw euphoria of the warmth of blood. Restores HP with visceral attacks, one of the darker hunter techniques.

This rune resonates with servants of the Queen, carrier of the Child of Blood, who yearn for their Queen's blood with little hope of requitement.

For them, they find solace in "Blood Rapture," that serves as a surrogate for their desires."


There's a lost thread between Beast and Kin. Just like the plot of the game where you suddenly change from hunting beast into killing eldritch spawn. The snake headed people, so does the Shadow of Yharnam, might be the key to that lost thread. Somebody said that snake headed people, bundled snake, and Shadow of Yharnam is just there to fill second half of Forbidden Forest with terrifying enemy, but I don't think so. There's must be something to their unusual transformation, but so far we don't have any information for the snake headed and Shadow of Yharnam. My only guess is that Laurence have his hand on this too.


I thought Queen referred to Yharnam ? How is it about Cainhurst Queen of the Vilebloods ?

Unless there are two different Children of Blood, it's referring to the Cainhurst Queen.

Blood Dregs

"The Vilebloods of Cainhurst, blood-lusting hunters, see these frightful things in coldblood. They often appear in the blood of echo fiends, that is to say, the blood of hunters. Queen Annalise partakes in these blood dregs offerings, so that she may one day bear the Child of Blood, the next Vileblood heir."


Given the context "Shadow of Yarnham", the fact that they are in Margo's Loft, I'd say that they are related to Yarnham herself.

But I don't understand the connection to snakes, are they controlled by the snakes, in turn controlled by the Great Ones? I don't think the shadows are serving the queen anymore.

Unless there are two different Children of Blood, it's referring to the Cainhurst Queen.

Blood Dregs

I thought Child of Blood was a term for all Great one children.


This is a good point. So the first few monsters are: Cleric Beast, Father Gascoigne, Vicar Amelia. Basically working your way up the church food chain.

Father Gascoigne is not a member of the healing church

He was from the Church, but he split. His garb has the church scarf attached.

"Father" is also a joke: the description says Father is not a recognized title in the healing church, but he's also the poor girl's father. Classic From double meaning humor.

He's abandoned his role as father (in the church) and he's abandoned his role of father (you know, to his kid).


Given the context "Shadow of Yarnham", the fact that they are in Margo's Loft, I'd say that they are related to Yarnham herself.

But I don't understand the connection to snakes, are they controlled by the snakes, in turn controlled by the Great Ones? I don't think the shadows are serving the queen anymore.

I thought Child of Blood was a term for all Great one children.

The Childhood's Beginning trophy text calls them "Infant Great Ones". If you have a description that proves what you're saying, please show it.


They drop this rune so it means something.

I believe it's a reference to Queen Yharnam, who also appears in the Nightmare just after you encounter the Shadows, not the Queen of Cainhurst. I mean they're called Shadows of Yharnam after all, meaning that they follow her around and probably keep her in check.

Also, the Great Ones all have enemies that resemble their form in the world, which gives you a hint toward their faction.

Celestial Emissary->blobby Mushroom fuckers

Ebrietas -> Squiggly fuckers in the choir

Rom -> Fly bros

The One Reborn - corpse kebob cart

Mergo's Wet Nurse - Shadows of Yharnam


Check out this original leak for "PROJECT BEAST: WORKING TITLE" and you can see how many changes from made. I remember distinctly the cathedral you see the player walk into and you can see a big boss at the end of the cathedral. As we know, the cathedral boss is Amelia, but when I saw Amelia in game it seemed completely new to me and I couldn't recall the boss in the PROJECT BEAST: WORKING TITLE trailer looking like that. Watch this trailer and you'll see at 1:23 that the boss in Amelia's place is indeed Ebrietas. Also, the "holy medium" on the altar is a human skull with a crown on it, not a large beast skull. It's interesting to watch to see just how many changes were made, and you can also see quite a bit was completed early on. You can see Hemwick, the Cathedral, Yahar'Gul, corpse kebob carts, Cathedral Grand Plaza, etc. in that trailer.



Just thought of thisbwith people trying to find connections with Demon Souls, isnt there a "Talisman of Beasts" in the game thats connected to the Old One? Just conjecture of course.


Just thought of thisbwith people trying to find connections with Demon Souls, isnt there a "Talisman of Beasts" in the game thats connected to the Old One? Just conjecture of course.

I've posted my thoughts on a Demon's Souls/BB connection earlier and past some cynical skepticism from some people here there's nothing that says it isn't in the realm of possibility, short of Miyazaki saying it isn't there.


Just thought of thisbwith people trying to find connections with Demon Souls, isnt there a "Talisman of Beasts" in the game thats connected to the Old One? Just conjecture of course.

i'm not sure if this was a joke or not but someone said Father G actually says "Umbasa" during the fight. I dunno if this was true or not. If so, then OMFG


Unless there are two different Children of Blood, it's referring to the Cainhurst Queen.

Blood Dregs

I think she wants a Great One child as well, so Cainhurst can have their own Great One associated with them. I think all the Great One babies are Children of Blood–it's a 'generic term' and not unique to only Annalise's baby or Arianna's baby or whatever.


"Father" is also a joke: the description says Father is not a recognized title in the healing church, but he's also the poor girl's father. Classic From double meaning humor.

He's abandoned his role as father (in the church) and he's abandoned his role of father (you know, to his kid).

Wow, the irony is insane.


I've posted my thoughts on a Demon's Souls/BB connection earlier and past some cynical skepticism from some people here there's nothing that says it isn't in the realm of possibility, short of Miyazaki saying it isn't there.

I have never met Mr Miyazaki but I'm close with a few members of the BB team on Sony's side, and the producer told me once that Bloodborne is its own universe. I think they may have toyed with a connection at some point, and thus had Gascoigne saying "Umbasa," but removed it because they felt like it'd be retreading old ground and wanted to give Bloodborne its own legacy.
Has there been any conjecture on the Bag Men? They kidnap you, and pre Rom Yahar'gul is occupied by them and witches. They also have a priestess seemingly captive. Post Rom in that area they are all dead, and there are hunters and beasts present. Also they seem pretty common to the chalice dungeons.


I have never met Mr Miyazaki but I'm close with a few members of the BB team on Sony's side, and the producer told me once that Bloodborne is its own universe. I think they may have toyed with a connection at some point, and thus had Gascoigne saying "Umbasa," but removed it because they felt like it'd be retreading old ground and wanted to give Bloodborne its own legacy.

Yeah, I guess every similarity or resemblance is just coincidence or just small homage to Demon's Souls without any actual connection to it. It just like how Moonlight Greatsword appeared in so many FromSoft fantasy game: It's a mythos of FromSoftware that they used for many games.


Demon's Souls universe is so different.

Its all about Souls and Soul Arts there.

I could see the Old One being somewhat relatable due to the way it looks and the way it resides in a watery dimension.

But thats it.Blood has no significance in DeS universe so it can't be related tbh.


There's a lost thread between Beast and Kin. Just like the plot of the game where you suddenly change from hunting beast into killing eldritch spawn. The snake headed people, so does the Shadow of Yharnam, might be the key to that lost thread. Somebody said that snake headed people, bundled snake, and Shadow of Yharnam is just there to fill second half of Forbidden Forest with terrifying enemy, but I don't think so. There's must be something to their unusual transformation, but so far we don't have any information for the snake headed and Shadow of Yharnam. My only guess is that Laurence have his hand on this too.

There's something very strange about that transition in the Forbidden wood to the Hunter mobs into the place with all the giant grave stones. It's very Alice in Wonderland since perspective gets all weird with the small bundles of snakes bundles of snakes and the big bundles of snakes and the small head stones juxtaposed with the fucking huge ones and the general typography of that area gets really twisted. It's the first place that you get to in the game that seems to step away from traditional gothic horror of vampires werewolves and sort of Frankenstein monsters and introduces the cosmic other worldly alien ideas of Lovecraft with those aliens in the valley on top of that every thing is sort of radiating colored light in spots in a very unnatural way. I found that whole area both disorienting and intoxicating (I loved it). Because of this and the fact that Brygensworth is supposed to be near the tombs of the old ones my guess is that the Shadow of Yarnham are their to prevent people from getting into the Tombs or finding Brygensworth research.


LOL AMAZING Descriptions.

Is corpse kebob cart a commonly used fan name ? lol

No but if you want to use it, be my guest. That whole part of the game grossed me the fuck out. The One Reborn is like what a 13 year old would make up if you asked them to think up the nastiest shit they could.

"Dude, like, get this. It's made up of a bunch of dead bodies.

AND.. it throws bloody blobs of legs and arms and shit at you!

and its got a butt thats also a bunch of human heads all mushed up together!

DUUDE.. Wait.. AND... the butt barfs out poison puke all over the place!!"

so fucking nasty :lol


You know what's weird? No dragons in this game.

Come to think of it, almost nothing really flies in this game. Even those asshole crows barely fly.

Interpretation: Feels like everything is firmly stuck to the ground/stuck here on earth, even the old ones.


Demon's Souls universe is so different.

Its all about Souls and Soul Arts there.

I could see the Old One being somewhat relatable due to the way it looks and the way it resides in a watery dimension.

But thats it.Blood has no significance in DeS universe so it can't be related tbh.

I think it because both of them used Lovecraftian motifs for their story they ended up sharing similarity to each other. Ultimately though, they are separate universe.
I like the idea of the Moon working oppositely with the alien Great Ones, as well as the idea of the Moon being Oedon. The also creates some difference between the eye/sea creature focused Great Ones and ones like Mergo's Wetnurse, Moon Presence, and the beasts you see. It's entirely possible that all of the Great Ones are working against each other I suppose. The only confusing thing about that I guess is that when you kill Moon Presence you use the umbilical cords to become something that resembles the Kosm-related Great Ones, suggesting there's a connection between the two, yeah?

Like Yharnam is definitely connected to Oedon (Blood), and therefore would be connected to the Moon if the Moon is Oedon, which makes sense with how Beasts, Hunters, and Blood interact. That also links Mergo to Oedon then too if that makes sense.

Not quite, he's from the Church, but not of Yarnham. His gear states that Father is not a title used in Yarnham but by those from outside the city it is.

Yeah. So he's an outsider like you, but became a part of the Healing Church.


There's something very strange about that transition in the Forbidden wood to the Hunter mobs into the place with all the giant grave stones. It's very Alice in Wonderland since perspective gets all weird with the small bundles of snakes bundles of snakes and the big bundles of snakes and the small head stones juxtaposed with the fucking huge ones and the general typography of that area gets really twisted. It's the first place that you get to in the game that seems to step away from traditional gothic horror of vampires werewolves and sort of Frankenstein monsters and introduces the cosmic other worldly alien ideas of Lovecraft with those aliens in the valley on top of that every thing is sort of radiating colored light in spots in a very unnatural way. I found that whole area both disorienting and intoxicating (I loved it). Because of this and the fact that Brygensworth is supposed to be near the tombs of the old ones my guess is that the Shadow of Yarnham are their to prevent people from getting into the Tombs or finding Brygensworth research.
The change is truly sudden, and drastic. It's like something is missing in the transition. We know that Laurence is Willem protege and the latter is dealing with eldritch matter. But, if truly the holy medium at the grand cathedral is Laurence's skull, that mean he transformed into a beast. Isn't it strange for someone who got warned to fear the old blood turned into a beast, not an eldritch being?
You know what's weird? No dragons in this game.

If The One Reborn have pair of wing, we could called it Corpse Dragon lol


Demon's Souls universe is so different.

Its all about Souls and Soul Arts there.

I could see the Old One being somewhat relatable due to the way it looks and the way it resides in a watery dimension.

But thats it.Blood has no significance in DeS universe so it can't be related tbh.

easily connected with relics. but I don't assume they're in the same area anyway.

but hey, we got the wonderful Patches even if it's just a fun easter egg for Souls fans.
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