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Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Like the original, Boktai 2 integrates sunlight into its gameplay in a way that's more innovative than it is gimmicky--and it doesn't use this admittedly unusual mechanic like a crutch. There are plenty of solid action, puzzle, and role-playing elements here, so, if anything, Boktai 2's requirement for sunlight is sooner a deterrent than anything else during these cooler autumn months. Nevertheless, Boktai 2 stands as a unique experience that's sufficiently different from the first game to make it seem fresh and interesting all over again."


Guns N' Poops said:
Anybody knows how Boktai DS is going to work? Rub the shit of your display to get energy in the bar?

They could always use air and have you blow in the mic.

Because they could be sadistic like that.


I still have yet to beat the first. I started playing, got bored and college started and stopped around mid-way through.
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