Motion + Harmony then +5 into Flicker, IMO.
Do those bulletpoints effect all weapons when equipped or just this weapon?
Great...a talking gun lol... And not the one from the video yesterday.
does it go pew pew pew? i hope there is one that does.
Along with a George Foreman Grill and a min fridge.Next move is clearly to bring the pc to the shitter.
What exactly are the practical benefits to raising bullet speed? I'm thinking of zero's skill in the sniper tree that raises it by 100% at 5 points.
level 10 with axton at the moment, still not sure what trees i should go down, anyone had success with their build?
I wish there was a way to roll back quests...
My friend invited me last night right as he finished a story quest that was ahead of me, and I had no idea. Last night it gave me the option to redo the story quest, but today when I loaded the game back up it's telling me to turn the quest in...
I kinda wanted to know what happened. I guess I'll just watch it on youtube or something.
Anybody playing on steam going through Wildlife Preservation right now? I would love to join you...
did you say no to redoing the quest?
Long boring unstoppable intro.... not the best way to start a game.
Soloing Dr. Mercy as Zero was harder than I thought. After dying 5 or 6 times I finally ended up killing him by kiting him out of his base and running him over with a vehicle.
Is it just me who taking the quests in the wrong order or are all the side quests really making you go throught the dungeons a second time? I spent the whole night yesterday doing theand now that that's done I got the side quests toDam missionGo in the hideout with the pizza and then back to the dam to use the AI Core
Not sure I want to spend another 1-2h to go through the whole 2 zones again...ugh.
I bought the season pass when it was priced at £7.99 and I just tried to add it from my inventory to my library now. It says I need to own the base game "Borderlands RU".
Is it just me, or did they sell everyone the Russian version of the season pass?
What skill tree do you suggest for solo run? Motion or Cataclysm?
ugh seriously, I don't feel like playing through the game unless I see what happens in the mission it's making me skipAnybody on Wildlife Preservation playing on PC?
I'm on that quest in the story, but I'm really not feeling well tonight so I'm about to hit the sack early. If you don't get it done tonight though I'd be willing to hit it with you tomorrow, maybe in the morning or something.
Tired of waiting on Amazon, rented it from Redbox for the weekend until my copy arrives
Badass points are across characters correct? So do the challenges carry across too? Or could I just start new character after new character (hope I can skip the opening stuff after watching it once...) to farm the easy points?
Tired of waiting on Amazon, rented it from Redbox for the weekend until my copy arrives
Badass points are across characters correct? So do the challenges carry across too? Or could I just start new character after new character (hope I can skip the opening stuff after watching it once...) to farm the easy points?
So disheartening to see your friends all in solo games and wanting to join but can't connect to any of them. Fix this, Gearbox, please. =(
Quick question: I played through the original game and the DLC mostly by myself with my ipod on since there wasn't much of an emphasis on story. Is the story and humor good enough this time around for me to bother paying attention or will I be fine listening to my music/podcasts from the get go?
We are on it.