We are on it. We may have figured out the culprit. I'd recommend turning on DMZ on your router and turning off port blocking items if at all possible.
Fix is currently in QA and will see if this is the culprit. Our awesome programmers set up a lab in our office with a bunch of different routers to see what the culprit was and they think they know.
Two of his skill trees are melee, and his active skill is for melee.
Not the greatest find in the world, but moving up from a 90 Damage assault rifle that was performing decently to this was nice:
I got something with better stats, but its a blue level 15 version. It came from the Tribute to a Vault Hunter NPC. He really does have some good stuff.
Cataclysm is going to be your long-term tree.
So do cataclysm first?
imo once you get the reload on kill skill, or you get your movement on hit to 5, or the way I did it (blitzing to the 50% gunzerking skill) it feels a lot better.anyone know if there's some kind of trainer/ini hack to change character class?
I'm not really enjoying Salvatore but I'm like 10 hours in and don't feel like restarting
Just finished the game's story mode. I was going to go in with some friends but then Steam maintenance got in the way so one-man-one'd it.
Non-Spoilers: Love the final boss, ending was... Alright.
Spoilers:Final boss was really cool and really fun, but not really challenging. Maybe it was my level, my load-out, but had no real problems with it, but still had a lot of fun with it. Was really cool to fight something so friggin' huge too. Pretty epic final battle, and Handsome Jack's battle was interesting even though I beat him in literally 30 seconds.
I was a bit disappointed the ending was so... Non-ending. And really short. But it was kinda cool to have the credits end and start right back where you ended to give you the feeling there's still a lot more to do. Also was fairly heart-warming reading all the thanks from Gearbox peeps in the credits.
And now to try the new mode I unlocked.
I have found my new favorite gun.
Pretty much anywhere I shoot at, there's also multiple sets of shotgun shells flying horizontally at them. Sniping is pretty good with this gun.
I have a level 14 legendary grenade that is sorta making everything easy mode, including bosses. I just toss it and run away. It lands, spits out about 6 grenades in a huge radius, they all connect to each other with electricity in a big circle and everything caught inside of that circle gets fried pretty much instantly.was dead within 10 seconds of the start of that fight due to just one grenade.Wilhelm
Did you get this from a quest?
Some will disagree, but despite the game placing a higher emphasis on it's story/humor, it still isn't very good and is outright irritating at times. You'll be fine listening to music/podcasts while playing it, it might actually be the way to go.
I love the corporate speak names on the Hyperion guns.
Harbinger - you were way overpowered. The quest is labeled three levels lower. That said,The Warrior was also pretty straightforward with my level 31 Zero; he just didn't attack persistently enough to stop my shields from coming back each time. Jack was more difficult, though.
Was it Rakkman? Does it have knockback?So, got this thing off some optional boss. What the description doesn't say is that it fires both barrels at once, so it's shooting 4 rounds per shot...no big deal for a Gunzerker, and it hits so absurdly hard that I basically one shot everything right now. I'm pure Brawn spec too, don't even need damage skills.
I put on my Sledge head in honor of it, can't see myself replacing it for a loooong time.
Was it Rakkman? Does it have knockback?
We are on it. We may have figured out the culprit. I'd recommend turning on DMZ on your router and turning off port blocking items if at all possible.
Fix is currently in QA and will see if this is the culprit. Our awesome programmers set up a lab in our office with a bunch of different routers to see what the culprit was and they think they know.
I just didAre there any known mini bosses or quest lines that will almost always give an orange weapon?
So anyone not in the premiere club?
EDIT: Taken.
We are on it. We may have figured out the culprit. I'd recommend turning on DMZ on your router and turning off port blocking items if at all possible.
Fix is currently in QA and will see if this is the culprit. Our awesome programmers set up a lab in our office with a bunch of different routers to see what the culprit was and they think they know.
I never played any co-op in BL1.. just did it all solo. Can I hop into someone else's game who is further along and resume my "solo" game? How does the save system work in this regard? Do I just progress further and maybe miss an achievement or two due to not completing missions?
Quoting again since I don't think I received an answer.. anyone?
Quoting again since I don't think I received an answer.. anyone?
Quoting again since I don't think I received an answer.. anyone?
So, is True Vault Hunter mode really that different?
That's interesting, considering that Zombie Island was basically a Jakobs expansion.
Looking forward to having Torgue fleshed out.
We are on it. We may have figured out the culprit. I'd recommend turning on DMZ on your router and turning off port blocking items if at all possible.
Fix is currently in QA and will see if this is the culprit. Our awesome programmers set up a lab in our office with a bunch of different routers to see what the culprit was and they think they know.