Foliorum Viridum
Getting close, but no.
Ah, good good! It feels really bad to be near the end though... I've done every side quest and I still want it to go another 20 hours :'(
Getting close, but no.
Yeah, same here! Mark of the Ninja totally blew me away, and just a week later BL2 came out and my mind was just totally obliterated with awesomeness. I had absolutely zero interest in BL2 until about five days before launch, and now I think it's one of my favorite games ever.It pounced to that spot for me pretty quickly, followed by Mark of the Ninja. Both were big surprises for me. I knew BL2 was going to be good, but not this good.
I tipped Moxxi enough to get her favourite gun.
Moxxi:"This is my favourite gun, you'll see why"
Equip the weapon and it's constantly vibrating
Save and quit, and then restart your save. It will save you a bunch of time on backtracking.
Is eridium worth anything after upgrading everything from the black market?
Is eridium worth anything after upgrading everything from the black market?
Does Moxxxi give anything more than 2 guns?
I'm still rocking that shotgun ten levels later, it's a beast.
the amount can vary, look here for info fuck. I want that.
By the way I tipped Moxxi 10,000 and she didn't give me anything![]()
Holy fuck. I want that.
By the way I tipped Moxxi 10,000 and she didn't give me anything![]()
It's seemingly random. I feel like I got one at 15k and another close to 40k. Pretty much keep tipping until it happens.Holy fuck. I want that.
By the way I tipped Moxxi 10,000 and she didn't give me anything![]()
What's its name? I want/need it.
It's seemingly random. I feel like I got one at 15k and another close to 40k. Pretty much keep tipping until it happens.
Whoa what? What are the third and fourth guns called?I've gotten four guns from her by tipping, the corrosive one and fire one at level 15. Later on I got two of the same fire ones around level 30. Would have got a fifth one but she went to hand me the gun and nothing was there...
You'll probably spend way less money per useful gun just reloading in Sanctuary and checking the machines. Even purples aren't that uncommon in the vendors, in my experience. But it is a lot more tedious than pulling the handle and getting prizes.
thought a few days ago. I tried to edit the *.ini file and give myself more keysand it didn't work.was curious.....
Thought they patched all the vulnerabilities related to golden keys. Will have to try when i get home
Whoa what? What are the third and fourth guns called?She has MORE guns aside from her second and most favorite?!
I laughed for a good five minutes as my friends and I had a series of duels using it.Just picked up the "Bane" gun... haha I've seen videos but it's even better in real life.
BL2 is easily my GOTY so far, but I'm pretty sure Halo 4 will be my personal favorite.
It pounced to that spot for me pretty quickly, followed by Mark of the Ninja. Both were big surprises for me. I knew BL2 was going to be good, but not this good.
so what did the patch do? Pc
Idk if it will beat Max Payne 3(which feels like the media darling GOTY) but to me it feels like BL2 is my GOTY.
What? Really? My opinion doesn't mean much because I haven't played Max Payne 3 but the videos I saw of it looked awful.
Not to be a dick but I think local co-op deserves to be a back burner thing just because it effects so few players.Gonna have to get back to this at a later date, like so many games I play nowadays.
I've definitely enjoyed it more than part 1, but the same issue reared it's head for me eventually, namely that I feel more overwhelmed with the variety of weapons and builds than there seems to be game to apply them to.
That, and even with fast travel, I found the checkpoints and re-clearing/backtracking to be Dragon's Dogma-level annoying. Local co-op seems like an afterthought considering how much the character menu UI misbehaves in splitscreen, and I don't find the game can hold my interest for long playing solo.
My desire to play local co-op exclusively is hardly the game's fault, but combining all of these factors and I'm left with a game I can't stay interested in long enough to finish more than a couple missions at a time, and get tired of re-clearing the same crap when I decide to play again.
More power to everyone getting the most out of this, it's off to my monstrous backlog for now.
Not to be a dick but I think local co-op deserves to be a back burner thing just because it effects so few players.
I'm pretty sure that barrels are a vault hunter's greatest foe. Seriously.Was doing the firehawk mission. At the end, I was fighting with you know who when they decided to use their special ability, blow up the barrel next to me, and kill me. Thanks.............. haha.
I really wish there was a tv screen my friends can watch while I clear house because they died.
Was in last Stand one time and was about to run out of time when I kill the last enemy of the whole round. I heard both my friends start yelling because they were for sure I was a goner.
Isnt there an elevator on the side that they can take to watch the action? I think its even possible for them to shoot.
would buy!Here's the DLC I demand.
Version 1: Clap Trap pet. A little clap trap you can pop out load with gear and he zooms off to Sanctuary to sell ala Torchlight.
Version 2 (upgrade): Clap Trap Transformer: Summon a Clap Trap that turns into a vending machine to buy or sell.
Idk if it will beat Max Payne 3(which feels like the media darling GOTY)
Yeah, what? I've never heard anyone -- media or plebe -- mention MP3 as a GOTY contender. BL2, Assassin's Creed 3, Halo 4, and Sleeping Dogs seem like the likely candidates to me.What? Really? My opinion doesn't mean much because I haven't played Max Payne 3 but the videos I saw of it looked awful.
Damnnnn! That's a big jump.Holy shit....I just got a new Assault Rifle...went from 300dmg to 1300dmg! haha feels good!
It's around there somewhere because one of my co-op buddies was phase-locking fools and shooting people from the balcony while we polished off round 5 last night. I forgot to ask him how he got up there....There is?
Here's the DLC I demand.
Version 1: Clap Trap pet. A little clap trap you can pop out load with gear and he zooms off to Sanctuary to sell ala Torchlight.
Version 2 (upgrade): Clap Trap Transformer: Summon a Clap Trap that turns into a vending machine to buy or sell.
Gearbox wouldn't be able to resist having the damn thing talk CONSTANTLY though. Good idea other than that, at least version 1.