So did they fix that bug that resets all your Badass points to 0 and deletes all your characters yet?
Nope. I'm still BA level 0. Admittedly I've only played for about 20 minutes since it occurred.
So did they fix that bug that resets all your Badass points to 0 and deletes all your characters yet?
Really now. Lightin' my Emptyspace signal.
All I know is after killing pretty much everything with Zero I find him to be the weakest character in the game. You can kill everything with him, you'll just have to work harder than everyone else. I'm still peeved that his class mods aren't as good as the other characters, I'd love a raw +gun damage mod like Salvador gets.
I still can't get the Blood of Terramorphous for the life of me.
That's the only thing I'm missing from the Terra set.
I've kind of gotten to the point where I'm mainlining the story. There's just so damn many side quests its a little overwhelming. So last night I played through the mission where. I'm just curious if I've got a while left still. And will I be able to complete the side quests after the main story, but before I start NG+?You fight Angel. I honestly thought I was at the end of the game at that point. So then I go on to the next mission and go though the whole deal where you take the elevator up towns have to take down the multiple buzzards. That took a while.
Oh yeah and Melee Zero is still awesome. A bit tricky during some larger bosses, but still fun.
This is not true at all. Zer0's mods all have synergy with the exception of one. Maya on the other hand has three or four that to actually put points into all three skills you would never be able to get the final skill in her tree. That is a shitty choice the player has to make.
Skill wise it's fine, I want more gun damage and unless I'm wielding a sniper rifle I won't get any. Only thing I have ever seen is +sniper damage or +melee, so you have to rely on his skills and for +gun damage you'd have to rely on his kill skills, which is fine if you're only fighting crap so you can go nuts with many must fall or death blossom. But if you're farming a boss then it's pretty meh. That's just my thoughts on it. I've already done my fair share of Zero and I'm moving on from him.
Should I bother farming bosses at level 14?
It's not really worth farming for anything until you're level 50 and in playthrough 2.5
Should I bother farming bosses at level 14?
I started a public game earlier. Never again. It was a fucking melee, everybody trying to kill every enemy as quickly as possible, get as much loot as possible... I didn't enjoy it. A hell of a lot better playing with friends.
Or maybe, just maybe, melee sucks at the start, and gets stronger, and the other trees are just the opposite? Crazy thought I know.
And you shouldn't have to respec and change your playstyle every 10 levels, that's called poor design.
The game is fun, just needs some balancing
Well, I saw many saying that Zer0 is the weakest or that you couldnt play the game well solo.
So, i was responding to them![]()
Good luck balancing the game so that every build for every class faces exactly the same amount of challenge throughout the entire game, across 2.5 difficulty levels.
I mean yeah, good luck with that.
That is so easy to accomplish that I cannot recall any multiclass game---that presents any sort of challenge---that has ever accomplished it.
True Vault Hunter Mode, it's the NG+.Can anyone tell me what TVHM is and when you start playing it?
Can anyone tell me what TVHM is and when you start playing it?
I believe ranged is just dependent on on gear, while melee is skill based. Once I got a decent sniper rifle, life was easy for about 10 levels, and then it was getting hard again.
I imagine endgame is similar.
Start a new character and get them to 50 and then put them in the shared bank?
Finally got a the legendary head skin for my Commando fromonly to have it glitch on me. I clicked it and it said "UNLOCKED" than I went to change my head and it wasn't there, checked my inventory and it was gone. Love that glitch. Back to farming I guess.Terramorphous
Not going to stop until I get to kill Jack, though, cause that dude is a dick.
Holy f**k!!!! With The Bee and Infinity,doesn't stand a chance! In less than one minute, he is dead.The Warrior
I can farm him for infinity without having to even replenish my ammo.
I'm finding the Bee (the low level version from Playthrough 1) pretty useful for powerleveling my Gunzerker off of bosses like BN-K3R, Saturn, and the last boss. Gonna to get to 50 in a fraction of a time it took my Siren, although I think in the mid-30s to 40s, it becomes a bit obsolete, until I'm high enough level to use my Playthrough 2 Bee.The Bee is worth it.
I also would say don't farm unless you're having trouble beating some part of the game and need a boost. If you don't know exactly who drops what and don't care enough to look it up just farm bosses to see what they drop while you rack up XP and cash.
Level 28.What level/stats is your Infinity?
I have more to add, but that would put my post in the TL;DR category and nobody wants that. I will say that a Cunning gun/melee hybrid is a ton of fun and is really powerful. Its probably the best tree as proved by this
if you talk to someone they'll show you the quest screen with information and rewards (gun/shield icon w/ color). I don't believe you HAVE to accept the quest when you talk to them...should be able to back out.
Correct. When going to a quest giver/job board, you can bring up the quest information, see what it is and what the rewards are, and at the bottom of the info window you have the options to Accept or Decline. If you decline, the yellow exclamation point still remains so you know that there are still quests there ready to accept later on.
So here you see the description, the reward ($63, 160XP and a green weapon), and Accept/Decline. (And scroll if the description is too long to fit in the window).
So if i dont accept a job till later, it will scale to my level?
Finally got a the legendary head skin for my Commando fromonly to have it glitch on me. I clicked it and it said "UNLOCKED" than I went to change my head and it wasn't there, checked my inventory and it was gone. Love that glitch. Back to farming I guess.Terramorphous
2 minutes to reach 5 mailbox,with combat near them and they are fairly far from each other?...really?...also because of those awful on a timer quest,is there a way to get the failed quest out of my quest list...I will never attempt this again so I rather not see them in my journal...