Victory Red
Just started a Commando pt1. I'm jelly of my friends turrets.
Bloody hell, the slaughter quests are so damn glitchy. I'm fuming, had a pretty horrible battle in the last Hyperion slaughter quest only for it to crap out on me in the last wave where no enemies would appear and the last wave wasn't initiated. This happened 5 or 6 times during the bandit slaughter and twice for Hyperion slaughter. Fix this shit.
Bloody hell, the slaughter quests are so damn glitchy. I'm fuming, had a pretty horrible battle in the last Hyperion slaughter quest only for it to crap out on me in the last wave where no enemies would appear and the last wave wasn't initiated. This happened 5 or 6 times during the bandit slaughter and twice for Hyperion slaughter. Fix this shit.
I just gave 50k to Moxxi in the TVHM and got jack shit.
She said her line that she was going to reward me when I got to 20k, but then did nothing and just went back to cleaning her table.
I then gave her another 30k and still nothing.
Does she give anything in TVHM or did it just glitch on me?
I just gave 50k to Moxxi in the TVHM and got jack shit.
She said her line that she was going to reward me when I got to 20k, but then did nothing and just went back to cleaning her table.
I then gave her another 30k and still nothing.
Does she give anything in TVHM or did it just glitch on me?
Soooo can anyone help?I just finished a mission called capture the flag, im suposed to report to brick but hes nowhere to be found, no waypoint, nothing... help??!
Last night she gave me a SMG with 4k damage and does fire.
Too bad it's a level 48 and I'm only 47 atm.
I also found a rocket launcher that has 160k damage. When I hit things, the rest of the damage doesn't show up, it just says 160K with a giant red K. It's awesome.
Actually this reminds it just me or does it seem like you're far less likely to come across gear of a higher level than you're currently at in this game, especially compared to BL1? In the first game I recall almost always having at least one or two things in my inventory that I had to 'grow into' so to speak, but up to level 29 so far in this game with literally only one weapon at a level above my own. By the time I could use it, I'd already found more helpful stuff that I could already use. :\
Nope, it isn't because it's a fire weapon. It's because it's a dart weapon. These do more damage, fire more slowly and have this delay. Most or all of them are e-tech weapons. I've had a LOT of elemental pistols and they aren't normally like this.What's so lol about it? It's not a bad gun. I think the blue righteous judge that I found on the four assassins quest is better just because it fires so quickly and there is no bullet lag. That's why I hate fire weapons so far. You shoot and they dodge because the bullets fire so slowly.
I found a purple smg with fire bullets and the thing is boss though, simply due to how fast it fires. Multiple fire effects means almost anyone goes bye bye.
I'm gonna hate co-op when Gaige comes out
teams of nothing but mechromancers all day erryday :|
I'm gonna hate co-op when Gaige comes out
teams of nothing but mechromancers all day erryday :|
Ahahah it's easy to think that when you haven't dug into TVHM. You start finding 15-20k shields and 20k grenade mods like candy. The true (loot) game begins after you beat the game. I don't think I've ever gone into a game and beat it twice so quickly. Not in terms of the time it takes but the willingness. I haven't done this in a long time. As soon as I farm the last boss for more legendaries and exp, I'm gonna have to start up a third run.
I picked up a Rapid Infinity from Dr. Mercy the first time I fought him, I've been using it on smaller enemies to save ammo with other weapons. I'm about three quarters through the story at the moment.
(Not my image.)
That little gun destroys Borderlands 2's supposed "invincible" final boss.
I picked up a Rapid Infinity from Dr. Mercy the first time I fought him, I've been using it on smaller enemies to save ammo with other weapons. I'm about three quarters through the story at the moment.
(Not my image.)
So my main character is a lvl 50 Gunzerker. I find that I almost never gunzerk unless I'm about to die and need to clean up a few people real quick. I was jealous of my friends turrets so I started a commando game.
I'm only a level 10 Commando, but I find he just has no oomph. The turret takes forever to deploy and start shooting and its weak as hell, even after dumping all my points so far into making it stronger. Does this get significantly better any time soon?
I didn't use the gunzerk ability that much but he is a monster when it comes to raw firepower.
How about Siren? Will I see the fruits of her ability early on or will it be like the turrets and I have to wait forever to get substantial dominance out of her?
So my main character is a lvl 50 Gunzerker. I find that I almost never gunzerk unless I'm about to die and need to clean up a few people real quick. I was jealous of my friends turrets so I started a commando game.
I'm only a level 10 Commando, but I find he just has no oomph. The turret takes forever to deploy and start shooting and its weak as hell, even after dumping all my points so far into making it stronger. Does this get significantly better any time soon?
I wonder how the level 50 one looks...I would love a gun with infinite ammo.
So my main character is a lvl 50 Gunzerker. I find that I almost never gunzerk unless I'm about to die and need to clean up a few people real quick. I was jealous of my friends turrets so I started a commando game.
New golden key codes!
Xbox360: CT5J3-BF5CX-366JF-W63TJ-XSKZZ
How come those keys don't work? Do I enter them in shift or xbl?
How come those keys don't work? Do I enter them in shift or xbl?
New golden key codes!
Xbox360: CT5J3-BF5CX-366JF-W63TJ-XSKZZ
The grass is always greener on the other side. I have both a level 50 Siren and Gunzerker, and while the Gunzerker is obviously better at boss DPS, I like the Siren's survivability skills, which don't require making a DPS compromise for. In particular Converge, which CCs and sucks in all enemies near the impact point, and makes them an easy target for Chain Reaction / Reaper / Wreck.Just beat the game with a friend as my Siren.
Kinda regretting not going with a Gunzerker or a Commando instead.![]()
The grass is always greener on the other side. I have both a level 50 Siren and Gunzerker, and while the Gunzerker is obviously better at boss DPS, I like the Siren's survivability skills, which don't require making a DPS compromise for. In particular Converge, which CCs and sucks in all enemies near the impact point, and makes them an easy target for Chain Reaction / Reaper / Wreck.
I bought the game last week. I have to say that I found it a bit boring in the beginning. However, after playing the game some more (and getting talents, elemental weapons) the game got GREAT. I am loving it again. I really liked Borderlands 1 as well.
Rocking Zer0 at the moment. Question to other Zer0's: What tree do you guys consider the most fun one?
I mean, it's nice, we're both medic-type Sirens and the health and resurrections are always flowing, but I guess utility isn't as flashy or fun as raw destruction. At least it keeps us alive (mostly).
We'll see how it goes on THVM. Once I have a few more levels I may respec into full Cata and see how it goes.
Gunzerking and Turrets just seem like so much fun tho. =P
I mean, it's nice, we're both medic-type Sirens and the health and resurrections are always flowing, but I guess utility isn't as flashy or fun as raw destruction. At least it keeps us alive (mostly).
We'll see how it goes on THVM. Once I have a few more levels I may respec into full Cata and see how it goes.
Gunzerking and Turrets just seem like so much fun tho. =P