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Borderlands 2 |OT| Opening Pandora's Box (of Guns!)

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Finished a couple of days ago in about 65 hours, with a level 35 Siren, playing mostly alone.
Definetely better than the first one in every possible way and one of my favourite games of the year.

I also really enjoyed PhysX:

And I think I just scratched the surface (I will go for another playthrough, in coop, at True Vault Hunter, exploring a different class, then DLCs).

Great job, Randy and fellas!
Maybe someone can explain the Guzerker for me. I've played all of the classes, I've cleared the normal playthrough with every class--including Mechromancer--but Commando. I've cleared True Vault Hunter Mode and gotten to playthrough 2.5 with my Siren. The Gunzerker was the first class I made but I abandoned it almost as soon as I hit TVHM. I mained the first Borderlands as Brick and thought Salvador would be the best character along those lines to play as in Borderlands 2.

Most of my skill points are invested in the Rampage tree, with a few in Brawn. The end goal is something like this...
Filled to the Brim 5/5
Last Longer 5/5
I'm Ready Already 5/5
Yipee Ki Yay 5/5
Get Some 5/5
Keep Firing 1/1

Hard to Kill 5/5
I'm the Juggernaut 5/5
Ain't Got Time to Bleed 5/5
Just Got Real 4/5

I don't have Keep Firing, Ain't Got Time to Bleed or Just Got Real yet. My experience playing as Salvador can best be described as being in a perpetual state of Second Wind and not always coming out of it. Gunzerking isn't the same as Brick's Berzerk, it isn't quite the oh-shit-I'm-dying-now-I'm-not button. You get the initial health boost when Gunzerking is triggered but without Ain't Got Time to Bleed the health regenration isn't quite there to soak up a lot of damage. With Brick's Berzerk I felt unstoppable.

I find with the Gunzerker my choice of weapons is limited to weapons with close proximity/high damage and high fire-rate/midrange weapons, so shotguns, machines pistols, smgs and a some varieties of assault rifles. All preferably with decent reload speeds. Rocket launchers aren't always practical (too long to reload, burns Gunzerking time) and sniper rifles (output is too low, even Vladovs) are a no-go. Because of these weapon restrictions you kind of have to be in the thick of a fight.

I've learned to trigger the Gunzerkering before I reach a danger zone in terms of shields and health but even then that's only getting me so far. I find Gunzerking is kind of frustrating because it's kind of limited by your arsenal. All of the other characters abilities are external to them. Axton and Gaige spawn something that damages enemies and draws agro. Maya can stop an enemy in its tracks, multiple enemies depending on your skills. Zero can briefly shift enemy attention away to evade or gain a better position.

In a weird way, Zero's Bloodshed tree feels more like Bricks Brawler tree.
About to go through Hero's Pass in TVHM and I feel like I am missing out on lots of guns because I'm always looking for Corrosion/Fire weapons. Should I go and try using non-element guns?

It felt like I could get away with it in Normal Mode but in TVHM it feels like I will always need to DoT everything I come across to stand a chance.
It felt like I could get away with it in Normal Mode but in TVHM it feels like I will always need to DoT everything I come across to stand a chance.

That's the difference between Normal and TVHM, you really need to exploit elemental weaknesses. In playthrough 1 you can brute force everything but that changes when you get to TVHM and start to see RESIST popping up on all of the enemies you're shooting.


For people soloing Hyperius and aren't Gunzerkers, I recommend using Transfusion- grenades whenever he uses his double- aoe burst. Specifically start using them after you kill his minions, because that's when he really seems to spam it a lot. Having that chunk of health flying towards you can be a life-saver.

Oh yeah, and health- regen. Get as much health- regen as possible.
Maybe someone can explain the Guzerker for me. I've played all of the classes, I've cleared the normal playthrough with every class--including Mechromancer--but Commando. I've cleared True Vault Hunter Mode and gotten to playthrough 2.5 with my Siren. The Gunzerker was the first class I made but I abandoned it almost as soon as I hit TVHM. I mained the first Borderlands as Brick and thought Salvador would be the best character along those lines to play as in Borderlands 2.

Most of my skill points are invested in the Rampage tree, with a few in Brawn. The end goal is something like this...
Filled to the Brim 5/5
Last Longer 5/5
I'm Ready Already 5/5
Yipee Ki Yay 5/5
Get Some 5/5
Keep Firing 1/1

Hard to Kill 5/5
I'm the Juggernaut 5/5
Ain't Got Time to Bleed 5/5
Just Got Real 4/5

I don't have Keep Firing, Ain't Got Time to Bleed or Just Got Real yet. My experience playing as Salvador can best be described as being in a perpetual state of Second Wind and not always coming out of it. Gunzerking isn't the same as Brick's Berzerk, it isn't quite the oh-shit-I'm-dying-now-I'm-not button. You get the initial health boost when Gunzerking is triggered but without Ain't Got Time to Bleed the health regenration isn't quite there to soak up a lot of damage. With Brick's Berzerk I felt unstoppable.

I find with the Gunzerker my choice of weapons is limited to weapons with close proximity/high damage and high fire-rate/midrange weapons, so shotguns, machines pistols, smgs and a some varieties of assault rifles. All preferably with decent reload speeds. Rocket launchers aren't always practical (too long to reload, burns Gunzerking time) and sniper rifles (output is too low, even Vladovs) are a no-go. Because of these weapon restrictions you kind of have to be in the thick of a fight.

I've learned to trigger the Gunzerkering before I reach a danger zone in terms of shields and health but even then that's only getting me so far. I find Gunzerking is kind of frustrating because it's kind of limited by your arsenal. All of the other characters abilities are external to them. Axton and Gaige spawn something that damages enemies and draws agro. Maya can stop an enemy in its tracks, multiple enemies depending on your skills. Zero can briefly shift enemy attention away to evade or gain a better position.

In a weird way, Zero's Bloodshed tree feels more like Bricks Brawler tree.

Go for a respec and try these.

5 Shots or 6 5/5
Steady As She Goes 1/1

With 5 shots or 6 you'll be able to last longer in zerker mode. Then, with Steady as she Goes is really helpful when you get Keep Firing. Even better if you get a mod that has +5 Shots or 6 and +Filled to the Brim.Along the lines of something like this Mod

your spot on with the guns he should be using. Snipers, launchers are useless and it feels more natural to have two mid-range guns in slot 1&2 and close range in slot 3&4. I get the feeling Salvador should be played aggressively. Trying to keep the zerk going with lots of ammo regen/magazine size is what defines that middle tree IMO.


Hey guys, just have two questions regarding the DLC:
- How's the loot?
- Is the story mission short and sweet (as in easy) or is it difficult? I've read that there are two bosses that are particularly difficult


Almost done with first play through with Gaige. 150 Anarchy plus ricocheting bullets, plus bee shield plus Slappy's Striker? Fucking hell man. I have that talent to let the bot last a lil longer with each kill and he has this clap of death (fucking powerful as fuck). I'm a goddamn killing machine.


Round 5 of the Hyperion Circle of Slaughter is about to cause a broken controller (and possibly, with it, wall). I don't suppose anyone with a level 33+ (360) character would mind providing a chap with a helping hand? T'would be greatly appreciated! ;)

I can give you a hand. I got stuck on the 5th round too. GT is in my profile.


So I just did
with two of my friends (Zer0 and Gunzerker), our Zer0 was getting targetted in phase two, and the boss bugged out and just got stuck, kinda jittering around on the floor. It was weird, but we managed to put on our Bees and just kill him. Got around 9 of the new currency.


I am trying to get the hellfire smg. Where does it actually drop? On gearbox forum they say warrior drops it and someone in frostburn.


My two new additions:




So now that the DLC has been out for a bit, is there a general running time on it?

From skimming thru it looks like it has a ridiculous boss (or two) but lets not count that as part of the time, we can count getting up to him, but not the struggles beating him

2-5 hours?



So now that the DLC has been out for a bit, is there a general running time on it?

From skimming thru it looks like it has a ridiculous boss (or two) but lets not count that as part of the time, we can count getting up to him, but not the struggles beating him

2-5 hours?


5-6 hours


So now that the DLC has been out for a bit, is there a general running time on it?

From skimming thru it looks like it has a ridiculous boss (or two) but lets not count that as part of the time, we can count getting up to him, but not the struggles beating him

2-5 hours?

Around 3 hours to do the main questline, ignoring sidequests.


I am trying to get the hellfire smg. Where does it actually drop? On gearbox forum they say warrior drops it and someone in frostburn.

Scorch drops it in Frostburn.

I need to get a Hellfire as well. I'm also hoping to luck into that Tediore Fire elemental E-tech SMG!


Man I hate to ask but I have been farming for 2 days now, does anyone on the PS3 have a CC they can dupe for me? PM me or hit me up on PSN my name here is my PSN name.


Not sure how people have such bad luck when farming. Me and a friend farmed the Warrior for about an hour and ended up with at least 15 Legendary items with at least five of those being the Conference call. On the other hand we farmed Saturn for about 40 mins and got nothing.
I need some more people to play with on 360. Pretty much everyone I had been playing with is burned out. I got a level 50 mechro, level 50 assassin, and a 22 commando. my gamertag is steve o 3000.

also, my buddy can't post yet, but he also wants some people to play with. his gamertag is sacred disorder. he has a level 50 siren and a 50 mechro.


They did something to pc version, fps going all over the place at times when it was very steady before patch.

I knew i was not imaginating things my FPS drop a lot now since new patch !

Anyone know what's going on with this ?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Started tvhm...is it me or is a build mostly in survival just pointless since mobs cut through you regardless and my guns are shit?


I have an annoying request (because i could find my own answer if i took enough time)

Does anyone have that list handy of quests to skip in PT2?

I just started it up and want to save the good stuff til "2.5"


I have an annoying request (because i could find my own answer if i took enough time)

Does anyone have that list handy of quests to skip in PT2?

I just started it up and want to save the good stuff til "2.5"

A Real Boy: Human -- Lying Pistol
Animal rights -- Sniper "I infrequently perish"
Arms Dealing -- One reward is a blue relic. Not unique. Maybe useful.
Bandit Slaughter Round 5 -- AR "What plaything can you offer me today?"
Bearer of Bad News -- AR
Best Mother's Day Ever -- Purple Shield. Roid. VERY LONG delay
BFFs -- Order (Unique Shield)
Chosen One -- Evil Smasher Assault Rifle.
Clan War: End of the Rainbow: Shotgun "Good things kill in threes"
Clan War: Wakey Wakey -- Unique Pistol or Shield.
Clan War: Zafords v Hodunks -- SMG or Shotgun.
Cordially Invited/Tea Party -- Corrosive Teapot
Cult Following: The Enkindling -- Shield of the Firehawk
Demon Hunter -- Red Text Ironsight Sniper.
Doctor's Orders -- Blue Relic?
Hell Hath No Fury -- Grenade "It takes two to get one in trouble"
Home Movies -- 2 blue relics to choose from
Hungry Like the Skag -- AR "Oh sorry. Was that your head?"
Hyperion Contract 873 -- Talking Sniper
Hyperion Slaughter 5 -- Sniper
Lost Treasure -- Lists as Green Pistol. Possibly Red Text?
Medical Mystery: XCOM-Municate -- Possible E-Tech Gun?
Note for Self Person -- Launcher "Toasty"
Out of Body Experience -- Talking Shotgun
Overlooked: Only a Test: Purple Shield. "What do you mean Theoretically"
Positive Self Image -- Vehicle Booster Relic. No Red Text. Still maybe rare.
Pretty Good Train Robbery -- Grenade. "Make it Rain"
Rakkaholic's Anonymous -- Sniper or Pistol
Safe and Sound -- Shotgun or Unique Relic.
Showdown -- Red Text Relic. +Shotgun Damage, Reload and FFYL. Uncertain if it scales.
Slap Happy -- Shotgun. "Octo means 9"
Splinter Group -- Shotgun. "Don't Retreat, instead reload!"
The Bane -- The Bane
The Good, The Bad and the Mordecai -- Uncertain.
Uncle Teddy -- Pistol or Shotgun
Won't Get Fooled Again -- Law?
You. Will. Die. (Seriously.) -- Inconclusive. Possibly irrelevant.
Not sure how people have such bad luck when farming. Me and a friend farmed the Warrior for about an hour and ended up with at least 15 Legendary items with at least five of those being the Conference call. On the other hand we farmed Saturn for about 40 mins and got nothing.

The loot in this game is so inconsistent, I've beaten the warrior at least 5 or 6 times with 3 other people and not one single legendary has dropped. I think we got maybe 3 or 4 purples at most. So frustrating.


The loot in this game is so inconsistent, I've beaten the warrior at least 5 or 6 times with 3 other people and not one single legendary has dropped. I think we got maybe 3 or 4 purples at most. So frustrating.

i agree. i have been farming the warrior for the last two days. i have only received two oranges (a vlad and a striker). as soon as i get a conference call i am going to quit. i'm afraid it's going to be a while. of course i am getting some fucking awesome purples out of the deal so not all is lost.
Is this game inordinately difficult with 3 people or is it just me and my friends? Part of it could be we're unlucky and not getting good loot, but it definitely seems much much harder and more frustrating than the last game.


Finished the DLC main quest line in only 2-3 hours. Probably tack on another 1-2 hours to finish all the side quests. Content wise, while short, what's there is quality. The characters are fun and I like the new locations and vehicle.

In terms of expanding game/endgame, the DLC is a huge miss. No level cap increase, no bonus skill points, no real incentive beyond playing through the main story. The MMO styled daily lock on raid bosses is silly considering the low payout and the mediocre rewards. Either players will not put in the two week effort to buy 1 item legit, change the system clock to farm multiple times, or just hack themselves infinite seraph crystals.

As it stands, it's a fun 3 hour romp, but ultimately not worth $10 and a slow start for the season pass.
Is this game inordinately difficult with 3 people or is it just me and my friends? Part of it could be we're unlucky and not getting good loot, but it definitely seems much much harder and more frustrating than the last game.

The more players you have the harder it gets, but the loot is also better


Is this game inordinately difficult with 3 people or is it just me and my friends? Part of it could be we're unlucky and not getting good loot, but it definitely seems much much harder and more frustrating than the last game.

It is definitely harder. You guys have to start communicating and coordinating your skills. Look at every vending machine for miniscule upgrades and look for -% Team Recharge rate skills.

Also, I have a character that clears every single sidequest before than main mission - even in mp - and it's a cakewalk.


Been farming the warrior for about a week now, and the only legendary I've gotten in this game was from him, a grenade mod that isn't that great. The rest of my OJs have come from friends and GAFers. Pretty depressing, honestly.


Neo Member
Been away all week to give the DLC a go yet :(

Back tonight though so it's a long session to get it going :cool:

Is it like the main game and you can play it in playthrough 1 and then again in TVHM?

Or can you only play the DLC quests once?


Finished the DLC main quest line in only 2-3 hours. Probably tack on another 1-2 hours to finish all the side quests. Content wise, while short, what's there is quality. The characters are fun and I like the new locations and vehicle.

In terms of expanding game/endgame, the DLC is a huge miss. No level cap increase, no bonus skill points, no real incentive beyond playing through the main story. The MMO styled daily lock on raid bosses is silly considering the low payout and the mediocre rewards. Either players will not put in the two week effort to buy 1 item legit, change the system clock to farm multiple times, or just hack themselves infinite seraph crystals.

As it stands, it's a fun 3 hour romp, but ultimately not worth $10 and a slow start for the season pass.
The design of this particular DLC makes me wonder if Gearbox has MMO aspirations. That's the only plausible explanation for some of the design choices like the way access to the raidbosses is restricted to once a day. Plus the complete disregard given to singleplayer balance as far as those raidbosses (there's nothing to get second wind off of, besides the 4 loaders, which take 10x longer to kill than Terra, it feels like).

Anyways, minor tip for those trying to kill Hyperius -- Moxxi's Bad Touch (corrosive elemental and healing bullets). Getting to the second part of the fight isn't too problematic now since I can keep myself topped off with Moxxi's gun. After that though, it's a mess of rockets and non-stop novas and stomping. Playing as Siren. Also, Leech grenades can be useful (Warrior drops these, including corrosive ones).

Also, my framerates have been disastrous since the update. I'm constantly dipping down to the 30fps range (how do console people tolerate this?), and the resulting input lag is awful.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The design of this particular DLC makes me wonder if Gearbox has MMO aspirations. That's the only plausible explanation for some of the design choices like the way access to the raidbosses is restricted to once a day. Plus the complete disregard given to singleplayer balance as far as those raidbosses (there's nothing to get second wind off of, besides the 4 loaders, which take 10x longer to kill than Terra, it feels like).

Anyways, minor tip for those trying to kill Hyperius -- Moxxi's Bad Touch (corrosive elemental and healing bullets). Getting to the second part of the fight isn't too problematic now since I can keep myself topped off with Moxxi's gun. After that though, it's a mess of rockets and non-stop novas and stomping. Playing as Siren. Also, Leech grenades can be useful (Warrior drops these, including corrosive ones).

Also, my framerates have been disastrous since the update. I'm constantly dipping down to the 30fps range (how do console people tolerate this?), and the resulting input lag is awful.

Or maybe Gearbox just fucked up and didnt think about the balance because people made terra look like a chump. Or maybe it came out too soon, given how full of stutter and odd invisible walls the expansion is.


Almost done with first play through with Gaige. 150 Anarchy plus ricocheting bullets, plus bee shield plus Slappy's Striker? Fucking hell man. I have that talent to let the bot last a lil longer with each kill and he has this clap of death (fucking powerful as fuck). I'm a goddamn killing machine.

only 150 Anarchy? Bah noob. 400 stacks is where it's at. :D


The design of this particular DLC makes me wonder if Gearbox has MMO aspirations. That's the only plausible explanation for some of the design choices like the way access to the raidbosses is restricted to once a day. Plus the complete disregard given to singleplayer balance as far as those raidbosses (there's nothing to get second wind off of, besides the 4 loaders, which take 10x longer to kill than Terra, it feels like).

Anyways, minor tip for those trying to kill Hyperius -- Moxxi's Bad Touch (corrosive elemental and healing bullets). Getting to the second part of the fight isn't too problematic now since I can keep myself topped off with Moxxi's gun. After that though, it's a mess of rockets and non-stop novas and stomping. Playing as Siren. Also, Leech grenades can be useful (Warrior drops these, including corrosive ones).

Also, my framerates have been disastrous since the update. I'm constantly dipping down to the 30fps range (how do console people tolerate this?), and the resulting input lag is awful.

Was talking Warbinger today and he said he did Hyperius more than once, so I'm not sure what restricts the one a day thing. Have you faced the actual restriction yourself? Once I killed him with my friends we all left to do other things so I didn't actually get to test the restriction.


They did something to pc version, fps going all over the place at times when it was very steady before patch.

I knew i was not imaginating things my FPS drop a lot now since new patch !

Anyone know what's going on with this ?

I noticed the same thing, some boss fights and just certain areas just chug, where before they were smooth as butter.

i7 - 3770k
680 GTX

As far as we can tell, the problem is PhysX. Something in the DLC has downgraded PhysX performance.


only 150 Anarchy? Bah noob. 400 stacks is where it's at. :D

Seems too expensive for me since I'm paying 3 points extra just to be able to put in your first additional 50. Maybe when I'm level 35 or so, I'd go that way. 1 point in anarchy and 1 point just to take a bullet out of every clip is all I do in the anarchy tree. Everything else is in the left tree. Definitely want more stacks in my second playthrough, though.

I am a total noob since I only just started using the ricochet...I felt like such an idiot for actually hitting shots for the hours before I respec'ed where I was running 250 stacks :)
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