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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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I just realised how much I fucking love this city. Nowhere else quite like it in the world.

He says on the way to Zurich for a job interview...


Knows the Score
Zurich is a great place (and it's got the only remaining Wagamama in this country IIRC), but it's expensive.

(BTW, drop me a line if you've got any questions about living in Switzerland if your interview goes well.)


Enjoy your last few days Musha.

Good luck with the job interview zomg.

Happy Friday peeps! So RPJGAF ran the thread dry last night, I'm out. I'll have to rock Tence's fake pic Feb avatar at some point as he was kind enough to make it, but back to the old school for now.


What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Diddly squat tonight, just chilling at home, out with the boys for my birthday tomorrow night, out with the olds on Sunday for lunch somewhere, then I've got Monday off gratis from work (it's an incentive for no sickness) so I'll probably start looking for jobs in Manchester.
CHEEZMO™;99044120 said:
Bloody hell CHEEZMO, just a plain old music link? You OK bud? ;)

I like this tune. Tom Odell is a bit of a mushy wet end in the main, but this tune is pretty cool, it reminds me of Jeff Buckley.

Jedeye Sniv


What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Payday today fuuuuuuck yeah! Plan tonight is to get some nasty takeout, some tasty high grade and watch the Big Bro finale from weds that I've not seen yet (and haven't been spoiled on yet). Fuck tha police, Big Brother is THE TITS.

Saturday shall be spent in a haze of self abuse and videogames, sunday band practice and maaaayyyybe GTAO if you lot are about.

made a quick edit to my avatar because reasons

It looks sweet brah.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Happy Friday, Ninj! Glad to see that spunky lil red hair back on the board.


Saturday I am *gulp* taking the baby out (not with a sniper rifle) for the first time... ALONE. Terrifying. Sunday is band time. In between fatherly responsibilities and faded rock star dreams I will mostly be playing Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy IV.


My plans for the weekend:

Play Monster Hunter alone

Play Monster Hunter with friends

Go to an arcade and play Street Fighter while wishing I was playing Monster Hunter


My plans for the weekend:

Play Monster Hunter alone

Play Monster Hunter with friends

Go to an arcade and play Street Fighter while wishing I was playing Monster Hunter

Weekend sponsored by Capcpom

edit: oh hey my stick arrived, guess i'll also get some SF in to break it in a little


What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

Diddly squat tonight, just chilling at home, out with the boys for my birthday tomorrow night, out with the olds on Sunday for lunch somewhere, then I've got Monday off gratis from work (it's an incentive for no sickness) so I'll probably start looking for jobs in Manchester.

Sounds like a chill-as-fuck weekend, Ninj - Do you see the parental units often?

I'm heading into London tonight to meet up with Z who will be back from a day of updating maps in Manchester. She'll be fucking knackered, so we're going to have an evening in, then we're going to see Wolf of Wall Street tomorrow & I'm thinking I'll take her to Wagas for lunch - after that I'm heading home & the bros are coming over. I've got a free one and it's Aiden's birthday, so we'll be drinking, playing PS3/4 and smoking up a little bit. I'm hoping Z decides to stick around & come back for that, but she's got tentative plans with friends.

Sunday is reserved for hangover, gaming and some kind of massive takeaway.


I think if I was going to move anywhere other than London, but still within the UK, it'd be Glasgow.

I've really loved my time there.

The city is soooo Mikeside. You'd have a great time here :)

and here's 25 awesome things you can do in the city :)

I can't imagine it's worse than before the fire and when you could still smoke in it.

lmao, if the smoking ban wasn't in place today you'd probably have the staff with leaf blowers dashing around every 10 minutes in that place.

Also, There's going to ba a Back to the Future musical :D


Payday today fuuuuuuck yeah! Plan tonight is to get some nasty takeout, some tasty high grade and watch the Big Bro finale from weds that I've not seen yet (and haven't been spoiled on yet). Fuck tha police, Big Brother is THE TITS.

Saturday shall be spent in a haze of self abuse and videogames, sunday band practice and maaaayyyybe GTAO if you lot are about.
Totally missed BB this year, I do usually glean some kind of morbid pleasure from it I must admit. I could well be up for some GTAO this weekend if people fancy it.

I'm a rite noob tho, just to warn you. Barely played the story, never played online. :/
Happy Friday, Ninj! Glad to see that spunky lil red hair back on the board.
Haha, yeah, as much as it pains me to say, she is marginally more attractive and photogenic than me!

That cheeky grin, 2 QT...

Saturday I am *gulp* taking the baby out (not with a sniper rifle) for the first time... ALONE. Terrifying. Sunday is band time. In between fatherly responsibilities and faded rock star dreams I will mostly be playing Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy IV.
Father/daughter bonding time, what could possibly go wrong? I'd love to do that kind of thing to be fair, I look forward to it! Baby poo is the worst though, but swings and roundabouts innit.
Sounds like a chill-as-fuck weekend, Ninj - Do you see the parental units often?
Nowhere near as much as I should mate. They're like 5 minutes drive away and I see them like twice a month or something. And even then that's usually because they've rang me!
I should really make more of an effort.
I'm heading into London tonight to meet up with Z who will be back from a day of updating maps in Manchester. She'll be fucking knackered, so we're going to have an evening in, then we're going to see Wolf of Wall Street tomorrow & I'm thinking I'll take her to Wagas for lunch - after that I'm heading home & the bros are coming over. I've got a free one and it's Aiden's birthday, so we'll be drinking, playing PS3/4 and smoking up a little bit. I'm hoping Z decides to stick around & come back for that, but she's got tentative plans with friends.

Sunday is reserved for hangover, gaming and some kind of massive takeaway.
Sounds marvellous Mike; buddies, GF, Waga's, weed and vidya games? That's how it's done.


Been invited out tonight and I originally didn't want to go out REALLY. Not even sure if it's just down the pub or onwards to a club afterwards. All I know is that I want to get royally pumped full of booze right now.

So on those grounds, alcohol.


Nowhere near as much as I should mate. They're like 5 minutes drive away and I see them like twice a month or something. And even then that's usually because they've rang me!

Sounds marvellous Mike; buddies, GF, Waga's, weed and vidya games? That's how it's done.

Couple of times a month isn't too bad, really - I still live at home, so I see my mum pretty much daily (though she's off on holiday for a week today, looking forward to the free house) but I don't think I'll see her outside of work more than once or twice a month once I move out.

Speaking of which, Kev is moving into Reading, which means it'll just be Aiden and me if I'm looking at moving out locally. I'm not sure he's going to be able to afford that.

This might be another push in the direction of London. I just need to start scouring for jobs now.

And yeah, this weekend is shaping up to be pretty lovely. I'm heading to Manchester for 3 days on Monday, then coming back just in time for my birthday, so I'm going to want the weekend to last forever.

Any Manchester BGAF want to meet up for a pint or two on Monday/Tuesday night?

Jedeye Sniv

Totally missed BB this year, I do usually glean some kind of morbid pleasure from it I must admit. I could well be up for some GTAO this weekend if people fancy it.

Nowhere near as much as I should mate. They're like 5 minutes drive away and I see them like twice a month or something. And even then that's usually because they've rang me!

BB this year has been epic. Love triangles, slut shaming, Jim Davidson being a creepy cunt, Louisa Zissman kicking arse and taking names, Emma Willis being a stone fox... so fun.

And I live next door to my mum and see her maybe twice a month :p


Howdy y'all.

Reckon I'll spend the weekend watching 3D porn. It's the fucking future. Might squeeze some videogames in too. Just basically enjoying my last few 'free' weekends.

I wish I was snowboarding though. Very jealous Mush.


BB this year has been epic. Love triangles, slut shaming, Jim Davidson being a creepy cunt, Louisa Zissman kicking arse and taking names, Emma Willis being a stone fox... so fun.

And I live next door to my mum and see her maybe twice a month :p
None of that BB stuff suprises me, sounds about par for the course. Louisa is foxy as holy fuck like, I love it that she's so up her own arse. I imagine she's well into BDSM, leading some hapless gimp around the bedroom on a dog chain.

I have no idea how you don't accidentally see your mum more often though, she's only one course of bricks away from you!
Currently listening to Norman Cook's "Better Living Through Chemistry". Really need to catch one of his shows someday.
That's like one of the best QOTSA songs!

QOTSA - Better Living Through Chemistry
I don't think I've heard the Fatboy Slim track, I'll have to check it out. Such a fucking dood that Norman.


Norman Cook will never top 'Beats International - Dub Be Good To Me'. That fucking tune is perfect.

I really wanted to bang Lindy Layton.

Jedeye Sniv

None of that BB stuff suprises me, sounds about par for the course. Louisa is foxy as holy fuck like, I love it that she's so up her own arse. I imagine she's well into BDSM, leading some hapless gimp around the bedroom on a dog chain.

I have no idea how you don't accidentally see your mum more often though, she's only one course of bricks away from you!

That's like one of the best QOTSA songs!

QOTSA - Better Living Through Chemistry
I don't think I've heard the Fatboy Slim track, I'll have to check it out. Such a fucking dood that Norman.

I occasionally see her in the garden, we say hi. Keeping it civil :) really we're very similar, we both dislike familial obligations so we never feel like we have to see each other just for the sake of it. Sometimes one of us will knock on the door for a chat though.

Example - she had a benign skin cancer thing on her eyebrow just before christmas. She told me about it literally the day she went to hospital to have it cut out. And the only reason she told me was so that I could feed the cat! Madness.
I'm very apathetic when it comes to family. Probably because they all live far away in places like Orkney and Skye. When I do see them it's usually for Christmas so in my mind they almost become these seasonal humans that only exist during the festive period and then disappear into the ether.


Knows the Score
Currently listening to Norman Cook's "Better Living Through Chemistry". Really need to catch one of his shows someday.

Weirdly I was listening to Santa Cruz just as I clicked on this, inspired by finding Norman Cook & Billy Bragg - Won't Talk About It.

That's like one of the best QOTSA songs!

QOTSA - Better Living Through Chemistry
I don't think I've heard the Fatboy Slim track, I'll have to check it out. Such a fucking dood that Norman.

It's his first album as Fatboy Slim, it's got The Weekend Starts Here & Everybody Needs a 303 among some other great tracks that you've probably heard. Probably his best album as the others go a bit cokey.

He's got some great lesser known videos, IMO.

Ya Mama (Push The Tempo) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so9DBHCo64Q

Eat Sleep Rave Repeat : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIcW36J-h7Q

Gangster Trippin' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3k1comdW1Ig

Everybody Needs a 303 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6eIBE7Bo3U


Edit:^ nice work 8bit. Push The Tempo is such a tune!

Norman Cook will
never top 'Beats International - Dub Be Good To Me'. That fucking tune is perfect.
It is jam hot to be fair.

I always liked this one he did as Freak Power:

Freak Power - Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out
Such alias, wow.
Isn't Sploat a Manchester resident too?

'sup grrl.
She is indeed man.
I occasionally see her in the garden, we say hi. Keeping it civil :) really we're very similar, we both dislike familial obligations so we never feel like we have to see each other just for the sake of it. Sometimes one of us will knock on the door for a chat though.

Example - she had a benign skin cancer thing on her eyebrow just before christmas. She told me about it literally the day she went to hospital to have it cut out. And the only reason she told me was so that I could feed the cat! Madness.
I feel that Pat (my stepmother) would batter my head if I lived next door to her. Thank fuck it's at least a car journey away!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Friday: Have fish and chips or KFC before work, work and then home.. have a wank and bed

Saturday: Work for the home game, go home around 3pm, play some games and probably have a another wank, followed hopefully by Dead Space 3 co-op with a buddy

Sunday: Work in the evening, on returning I shall watch the first episode OF THE NEW SEASON of TOPGEAAAAAAYYYYYAAAAH

and then another wank.


I was on some shitty huffpo list and it had this listed as an entry.

a) does anyone remember it and
b) why is it so terrifying and
c) why did anyone, ever, think it was good? Like, artistically or whatever.


Edit: It's quite sweet until 20s in. Then suddenly a creepy-bomb drops.

Wow something about that seems very familiar, I must have watched it as a kid

Though I could be thinking about The Dark Crystal

Jedeye Sniv

gawd, bloody exhausted this afternoon, been Excelling and emailing and sorting shit out like some kind of data machine. Must try not to fall asleep. Hour and a half left, then I'm buggering off early. It's friday. Come at me world.


I'm going home now mate, cram that up your cramhole eh?

Also, I just told a little old lady in a queue that she had toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her foot.

"Aye thanks son. I need it for all my veruca's, they rub and bleed all over the place."

TMI lady, TMI.



formerly Oynox Slider
Isn't Sploat a Manchester resident too?

'sup grrl.


My plans for this weekend (seeing as I'm currently off sick from work due to having bad brains):

Tonight: do little

Tomorrow: do little, perhaps outside

Day after that: do little, work out if brain can take going to work

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