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Bungie hosting a Q&A online regarding Halo 2...in TWO HOURS


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
The Faceless Master said:
nice way to not answer the health question.. same vague shit as before

what the fuck is there left to explain? jesus


Juicy Poot asks: Is there going to be a way in multiplayer to choose which weapons u can have in the game, like lets say i just wanted to take the rocket launcher out and leave the others in. Is that possible..... And is there a way to take the goodies out like the overshield and camo. If not there definetely should be a way to take those out for your own gametypes.

YES! Now this was a good question I was interested in. I would LOVE to be able to remove the god damn Rocket Launcher from the MP in Halo 1. There answer sounds like we'll be able to customize the weapons that spawn on the level, etc. That rocks.


The Faceless Master said:
nice way to not answer the health question.. same vague shit as before

In case you hadn't noticed, dozens of hands-on impressions are out there, and none of them mentioned the health/shield system in a negative way.

Boxer is back, whaterver that means.


op_ivy said:
how was it vague? what dont you still understand?
I'm still not entirely sure how much damage you can take with your shields down. Or if you can only take damage for 2 seconds after shield failure.....but not 5 seconds after....or....
border said:
I'm still not entirely sure how much damage you can take with your shields down. Or if you can only take damage for 2 seconds after shield failure.....but not 5 seconds after....or....

guess i'm gonna have to go into multi and test the damage threshold when your bar is empty because "you can only take a little more damage before you die" is a pretty shitty answer


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
The Faceless Master said:

guess i'm gonna have to go into multi and test the damage threshold when your bar is empty because "you can only take a little more damage before you die" is a pretty shitty answer

well fuck. those assholes havent clarified respawn times yet for the new weapons... what the fuck am i to do?

some of you guys bitch about anything.


The Faceless Master said:

guess i'm gonna have to go into multi and test the damage threshold when your bar is empty because "you can only take a little more damage before you die" is a pretty shitty answer

It seems like a fair answer. What do you want them to say.. you can only take 250 points of damage after your shield is down?

Obviously, how much damage you can take is going to depend on the weapon being used, how far away they are from you, and where you are shot at. It's not like they can just say.. 2 shots and you are dead.


You can take two or three direct hits before you die. How definite an answer can you give? It depends on what gun you're getting shot with and how direct the hit is. Whaddya want, a slide-rule or something on it? :)

For instance, tell me how many hits it takes to get killed once your shields are down in the original Halo. There's no definite answer for that either, and you have a health meter in that game.
SyNapSe said:
It seems like a fair answer. What do you want them to say.. you can only take 250 points of damage after your shield is down?

Obviously, how much damage you can take is going to depend on the weapon being used, how far away they are from you, and where you are shot at. It's not like they can just say.. 2 shots and you are dead.
a percentage would be nice...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Joe said:
someone take one for the team and post "WHAT ABOUT CO-OP ON XBOX LIVE?" over and over again.

please no. there already are dipshits doing nearly the same thing in that thread. i wish they'd get to banning folks :)


The MLG Pro vidoes should give you guys a pretty good idea of how much damage can be taken when your shields are down. Unless you were expecting them to go into the specifics: How many shots to the head or body with every weapon that's been revealed so far.


A lot of unimportant questions imho... Oh well. I guess my would-be question of adjustable voice/sound levels is unimportant to most others. :8


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Sai said:
The MLG Pro vidoes should give you guys a pretty good idea of how much damage can be taken when your shields are down. Unless you were expecting them to go into the specifics: How many shots to the head or body with every weapon that's been revealed so far.

it looks pretty comparable to halo 1 when your shields are gone... basically, hide, or your fucking toast


They should answer at least one token question about the campaign mode. It's to the point where I feel like people are feigning interest when asking about multiplayer in that thread... It's been covered already, throw a bone on the single-player details.


IgeL said:
A lot of unimportant questions imho... Oh well. I guess my would-be question of adjustable voice/sound levels is unimportant to most others. :8

If you are talking about during the cutscenes.. then yes, I'm interested. The voices would go down to nil.. I guess it wasn't just during cutscenes.. You could never hear 343 Guilty Spark.

edit: or at least I couldn't on my 5.1.


I wish they would stop answering questions that they refuse to give the answers to. If you're not going to tell us whether or not there are Halo1 maps, then don't waste time with the question about Halo1 maps......
Nope. As a matter of fact the bonus DVD is a real-life DVD, NOT an Xbox game disc. It contains documentaries, featurettes and galleries deadling with the making of Halo 2. And it's rad. There is no planned map editor for Halo 2. We will have downloadable content in future, however.
wonder how many people will play the bonus dvd on ps2 cuz they dont have the xbox dvd remote kit :D


LOL! I swear they had Bungie Employee's submit a bunch of easy/safe questions.

"will there be downloadable content?"

WTF!? Of course there will, It's MS biggest chance to sell Xbox Live.


Console Market Analyst
I come back an hour later, and they're still going over redundant questions.

Shall I press for a Co-Op answer? Being obnoxious is a talent and I wouldn't mind a Bungie ban.


TriGun TTR asks: How many guests can I have on my machine on Xbox Live?

You may have three other players, using split screen on Xbox Live at this time. The game is of course still under development, but yep. Three guests, plus you.

Very cool.


Goreomedy said:
I come back an hour later, and they're still going over redundant questions.

Shall I press for a Co-Op answer? Being obnoxious is a talent and I wouldn't mind a Bungie ban.


C'mon you butt-tards! Don't you even think of skipping over the 20 some online co-op question!

Answer them. Bungie bitches!

I love you, have my babies! [/face_in_love_but_you'd_better_have_online_coop]
* Sai salutes.


Fireborn said:
C'mon you butt-tards! Don't you even think of skipping over the 20 some online co-op question!

Answer them. Bungie bitches!

And now:
Post snipped by moderator.

Mod's note: This guy is taking a week break from the forum. I might suggest nobody else try the jackass approach, lest they wish to join him.

[Edited on 9/17/2004 3:19:59 PM by Shishka]

The best part is that the next guy posted to call you a retard, but does you a favor by quoting your original question!


Mod's note: This guy is taking a week break from the forum. I might suggest nobody else try the jackass approach, lest they wish to join him.

haha, well it was only a week ban anyway.. worth a try, I guess.


SyNapSe said:
haha, well it was only a week ban anyway.. worth a try, I guess.

What assholes. They aren't even acknowledging the question. I guess they want to avoid the negative backlash from debunking any possibility of online co-op.


I think by now they would have dropped a wink or nudge about online/systemlink co-op if it were in the game.

Deleting all questions pertaining to it can't be a good sign...


This Q&A Session is making me unusually angry.

[EDIT] -

"Serious, cool Bungie guys.
Can't you answer about the online/system link qustient.
That would mean a lot to us.

Thanks in advance :)"
Heh, he was all polite.


Sai said:
This Q&A Session is making me unusually angry.

I suppose we should keep this in the context of the usual amount of information that comes from the weekly updates, aka very little.

I'm liking it, there is some good info in there. I'll summarize the good stuff on the top post when it's over.



And they're done for now. Jesus fuckin' Christ.

* Sai goes to vent in some HaloPC multiplayer.


I want to put all those ass kissing bitches in that thread in an island surrounded with killer piranha infested waters.

WTF is up with those people?

This was a stupid Q&A session. The #1 question that had nothing to do with the game's story was completely avoided.

For whoever from Bungie that is reading this: You are really insulting the people when you open up to questions like this and simply refuse to even acknowledge that such a popular question like this was even asked. It's not cool at all.


IJoel said:
For whoever from Bungie that is reading this: You are really insulting the people when you open up to questions like this and simply refuse to even acknowledge that such a popular question like this was even asked. It's not cool at all.
What's the big deal... seriously? Why do these people care, it's OBVIOUS that you and them are going to buy the game on day one either way. If you just want to express the desire for online co-op for the next iteration then I'm sure they've already taken that into consideration, calm down.
My problem with the Health bar issue :-

1. Shields get wiped
2. Take some hits - health at 50%
3. Shield recharges
4. Shields get wiped
5. Take some more hits - health at 5%

At this point in Halo (which I was at many times on Legendary) my tactics changed a great deal - far more caution etc, as opposed to when my health was at full, also the sense of reward after 10 minutes at next to zero health and you fight through to a health pack was great.

It seems as if Bungie are forcing the kind of tactics that you would employ at almost zero health from the off - i.e. if your shields go down your'e fubarred :- remains to be seen if that detracts from the variety of tactics.

My other questiuon would be - is the damage cumulative after your shields recharge? The vague answer is you take 2-3 hits when shields are down (depending on weapon etc) - if you take one with a pistol, then recharge shields, whats the script next time the shields go down? 2-3 hits again? or 1? It would be nice to have some indicator so you know where you stand...
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