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Bungie hosting a Q&A online regarding Halo 2...in TWO HOURS


Not bitter, just unsweetened
The health system was made the way it was so it doesn't screw people over in single player, i believe. So a checkpoint doesn't kick in right when you have 1 bar of health...


Junior Member
DopeyFish said:
The health system was made the way it was so it doesn't screw people over in single player, i believe. So a checkpoint doesn't kick in right when you have 1 bar of health...

Which might help me thru Legendary by myself instead of co-op. I hope they include online co-op.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

the news post is up with all the questions and a few new ones (including one by


slothboy asks:To what degree will we be able to edit gametypes in Multiplayer? For example, will be be able to specify different combinations of vehicles, i.e. Chaingun 'Hogs and Ghosts only, or Scorpions and Banshees only, and etc.? Or will it be more akin to Halo: Combat Evolved?
Also: Should we wear boxers, briefs, or "go commando" whilst playing Halo 2 Multiplayer?

I talked a little bit about some of the variant options above, but yes, you will have a greater ability to control the vehicles that appear in your multiplayer games. Right now you can pick a primary and secondary light vehicle in addition to choosing which heavy vehicle you want (i.e. Scorpion, Wraith, Random, None, etc..) The player definitely has more control than in Halo 1.
I'm not sure I'd recommend going commando while playing Halo 2 MP, in fact, I might recommend a good pair of depends, because you just might soil yourself when things get crazy (as Frankie has been known to do).


videogamespaz asks: Will there be unranked games on XBL just for nice games of multiplayer you wanna play uncompetitively with friends?

Absolutely. If you don't want to play in a ranked/matchmade game, you can easily just create your own game, set your own rules and invite your friends in for some fraggin' fun.


Logical Mayhem asks: How many whiteboards do you have in the studios and how many of them are used primarily to write mike is a tool (or other tom-foolery.)?
Does everyone at bungie have naturally colored hair or do some of you have purple/green hair (Or scalps in Frankie's case ;) )?

Let's see...including the whiteboards in our conference rooms, we currently have 7 primary whiteboards (no, really, we do). Most of the ones in the conference rooms are used for real work-type stuff like meeting notes, level designs, etc.. but the public ones tend to gravitate more towards the tom-foolery of which you speak. The two boards across from Dave's desk are generally the funniest/most offensive.
We don't have anyone with purple or green hair at the moment, but hair changes pretty frequently around here (not just Alta). Yours truly has even dabbled in some colors outside of my normal dull brown. There are also a couple more folks sporting the clean shaven head look in addition to Frankie.


Shiach writes: I was wondering what software you guys use to create the graphics for the game? Maya, 3dsmax, other?

Quite a bit of different software is used depending on what's being done. 3d Studio Max, Maya, and Photoshop are all used liberally in addition to some custom tools and programs.


dali the llama asks: How will the aiming reticule work when dual wielding?

It works just like it does when you are holding one weapon. You will always have one reticule and you can only shoot at one target at a time.


Dinaden asks: Will there be 2 different Human Pistols in the game? Redone M6D, and a "Magnum". Or will they be one in the same?

There is only one Human pistol. The Magnum is the new pistol. It's fun to use, but as has been said already, it is not the overpowered death machine it was in Halo 1 and it can non longer zoom. However, with good aiming (i.e. at the head), the Magnum can still dish out some pain, especially when wiedling two at once.


Frenck asks: Will the HUD change much until release? Is the MP HUD different from the SP HUD? Can the tank be destroyed?

1. The HUD is done. However, the HUD that was shown in the Beta has changed.
2. Yes, the MP HUD is slightly different - if you saw the Beta HUD, you probably noticed that a score indicator appears in the lower right corner.
3. With enough punishment, the tank will eventually get destroyed.


GhaeleonEB asks: It has been stated that to begin dual wielding, you need to "walk over to a weapon that can be dual wielding, and hit Y." My question is, can you be carrying two one-handed weapons (say, two pistols) and toggle from single to dual-wielding without picking up a new weapon?

If you are carrying two pistols, you can drop one by doing a melee attack. If you press Y to switch to your secondary weapon, you will also drop the pistol you were dual wielding and be left with one.


OmegaProtoman asks: Of the weapons revealed so far, what is your favorite?

Personally, I'd have to say the Sword. There's just something extremely satisfying about dashing into battle and killing your opponent in one deadly slice. My next favorite is probably the good ole' Battle Rifle - I just love the way it feels and sounds.


zechs12 asks: Are the remote control plasma grenades still in that we heard about from a magazine?

I'm not sure which magazine said this, but there have never been any remote controlled plasma grenades in Halo 2. Sorry.


Drox asks:When your on Xbox live to talk to ONLY your teammates do you have to hold down the white button or can you toggle between team speak and the other type?

You don't have to hold down the white button to team speak. When you press it once, it opens a "channel" to your team and you can then begin talking. Once you finish talking, the channel will automatically close. You can't toggle between teamspeak and proximity voice.


impurity asks: Will we be able to use our Bungie logins as our screennames for multiplayer? Or do we have to stick to our gamertags?

While playing on Xbox Live, you will always be known by your Gamertag. Obviously when playing a system link or split screen game, you can go by whatever name you like. =)


What about the likelehood of the PC version? Everyone seems to be forgetting that question, too. Or is that considered anti-something, so it's just plain ignored?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
M3wThr33 said:
What about the likelehood of the PC version? Everyone seems to be forgetting that question, too. Or is that considered anti-something, so it's just plain ignored?

i know its not much, but from the bungie.net FAQ


What systems will Halo 2 be available for?

Halo 2 is being made for the Xbox only at this time.


Of course, he didn't actually answer my question. I'm very interested in the mechanics of dual-wielding - how you begin, stop, and resume using two guns at once.

What we know so far is:

To begin dual wielding, pick up another weapon which can be dual wielded. If you have a second weapon already, you keep it, dropping the new one when you stop dual-wielding.

What he did was describe the two ways you can go from dual wielding to single-wielding: Melee, or switch to a secondary weapon.

What I want to know is: If I have two SMG's, if I turn a corner and see pack of Grunts can I whip out the other SMG I'm already carrying, without having to pick up another weapon. I've seen no confirmation on whether you can do this or not.


Sai said:
Your health is completely replenished when your shields start to go up.

Then there's a good chance the Elites are similar in Campaign mode, making them harder to take down, especially if they go hiding and their health is replenished after their shields are back up.


hyperbolically metafictive
sounds like you can only dual wield when you pick a new weapon up off the ground. which seems a bit silly. you should really be able to toggle between dual wielding and single wielding when you're holding two suitable weapons. although i can see how things might get overly complicated if they allowed both methods, and the one they've chosen has the advantage of allowing you to dual wield while you keep a rocket launcher or something in reserve.


GhaleonEB said:
Q: RCOP asks: Will the grunts still be cowardly and scream hysterical lines?

A: Yep, those lovable Grunts are as funny and cowardly as ever, though some have learned a few new tricks since the last encounter.


As it should be. Cowardly grunts are part of the fun.
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