Affordable Space Adventures Wii U
Alan Wake Collector's Edition
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Brutal Legend
Burnout Paradise Ultimate
Crysis 2 Maximum
Darksiders Steam Key
Dead Space
Dragon Age Origins
Dust An Elysian Tail
Eets Munchies
Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
Galactic Civilizations II Ultimate
Ghost Recon
Giana Sisters Twisted
Greed Corp
Grow Home
Guacamelee Gold
Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Wii U
Hitman 2 Silent
Hitman Absolution
Hitman Codename 47
Incredible Van Helsing Complete
Life is Strange Episode 1
Mark of the Ninja
Medal of Honor
Mighty Switch Force 3DS
Mini Ninjas
Quantum Conundrum
Rainbow Six
Rainbow Six 3 Gold
Rayman Origins
RE Revelations 2 Episode 1
Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC x2
Retro City Rampage DX
RPG Maker Adventurer's Journey DLC
RPG Maker Royal Tileset
RPG Maker Tyler Warren's First 50
RPG Maker VX Ace
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Wii U
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Star Wars Dark Forces
Star Wars Jedi Academy
Star Wars KOTOR
Star Wars Rebellion
Supreme Commander 2
Sweet Lily Dreams
The Last Remnant
The Swapper
Thief Gold
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride 1910 DLC
Tomb Raider I
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Trine 2 Complete
Woah Dave! 3DS
X-Wing Alliance
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Balance of Power
A Virus named TOM
Beatbuddy Tale of the Guardians
Citizens of Earth Wii U
Command & Conquer 3 Red Alert 3 Uprising
Darksiders II
Dragon Age: Origins, Peggle, Dead Space 2, Command & Conquer Generals + Zero Hour, and Medal of Honor Allied Assault War Chest
FEZ x2
Freedom Planet Wii U
Gunman Clive 3DS
Lara Croft Guardian of Light
Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel
Monaco What's Yours Is Mine
Moon Chronicles Episode 1 3DS
Nano Assault EX - Nintendo 3DS
OlliOlli 3DS
OlliOlli Wii U
Overlord, Overlord: Raising Hell, Rise of the Argonauts, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Retro City Rampage: Nintendo 3DS Theme
Rocketbirds Hardboiled
Runbow Wii U
Sportsball Wii U
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Dark Forces II
Star Wars Jedi Outcast
Star Wars KOTOR II
Star Wars Republic Commando
Star Wars Starfighter
Starseed Pilgrim
Swords & Soldiers II Wii U
The Fall Wii U
Titan Quest Steam Key
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War
BIT.TRIP Runner 2 Wii U
Dead Space 3
DmC Devil May Cry
Kane & Lynch Collection
Mirror's Edge
Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure - Nintendo 3DS
Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third
Darksiders II Wii U
RE Revelations
Sleeping Dogs Definitive
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Stealth Inc 2 Wii U
SteamWorld Dig Wii U
Super Street Fighter IV 3DS
I thought I'd put this out there as I see that these PS4 codes sometimes pop up just before release.
WTB Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- Digital code. PS4 All reasonable prices considered.
There's a free 7-day in the store if you've never used one. If you have, make a new PSN account, activate the trial there, then buy it.I hate to ask, but I'm trying to get the Grand Theft Auto Trilogy on PS4. It's currently 50% off it's usual asking price of $34.99 for PlayStation Plus members.
I'm not asking anyone to buy me the games or anything - I'm asking if anyone has a 14 day trial for PS+ that they wouldn't mind parting with so I can redeem it and buy them myself for 50% off.
I was hoping some good samaritan would have one of these trial codes that come inside an online focused game such as Destiny (perhaps Overwatch?)
I live in the sticks and so I only have satellite internet. For this reason, I don't play anything online, so I have no real purpose or need to have a constant 1 year subscription. When I move back to the city, believe me - cable/fibre internet is on my immediate to-do list!
But for now, I'm asking for a 14 day trial of PS+ so I can buy these GTA games myself. Then the trial can expire and I'll still keep the games I paid for.
As it is, I'm going to have to download the 7GB or so after midnight so it doesn't count my whopping 25GB per month bandwidth!
Thank you in advance.
There's a free 7-day in the store if you've never used one. If you have, make a new PSN account, activate the trial there, then buy it.
I've had PS+ on my account before, when I lived in the city. I'm weary of making a new account and redeeming my free trial there though as I don't want to play it on that account. Nor do I really want to have to keep a dummy account on my PS4 just to play a couple of games.
I appreciate the advice though. It's certainly an option. I was just hoping someone had a spare code that came with their Destiny or Overwatch or something.
I found a 7 day trial with my copy of Gran Turismo 6, but it expired in 2014 haha. Not sure how a code can have an expiration date, but oh well.
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (Humble bundle gift) $2
Awesomenauts $1
Sanctum 2 $1
FEZ $1
Bastion $2
Limbo $1
Abyss Odyssey $1
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Steam Key $1
Just Cause Collection $3 (I'm not sure which one does it have)
The Walking Dead: Season 1 $2
The Walking Dead: 400 Days $2
The Walking Dead: Season 2 $4
Back to the Future: The Game $1
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse $1
Poker Night at the Inventory $1
Puzzle Agent $1
Puzzle Agent 2 $1
The Wolf Among Us $3
Poker Night 2 $1
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL BOX (Only the box) ~£???
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL (new unopen, came with the console) ~£20
-Xenoblade Cover plates for n3DS (also never opened, came with the console) ~Make me an offer I have no idea for the price.
-Metal gear solid V: TPP (new, came with the console, never open) ~£18
-Star Wars 4 Classic Games Download Code for PSN NA ~$10
Persona 4 Dancing all night DLC from Disco Fever Edition (UK version, only the dlc code) ~Make me an offer.