Buy/Sell/Trade Thread 2016 | Read the Rules in the OP | I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

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Want to buy any of the following at a fair and not to expensive price point. Also must be complete and good condition. NA versions only
Kirby Wii U
Twilight Princess HD With Amiibo- Wii U
Game & Wario Wii U
Mario Tennis Wii U
Paper Mario Color Splash Wii U
Silent Hill Shattered Memories (ps2)

I also have come into a OG Xbox. I only have about ten games for it but want to expand the collection. Not sure what I want to buy for it so if you have anything you want to get rid off PM me with reasonable prices and we can talk?




- Trails of Cold Steel Lionheart Edition
- Trails of Cold Steel II
- Shovel Knight


- NeoGeo CD games (starting my collection recently, so make me an offer)
- Neo Bios Masta CD

8-bit Link Amiibo Still in the box - $30 Shipped

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Digital movie codes for sale, US region. From my own personal collection, guaranteed to work. Paypal Friends or Amazon gift card accepted. Thanks

$10 Star Wars: TFA + Collectors Edition Bonus Features - Disney Anywhere + 200 DMA Points

$5 Lights Out - UV
$5 Pirates: Band of Misfits - UV

$4 Everest - UV
$4 The Revenant - UV
$4 Chef - iTunes or UV
$4 Southpaw - UV
$4 Casper - UV
$4 Labyrinth - UV
$4 Macbeth (Fassbender) - UV
$4 The Walk - UV
$4 Hugo - iTunes or UV
$4 How to Train Your Dragon 2 - iTunes or UV

*Sold* Moana - Disney Anywhere + 200 DMA Points



WTS Humble games:
Spacerun Galaxy: $0.50
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin $1.50
F.E.A.R. 3 $1.50
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY $1.50
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (Origin) $1
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (Origin) $2
Medal of Honor (Origin) $0.50
Dead Space (Origin) $1

Or just make me offers. Discounts for buying multiple keys. All Steam unless marked otherwise.


WTT (trade):

Chroma Squad
Day of the Tentacle
Dawn of War II Retribution - Ultramarines DLC
DiRT 3 Complete Edition
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Hand of Fate
Human Resource Machine
Mushroom 11
No Time to Explain
Shining Force
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Super Hexagon
Super Meat Boy
The Stanley Parable
The Swapper
World of Goo

(all Steam keys)

for games in my wishlist, or possibly for games I follow.

Hit me with an offer in private if you're interested. You can even propose a price if you want.
If this is the wrong place to ask this I'll remove it, but why are people on Craigslist so...fickle?
I post a price, a location, the condition of what I'm selling along with photos. Then I get emails asking me if the item is still available and I tell them yes. And that's it. Nothing else. What exactly do they want? They don't even try to bargain or anything. It just seems so strange.
Anything I should/shouldn't do when I put my stuff up on there?
If this is the wrong place to ask this I'll remove it, but why are people on Craigslist so...fickle?
I post a price, a location, the condition of what I'm selling along with photos. Then I get emails asking me if the item is still available and I tell them yes. And that's it. Nothing else. What exactly do they want? They don't even try to bargain or anything. It just seems so strange.
Anything I should/shouldn't do when I put my stuff up on there?

Most of them will lowball the fuck out of you. You have to go through all the dicks to find a decent buyer. Ignore the dicks. Make them come to you, since they might bail on you anyways.

Also, don't ship anything to anyone on Craigslist.


If this is the wrong place to ask this I'll remove it, but why are people on Craigslist so...fickle?
I post a price, a location, the condition of what I'm selling along with photos. Then I get emails asking me if the item is still available and I tell them yes. And that's it. Nothing else. What exactly do they want? They don't even try to bargain or anything. It just seems so strange.
Anything I should/shouldn't do when I put my stuff up on there?

People are just fickle beasts in general. I get similar responses here with people expressing interest. Some even ask for a price adjustment which I agree to... only to then receive total silence.

Craigslist does have a reputation for that sort of behavior though and is especially welcoming to lowballers.


Most of them will lowball the fuck out of you. You have to go through all the dicks to find a decent buyer. Ignore the dicks. Make them come to you, since they might bail on you anyways.

Also, don't ship anything to anyone on Craigslist.

This. Make the buyer pickup and don't ship.

People are just fickle beasts in general. I get similar responses here with people expressing interest. Some even ask for a price adjustment which I agree to... only to then receive total silence.

Craigslist does have a reputation for that sort of behavior though and is especially welcoming to lowballers.

You see a lot of lowballers on CL because nearly everyone on CL overvalues the shit out of their stuff. Finding someone who posts an item for sale with a fair price is a rare bird indeed.

A typical CL post is "Hey, I used this thing for 2 years, selling for retail, just trying to get what I paid out of it, my loss is your gain, save the tax cost!"

You can find good stuff as a buyer, but you have to wade through a lot of crap postings to get there.
You see a lot of lowballers on CL because nearly everyone on CL overvalues the shit out of their stuff. Finding someone who posts an item for sale with a fair price is a rare bird indeed.

A typical CL post is "Hey, I used this thing for 2 years, selling for retail, just trying to get what I paid out of it, my loss is your gain, save the tax cost!"

You can find good stuff as a buyer, but you have to wade through a lot of crap postings to get there.

Heh, I thought people only did this where I live. We don't have Craigslist in my country (or nobody knows it or uses it), but there's something similar and I always shake my head at the prices most people ask for their Game Boys, DS, or some other not-rare and not-in-demand Nintendo system. I try to bargain, they don't budge, and I see their stuff sitting there unsold for months on end, and will most likely never get sold at that price, since there are dozens of similar ones listed at the same time facing the same fate.


You see a lot of lowballers on CL because nearly everyone on CL overvalues the shit out of their stuff. Finding someone who posts an item for sale with a fair price is a rare bird indeed.

A typical CL post is "Hey, I used this thing for 2 years, selling for retail, just trying to get what I paid out of it, my loss is your gain, save the tax cost!"

You can find good stuff as a buyer, but you have to wade through a lot of crap postings to get there.

That is very true, but I feel that pretty much applies anywhere. Heaven knows even on this very thread you see the same behavior. Sure, not to the same degree, but there's a fair number of folks who have their commonly available goods priced just slightly south of MSRP if not at MSRP. It's just all that more commonplace on Craigslist and sites such as eBay due to the sheer number it attracts versus here and other similar sale threads.



Selling the persona 5 collectors edition. I have the steel book edition coming Monday and won't be needing this. Selling for 95 shipped


Looking to trade PC keys. I'm fine with trading more then one key, so make me an offer if you're interested.


Crimson Clover
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Fallout New Vegas
Max Payne 1,2,or 3
Kane and Lynch 1 or 2
Far Cry
​Far Cry 2
Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky
Hotline Miami
PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
Raiden 3
Resident Evil 6
​Rogue Legacy
WWE 2016


Have available for trade:

The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizza Boy
The Journey Down 1&2 Bundle
Legends of Eisenwald
Shining Force
Dirt 3 Complete
Project Highrise
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
X-Com UFO Defense
Shadow Complex (Epic launcher)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China (Uplay)
Western Press w/ Western Press 2 Cans character
Dangerous Golf
Lumino City
The Mean Greens Plastic Warfare
Chroma Squad
Runestone Keeper
Road to Ballhalla
Elegy for a Dead World
Expand Soundtrack Edition
Grim Fandango
Forge of the Gods Promo pack
This. Make the buyer pickup and don't ship.

You see a lot of lowballers on CL because nearly everyone on CL overvalues the shit out of their stuff. Finding someone who posts an item for sale with a fair price is a rare bird indeed.

A typical CL post is "Hey, I used this thing for 2 years, selling for retail, just trying to get what I paid out of it, my loss is your gain, save the tax cost!"

You can find good stuff as a buyer, but you have to wade through a lot of crap postings to get there.

A lot of the time people undervalues your shit. I was trying to sell a MacBook Pro 15" Base model Touch Bar with 3 year Applecare for a few weeks for $2150.

A lot of offers I got were mostly $1,500 to $1,750. Turned them down.

I got one offer for $2,000. We negotiate the price at $2,050, but I didn't think that price was fair to me, so I asked for $2,060. He wouldn't pay the $10 extra and wanted me to drive to him, to an area where I've never been to. The guy was kind of a dick in text messages. Turned him down and blocked his #.

I got lucky the day after. Someone else offered $2,100 and is willing to meet where I want to me, which was 10 minutes away from my house. Sold.



Have just a few things to sell for now (all prices include shipping).
Shipping to continental US preferred.
Paypal please.

PM if interested.

PS4 500 gb "fat" console (used) - $80 *SOLD*
*console has worked fine with no errors since it was originally bought around 2014, but most likely needs some maintenance (specifically, to remove dust & *possibly* other maintenance).

PS3 Metal Gear Rising (used) - $5
PS4 Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain collector's edition (opened package, but never used, outer package i.e. Diamond Dogs logo damaged, steel case appears to have one minor scratch) - $32 *SOLD*

PS4 The King of Fighters XIV Premium/collector's edition (new/sealed) - $36* SOLD
PS4 Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator (used) - $9* SOLD
*Buy both PS4 fighting games - $42* SOLD

Freebie (for next person who buys something)
DVD Street Fighter Alpha: The Movie (used, anime) - FREE with purchase, just mention it

Statue The Last Guardian/Trico collector's edition statue (never displayed, from collector's edition) - $25
Statue Street Fighter V: Nash 1/4 scale "mixed-media" statue (pre-order transfer, Pop Culture Shock Collectibles) - PM for more info
Statue Street Fighter V: Cammy 1/4 scale "Ultra" statue (pre-order transfer, Pop Culture Shock Collectibles) - PM for more info
Statue Street Fighter V: Chun-Li 1/6 scale "V-Trigger" statue (pre-order transfer, Pop Culture Shock Collectibles) - PM for more info

My daughter played Just Dance 2014 at the neighbor's tonight for the WiiU. If anyone has a complete copy they want to unload cheap before I resort to GameStop, you would be my hero.
Thanks for all the Craigslist help. I just started selling stuff on there and sold something a couple of days after I first put it up there. Dude texted me, we met up within the hour and he paid me what I ask. Easy as hell. I assumed that was the norm.

Prices include shipping to the United States --- Minimum order = $10 --- Paypal


Hyper Light Drifter box and instructions (new/sealed) - $30

Actraiser 2 - $26
Super Mario All-Stars - $24
Contra Spirits (Contra 3) - Superior Famicom version - $22
Gradius 3 - labeled pealing a little, could be fixed easily - $11
Kefka's Domain - $28 (3 CD FF6 OST)

All games come with a standard Nintendo sleeve
Battle of Olympus - $10
Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril - $34
Contra - $29
Super C (rough cart condition but plays fine) - $15
Dragon Warrior 2 - $27
Dragon Warrior 3 - $43
Dragon Warrior 4 - $63
GI Joe A Real American Hero - $42
Mega Man 4 - $29
Mega Man 6 - $35

Spy Vs. Spy - $6

Animal Crossing: New Leaf - $14
Batman: Blackgate - $8
Henry Hatsworth - $10
Mario Kart 7 - $14
Shinobi $9

Xenoblade Chronicles - $38

Final Fantasy - $12
Suikoden - $29

Antlion Modmic 4.0 - $27
Includes one new base clasp.


WTS: Zelda BOTW for Switch, standard edition CIB. $40 + shipping. PayPal only please (use F&F or include fees with payment).

----- SOLD -----



MLB.TV Premium 1 Year Code. ~30$. It's coming via T-Mobile on April 4.

Dishonored 2 PS4
Dark Souls 3 PS4
Blood Borne PS4
Witcher 3 PS4
FF XV Xbox One
Fallout 4 Xbox One

Looking for either Horizon: Zero Dawn or NieR Automata. PM me what you are interested in, thanks.
If this is the wrong place to ask this I'll remove it, but why are people on Craigslist so...fickle?
I post a price, a location, the condition of what I'm selling along with photos. Then I get emails asking me if the item is still available and I tell them yes. And that's it. Nothing else. What exactly do they want? They don't even try to bargain or anything. It just seems so strange.
Anything I should/shouldn't do when I put my stuff up on there?

The last thing I listed on Craigslist was a gaming PC I built. Admittedly, it was high-end and worth a lot of money which made it more difficult to sell, but I had over FIFTY people contact me over the course of about three weeks before I found a serious buyer. Most of them contacted once to ask if it was available, then I never heard from them again. Several asked for a price that I thought was reasonable, so I accepted, then they never got back to me. Two of them scheduled a time to make the transaction, then never showed up. Finally, some guy drove five hours to get it from me, but only after I agreed to remove one of the GPUs and sell at a lower price. It was an insane experience.

On the flip side, when I sold the monitor I was using with the rig, it was up for less than an hour before a buyer contacted me and bought it. Craigslist can be great, but as you've discovered, it can be a real shit show sometimes. Sounds like just about everyone has that experience.


Neo Member
Brand new, unopened
Zelda: Breath of the Wild Limited Edition
£90 + shipping

Shipping within the UK will be <£5 for tracked shipping.

US shipping will be £20-£30.

Ask for other countries.

I am selling this at cost if anyone wants it, otherwise will be returning it to store on Monday.



Feedback here


Wii U: The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD Gold label - $43 shipped (image)
Wii U: Super Mario 3D World Red case - $28 shipped (image)
3DS: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (Nintendo Selects) - $15 shipped (image)
PS2: VeXx - $20 shipped (image)
PS2: Blitz The League - $10 shipped (image)
PS2: Rune: Viking Warlord - $25 shipped (image)
PS2: antigrav (EyeToy included) - $20 shipped (image)
PS2: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists Of The Roses $25 shipped (image)


Creative Sound BlasterX G5 DAC (hardly used) - $90 shipped (image)
Wii U Pro Controller (incl. charging cable and manual) charged fully twice - $30 shipped (images)


MLBTV Premium - $25 (x2)

Both for $45

PayPal FF or you pay fees
Highlight = last post before eBay
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