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Can I connect a 56k modem directly to another 56k modem?


Hey guys, my cousin has a laptop and he's sleeping over so we wanted to play C&C Tiberian Sun against each other. His laptop only has a modem, no ethernet. We were wondering if its possible to use modem to modem. As in connecting my modem directly to his.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Directly connecting as in having a cable hooked up to each modem? Or dialing in while the other person waits for the call? Do they even have modem to modem in PC games anymore?


I mean without phone lines. I have a cable extended from my modem to his modem. Nothing in between, no phone lines and no dialing. I found an option in the game called null modem. What the hell is that?
It's possible, though I don't remember exactly how to do it.

One computer needs to be setup as a server and the dialing modem has to have "dial tone detection" or something like that turned off. It'll involve those old modem commands like "&K4 &S2" and crap like that.

Your best best for instructions would be to look for "Dreamcast Modem Windows 2000" or something like that. There were instructions on how to have a Dreamcast "dial" a a PC without a dialtone so people could play DC online games via the PCs DSL/Cable connection.


"Null modem" IIRC is something like a serial to serial cable. That's not it.


:( i did google but i didnt know what to look for exactly. Thanks alot though :), I'm gonna go through them. I hope everything works out.


Well none of them are working with me cause none of them are for XP. I've tried doing it myself using XP's wizard and its still not good.
just so you know, all three of those links you posted are for modem-modem IPX network play, as in, computer1 person enters computer2 person's phone number into the game, it calls them, and their computer "answers" and then they can play. What he wants is to LITERALLY connect two computers together with just a phoneline between the two, no dialing through the phone system at all. Can that even be done?
ImNotLikeThem said:
just so you know, all three of those links you posted are for modem-modem IPX network play, as in, computer1 person enters computer2 person's phone number into the game, it calls them, and their computer "answers" and then they can play. What he wants is to LITERALLY connect two computers together with just a phoneline between the two, no dialing through the phone system at all. Can that even be done?

And? It should still work if you configure the dialing modem to disable "wait for dial tone" and if you manually answer for the answering phone, or set it so it's always in a off-hook/answer state instead of waiting for a ring to connect.
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