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Canada Poligaf - The Wrath of Harperland

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We have a serious civic engagement problem in this country. Insofar as political ads get us talking about what the issues are and aren't, and get people who wouldn't otherwise pay attention to at least think about something political, I'll put up with them.

Even if I do find them repugnant, personally.


Quebec election next month what is this I don't even.

Pretty simple: Charet is not the most popular, but he was riding high on the student strike for a while. However, he and his government are going to get put through the wringer in the upcoming corruption inquiry hearings, so he set the election a few days to a week before those begin. That way he can still win, even if he ends up looking like slime days later, and Quebec is stuck with him.

It also appears he'll be bringing up sovereignty as an issue, even though it doesn't seem like much of one in reality (and could rile up people inadvertently).


Pretty simple: Charet is not the most popular, but he was riding high on the student strike for a while. However, he and his government are going to get put through the wringer in the upcoming corruption inquiry hearings, so he set the election a few days to a week before those begin. That way he can still win, even if he ends up looking like slime days later, and Quebec is stuck with him.

It also appears he'll be bringing up sovereignty as an issue, even though it doesn't seem like much of one in reality (and could rile up people inadvertently).

Errr regardless of the hearings, he and his party has already been condemned for years now. Everyone knows the party is corrupted to the core, they are a shame. They are involved in incredible scandals. And he wasn't "riding high" during the student protests, he just regained a bit of points when people were asked about that specific issue, and even then he was basically neck-to-neck with the PQ as a whole.

http://liberaux.net/ has a lit of all of their horrible scandals. Here translated in English: http://translate.google.com/transla...=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http://liberaux.net/

Everything is well sourced.

This is the most corrupted and criminal government we've ever had. The only thing that gives him a chance of winning is that they are the only right-oriented party along with the CAQ, so their vote is not very divided. Center-left is far more divided because there are more parties. If it was only the PQ VS Liberals, PQ would win with a crushing majority. Let's not forget how the media is bought out here, half of them owned by Power Corp, the other by Quebecor. It's really the people VS money and criminals.

I'll be voting for ON myself, since PQ is winning anyway for sure in my district.


Errr regardless of the hearings, he and his party has already been condemned for years now. Everyone knows the party is corrupted to the core, they are a shame. They are involved in incredible scandals.

http://liberaux.net/ has a lit of all of their horrible scandals. Just translate it in google.

But those aren't all fresh in the electorate's mind like him standing up to/hands tied by the students will be. He's hoping to ride on that. I'm not saying it's going to work, but it would be better than having his ministers testify then call an election after they've been publicly dragged through the mud.

Edit for your edit: Ah, not being from Quebec, I didn't know how it split along the spectrum.


But those aren't all fresh in the electorate's mind like him standing up to/hands tied by the students will be. He's hoping to ride on that. I'm not saying it's going to work, but it would be better than having his ministers testify then call an election after they've been publicly dragged through the mud.

During the election, ALL of those things are back in people's minds. Just the Facebook page of Liberaux.net (when it was linked to one person's account, now it's an official page), had ended up with like 300 000 likes. People have been spreading this, I even see red flags hanging with the site address over on balconies. Charest is calling the elections in September because he hopes the student protests will be back by then. A complete idiot who doesn't deserve to be in power, especially since his party collected money from the mafia.
I will never ever ever vote for a separatist ever.

Yeah Charest is a douche and career politician but we are economicly stable, we have jobs, life is good compared to Europe and USA right now.

why risk it all by voting in the PQ with one of their worst leaders: Pauline Marois.

democracy this democracy that LOLOLOL

the PQ wants to remove rights from students by extending Bill 101 (language law) to CEGEPS.





I'll be glad to know you won't vote for separatists, just as well as anyone who doesn't recognize Quebec's right to independence.


I'm not liking the campaign at all so far as it's been mostly mudslinging, unfortunately. Some of the party leaders shouldn't use twitter at all. Legault has made a fool of himself too many times already. I'm not sure who I will vote for yet but I know for sure I will not vote for Charest. As long as he loses I will be happy.

I think it's the first time I have no idea who I will vote for (outside of not voting liberal) simply because all of the leaders aren't really interesting to me.

-Charest seems tired and slowly starting to lose it as power is slipping through his fingers. His condescending attitude during the whole mess we had during the last few months made me want to punch him in the face more than anything. His Plan Nord doesn't seem all that great after you read the IRIS report and realize that it's a big gamble. He lost points with me when he decided to make English the official language of the north because China complained. Moreover, he can't seem to get rid of corruptions and scandals that pop up every so often and that damage his party and image. We had the Bastarache and Charbonneau inquiries, the Duchesneau report, Beauchamp's "business" dinners with the mafia, Courchenes' mess with the daycares and that whole episode from Enquêtes with the hidden cameras.

He also did a very poor job in keeping technological companies from leaving the province. We lost most of the big pharmaceutical research center (which is my field btw), lost big aerospace companies and we are afflicted with the closing of many paper companies too.

-Marois isn't a very good leader. She had a golden opportunity to win points during the students strike and instead struglgled to make her vision clear. She couldn't take a reasonable position from the start and had to flip flop a bit. I agree with her overall vision of our educational system and I do think that law 78 is going way too far but her plan and long-term vision about the system wasn't complete at all. She wasn't in the best position to attack law 78 either as she did as worse with the Nurses strikes years ago.

I do have to give her respect for surviving Duceppe's attempted take over but she isn't a very good leader. She simply had an ironwill and "luck" (let's call that leak about Duceppe luck). Her big "announcements" so far include more mudslinging and promises about how she *might* cancel the Old Harry petroleum project. If she really likes her country idea so much, she should try to sell it. She needs to convince me of advantages to do so with a good plan. I get the whole cultural thing but I'm interested in seeing a fleshed out economical part plan that would paint a complete picture of what it would entail.

-Legault is more or less making up things as he goes. He was supposed to be the symbol of "changes" and yet he ended up with a party made mostly from ex PLQ and PQ MNAs or members and that is built on the ashes of the ADQ. He can't seem to keep his candidates in check as they all make blunders after blunders both online and on tv. Some of his ideas about reducing bureaucracy in our health and educational system are intriguing but his "on verra" about the details of his plans aren't enticing. His new star candidate is already in trouble and has only been in the party for two days... Legault's credibility is starting to take a hit because of all this. He hired Duchesneau to looks good and to get rid of favoritism and corruption and yet, he favorised him by exempting him from collecting the 25k$ or so required to be a candidate for the party. Also good to note that no MNA of that party were elected under that banner.

-Khadir would make a laughable PM. I mean his daughter was responsible for the smoke bombs scare in the Métro and she planned all of that in his home. The plans were even found on a table in the kitchen! He was also arrested during one of the students strike. I do think his ideas are good but they are impossible to realize outside of the restrictions regarding the fundings of political parties. His social projects would require an astronomical amount of money there is no way we could find. His plan would be to tax banks and companies more but you can't tax them so much in our globalized world as they would simply leave. He's also the only MNA of his party.

-I don't really have much to say about Aussant. He basically started his own version of the PQ after he had a meltdown with Marois. Many of his ideas are "borrowed" or "improved" from the PQ or QS. The guy has no charisma, is the only MNA of his party and was not elected under this party's banner. Yeah, he won't win seats at all.


Aussant has a lot of charisma, the guy is raising support for independence like no one else can. His whole party rests on his shoulders. I agree the party won't get any seats though. After this I hope he joins some pro-independence public movement that isn't political. He could do a lot of good there.

PQ has a great team. I hope both Lisée and Duschene get elected, they have to become ministers. Bernard Drainville as minister of anything will be great too.

CAQ is hiring anyone who gives them $25,000. One of their candidates believes in magical stuff «Centre d'intégration de l'énergie lumière», offered services of "sacred geomancy". I think Duchesneau has no idea which party he just enrolled in.
I'll be voting for ON myself, since PQ is winning anyway for sure in my district.


Also, Aussant used the Batman meme generator to address the issue of vote dividing with the leftists parties.


CAQ is hiring anyone who gives them $25,000. One of their candidates believes in magical stuff «Centre d'intégration de l'énergie lumière», offered services of "sacred geomancy". I think Duchesneau has no idea which party he just enrolled in.

And the guy responsible for health for the CAQ is obese. Hooray. Also, Duchesneau lost all credibility for me since he seems to be using his info from his investigations for political leverage.
hey separatist GAF, what are you non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

like seriously, besides losing our passport, citizenship and stability, what the fuck are the reason for a non-separtist to consider your plan?

Harper is temporary remember that, he is gone by 2015, so he is not a valid argument
hey separatist GAF, what are you non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

like seriously, besides losing our passport, citizenship and stability, what the fuck are the reason for a non-separtist to consider your plan?

Harper is temporary remember that, he is gone by 2015, so he is not a valid argument

How about managing our own money instead of sending half of it to the other side of the country where important decisions are taken without our consent making us lose grip on our resources, on our budget which in turn affects all the structural elements of Quebec like education and health that prevents us from actually reaching our full potential.

Sure, the sense of identity is also a big reason, but foremost, its being cut-off from someone who takes half of what we have and chose half of what we should do that makes it an important cause.


hey separatist GAF, what are you non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

like seriously, besides losing our passport, citizenship and stability, what the fuck are the reason for a non-separtist to consider your plan?

Harper is temporary remember that, he is gone by 2015, so he is not a valid argument

Seriously, instead of voting Liberal, you could, you know, vote for QS, which are not incredibly actively pushing for independence right away.

Here's how I feel about the different parties in Quebec right now:

Liberals: A bunch of corrupted idiots who have a major problem with the fact that most of their money comes from rich people who just want to get richer. This makes them do stupid shit all the time.

PQ: A left-centrist party. They are definitely not left anymore, and a lot of their policies are much more right than left. I hate Marois with a passion because of shit that happened in the mid 90s with students, but I seriously feel they are the only party who has a decent chance of actually winning this. There's a lot of things I dislike about the PQ, but it's the least evil party with a chance of winning. I have to vote for them: in my riding, it's always sort of neck to neck between the PQ and Liberals (I live in St-Henri-Ste-Anne).

CAQ: What a farce. Seriously. "What's your plan? WE'LL DO STUFFZ LOLZ". They keep saying that they recruited this and that person (the president of the engineer association, someone from the school boards, boss of the conseil du patronat). All people I highly trust! Yay! They don't want to just fuck everybody over and make more money! Strangely, I look at my Facebook feed, right? Everybody I know who is in a position of financial power over others (bosses, etc) all LOOOOVE the CAQ. I wonder why....

ON: It's a big love-hate relationship with them. I seriously feel like they are xenophobic to an extent: all that whole "all new immigrants must speak french already!" and "All businesses must work in french!" things are fucking RIDICULOUS (and I'm Quebecois to the core!). I can't stand that part of their platform is just fucking over people who want to come here and open our minds to different cultures. Immigrants are not people to be afraid of, they're people you welcome with open arms and try to learn about their culture, so that you can add to your knowledge. Also, a mono-rail? Where are we, in a fucking Simpsons episode?

QS: I love them the most. I'm a true leftist at heart, and I believe their policies work the best for helping normal folk and making everyone pay their fair share. Ahmir Khadir' s daughter planned the smoke bomb things in the metro? GOOD FOR HER. Because that shit was sorely needed, as it clearly showed a governmental manipulation of events just to serve their purpose. Many experts came out and said that the metro would've been out of the smoke in 5 seconds if this was a fire. Why didn't they fix it that quickly that time? In any case, I think they would be the best, but they won't win, at least this time around, sadly.
Quebec can barely manage itself as a province, how do you expect to manage a new republic?

QS: Amir Khadir is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and his daughter committed acts of vandalizme against the education minister's offices and illegally blocked two bridges at separate times. Like father like daughter.

Liberal and CAQ are my two only viable options.


Quebec can barely manage itself as a province, how do you expect to manage a new republic?

QS: Amir Khadir is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and his daughter committed acts of vandalizme against the education minister's offices and illegally blocked two bridges at separate times. Like father like daughter.

Liberal and CAQ are my two only viable options.

Amir Khadir is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist????? Where did you see that?

I personally don't give a shit that his daughter did that stuff, but that's very personal, and I can understand someone not sharing my views on the matter.

I don't know what area you live in, but in any case there are very few ridings in Montreal that are contested, so it's not like it'll make much of a difference...
I actually live in Amir Khadir's riding LOL.
Everyone in Montreal is well aware of his antics,
-throwing shoes at a cardboard George W.Bush in the park,
-boycotting a shoe store in his own riding just because they sold shoes made in Israel,

his daughter does matter because she her is the daughter of an elected MNA that committed acts of vandalism against the elected Minister of Education's office: MNA Line Beauchamps


democracy this, democracy that, this guy is a clown and he is my MNA in my riding LOL.


I actually live in Amir Khadir's riding LOL.
Everyone in Montreal is well aware of his antics,
-throwing shoes at a cardboard George W.Bush in the park,
-boycotting a shoe store in his own riding just because they sold shoes made in Israel,

his daughter does matter because she her is the daughter of an elected MNA that committed acts of vandalism against the elected Minister of Education's office: MNA Line Beauchamps


democracy this, democracy that, this guy is a clown and he is my MNA in my riding LOL.

See that's the thing, though - to me those aren't antics, they're a man expressing himself. I'd rather have a politician that throws shoes at a GWB cardboard cutout in a park and boycots a shoe store because they carry shoes made in Israel than supporting someone who blantantly lies about corruption, manipulates public opinion, favors his rich friends over the good of the people and is just a completely arrogant asshole.

And how does the acts of his daughter matter in how he handles himself? She could have acted on her own, without talking to her parents. It's not like 20 somethings ask for permission, you know? With him living in Quebec City due to his duties, I'd be highly surprised if he knew about them beforehand. And even if he did, I'm totally behind them, so I don't give a shit :)


Personnally, I'll be voting CAQ. Yeah, I know that Legault seems random in his way of doing things but I never voted Liberal, PQ is like switching four 25 cents for a dollar with the long-gone-for-me thought of having a country (even though I agreed with Parizeau at the time, this feels so 1995 now...).

ON is like the PQ with no experience and QS is way too much to the left for me (and also, like the students' "strike", a Montreal-only thing).

The CAQ feels like voting for the NDP. There are mostly noobs with some people of experience but look what Thomas Mulcair is trying to do in Ottawa, that makes me proud of my vote in front of what the ROC elected instead (thanks for that btw :p)

But what makes me laugh the most are the students (and supporters) that will not "respect" the vote results if it doesn't match with their goals. COME ON! If you want to change the system, get elected and change it yourself! After all, Harper got elected and messed it all up!
the problem in Quebec is that we can't vote on a normal left, normal center or normal right.

Non-francophone voters who dislike debates on identity and secession feel stuck voting for the Liberals because the other parties have either a separatist agenda or are populist nationalists.


the CAQ seems to be waking up, is it too late? probably they will take this election as a learning experience and try to attract non-francophone voters better next time to take away the monopoly from the PLQ


hey separatist GAF, what are you non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

like seriously, besides losing our passport, citizenship and stability, what the fuck are the reason for a non-separtist to consider your plan?

Harper is temporary remember that, he is gone by 2015, so he is not a valid argument

Sorry to burst your bubble; Harper will win another majority in 2015.

And he wants Quebec to become independent, since it means the NDP and PLC will have practically no seats without us. Conservatives will reign supreme.

And as for arguments in favor of sovereignty, enjoy these videos by Jean-Martin Aussant, he's very good at explaining how much sense it makes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQ9aJmt1qo&list=UUlEHw_26Qnr1y4RdpRglfdA&index=5&feature=plcp

Jean-François Lisée is also great at destroying the myths about Quebec and especially the right. Start with this part 1 of 10 vidéos to understand why Québec is awesome and how Canada doesn't understand it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU5iyKmht3Y

Non-francophones will benefit from an independent Québec just like everyone else, because Québec will have the power to take its own decisions, and that will benefit them just as much as any other participating member of our society. There plenty of latinos, haitians, and allophones (people whose birth language is English but speak French) who are FOR independence. But the difference is they learned to love Québec.

Also the comments of TimeKillr about ON are wrong. Never saw so much support from Chilean Quebecers for a party that wants independence.

I actually live in Amir Khadir's riding LOL.
Everyone in Montreal is well aware of his antics,
-throwing shoes at a cardboard George W.Bush in the park,
-boycotting a shoe store in his own riding just because they sold shoes made in Israel,

his daughter does matter because she her is the daughter of an elected MNA that committed acts of vandalism against the elected Minister of Education's office: MNA Line Beauchamps


democracy this, democracy that, this guy is a clown and he is my MNA in my riding LOL.

So where is this proof that Khadir is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist?

Personnally, I'll be voting CAQ. Yeah, I know that Legault seems random in his way of doing things but I never voted Liberal, PQ is like switching four 25 cents for a dollar with the long-gone-for-me thought of having a country (even though I agreed with Parizeau at the time, this feels so 1995 now...).

ON is like the PQ with no experience and QS is way too much to the left for me (and also, like the students' "strike", a Montreal-only thing).

The CAQ feels like voting for the NDP. There are mostly noobs with some people of experience but look what Thomas Mulcair is trying to do in Ottawa, that makes me proud of my vote in front of what the ROC elected instead (thanks for that btw :p)

But what makes me laugh the most are the students (and supporters) that will not "respect" the vote results if it doesn't match with their goals. COME ON! If you want to change the system, get elected and change it yourself! After all, Harper got elected and messed it all up!

Are you kidding? CAQ=PLQ. Same policies. They are a right-wing party; lower corporate taxes and lower taxes for the rich, abolition of school boards (and public schools in general), private health care system, all that shit. It's financed by the SAME people who finance the PLQ.
Aren't NPD and Conservatives tied in the polls? I don't think the Conservatives will get another majority.

And since when did Harper want Quebec to separate? Only a fool would voluntarily let go of all that natural resources in the North. Besides, most people in Quebec don't want to separate anymore so it won't happen.


Nearly all polls indicate that Harper will return with a minority government. That's not even a matter of opinion.


If you look at Alberta, the price of booze jumped after they opened up who could sell it.......

And from that article it looks like you can blame Mike Harris as well :p

I know I'm way late on this, but having lived in Alberta and Ontario, I much prefer Alberta for liquor policies. The LCBO closes ridiculously early. Especially on Sundays. Personally, I didn't really notice much of a difference in liquor prices between the two provinces but I'll admit that I didn't pay close attention.


Aren't NPD and Conservatives tied in the polls? I don't think the Conservatives will get another majority.

And since when did Harper want Quebec to separate? Only a fool would voluntarily let go of all that natural resources in the North. Besides, most people in Quebec don't want to separate anymore so it won't happen.

Lol, does that poll exclude Quebec? I think not:p

If you live in Quebec, you'd be aware of all the decisions Harper has been taking that are done expressly to piss of Quebec.

His plan is two-fold:

1- Force the NDP and PLQ to stand up for Quebec since his party is pissing us off more than ever, on purpose. But doing this alienates both parties from the rest of Canada and Harper will play on this.

2- If they don't stand up to defend our interest, Quebecers won't feel represented, we'll want to separate, and both parties won't win enough seats without Quebec's support to take away the majority (or at least a victory) from the CPC.

3- If Quebec separates, there is no longer enough support for either PLQ or NDP to win against CPC.

4- NPD and PLC merge.

5- Now with an amazing two-party system! After 14 years of CPC rule, you have become the USA's hat!


There is no appearance whatsoever of any kind of western alienation from the NDP. They're probably going to win a landslide provincially in BC next year and they've continued to make gains everywhere else.
Lol, does that poll exclude Quebec? I think not:p

If you live in Quebec, you'd be aware of all the decisions Harper has been taking that are done expressly to piss of Quebec.

His plan is two-fold:

1- Force the NDP and PLQ to stand up for Quebec since his party is pissing us off more than ever, on purpose. But doing this alienates both parties from the rest of Canada and Harper will play on this.

2- If they don't stand up to defend our interest, Quebecers won't feel represented, we'll want to separate, and both parties won't win enough seats without Quebec's support to take away the majority (or at least a victory) from the CPC.

3- If Quebec separates, there is no longer enough support for either PLQ or NDP to win against CPC.

4- NPD and PLC merge.

5- Now with an amazing two-party system! After 14 years of CPC rule, you have become the USA's hat!

I do not like this.

I just want a united strong Canada. I have mixed feelings towards Quebec honestly but I don't want them to leave ever. IMO, the best leaders this nation has ever had were all Quebec born.

Plus Will Shatner. Just sayin.


Lol, does that poll exclude Quebec? I think not:p

If you live in Quebec, you'd be aware of all the decisions Harper has been taking that are done expressly to piss of Quebec.

His plan is two-fold:

1- Force the NDP and PLQ to stand up for Quebec since his party is pissing us off more than ever, on purpose. But doing this alienates both parties from the rest of Canada and Harper will play on this.

2- If they don't stand up to defend our interest, Quebecers won't feel represented, we'll want to separate, and both parties won't win enough seats without Quebec's support to take away the majority (or at least a victory) from the CPC.

3- If Quebec separates, there is no longer enough support for either PLQ or NDP to win against CPC.

4- NPD and PLC merge.

5- Now with an amazing two-party system! After 14 years of CPC rule, you have become the USA's hat!

Did your theory come with a tinfoil hat or did you have to make your own?


I would bang a hot farmer!
I know I'm way late on this, but having lived in Alberta and Ontario, I much prefer Alberta for liquor policies. The LCBO closes ridiculously early. Especially on Sundays. Personally, I didn't really notice much of a difference in liquor prices between the two provinces but I'll admit that I didn't pay close attention.
Ridiculously early? They close at 9 or 10pm (depending on location) M-Sat and at 5pm on Sunday. I've never had a need to buy booze any later than that and wouldn't want the kind of person that would need to buy booze later than that being able to buy booze later than that.

Besides, looking at the price of everything that convenience stores sell compared to everywhere else I wouldn't want them selling booze any way.


I've noticed that no one's talked about the Parti Vert for Quebec's elections. I did the boussole électorale thingy on Radio-Canada's website, and they told me I was closest to them than any other party.

I checked out the answers, and I pretty much agree with them on almost everything... except the environment.

Of course, I won't be basing myself on only that. I'll read every party's entire program before voting. Except the PLQ.

I feel like a dirty hippie for even thinking about voting Green. :p

Also, I wish every major political party leader was in the Leader's Debate. Seems like it won't happen.


I've noticed that no one's talked about the Parti Vert for Quebec's elections. I did the boussole électorale thingy on Radio-Canada's website, and they told me I was closest to them than any other party.

I checked out the answers, and I pretty much agree with them on almost everything... except the environment.

Of course, I won't be basing myself on only that. I'll read every party's entire program before voting. Except the PLQ.

I feel like a dirty hippie for even thinking about voting Green. :p

Also, I wish every major political party leader was in the Leader's Debate. Seems like it won't happen.

Yeah the media ignores them even more than Option Nationale. I did the test and it told me I'm closest to QS, but it's probably because of one question I didn't understand until after, and because I didn't put a "referendum in the first mandate" the highest priority.

Did your theory come with a tinfoil hat or did you have to make your own?

The abolition of long gun registry, strengthening penalties for young offenders+private jails, the appointment of unilingual judges and officials, the recalculation of federal transfers and loan guarantee for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric project that benefits Newfoundland (while we pay for our Hydro-Electricity company ourselves), and all the Monarchy obsession, to name a few.


Yeah the media ignores them even more than Option Nationale. I did the test and it told me I'm closest to QS, but it's probably because of one question I didn't understand until after, and because I didn't put a "referendum in the first mandate" the highest priority.

The abolition of long gun registry, strengthening penalties for young offenders+private jails, the appointment of unilingual judges and officials, the recalculation of federal transfers and loan guarantee for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric project that benefits Newfoundland (while we pay for our Hydro-Electricity company ourselves), and all the Monarchy obsession, to name a few.

Oh which only two focus any direct attention on Quebec (hydro project, and judges). The others aren't well liked elsewhere either. I'm sure he'd rather win Quebec than continue to be basically shut out, but he wants to do it on his terms, not Quebec's. We both know that isn't going to happen.
@Ether_Snake and separatists, you dodged my question.

what are your non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

I am waiting for your arguments and points.


I love these hilarious healthcare promises by the CAQ

Breakdown of the biggest promises:

1. A family doctor will be assigned to every Quebecer starting the day after the election, if the party were to form government. The assignment process would be complete within one year. Those who already have a family doctor would not be re-assigned.

2. Public health clinics across the province will extend their hours to seven days a week, and will never close before 10 p.m. The party says this will alleviate pressure on emergency rooms during the evenings.

3. There are no plans for major new hiring. Instead, every doctor who works in a hospital in Quebec will be required to take on a minimum of 1,000 total patients. Every doctor working solely in a clinic will have to take on 1,600 patients. That works out to about 25 visits per day, Barrette said. Currently, most doctors manage about 15.

4. Emergency room wait times will be drastically reduced, down to an average four hours (in and out).

And how will this be accomplished?

1. Time slots for the use of various diagnostic machines found in hospitals will be assigned and guaranteed to individual family physicians. This would mean, for example, that Dr. X’s patients will be the only people with access to a particular CT scan machine at Notre Dame hospital between 8 and 10 a.m. each Thursday. These set times will mean that patients will wait less time for the tests.

2. Specialists will be required to free up five to ten per cent of their schedules to support family physicians.

3. Basic tasks like renewing prescriptions will be re-assigned to pharmacists and nurses.

4. Family doctors will be paid the same amount as specialists in Quebec.

5. There will be a streamlining of paperwork in the province’s clinics and hospitals, freeing doctors from what Barrette described as “a bureaucratic hell.”

I wonder how they'll pull that off.


Neo Member
I love these hilarious healthcare promises by the CAQ


I wonder how they'll pull that off.

I'd like any government to pull of at least one of those. Just doing no. 1 would be great.

They have Dr. Barette on board. i assume they put that list through him. he has been on the Board of director of the RAMQ so it's not only wishfull thinking of their part but it's an election and the CAQ are prone to shoot themselves on the foot although i don't think they are so right wing a previous poster seem to assume.


I'm somewhat surprised by the surveys published today. It seems people are smarter than I thought as Charest is losing so far. He passed under the 20% now for francophone voters. We might finally be able to get rid of him after all.

I'm curious as to what Legault will promise next. Apparently he promised for over 4 billion dollars of programs so far and the campaign still has 3 weeks to go. Some of his ideas are starting to become really awkard too. I mean he wants to fire 4000 employees at HQ, eliminate school boards and reduce bureaucracy in our health system. That's like what 10 000 people that would be jobless? I can't see this as a good idea. His plan of having kids in high school till 5 pm is also fairly weird. If you take into account the time spent in the schoolbus some student won't be home before 6 pm! Won't leave much room for homework and having a life and this is not counting the extra salaries we will have to pay for the teachers and employees of the school.
I love these hilarious healthcare promises by the CAQ


I wonder how they'll pull that off.

Well, a family doctor for every person isn't far-fetched. ON has the same proposition. Just by finalizing the digitization of the national healthcare system, 25% of the population will be added to it which represents the number of people missing a family doctor.

That and also being more stern with the Medical Lobby which most parties are afraid of.


I would bang a hot farmer!
So apparently the IP address Pierre Poutine used, along with 5 accesses to CIMS by Guelph campaign workers, belongs to an open wifi router of a private residence. Meaning someone with access to CIMS wardrove to find a place to organize it. That's some shady shit right there.

RackNine’s owner, Matt Meier, has found the robocalls were sent using his servers by a customer known to the firm as “Client 93”, who logged on with the Rogers IP. Elections Canada has already tied this account to a disposable Virgin Mobile cellphone registered by the suspect using the bogus name Pierre Poutine.

Prescott, a RackNine subscriber known as “Client 45”, used the company to send out legitimate robocalls about campaign events. Records produced by the company show that Prescott and Poutine accessed the company’s servers from the same IP address, sometimes within a few minutes.

Both their accounts also used the same proxy server — an Internet service that can disguise IP addresses — based in Saskatchewan.

Prescott has consistently maintained he played no role in the misleading robocalls.
I know I believe him. :lol


I know I believe him. :lol

Oh don't forget this part:
Mathews’ statement was used to obtain court orders compelling Rogers to provide more subscriber information about other IP addresses used by Client 45. One of the IPs, Mathews wrote, corresponds to an MTS Allstream account for St. Joseph Health Centre, where Prescott works as a systems administrator. Mathews traced two others, both Rogers Cable accounts, to Cambridge, Ont., the same town where Prescott lives.

Now if only Google would be kind enough to cooperate with this investigation.


@Ether_Snake and separatists, you dodged my question.

what are your non-language, non-culture arguments to try to convince staunch federalists to consider voting for a separatist party?

I am waiting for your arguments and points.

I didn't dodge your question, both links I pasted cover this issue. Two hours of Aussant explaining the economic benefits to two idiots from the PLQ who could only come up with a ridiculous "well a Canadian passport sounds much better! HA!" argument: http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fr/video-audio/AudioVideo-42301.html?support=video


Election prognosticating three years out of a writ period? Never thought I'd see the day.

BC is riding high on NDP both provincially and federally, and parts of Eastern Canada are already going orange. The entirety of Newfoundland has gone orange. Barring some insane circumstances*, it's pretty accurate to say that the next government will be a CPC minority.

The abolition of long gun registry, strengthening penalties for young offenders+private jails, the appointment of unilingual judges and officials, the recalculation of federal transfers and loan guarantee for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric project that benefits Newfoundland (while we pay for our Hydro-Electricity company ourselves), and all the Monarchy obsession, to name a few.

Well, I wouldn't go that far, but CPC's majority strategy has always been to carve a majority without Quebec. They did this by attracting formerly right-of-center liberals and new immigrants in Ontario, with sprinklings in other provinces.

* Insane circumstances include the economy tanking into another recession. If that ever happens, then you can be assured that Harper is done.


. Barring some insane circumstances*

* Insane circumstances include the economy tanking into another recession. If that ever happens, then you can be assured that Harper is done.

He was in power when the first one happened, then won a majority on it


He was in power when the first one happened, then won a majority on it

To be fair, he managed to scapegoat the whole thing on the opposition parties because of the minority government. Even though they forced him to do all the things he said were essential to "Canada's Great Recovery" or whatever Orwellian thing he's been calling it.

That's something that won't work this time. Everything between 2011 and 2015 is firmly on his plate.


To be fair, he managed to scapegoat the whole thing on the opposition parties because of the minority government. Even though they forced him to do all the things he said were essential to "Canada's Great Recovery" or whatever Orwellian thing he's been calling it.

That's something that won't work this time. Everything between 2011 and 2015 is firmly on his plate.

True enough.
A specter is haunting Canada, the specter of coalitions. Somehow this also worked.
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